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Caldari wiped out of FW?

First post
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#61 - 2014-08-26 16:59:28 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
It's not about putting blame on us per se. But I think that we have to see ourselves as keepers of the flame...err the game. I guess there is a certain naivete in my statement. Afterall, we are conditioned to want to win at all cost and the idealogy of sportsmanship and going easy on your opponent makes me sound crazy and foolish in such a cutthroat game. But I know this game and FW is flawed and will never be perfect. Which is why I think it's important to see how our contributions impact the game as well rather than simply putting the burden on the enemy.

Personally, I feel it's just a step in our continuous evolution as the Gallente Militia. From back in the day with EVOKE and Vlillirier, to more recently with TEST's entrance into the militia last fall, GalMil has essentially proved beyond a doubt that we can defend any core system from every threat we've faced to date. Not to say we can't be beat - one day it will happen, that's kind of the nature of the beast. But so far, CalMil as a whole haven't been able to come up with anything that could break us. That's a testament to our collective determination and willingness to do the hard work of showing up to fight outnumbered, day in and day out, regardless of the cost - just to make it as costly and difficult as possible to dislodge us from our chosen homes.

We have CalMil to thank for that, and we have the leadership of the various GalMil corps to thank for that. And we've got the willingness to set aside personal differences - and we've got a LOT of big egos in GalMil - when the chips are down to thank for that. These were all hard lessons to learn.

Then, we proved that we could take essentially any system we chose when we chose to take it. That happened in Innia, Kehjari, OMS / Heyd back last year. We even demonstrated that we could blunt a headshot attempt in a system halfway across the map - there's a very compelling argument to be made that Huola would have burned if we hadn't shown up.

Holding the warzone in the face of the old plex mechanics, with the farmer hordes it inspired, wasn't feasible. Wasn't possible to organize, too much work that folks didn't want to deal with. Trying to mount an offensive while chasing "rabbit plexers" all over the WZ was just going to cause too much burnout far too quickly. So, we focused on shipping up to shinier doctrines, picking fights with local pirate / neutral gangs over POSes and POCOs. Stretching our legs, finding new ways to fight, sharpening our knives for the inevitable return of CalMil.

And they did push back, in early-mid July, capturing several non-core systems. We didn't mount a serious defense for any of them, until Rakapas. And once we successfully defended Rakapas, eliminating the threat that Okkamon posed was a logical next step. We noticed that the Kronos changes meant that the defensive burden was significantly reduced, which raised the question - could we take the warzone again? Was it feasible?

With our higher tier, the deplexing burden on our core corporations was significantly reduced, freeing us up for offensive operations. We were able to take Okkamon, even with the influence of neutrals and a 2-jump reship burden, even so soon after Huola. It seemed feasible. So folks kept rolling, and rolling, and rolling. BOHICA joined GalMil, corps left CalMil, resistance started to crumble.

The rest is history, as they say.

The question, of course, is what we do next. We've got plenty of high SP, high skill, well equipped neutrals in our WZ to play with. Plenty of structures to scout out and scrap over. And, of course, it's really an open question of how long, and how hard, we want to defend how much of the WZ we now control. If the point was to take up the challenge and see if we could do it, and we've met that challenge, then how much of the WZ do we need to keep locked down?

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#62 - 2014-08-26 17:04:32 UTC
with all due respect to the veterans, as a newb, i don't know this "restraint" you are all telling.

i'm so inexperienced to gauge the current situation and asses that what we did will have a negative impact to the future of FW.

all i can say is, "i'll cross the bridge when i get there".

for now, i'll enjoy this opportunity and be thankful that i have been a part of this as early as now in my EvE experience.

Just Add Water

Yuri Antollare
#63 - 2014-08-26 17:10:36 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

Deen Wispa wrote:

While I agree with your first points about why I joined the warzone/FW/Eve ( I really hate 20+ fights) and probably one of the main reasons I haven't been playing much at all (other than PvE'ing) since the Huola campaign, I disagree with putting blame on ourselves.

Exactly. That is what many pilots gravitate towards. That's what we hunger for.

It's not about putting blame on us per se. But I think that we have to see ourselves as keepers of the flame...err the game. I guess there is a certain naivete in my statement. Afterall, we are conditioned to want to win at all cost and the idealogy of sportsmanship and going easy on your opponent makes me sound crazy and foolish in such a cutthroat game. But I know this game and FW is flawed and will never be perfect. Which is why I think it's important to see how our contributions impact the game as well rather than simply putting the burden on the enemy.

