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Erasmus Grant
Order of the Eclipse
#1 - 2014-08-24 20:11:20 UTC
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-08-25 19:55:34 UTC
Fight back.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#3 - 2014-08-25 20:48:00 UTC
Lugia3 wrote:
Fight back.


No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Iain Cariaba
#4 - 2014-08-27 18:00:46 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.

1. Whining on forums is never the correct answer.
2. The number of solutions to this "problem" of yours are many. Do a minimum of research and you can find them. If you're unwilling to enact any of those solutions, then that's your fault and therefore not something to whine on forums about.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-09-01 07:59:55 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
You are right. Its both unfair and hard to counter. I can imagine its overwhelming when you a new player. On top of that they maximise the use of game mechanics and operate wihtin that niche. My alliance will yell words on comms if placed in your position.

It is however EVE , a game unlike others, brutal and dark, challenging to say the least.

I can tell u alot about deccers, they might move on, they ll stay longer if they profit, u can avoid them by living in null sec, u can hire defense but thats pricy. U can avoid hubs, and so on.
But it comes down to you and your corps finding a way to live with it, or around it.

Welcome too eve,
Poke me in game if u like too have a chat

Removed a word and replaced it with a word. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
Amyclas Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-09-06 01:18:46 UTC
Lugia3 wrote:
Fight back.

That's why people form coalitions, even in low-sec.

It's not even about isk and skillpoints. Either pack a couple of military geniuses, or as many guns as possible. The latter is easier to acquire.

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-09-09 01:43:27 UTC
Make friends.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#8 - 2014-09-16 15:17:47 UTC
War decs used to be really cheap like 10m a corp, then they changed it to where the cost increased per corp dec'd, and now its and increased price with out the cost increase price I think

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Sera Kor-Azor
Amarrian Mission of the Sacred Word
#9 - 2014-11-19 16:14:47 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.

Dropping caps on frigates and cruisers? So this isn't high sec apparently.

If your PVP alt isn't in the same corporation as you, log onto that character and do something else for a while such as running missions. Ignore the war completely. Forget it for a week or so. Don't give them any targets or kills, and they will get bored and move onto the next target.

Do you have a hauler/ Trader alt? If so, keep them in the NPC corporation so they can move around all your stuff for you even during a war dec. If you don't have a hauler yet, you can use Red/ Black Frog or PUSH to move your stuff around.

Just stay docked in the station until the war dec is over. Deny them targets. Don't undock in anything other than a shuttle or a newbie ship. If you have jump clones, use those to move to another station or region. Stay safely docked in the station, and focus on building up your corporate assets. Save up enough ISK so that you can hire a mercenary company for the next time this happens. Even while docked, you can still make money station trading, or manufacturing and selling things. If they can't kill anything, it becomes very boring for them. They have wasted their time and money declaring war on you.

If you really want to stick it to them, log in with your corpmates and remain in the station for a good amount of time, such as five to ten hours. Resist the temptation to talk smack in local, since that keeps it entertaining for them. In fact, say nothing to them at all. Don't respond to mail they send. Keep them guessing.

Log in, sit in station, then talk to your corp mates for a while, take the dog for a walk, have dinner, go to sleep, watch a movie, or do your laundry. Log in and log off whenever you feel like it. Log in and log out at random times. Log in on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Chuckle to yourself how you spent your weekend in the 'real' world doing something sociable and enjoyable, while your enemy sat staring at his computer screen for the whole weekend watching local for eight hours and wondering why you log in but never undock.

Now it's their turn to wonder why they are wasting their time, money and opportunity costs (not making ISK) to sit in system and watch an enemy that logs in but never undocks. Ever watch paint dry? At least miners are making ISK while they watch the local channel and stare at stationary objects floating in space.

Since you are Industrial characters, see if you can arrange to be the future suppliers of at-cost ships and modules for a friendly PVP corporation. "We provide you with the ships, if you provide us with the security."

Remember that war isn't only about 'pew pew', it's 95% psychological. The best ship with a highly skilled up pilot are useless if that player freezes up or does something stupid in combat. If you remain docked throughout the entire war dec and lose no ships, then technically 'you win'. If the only ships they can kill with their Capitals are frigates and cruisers, it makes them look like a pretty weak target to other war deccers.

