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Multi Boxing for Unfair game play is bannable. Close Thread please

First post
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2014-08-07 16:51:11 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Since isboxer on its own isn't using macros or stored rapid keystrokes, CCP has said it is a-ok. Isboxer does send your input to multiple windows at a time, but since it is you doing it, they don't have a problem with it. Since it is their rules governing your behavior, they are free to make exceptions whenever they like.

LOL i sure CCP said it was okay......Wait no they didnt since its still in their rules. but maybe they forgot to change it. what source do you have? or am i suppose to just take you word which is wroth as much as an isk multiplier in jita

I linked you (yes, you) the CCP statement on ISBoxer last time you went off on this exact same point.

Yes, we know it's you.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2014-08-07 16:52:47 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
For the sake of full disclosure, I think allowing isboxer is terrible and ruins the integrity of the game and CCP, but that does not change the fact that the interpretation of the Eula by CCP (the only one that matters) allows for it, and thus isboxer multi-boxing clowns are operating legally all over the place.

Have you not read anything? They don't allow it but they look the other way since so many players are doing it. Its still rule breaking. As stated in the OP rule breaking is rule breaking. Either re write the rules, Un-ban my friend, or ban all that are breaking the rules.

You have failed so hard it has clouded your vision. Go read the thread, not just your own posts.

This doesnt make any sense and i think you are posting just for the sake of argument. Please provide more well written arguments with bonafide sources to back up your statements.
Notorious Fellon
#43 - 2014-08-07 16:54:17 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
For the sake of full disclosure, I think allowing isboxer is terrible and ruins the integrity of the game and CCP, but that does not change the fact that the interpretation of the Eula by CCP (the only one that matters) allows for it, and thus isboxer multi-boxing clowns are operating legally all over the place.

Have you not read anything? They don't allow it but they look the other way since so many players are doing it. Its still rule breaking. As stated in the OP rule breaking is rule breaking. Either re write the rules, Un-ban my friend, or ban all that are breaking the rules.

You have failed so hard it has clouded your vision. Go read the thread, not just your own posts.

This doesnt make any sense and i think you are posting just for the sake of argument. Please provide more well written arguments with bonafide sources to back up your statements.

I don't need to, Sibyyl already did in the post above. It is all you need to know.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2014-08-07 16:54:34 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Since isboxer on its own isn't using macros or stored rapid keystrokes, CCP has said it is a-ok. Isboxer does send your input to multiple windows at a time, but since it is you doing it, they don't have a problem with it. Since it is their rules governing your behavior, they are free to make exceptions whenever they like.

LOL i sure CCP said it was okay......Wait no they didnt since its still in their rules. but maybe they forgot to change it. what source do you have? or am i suppose to just take you word which is wroth as much as an isk multiplier in jita

I linked you (yes, you) the CCP statement on ISBoxer last time you went off on this exact same point.

Yes, we know it's you.

Reading BRB
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#45 - 2014-08-07 17:01:40 UTC
xalongskam wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Multi boxing is against the rules and is suppose to be a ban-able offense.


There will be no source as multiboxing is NOT against any rules.
Same with multibox software like ISB, totally legal.

OP is just the next whiny ***** that is jealous because he doesnt have multiple accounts.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-08-07 17:03:23 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.

Copy and paste from EULA

Please...enlighten me where your 2 braincells can read where you cant multibox?

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Sunshine and Lollipops
#47 - 2014-08-07 17:08:43 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
you completely went away from my point. i dont care if you have 1000 toons. The point is you cannot have 1000 toons logged in at the same time and assist in ganking a player ect. That is against the rules.
No it's not, and yes you can. Well, aside from the fundamental hardware problem of running 1,000 accounts…

By your reading, you are not allowed to play EVE as a mutliplayer game. Of course, that's nonsense and the rules do not say anything of the kind. You are just not allowed to use third-party software to acquire [stuff] at an accelerated rate. Multiboxing — even when software- or hardware-assisted — does not let you do that, which is why CCP explicitly allows multiboxing.
O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2014-08-07 17:10:54 UTC
Edited by: GM Lelouch on 18/02/2013 08:29:22
Addendum by GM Lelouch:
This post was originally written almost three years ago and as software/hardware evolves, so must our stance on what goes within our game. It has become increasingly difficult for us to track the capabilities of various pieces of software over the years as their number, as well as the features they offer, increase greatly in number.