People play the sandbox how they want to, capturing the entirety of the warzone is afterall the technical goal of each milita. Many would not view a pity parade as sportsmanship either, it is not on us to de-escalate our level of organization or to pull punches when and where we choose. Yes it is infact entirely on our opponents to beat us, and if they really can't its up to the Devs to change the rules of the game, there really is no other way in reality.

Much of this "you'll regret it later" talk fails to take into account what the alternative was. A crippled caldari militia that in large fights by their own admission was reduced to baiting for batphones, or that in small gang fights routinely brought overwhelming levels of bull**** to every inconsequential knockabout fight. Why would we choose to live next to groups of squids that provide near 0 worthwhile content? We enjoy our solo and small gang content and on that front the squids were the worst thing to happen to our neck of the woods.

I know you weren't around so won't have much of the context, but we started the WZ push when the squids had about 7 systems left. This was a situation where it became a crime not to take the whole warzone as the squids were letting it fall apart around them anyway. How is it the high road to artificially string up an opponent for us to beat down a little here and there?

off topic: I don't know of anyone that has a problem with QCATS, I do know plenty of people that have a problem with dropins that open the intramilitia discourse, on a public thread, with insults.
Shad owLord
#64 - 2014-08-26 17:30:25 UTC
Ig Asho wrote:
Gratz to galmil

Just gonna give a quick synopsis from the calmil side of the last few months and a little explanation as to why things went the way they did.

Basically once galmil were able to ship into ishtars / other hacs / t2 logi consistently it was all over. Sure the warzone was still reasonably close at the time, but it was over right then. Most of calmil (both general mil and even within the major alliances) cannot fly many t2 ships and basically all out refuses to fly anything worth more than 50 mil (and even that is a stretch). Can't tell you how many times I asked for shinier or bigger ships and got condors. Its just amazing.

The only real counter we had was trying to pull in nullsec alliances to assist (which was hit or miss), informing snuff of when fights happened and hoping for the best in a 3 way, or dropping caps (yup that was my chimera ya'll saw in basically every fight for a solid 2 weeks, good on ya'll to finally get it when we screwed up a drop w/ RZR)

Along with the sheer inability to ship up you have basically Templis operating as their own entity, straight up refusing the rest of the militia into their fleets quite often. MBLOC could not care less about warzone control and while I love the guys, really can't fly much beyond frigs. Then you have the non-stop drama from GHIOT which has caused obscene amounts of infighting detracting from our ability to fight gals.

So anyway.... props to gals on taking over everything, the pressure ya'll applied really just kept calmil reeling and they couldn't ever recover post-innia. Really enjoyed running fleets against ya'll, don't really recall ever being headshotted while fc'ing at all.

Sorry for length:

TL:DR: Calmil shoots itself in foot, galmil applies pressure

More or less spot on

I will add though your info on the alliances is a little out of date, early problems GHIOT had are more or less gone, and BLOC consistantly fly whatever the FC's have asked them to bring. And I'll just leave it at that.
Operation Meatshield
#65 - 2014-08-26 17:37:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Moglarr
Shad owLord wrote:
[not throwing away isk]

Across Kinakka, Pavanakka, Asakai and Heydieles. About 177.2b ISK was lost in all the sieges (that includes neutrals) with CalMil and allies losing approximately 41.54b ISK and GalMil losing about 37.19b ISK. I think both sides fought hard, and did what they could. From what I saw we couldn't overcome the Gallente's superior numbers and spread of pilots, had trouble keeping people together and getting pilots to log in. The Gallente worked hard to take our systems and they paid for them too. We simply have to try and find a way to overcome them.

I like the idea of sportsmanship, in general, but there is no point in "going easy". If you're after a certain type of fight, then yes fit the type of fleet for that job. If you want a 1v1, you wander around solo and try to find it, want a small gang then you git a few firgates up and roll out, want to take a system you deploy as many pilots in the target system as you can and use the right ships for each plex to hold the system. But when you do that, at least be aware of what you're doing. I understand trolling local and being an ass to bait fights, but if you have a blob in one system bigger than all the active pilots in CalMil don't complain about not getting fights. Any Gallente pilots who did not want to take the warzone were not forced to participate in the conquest, simple as that. I am sure there were discussions and debates over it, but at the end of the day no one forces anyone to do anything thing.
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#66 - 2014-08-26 17:44:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Deen Wispa wrote:
It's not about putting blame on us per se. But I think that we have to see ourselves as keepers of the flame...err the game. I guess there is a certain naivete in my statement. Afterall, we are conditioned to want to win at all cost and the idealogy of sportsmanship and going easy on your opponent makes me sound crazy and foolish in such a cutthroat game. But I know this game and FW is flawed and will never be perfect. Which is why I think it's important to see how our contributions impact the game as well rather than simply putting the burden on the enemy.

