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EVE General Discussion

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I learned something about the community tonight.

First post
Experiment 32423
#61 - 2014-08-24 20:57:17 UTC
Miomeifeng Alduin wrote:
Experiment 32423 wrote:
To be completely honest, comparing the EVE community to the communities in other MMOs isn't really a fair comparison. You can usually expect to deal with someone in their 20s (or above), capable of constructing proper English sentences with an least average, if not above-average IQ.

Now, players in both types of communities might still **** you over in the worst possible ways, but it might as well be the guy described above, right?

To be honest: Some of the worst people i know online, are the kind who are managers or similar, in their thirties in real life. I have some friends who game together, but while they are fun people out of the game, in the game they are the raging idiotic caps lock using abusive assholes everyone complains about. Age is not an indication of maturity online.

Ilany wrote:

No. Nothing to do with "critical mass". Thousands of individuals were joining the EVE community every month. There were, of course, a few people behaving poorly, but they were isolated.

The reason they are isolated, has more to do with there not being 1 general chat imo. I've seen the same things here as in any MMO. From begging to pure trollbait ("WOW was the first mmo"), some newer characters, some older.

I'm not implying that age is an indication of maturity in that sense, but the amount of 'bad apples' is simply much, MUCH higher in other MMOs because they tend to attract a less refined audience. Succeeding at EVE generally means you have to have some level of patience, determination and comprehension, which can all be related to maturity in one way or another, so a great portion of the less mature crowd is essentially weeded out.

I do agree with you regarding the bad cases that do exist being more extreme than other MMOs.
Derrick Miles
Death Rabbit Ky Oneida
#62 - 2014-08-25 02:05:15 UTC
Cista2 wrote:
Derrick Miles wrote:
Sounds like a multiplayer game, not an mmo.

I don't get your point. Following your logic EVE is not an MMO, since EVE has no general chat.

I meant that it seemed you were implying you would only play and interact with a small, select group of players. To me, that's counter to the point of an mmo, where the 'massive' means a large player base interacting in a dynamic fashion and thus creating a large part of the game environment.
Alavaria Fera
#63 - 2014-08-25 02:58:22 UTC
Derrick Miles wrote:
Cista2 wrote:
Derrick Miles wrote:
Sounds like a multiplayer game, not an mmo.

I don't get your point. Following your logic EVE is not an MMO, since EVE has no general chat.

I meant that it seemed you were implying you would only play and interact with a small, select group of players. To me, that's counter to the point of an mmo, where the 'massive' means a large player base interacting in a dynamic fashion and thus creating a large part of the game environment.

Maybe he wants to be elite pvp

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#64 - 2014-08-25 04:16:09 UTC
Although probably annoying as hell... a general eve chat would be interesting none the less. Not to mention the troll would be on an epic level. Would be great.
Council of Stellar Erections
#65 - 2014-08-25 11:28:05 UTC
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
So I managed to get into the Archeage closed beta and I logged in tonight. I usually try to get in the betas for most MMO's even if I don't intend to play them, just to get a feel for them and an overall feel for where the industry is heading.

Anyone who has played a couple MMO's can tell you that their general/global chat is the worst out of all the varieties of games that have large chat channels. The best MMO general chat is a filthy cesspit of depravity, bigotry and sexism at the best of times in comparison to pretty much any other variety of community at the worst of times.

I generally can ignore the worst of it. Tonight I blocked all of the global chat channels in Archeage in less than 5 minutes.

I haven't blocked anyone except for spammers in Eve, and no one on the forums. Thanks Eve community for keeping it classy. Blink

You are welcome
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2014-08-25 20:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzyr
Aye, Archeage general chat is just a massive spew of diarrhea, sometimes its amusing ( Chat for people on trial due to crimes) but most of the time it makes ones eyes bleed.

Although... to be fair, if you play Eve, your eyes tend to be everywhere but in general chat, you have no business there, Either you are voice chatting or in your corp tab or in your overview.
Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#67 - 2014-08-25 21:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Slade Trillgon
Erufen Rito wrote:
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Chat channels in Eve appear "classier" to you because they're actually moderated a lot more heavily than most people realize. There's a certain "chilling effect" this has on some people who would otherwise be perhaps a little more irreverent or non-respectful of the "sacred cows" that exist even in the "rough and tumble" world of Eve. No examples can be given, because rules.

This is so far off the mark. You have never been buttfished before, have you? Or run incursions for that matter. TVP has a few secret channels where some of the better stuff happens. Hell, I have a channel where only certain people gather, and all the stuff we post and share is a few levels above "inappropriate". Here i am still.

Well, that proves his point even further silly. He is speaking if the general state of Global/General Chats in MMO's. Not private super secret chats where everyone who is viewing it accepts what may be spewed forth in front of their eyes.