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Caldari wiped out of FW?

First post
Degnar Oskold
#41 - 2014-08-26 12:59:49 UTC
FW zone controlled, next stop F7C-H0?
#42 - 2014-08-26 13:05:36 UTC
As I posted before, FW is totally dead and ****** up.

Gals are tlhe last to notice that.

I think CCP broke FW by Intention - because it was the best game content EVE had and thus threatend null sex.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#43 - 2014-08-26 13:36:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Deen Wispa wrote:
I'm going to say some stuff that will probably make some of my militia pilots and corpmates irate, but it needs to be said.

There is simply no need to continue beating up on an opponent that is not as coordinated and experienced as we are. Everyone around here already knows that Gallente is superior in virtually every facet of FW. We are overachievers, in fact.

I'm just coming back into the game. I no longer have the sort of time that I used to have for this game. When I log on, I just want to create fun content or be a part of it. Logging on and seeing 30-50 pilots plexing a system with no competition. Moaning on comms about why the enemy hasn't shown up. That's not fun. Being a cog in the machine. Trying to get a word in with 5 other people talking over each other. Not fun. Being in a large group where I can't get to know my fellow gamers. Where I can't teach and/or learn from my fellow pilots. Sucks.

The ethos of FW was always about a place where you can have an impact. Where you're not just a number. Where multiple groups of pilots can have an impact. A place where our personal actions truly matter and will have a ripple effect throughout the warzone.

Man. Things have truly changed over the last two years I've been here. Nowadays, people are more interested in trying to get 500 kills a month rather than find meaning and impact in some of their battles.

We blame CCP for the current mechanics without taking any responsibility. We grief the competition and constantly kick them out of their space because we can. We tell them that it's not our fault we're highly organized and that they need to step up their game. But to accept personal responsibility for the current ecosystem we've created. Never.

An interesting narrative that we tell and convince ourself of nowadays.

This narrative sounds familiar to another large group of pilots in another region of space....

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

Rahelis wrote:
As I posted before, FW is totally dead and ****** up.

Gals are tlhe last to notice that.

I think CCP broke FW by Intention - because it was the best game content EVE had and thus threatend null sex.

The only ones that seem to have noticed that are the ones that quit a year or more ago but somehow cant let their subscription lapse.

As a wise caldari member said years ago when asked why they took the warzone, "Because we could" - Bad Messenger.
Ig Asho
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#44 - 2014-08-26 14:44:57 UTC
Gratz to galmil

Just gonna give a quick synopsis from the calmil side of the last few months and a little explanation as to why things went the way they did.

Basically once galmil were able to ship into ishtars / other hacs / t2 logi consistently it was all over. Sure the warzone was still reasonably close at the time, but it was over right then. Most of calmil (both general mil and even within the major alliances) cannot fly many t2 ships and basically all out refuses to fly anything worth more than 50 mil (and even that is a stretch). Can't tell you how many times I asked for shinier or bigger ships and got condors. Its just amazing.

The only real counter we had was trying to pull in nullsec alliances to assist (which was hit or miss), informing snuff of when fights happened and hoping for the best in a 3 way, or dropping caps (yup that was my chimera ya'll saw in basically every fight for a solid 2 weeks, good on ya'll to finally get it when we screwed up a drop w/ RZR)

Along with the sheer inability to ship up you have basically Templis operating as their own entity, straight up refusing the rest of the militia into their fleets quite often. MBLOC could not care less about warzone control and while I love the guys, really can't fly much beyond frigs. Then you have the non-stop drama from GHIOT which has caused obscene amounts of infighting detracting from our ability to fight gals.

So anyway.... props to gals on taking over everything, the pressure ya'll applied really just kept calmil reeling and they couldn't ever recover post-innia. Really enjoyed running fleets against ya'll, don't really recall ever being headshotted while fc'ing at all.

Sorry for length:

TL:DR: Calmil shoots itself in foot, galmil applies pressure
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2014-08-26 15:26:58 UTC
Ig Asho wrote:
MBLOC could not care less about warzone control and while I love the guys, really can't fly much beyond frigs.

That's harsh man! We can almost fly T1 cruisers now too Blink
RonPaul Rox
Prime Directive.
United Caldari Space Command.
#46 - 2014-08-26 15:46:50 UTC  |  Edited by: RonPaul Rox
Julianus Soter wrote:
Interesting point cheesus ;)

The failure of the Caldari Militia to provide any meaningful resistance is the direct result of successive generations of inept leadership and egotistical fleet commanders, who believed that they could win the war effort on their own without coordinating with fellow Caldari membership.

i think if we had saved innia for last they MAY have all come together to fight for it. I viewed Innia as their version of our Eha, and we head-shotted it.