I have this great MinutemanKirk story that I'd like to share some other time about how we purposely downsized our fleet to fight a Bolsterbomb gang back in the day. It's a great lesson on restraint. One of the first lessons I learned when trying to FC.

Yuri probably responded to this better than I can. However, you are extrapolating a tactical lesson to a strategic lesson. Tactically, for gf sake, it made sense to Kirk to "downsize" the fleet (and here I suspect you are referring to shiptype, and not fleet size, but whatever) in order to get that gf. This lesson however, should not be imposed at the strategic level of what this portion of the game has as it's stated goal. If the warzone can be taken, take it.

CCP is the one that should provide a fix to the too often WZ sweep phenomenon. They could limit lp for dplexing in conquered space. Call it npc resistance and overburdened budgets on the side of the then current conquering faction, it really doesn't matter what rationale is used. If dplexing Iralaja (once conquered by Galmil) or some such system for either faction was not an lp farmable pursuit, that task would depend solely on dedicated intent to take the warzone. This would be a built in brake on running the table. Running the table would happen less often. We'd hopefully have a less dispirited Calmil to fight with.

That is only one internal brake CCP could put into FW. There are many ways they could put diminishing returns (a la sp accumulation) or even penalties as wz control grows too large. A big part of the problem is the tiers increasing the lp payout. Once you are up the snowball will gather more speed and mass as it rolls downhill. Easy dplexing of conquered territory allows further pvp sieging of enemy home systems. Once you are down in tier you can't even get to the apex of the hill to see the downhill, and you're stuck in the suck. You're snowball starts to melt.

Deen Wispa wrote:
In fact, as time passes by, I'm more inclined to believe it's not even how bad Caldari is, but how much we overachieve as a group. You could replace Blue Steel with the Golden Army or Trust In Rust, and I think the Green Machine would still win out. We are THAT organized.

No it is still a problem of Caldari entities not working together and organizing for fights. They have the numbers. It is upon them to figure out how to organize to defend or attack. Once CCP changes the rules to support the underdog in it's time of severe need hopefully they will find the will and not just say **** it. That makes us both better. I hope they do.

Deen Wispa wrote:
PS- I don't get the obsession with people getting angry about how QCATS dedicate their time to this game or lack thereof. Or what other games they play and the bitter passive aggressive vitriol people have had towards them for years. They are good people.

I came in when they were at their peak and started to slow down. It's like some big insecurity some of you have with them...that their casual playstyle and idealogies is so different from yours that people choose to ostracize them or those who share similar views. Not everyone is unemployed or has time to play 30 hours a week.

Ok, what is this. You go from praise to slam in the same post. Right, all the people that participated in this latest WZ conquest were unemployed in rl. Roll Again, Yuri probably addressed your concern about Qcats better than I can. I really would love to be in some Chatgris fleets again.

The long and short of it is we are not responsible for maintaining an ecosystem in this game. CCP can change the parameters under which we operate to try to accomplish a healthy ecosystem. That is their job. I hope the squids do find this their forge, or who knows, enough veterans on Galmil side decide Capitals and Nullsec are worth trying.What?

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#67 - 2014-08-26 17:48:04 UTC
Moglarr wrote:
I am sure there were discussions and debates over it, but at the end of the day no one forces anyone to do anything thing.


Fact is, getting more than 30-40 folks in one fleet can be tough, even for us. Of course, there were up to 3 GalMil fleets operating in system simultaneously, each doing their own thing. And while this was happening, other folks were ignoring it all completely and doing whatever it is they liked to do.

Props to you for admitting that you don't want folks to take it easy on you. I truly do hope that CalMil can find a way to work closer together and I look forward to the challenges you bring once you get yourselves sorted out. GalMil never asked, nor did we ever expect, our opponents to take it easy on us - and here we are, hip deep in 60 links, covered in the sweat of our own success. Regardless of how many folks look askance at the pursuit of this particular goal, it IS an achievement, and one we can and should be proud of.

Like I said earlier, I look forward to seeing what else we can achieve.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#68 - 2014-08-26 19:40:04 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:
Are squids complaining of plexing alts?

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Now that is funny!

FW is dead regardless...broken mechanics that encourage kicking the other side out of lo-sec. Absolutely brilliant!!!!!