Also, learn how to make an insta-undock bookmark. Get into a fast ship, undock and fly to 1000 km. Bookmark that as 'Insta-undock'. Now when you undock, if you see an enemy camping the undock, you can just right click in space and select 'Insta-undock'. You should be able to warp away faster than the enemy can lock you. Do the same thing at every jump gate in your region. Use these if you get caught in a gate camp. You could also do this with an out of corp alt and then contract the bookmarks out to every industrial corporation in the region. Of course, they don't know who you are and you don't want to encourage them to undock either.

The corporation 'Traveling New Eden' can teach you how to travel through low sec and null sec safely, as well as high sec during a war dec. They are a pacifist corporation, but they still permit you to use E-War such as target jammers to defend yourself.

E-War in general, and target jammers in particular, often make these high sec war dec corporations cry. It's quite frustrating to have a target in your sights, but be unable to lock them because your guns are jammed.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"A manu dei e tet rimon" - I am the devoted hand of the divine God.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#10 - 2014-11-25 01:08:29 UTC
I'm in a predatory wardec organisation. Here's how I'd mess with us.

Try fighting back, but only in very cheap ships, and only when you have the benefit of numbers.

Bring out a fleet of ten tech 1 frigates and destroyers, and focus fire. If your rivals get caught unaware, you might lose all ten ships yourself (perhaps 30 million ISK) and take down a billion isk Tengu belonging to your predators.

Do that twice, and they'll never wardec you again.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-12-29 17:37:41 UTC
That was hardly all i replied, comms of 1800 people outside eve can be rough, and its a mere expresion of frustration towards guys operating in the dec niche succesfully
Jurico Elemenohpe
Flipsid3 Tactics
#12 - 2015-01-01 04:15:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jurico Elemenohpe
Catalysts. Goddamn catalysts.
Not sure what your guys gunnery skills are like. But the catalyst is brutal.
Since cheap is good.
[Catalyst, New Setup 1]
Gauss Field Balancer I
Gauss Field Balancer I
Gauss Field Balancer I

Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Costs ~2.1m each.
with perfect skills, 353 dps.
Get 20 of your guys (do you have that many?) in those, train your gunnery skills up a bit and then undock. Lock, scram and let loose.

Even with the minimum skills to fly it, you would be putting out like 3.6k dps with 20 guys. I recommend swapping out a few of your guys with webs/target painters instead of scrams, so you can hold them and apply damage better.
You might get blown up.
They might bring more forces.
But primary their closest and most expensive stuff (ideally pirate/t3 cruiser/bs).
If you take it down and all of you die, the war tips in your favor. You lose 50m of ships, kill a few hundred million.
Repeat until they give up.

Of course, the fleet might horribly die in a fire and you might all die because they're sitting there with ishtars and you can't get in range..
But in that case, make an instant undock 1000k off (on a neutral alt), warp to that, warp to the ishtars and then do above.
Logi will be your biggest problem. But if they only have 1-2, you could try targeting that instead.

Well. It changes with carriers. But you said you're in highsec so that shouldn't be an issue.
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-01-15 18:01:55 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.

Since youre in eve university, im fairly sure your alliance/corp is capable of defending its own and forming up a fleet of decent numbers and/or vets. So im not sure what the problem is. If you want to help these industrial corps being wardecced, then ask your alliance/corp to help. Im not sure why you would ever want to do stuff on your own, as eve is a game played by groups of people and not just by yourself. Ask your corp if they would like to join the war as allies. This is how the little guys have a chance, by other people who are more experienced, offering help as allies in the war.

If the Industrial corps are too lazy not to try and contact other people and ask whether they would want to help them in their war, or too greedy to just dock up for a week and deny their enemies of wartargets, then the only thing left is for them to leave the corp. Sorry, but thats how the game operates.