Plus 10 NV
#47 - 2014-08-26 15:49:19 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

So you think the opinions of the huge number of pvpers who have stopped playing faction war over the years should not matter to ccp at all? The only opinions that should matter are the 50 of you who like the new Null Sec Junior game fw has become?

Since the disinterest in fw is also coming from many of the great gallente faction war pvper's its hard for you to argue the game is really great and they are just bitter because they are not winning. They won too. They just don't care very much.

Its time to finally face it. The game sucks. The 50 of you who do not realize it shouldn't matter. You will play no matter how bad the game is. For that reason it is your opinion that should not matter to ccp.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#48 - 2014-08-26 15:49:20 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

It's Robocraft now!

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

Some of us stopped playing for a reason, still follow the game from a distance and still know enough about the game to be able to form coherent opinions about what could make the game better.

Not defending anyone in particular, but making the point that someone who doesn't play much can still have valid input.

Danny John-Peter
Blue Canary
Watch This
#49 - 2014-08-26 15:50:47 UTC
Ig Asho wrote:
informing snuff of when fights happened and hoping for the best in a 3 way

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2014-08-26 15:52:35 UTC
RonPaul Rox wrote:
Julianus Soter wrote:
Interesting point cheesus ;)

The failure of the Caldari Militia to provide any meaningful resistance is the direct result of successive generations of inept leadership and egotistical fleet commanders, who believed that they could win the war effort on their own without coordinating with fellow Caldari membership.

i think if we had saved innia for last they MAY have all come together to fight for it. I viewed Innia as their version of our Eha, and we head-shotted it.

I am morally certain that if Innia was the last thing on the map then the first priority of the guys who live around Heydieles and Ladistier would have been the retaking of Heyd and Ladistier.

Can't help but wonder if it is time for Muhammed to go to the mountain since the mountain most definitely isn't going to come to Muhammed ...
Plus 10 NV
#51 - 2014-08-26 16:03:45 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

It's Robocraft now!

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

Some of us stopped playing for a reason, still follow the game from a distance and still know enough about the game to be able to form coherent opinions about what could make the game better.

Not defending anyone in particular, but making the point that someone who doesn't play much can still have valid input.

Chatgris you should be a kindergarten teacher.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#52 - 2014-08-26 16:08:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

Deen Wispa wrote:

While I agree with your first points about why I joined the warzone/FW/Eve ( I really hate 20+ fights) and probably one of the main reasons I haven't been playing much at all (other than PvE'ing) since the Huola campaign, I disagree with putting blame on ourselves.

Exactly. That is what many pilots gravitate towards. That's what we hunger for.

It's not about putting blame on us per se. But I think that we have to see ourselves as keepers of the flame...err the game. I guess there is a certain naivete in my statement. Afterall, we are conditioned to want to win at all cost and the idealogy of sportsmanship and going easy on your opponent makes me sound crazy and foolish in such a cutthroat game. But I know this game and FW is flawed and will never be perfect. Which is why I think it's important to see how our contributions impact the game as well rather than simply putting the burden on the enemy.

I have this great MinutemanKirk story that I'd like to share some other time about how we purposely downsized our fleet to fight a Bolsterbomb gang back in the day. It's a great lesson on restraint. One of the first lessons I learned when trying to FC.

Maybe this will be CalMils forge.

We've heard this one for many years. Caldari has always been like this. In fact, as time passes by, I'm more inclined to believe it's not even how bad Caldari is, but how much we overachieve as a group. You could replace Blue Steel with the Golden Army or Trust In Rust, and I think the Green Machine would still win out. We are THAT organized.

I've heard talks over the year about certain FCs or leaders wanting to switch over to Caldari for the sake of GFs and reclaiming that exhilaration of the game and of fighting outnumbered. But everyone talks themself out of it because

A) They know it's more work than they want to put into it.
B) And that one person's contributions will have no impact on CalMil.
C) They're likely to get primaried right off the bat in any fight for being a turncoat

PS- I don't get the obsession with people getting angry about how QCATS dedicate their time to this game or lack thereof. Or what other games they play and the bitter passive aggressive vitriol people have had towards them for years. They are good people.