Edit - As long as docking rights are tied to occupancy, I'm done with FW. Five years to go from complaining that there were not enough squids in lo-sec to actively kicking them out.... What a waste.

and before things were like that FW was dead because the war was irrelevant. People are just whining. If you lost you lost, it is no one else fault except of your side. Organize and go take back something, and stop whining.

Check my faction there shipwreck...
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#69 - 2014-08-26 19:41:51 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

What's the matter Crosi....not happy that someone outside QCats doesn't drink the same Kool-Aid?

Don't worry...we'll be out of your hair soon enough...
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#70 - 2014-08-26 20:03:03 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

What's the matter Crosi....not happy that someone outside QCats doesn't drink the same Kool-Aid?

Don't worry...we'll be out of your hair soon enough...

Come and go as you wish. But if you think its cool for your corpmate to come here and call people idiotic polesmokers for playing a computer game in a certain way, then get offended when the criticism is reversed, were better of without you.
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#71 - 2014-08-26 20:07:04 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

What's the matter Crosi....not happy that someone outside QCats doesn't drink the same Kool-Aid?

Don't worry...we'll be out of your hair soon enough...

Come and go as you wish. But if you think its cool for your corpmate to come here and call people idiotic polesmokers for playing a computer game in a certain way, then get offended when the criticism is reversed, were better of without you.

So that justifies you attempting to shut down Deen's dissenting opinion with a snide quip? Not to mention an entire corp because one member ruffled your feathers?

Sensitive much?

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#72 - 2014-08-26 20:19:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Cromwell Savage wrote:

So that justifies you attempting to shut down Deen's dissenting opinion with a snide quip? Not to mention an entire corp because one member ruffled your feathers?

Sensitive much?

But nex is justified in calling the leadership of the entire gallente militia polesmokers and idiots?

Inconsistent much?

Deens opinion has been addressed very well by his own corpmates and a few caldari militia peeps. This is a forum, i cant delete deens post so i dont kow what you mean by 'shut him down'. Do you mean i shouldnt disagree with him?
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#73 - 2014-08-26 20:29:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Cromwell Savage
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

But nex is justified in calling the leadership of the entire gallente militia polesmokers and idiots?

Inconsistent much?

Deens opinion has been addressed very well by his own corpmates and a few caldari militia peeps.

Nexx is a BAMF who has killed more squids than most Gal corps. It is no secret that he never holds back on his opinion and he is more than free to express that opinion. While I may not approve of his delivery methods...if you have an issue with him, then man up and take it to him. Don't be some forum douche throwing snide remarks about a corp you can't even be bothered to communicate with when in the same alliance.

You might want to look up elitism. You like to throw that our way, but your remarks about us and Deen's opinion says volumes about your own. Just because Deen's opinion was "addressed very well by his own corpmates and a few caldari militia peeps" still does not explain yours.

Oh, and as an example of our 'elitism'.....we purposefully held off on any corp move until after the war zone was fully taken at the request of our corpies who were helping so that they could continue to help..... (See, even if we disagree in corp...we don't shut down our members).

I would say it's been good flying with you, but after what I have seen of you the last few days....not so much...

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#74 - 2014-08-26 20:43:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Nexx is a BAMF who has killed more squids than most Gal corps. It is no secret that he never holds back on his opinion and he is more than free to express that opinion. While I may not approve of his delivery methods...if you have an issue with him, then man up and take it to him. Don't be some forum douche throwing snide remarks about a corp you can't even bothered to communicate with when in the same alliance.

Nex is a BAMF who can randomly generalise and a abuse people, as is his right because kb. I suggest that inactive players opinions in a corp that did almost nothing in this push is irrelevant and IM the douche lol. I have to hope this is a troll.

As for the alliance, since qcats lack any consistent leadership i have been supporting your EU tz and helped getting them content for the last year around nisuwa. I persoanlly supplied and FC'd the vast majority of the nisuwa defence against tekithas talons of blood and probably spent more time herding cats than anyone since chatgris. I know, i dont register on forums or join in with pointlessly doomed vindicator fleets so im not a team player. Ok crom lol.