Also, if i remember correctly, joining an alliance and then leaveing it, will transfer the wardec to that alliance. I remember there was an alliance that allowed anyone to join, so that they can escape wardecs. I dont remember if this mechanic still works though, but its worth a try i suppose.
Vapor Ventrillian
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2015-01-25 05:50:44 UTC
Link up with the legions of the dissatisfied and lets make them regret it

only real option anyway

o7 see you at he front


The Evil Overlord of Scope, self elected as all good overlords should be

Azn Empire
#15 - 2015-01-25 16:44:50 UTC
Lugia3 wrote:
Fight back.

Mallak Azaria wrote:
Make friends.

Nuff said.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2015-01-25 18:49:33 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.

this is why as a new player, yoru first goal is to join an established corporation, one that can pvp if needed to defend itself, or knows a good merc corporation they can trust to hire, a corporation a new player joins should be ran by a multi-year vet with several 6 month+ stints in several alliances and playstyles.

trust me, the only reason your gettign ahrassed so bad is because the aggressors know more about how to navigate mechanics than your guys, if you join a slightly older community, not only can they do more to help you get started, they can also help with defense and learning to fight back, eventually putting you in a position of veterancy to lead your own group.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-01-31 05:22:02 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Lugia3 wrote:
Fight back.

Mallak Azaria wrote:
Make friends.

Nuff said.

Speaking generally, corps that can fight back effectively won't get decked, and the aggressor bittervet wardec corp should have more and more useful friends.

Stupid mechanic, best defense is NPC alts.

If you want to fight, the aforementioned strategy of blobbing dirt cheap ships and primary-ing the most expensive thing on grid is effective. Can confirm from faction warfare. This strategy requires numbers, and can be countered pretty easily by players with 100m skillpoints and infinite isk, but it may be good for a few shiny kills.

So once again, NPC alts. I guarantee the guys that decked you have tons of them.
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#18 - 2015-01-31 14:17:42 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.
You could go to null-sec which is much safer for most beginners. High-sec is more chaos and evil. Or you could stay in high-sec and join an alliance. Join forces.


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Belinda HwaFang
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#19 - 2015-03-14 13:18:58 UTC
Erasmus Grant wrote:
I am a new player. I have enjoyed Eve until the last 2 weeks. A low sec alt corp of a powerful null sec alliance has war dec'd all the industrial corporations in the region I currently operate. They just want to be able to get easy kills and gank without having to worry about concord. Sad thing is they can do that because they are ridiculously rich group of players. There is nothing I can do against these guys. Even on my PvP alt because they have so many more skill point and ISK. When you manage to get grp together they run and hide on their station where they can drop capitals on your frigs and cruisers all day long. This is just complete disadvantage to new players and small corporations. A change needs to be made to give the little guys a chance.

So they are "dropping capitals on your frigs and cruisers" but this happening in highsec (since you mention CONCORD)?

There are some powerful tools at your disposal if you want to avoid the risk of being killed while at highsec war:

1) Learn to fit instawarp frigates for travel
2) Make hauling / scouting alts (on the same account) for when you absolutely need to move stuff
3) Go hide out somewhere (wormhole space, lowsec) and try a different playstyle for 7 days, you might actually discover something that makes you question your previous existence in highsec.
4) Go AFK and blueball them for a week while your glorious skills train.
5) Drop from E-UNI and spend 2M ISK to create a corp for yourself to mission/mine at peace in.

The other option is to HTFU and get organized and fight back with cheap ships as has been suggested, but I'm not putting the focus on that in this response since you say you are a new player. High sec war and combat mechanics can be tricksy even for an intermediately experienced player. You will need to set up baits and then dive in from a location that the enemy is not scouting for it to work. Ask around your friends if you have any to see if any of them have the skills and leadership to be able to organize such a rebellion.

Finally, I see you are in E-UNI. They have a ton of resources to help you. Wiki, classes, campuses, mentors, and the most powerful of all, the mumble server where people can ask for advice or just a little help like scouting or hauling.

E-UNI will be permadecced most likely for the forseable future. If you aren't at least taking advantage of their resources, ask yourself why you are there.
Dradis Aulmais
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-03-14 13:30:09 UTC
We get war Dec all the time. Our response oh noes ... Hey let's go drop a carrier on some ratters.

I think I found your balls seems you left them in your purse

Dradis Aulmais, Federal Attorney Number 54896

Free The Scope Three

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