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Funniest... tears... ever. (Bonus: Scam Guide)

Princess Bride
#21 - 2011-11-23 00:49:54 UTC

<---- was paid 550 million ISK after playing Eve for only 2 weeks to write that as an "expert".

I was still so nub at the time that I thought there must be a non-faction version of any faction ship. That's the part that makes it all ... scammy.. and funny too. I was in the middle of figuring out Eve scamming on my own when *** **** messaged me while I was pretending to be an "expert" scammer (as part of a scam) and asked me to write a guide. "Money is no object" was his quote. I churned out what I'd managed to work out on my own, added some magic dust from google searches, and made the rest up hoping it would justify my next "advance" request of 100m or so to finish the next section.

The principles are fundamentally correct, at least what I scanned of it. But yeah, he finally stopped talking to me when we hit 550m and I needed another 250m to finish the "ninja salvage" guide... which I won't even post because it's complete crap. And that's what I love about Eve. Where else is someone like that going to drop from the sky on a 2-week old character and pay them to write a scam guide for 550m before they could even run L3 missions? He funded my first "PLEX x 2" scam, and away we go.

Malum Mortuus
#22 - 2011-11-23 10:03:58 UTC
Nice blogCool
Meow Galore
#23 - 2011-11-23 12:31:18 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
So yesterday I made a blog so that I could post a very long "tear" chat log.

Then I started getting into it and posted up some content, including a guide to basic local scams I was paid to write a while ago and another funny log.

Bottom line is, I've started a blog on local scamming in Eve. Maybe someone will find it useful or funny. So here it is...

Princess Bride's Eve Scam Blog

If you are interested in running scams in local, or enjoy tears, you should find some value here. If it receives a positive (or even a severely negative) reaction, I will continue to add content as it becomes available.

Not a scammer but I do appreciate comedy gold.

I hope if i ever get scammed in Eve I have the grace not to compound my ignominy by crying about it in such a ridiculous way.
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