Good luck in your future of not logging in.
Hamlyn Medley
Incursion Omega
#75 - 2014-08-26 20:48:13 UTC
Funny... people talk about Cal and Gal just like a country of some sort... and just like a country, they all have problems and they all have hot brazilian waxed chicks...
SOO yeah... gal mil won (yay motherf!), Caldari is a mess, minmatar mil (for some reason) shots gal mil (!) and Amarr is a mith (like the ones you tell your children before bed)

(please please understand my jokes and don't give them credit [unless the minmatar mil... that part is true])

we can point out every problem but... just like a country... you know what is wrong, there is tons of reasons... all you need to do is change...
Come on, change a country is hard, there is lots of politics and stuff... but here we are kind of free... there is even a site (the true eve history stuff) that show us we can screw the game as much as we want because everyone is free to do what the hell they want
you want to bump a titan out of a pos just for revenge? fine!
you want to dismantle a huge alliance and screw the entire game? good!

so stop complaing... stop trying to fight ghosts... Cal mil is a mess? fine, go there and fix it... gal is huge? Nice, Napoleon was huge too... and look what the russians (dam you russians) did to him...
This Sh** will only get better if you move your finger from the lower part of the keyboard to the PF1 PF2 PF3 buttons

and sorry for my engrish...
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#76 - 2014-08-26 21:01:40 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Nexx is a BAMF who has killed more squids than most Gal corps. It is no secret that he never holds back on his opinion and he is more than free to express that opinion. While I may not approve of his delivery methods...if you have an issue with him, then man up and take it to him. Don't be some forum douche throwing snide remarks about a corp you can't even bothered to communicate with when in the same alliance.

Nex is a BAMF who can randomly generalise and a abuse people, as is his right because kb. I suggest that inactive players opinions in a corp that did almost nothing in this push is irrelevant and IM the douche lol. I have to hope this is a troll.

As for the alliance, since qcats lack any consistent leadership i have been supporting your EU tz and helped getting them content for the last year around nisuwa. I persoanlly supplied and FC'd the vast majority of the nisuwa defence against tekithas talons of blood and probably spent more time herding cats than anyone since chatgris. I know, i dont register on forums or join in with pointlessly doomed vindicator fleets so im not a team player. Ok crom lol.

Good luck in your future of not logging in.

Yes, we did almost nothing in this push...because we fundamentally disagreed with it. We would rather have squids living in low-sec vice occupancy bragging rights. So as with Dean's post....any dissention is to be ignored and deemed irrelevant? As if we haven't done anything in the last 5 years of FW ourselves?

When the game started to dry up for what we wanted...we stopped being as active. Occupancy, endless plex fighting, chasing farrmers......not so much. But again, you don't want to hear that. We're 'irrelevant' because we don't see it like you do...

Yes, your actions as a quick reaction FC are good and were appreciated. Have never said otherwise.

LOL...we'll have plenty of fun when we do log in. If not, we'll find something that does... Just can't get one post out without being a smart ass, can you? :P

Anyhow...have fun. 07

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#77 - 2014-08-26 21:09:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Cromwell Savage wrote:
So as with Dean's post....any dissention is to be ignored and deemed irrelevant? As if we haven't done anything in the last 5 years of FW ourselves?

Not quite, its irrelevant because no one cares what deen or qcats opinion on the push was. The time was perfect for a push. Not doing so would have been a massive missed opportunity to bring the militia closer and trial by fire for many new peeps in wide open fleets as is testified in these various threads.

Calmil resistance fizzle out towards the end making it a technicality, besides the frequent neut interventions but many fights were generated. Sure, the fights wernt as demanding as sitting on a gate with an insta thrasher but we did our best!
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#78 - 2014-08-26 21:15:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Cromwell Savage
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:
So as with Dean's post....any dissention is to be ignored and deemed irrelevant? As if we haven't done anything in the last 5 years of FW ourselves?

Not quite, its irrelevant because no one cares what deen or qcats opinion on the push was. The time was perfect for it. Not doing so would have been a massive missed opportunity to bring the militia closer and trial by fire for many new peeps in wide open fleets as is testified in these various threads.

We honestly never expected anything different as we knew we were the minority. But we still weren't going to jump on the bandwagon (as a corp) for something we did not want. The mood of Gal Mil was set on a full system push, and it has been achieved. As such, we have plans to go in a different direction to attempt to resurrect our interest in this game since FW no longer does.

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.
Degnar Oskold
#79 - 2014-08-26 21:58:38 UTC
With the Warzone secure and basically acting as an ISK fountain, we should be well positioned to strike out to claim GalMil sovspace. We can't be ejected from our homes in Placid and Black Rise; we can farm away for all the ships we need more efficiently than nullbears and push out.
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#80 - 2014-08-26 22:37:15 UTC
Oh hey, its 2012 all over again. Funny how the mechanics change, but the conversations stay the same.