In other words, it is unfortunately impractical for us to evaluate whether specific pieces of software can be used without breaking EVE's EULA/ToS. This post should not be taken as endorsement for utilizing specific pieces of software/hardware with EVE, but as a guideline to what is acceptable.

Our general stance towards the concept of multiboxing has not changed but we cannot guarantee that the EULA is being upheld should you use any of the software/hardware mentioned by name in this post, nor will we at EVE customer support be able to officially endorse or sanction specific third party multiboxing programs.

Players wishing to multibox are responsible for familiarizing themselves with our EULA and Terms of Service, the following clauses in particular are of much relevance to this topic:

A. Specifically Restricted Conduct
2. You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.
3. You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.

21. You will not attempt to decipher, hack into or interfere with any transmissions to or from the EVE Online servers, nor will you try to create or use any third party add-ons, extras or tools for the game.

The old, out of date, post can be seen below as it originally appeared:

"Hello there,

To make a long story short, automation of gameplay is not permitted; players must be manually issuing the commands to control their character(s) at all times.

Our stance on programs such as Synergy and hardware/software combination such as the G15 keyboard is that they can be legitimately used as long as gameplay isn't automated. Synergy allows you to move your mouse cursor to multiple different monitors which are hooked up to different computers and we do not have any qualms with players using the program for this purpose. If Synergy was used in some way to control your accounts for you without a need for you to be at your keyboard, then that would not be allowed, but I am not aware of such a functionality with this program. If Synergy is used in conjunction with some other program to automate gameplay, it would not be permitted. G15 "macros" which allow you to group different commands into one keypress are allowed. For example, setting your G1 key to press F1, F2, F3 and so on for you with one key press is allowed (although this specific command is not as useful as it was before now that we have weapon grouping).

An exceedingly complex G15 macro which would effectively automate gameplay, such as mining, without a need for the player to be present at his keyboard would be against the EULA, regardless of whether the player utilizing said macro is sitting at his keyboard at the time!

Lastly, multiboxing is allowed, and programs designed for multiboxing in mind which allow a player to manually issue the same command to multiple game clients at the same time are allowed. In the same vein as what has been stated above, the player must be manually sending the commands; if a program is automating those commands for you, then it would be considered a breach of our EULA.

I hope this clears up this matter."

This is a little bit confusing. I Bold some keywords that were written by GM Lelouch. Now the question remains. Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before. Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-08-07 17:11:21 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Since isboxer on its own isn't using macros or stored rapid keystrokes, CCP has said it is a-ok. Isboxer does send your input to multiple windows at a time, but since it is you doing it, they don't have a problem with it. Since it is their rules governing your behavior, they are free to make exceptions whenever they like.

LOL i sure CCP said it was okay......Wait no they didnt since its still in their rules. but maybe they forgot to change it. what source do you have? or am i suppose to just take you word which is wroth as much as an isk multiplier in jita

I linked you (yes, you) the CCP statement on ISBoxer last time you went off on this exact same point.

Yes, we know it's you.

Dont waste your time.

OP was clearly too stupid to understand it the first time and as CCP hasnt found a way to patch stupidity, OP is still as stupid and will still claim it is illegal.

Let stupid be stupid and just hope they dont reproduce, maybe nature can patch stupidity.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Vincent Athena
#50 - 2014-08-07 17:13:44 UTC
"You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play."

CCP has said many times that they consider use of multi-boxing software to constitute ordinary game play.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Paranoid Loyd
#51 - 2014-08-07 17:14:03 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
This is a little bit confusing.

Looks pretty clear to me.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Sunshine and Lollipops
#52 - 2014-08-07 17:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
O2 jayjay wrote:
This is a little bit confusing.
Only if you don't read it and just go on with already disproven assumptions. If you probably also help if you didn't read the bolded part in isolation, but actually continued on to the subsequent sentences since they remove preeeeetty much all ambiguity about what's allowed and what isn't.

Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before.

Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.
…or maybe people should start reading them properly rather than take a single subclause out of context since they're pretty darn clear as it is. The amount of misquoting and selective interpretation needed to construe the rules as being against multiboxing — especially with the numerous and explicit CCP rulings on the matter — just demonstrates how much effort has to go into not understanding them.
O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2014-08-07 17:17:05 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Since isboxer on its own isn't using macros or stored rapid keystrokes, CCP has said it is a-ok. Isboxer does send your input to multiple windows at a time, but since it is you doing it, they don't have a problem with it. Since it is their rules governing your behavior, they are free to make exceptions whenever they like.

LOL i sure CCP said it was okay......Wait no they didnt since its still in their rules. but maybe they forgot to change it. what source do you have? or am i suppose to just take you word which is wroth as much as an isk multiplier in jita

I linked you (yes, you) the CCP statement on ISBoxer last time you went off on this exact same point.

Yes, we know it's you.

Dont waste your time.

OP was clearly too stupid to understand it the first time and as CCP hasnt found a way to patch stupidity, OP is still as stupid and will still claim it is illegal.

Let stupid be stupid and just hope they dont reproduce, maybe nature can patch stupidity.

lol its funny that I am stupid when i have more supporting documents then you. i am sure you are using different computer while you are Multi boxing....NOT
Sunshine and Lollipops
#54 - 2014-08-07 17:18:09 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:
lol its funny that I am stupid when i have more supporting documents then you.
You have zero. How many does he have?
O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2014-08-07 17:19:31 UTC
Tippia wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:
This is a little bit confusing.
Only if you don't read it and just go on with already disproven assumptions. If you probably also help if you didn't read the bolded part in isolation, but actually continued on to the subsequent sentences since they remove preeeeetty much all ambiguity about what's allowed and what isn't.

Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before.

Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.
…or maybe people should start reading them properly rather than take a single subclause out of context since they're pretty darn clear as it is. The amount of misquoting and selective interpretation needed to construe the rules as being against multiboxing — especially with the numerous and explicit CCP rulings on the matter — just demonstrates how much effort has to go into not understanding them.


Synergy allows you to move your mouse cursor to multiple different monitors which are hooked up to different computers and we do not have any qualms with players using the program for this purpose.

Bloody Slave
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2014-08-07 17:19:47 UTC
I hope you are not using the same program/macro as your friend.

IB4L just because:

"10. Discussion of warnings and bans is prohibited.

Such matters shall remain private between CCP and the involved user. Questions or comments concerning warnings and bans will be conveyed through email or private messaging. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy and as such you are not permitted to publicize private correspondence (including petition responses and emails) received from any of the aforementioned parties."

If your balls are hurt and bleeding don't sit in a pool full of piranhas (note to myself: don't complain in GD)

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#57 - 2014-08-07 17:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: J'Poll
O2 jayjay wrote:
Edited by: GM Lelouch on 18/02/2013 08:29:22
Addendum by GM Lelouch:
This post was originally written almost three years ago and as software/hardware evolves, so must our stance on what goes within our game. It has become increasingly difficult for us to track the capabilities of various pieces of software over the years as their number, as well as the features they offer, increase greatly in number.

In other words, it is unfortunately impractical for us to evaluate whether specific pieces of software can be used without breaking EVE's EULA/ToS. This post should not be taken as endorsement for utilizing specific pieces of software/hardware with EVE, but as a guideline to what is acceptable.

Our general stance towards the concept of multiboxing has not changed but we cannot guarantee that the EULA is being upheld should you use any of the software/hardware mentioned by name in this post, nor will we at EVE customer support be able to officially endorse or sanction specific third party multiboxing programs.

Players wishing to multibox are responsible for familiarizing themselves with our EULA and Terms of Service, the following clauses in particular are of much relevance to this topic:

A. Specifically Restricted Conduct
2. You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.
3. You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.

21. You will not attempt to decipher, hack into or interfere with any transmissions to or from the EVE Online servers, nor will you try to create or use any third party add-ons, extras or tools for the game.