I came in when they were at their peak and started to slow down. It's like some big insecurity some of you have with them...that their casual playstyle and idealogies is so different from yours that people choose to ostracize them or those who share similar views. Not everyone is unemployed or has time to play 30 hours a week.

They were the pillar of GalMil for years. Their FC lineup was stellar. The ecosystem that Gallente has today is partly because of what they built. God forbid that I mention I play some other game or make an opinion contrary to the Gallente mainstream, and get ostracized for it in public or private.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Thanatos Marathon
#53 - 2014-08-26 16:14:18 UTC
I can't wait for Friday!
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#54 - 2014-08-26 16:23:07 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
I've heard talks over the year about certain FCs or leaders wanting to switch over to Caldari for the sake of GFs and reclaiming that exhilaration of the game and of fighting outnumbered. But everyone talks themself out of it because

A) They know it's more work than they want to put into it.
B) And that one person's contributions will have no impact on CalMil.
C) They're likely to get primaried right off the bat in any fight for being a turncoat

Just thought I'd add in:

D) It's almost impossible to switch a corp over to Caldari and we don't want to lose our awesome BC ranking by switching to another corp.

RonPaul Rox
Prime Directive.
United Caldari Space Command.
#55 - 2014-08-26 16:28:10 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:

PS- I don't get the obsession with people getting angry about how QCATS dedicate their time to this game or lack thereof. Or what other games they play and the bitter passive aggressive vitriol people have had towards them for years. They are good people.

I came in when they were at their peak and started to slow down. It's like some big insecurity some of you have with them...that their casual playstyle and idealogies is so different from yours that people choose to ostracize them or those who share similar views. Not everyone is unemployed or has time to play 30 hours a week.

They were the pillar of GalMil for years. Their FC lineup was stellar. The ecosystem that Gallente has today is partly because of what they built. God forbid that I mention I play some other game or make an opinion contrary to the Gallente mainstream, and get ostracized for it in public or private.

i think it was just crosi trolling them, its easy to tell when when crosi is trolling on comms, but on the forums he just sounds like an A-hole, when he's really not

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#56 - 2014-08-26 16:35:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
chatgris wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

TL;DR, basically, join QCATS, play LOL, stop posting.

It's Robocraft now!

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

Some of us stopped playing for a reason, still follow the game from a distance and still know enough about the game to be able to form coherent opinions about what could make the game better.

Not defending anyone in particular, but making the point that someone who doesn't play much can still have valid input.

I have no axe to grind with qcats and still fly with many of the active pilots closely as i have done for maybe years now. Making suggestions about the game is one thing, calling people polesmokers and idiots is quite another.

Also, the opinions deen posted about our push are not suggestions to improve the game, they are just an obsolete preference.

And thanks ronpaul, but im not trolling, and i am an *******!
JAF Anders
Adenosine Inhibition
#57 - 2014-08-26 16:47:14 UTC
"Lastly, those who are difficult to move, but on that account susceptible of very deep feelings; men who stand in the same relation to the preceding as red heat to a flame are the best adapted by means of their Titanic strength to roll away the enormous masses, by which we may figuratively represent the difficulties which beset command in war. The effect of their feelings is like the movement of a great body, slower, but more irresistible."

The pursuit of excellence and stabbed plexing alts.

Plus 10 NV
#58 - 2014-08-26 16:47:23 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

It really is amazing how all the people who dont play eve any more seem to want input as though their opinion matters in the slightest.

Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Making suggestions about the game is one thing, ...!

Does the opinion of formerly active players matter in the slightest or not?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#59 - 2014-08-26 16:51:25 UTC
Cearain wrote:

Does the opinion of formerly active players matter in the slightest or not?

Making suggestions about how to fix the game, sure. Telling active players how to play with the current mechanics, not so much.
Eric de'Locke
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2014-08-26 16:57:09 UTC
As a fairly new member to FW, I've on just scratched the surface of what can be achieved in Eve. I've flown with and fought some incredible pilots that make this game so enjoyable. Willing to share and answer questions, even if they are on the "opposite side." As well as some arrogant twats that quote "this is Eve" because that can get away with being twats.

So please understand when I say this: The reason why Galmil has conquered all of their FW space isn't because we are well organised, supplied or answer calls for help when needed. It's much more simple than that. We stick to our guns. Yes, some Galmil have left to become pirate or join a null sec corp for whatever reason. But the majority of us have made a decision to fight for and defend Gallente space, no matter what, and that's what we do. Simple as. Everything else is just gravy.