The old, out of date, post can be seen below as it originally appeared:

"Hello there,

To make a long story short, automation of gameplay is not permitted; players must be manually issuing the commands to control their character(s) at all times.

Our stance on programs such as Synergy and hardware/software combination such as the G15 keyboard is that they can be legitimately used as long as gameplay isn't automated. Synergy allows you to move your mouse cursor to multiple different monitors which are hooked up to different computers and we do not have any qualms with players using the program for this purpose. If Synergy was used in some way to control your accounts for you without a need for you to be at your keyboard, then that would not be allowed, but I am not aware of such a functionality with this program. If Synergy is used in conjunction with some other program to automate gameplay, it would not be permitted. G15 "macros" which allow you to group different commands into one keypress are allowed. For example, setting your G1 key to press F1, F2, F3 and so on for you with one key press is allowed (although this specific command is not as useful as it was before now that we have weapon grouping).

An exceedingly complex G15 macro which would effectively automate gameplay, such as mining, without a need for the player to be present at his keyboard would be against the EULA, regardless of whether the player utilizing said macro is sitting at his keyboard at the time!

Lastly, multiboxing is allowed, and programs designed for multiboxing in mind which allow a player to manually issue the same command to multiple game clients at the same time are allowed. In the same vein as what has been stated above, the player must be manually sending the commands; if a program is automating those commands for you, then it would be considered a breach of our EULA.

I hope this clears up this matter."

This is a little bit confusing. I Bold some keywords that were written by GM Lelouch. Now the question remains. Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before. Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.

Not really. You have a wrong idea about automation. Automation is when a system works without human input, ISB does nothing without human interaction. If someone walks away while his 100 man fleet is in space, it does nothing. When someone like your friend who was botting walk away, actions continue...HUGE difference.

Thus, it's perfectly legal as automation is forbidden, where as controlling mulitple clients manually with assistance is legal.

With your ******** logica, you might want to ask CCP to check all account holders if they aren't using this system too.

That is EXACTLY the same thing as ISB, only instead of a software level, it is done on a hardware level.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#58 - 2014-08-07 17:21:00 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:

This is a little bit confusing. I Bold some keywords that were written by GM Lelouch. Now the question remains. Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before. Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.

Well, obviously multiboxing is only allowed when done excatly the way described, using MULTIPLE computer with MULTIPLE screens. Multiple computers with a single screen are a bannable offence. This is very clear from the context, while phrases like

"Lastly, multiboxing is allowed, and programs designed for multiboxing in mind which allow a player to manually issue the same command to multiple game clients at the same time are allowed."

are very vague and easily misinterpreted.
Invisible Exchequer
#59 - 2014-08-07 17:24:56 UTC
O2 jayjay wrote:


Synergy allows you to move your mouse cursor to multiple different monitors which are hooked up to different computers and we do not have any qualms with players using the program for this purpose.


Here is the magic thing...

it allows YOU with YOUR mouse cursor to do things. Step away from your mouse/keyboard and see if synergy does anything for you :)
O2 jayjay
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2014-08-07 17:25:11 UTC  |  Edited by: O2 jayjay
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
O2 jayjay wrote:

This is a little bit confusing. I Bold some keywords that were written by GM Lelouch. Now the question remains. Do you need to be on different computers when Multi boxing as stated before. Also the rules need to be rewritten to clarify that more clearly to sum up any confusions and to stop reoccurring.

Well, obviously multiboxing is only allowed when done excatly the way described, using MULTIPLE computer with MULTIPLE screens. Multiple computers with a single screen are a bannable offence. This is very clear from the context, while phrases like

"Lastly, multiboxing is allowed, and programs designed for multiboxing in mind which allow a player to manually issue the same command to multiple game clients at the same time are allowed."

are very vague and easily misinterpreted.

Problem is players are not using MULTI computers and are still playing the game which is the reason of this post. rules need to be the same as stated in OP. If you are going to ban bot-ing then players need to be ban for same computer multi boxing. 90% of multi boxers are doing is buying another screen or having one screen and logging into all 10 accounts. the program issues the same command to all 9 account while he controls one account which is breaking there rules. That isnt fair to others that are getting banned