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Distance that you're being ejected out of a wormhole depends on mass

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Rolled Out
#141 - 2014-08-03 18:42:35 UTC
Kynric wrote:
Erasmus Phoenix wrote:
People roll with a gang larger than that, except they're in the correct ships for the fight they're looking for instead of all being in rolling battleships. Having to wait for half your fleet to go back to their poses and change ships is going to lead to losing fights.

Lots of obvious solutions:
Use alts for the battleships or have the proper ships in a carrier and just leave the battleships floating in your hole (ghost riding for wormholers), or make a battleship doctrine or send some interdictors in to hold them down while you re-ship. Once again its not the end of your playstyle.

Yes because requiring more alts is good for CCPs bottom line account sheet compelling gameplay. The number of alts already needed to be competitive/efficient is pretty excessive. Adding more to that pile of plex/$$ cost simply to be able to find things to do in a timely manner is asinine.

I'm right behind you

Erasmus Phoenix
#142 - 2014-08-03 18:46:18 UTC
We already have the same few people with alts doing the boosting/scanning/massing when we rageroll, because other people would have to swap out of a combat ship. This is just going to burn out the people who can multibox even faster.
Thead Enco
Goonswarm Federation
#143 - 2014-08-03 18:49:25 UTC
To whom this may concern at CCP,

Can't be bothered to look into a sov/POS revamp? But you gotta fix what's not broken and probably one of the only areas in the game that is working as intended since release right?
Ness Phase
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#144 - 2014-08-03 18:50:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ness Phase
100% not for this change. Maybe focus on changing the black hole effect?
Mr Jesterman
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#145 - 2014-08-03 18:50:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Jesterman
As stagnation is a problem in Nulsec, So should the people of WH suffer.
This is only fair.

Another example of CCP Balance team with no real in game experience living in WH's making changes.
Deadspace Zombie Factory
#146 - 2014-08-03 18:53:32 UTC
Well this is a horrible change. WH space was just starting to get more population too. Now CCP is going to kill it off. Stupid change almost as dumb as when you could not warp to a gate at 0. just please announce when this is going live CCP so i can move out of my C4 and unsub like most of the high sec indys have already. You guys **** up indy completely and then instead of all hands on deck fixing it you are ******* with wh space great use of resources. Keep this **** up and the eve is dying crowd will finally be right. I mean you guys realize with how wh and polarization work you cant just jump back and escape like a gate. hell if anything randomly spawning 80km off the people trying to kill me is going to help me escape. And on top of it all its one more change that helps large groups over small exactly what we dont want in WH space. You already gave null to the goons how bout letting small groups keep something.........
Geiri Tyr
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#147 - 2014-08-03 18:56:16 UTC
Surely they're joking.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2014-08-03 19:00:39 UTC
There are no words to say how bad this is. We spend hours rolling in order to get good fights. Now we are going to spend even more hours or people just get borred and not login. Roll .

Rolled Out
#149 - 2014-08-03 19:00:54 UTC
Mr Jesterman wrote:
As stagnation is a problem in Nulsec, So should the people of WH suffer.
This is only fair.

Another example of CCP Balance team with no real in game experience with living in WH's making changes.

Your avatar looks, a little, like a sad Nicholas Cage.

That said, in the interest of sharing the misery joys of stagnation, we'll happily allow this change if applied to kspace jumping mechanics to include all forms which utilize a cynosural field generator (covert or otherwise), jump bridges, titan bridges.

It ought to really shake things up and that's good right guys? Right?

I'm right behind you

Firefox4312 Yatolila
State War Academy
Caldari State
#150 - 2014-08-03 19:02:51 UTC
I hope Hellmar isnt telling people to ignore the rage and hate for this change like he did with incarna. Probably already has a "Im sorry I screwed you guys over" speech ready. Seriously, you guys had to fire 20% of all CCP employees last time you basically didnt give a **** about what the community said. You also lost about 10%? or so of all your income from subscriptions as well. Granted, this wont be as bad as incarna, but if you dont give a damn about us now, what about the next change that you completely ignore the public AGAIN and then you have Incarna 2.0 happen?

I would seriously stop being concieted and breaking things that work as intended, and fix something more important like 0.0, pos management, hell walking in station would be nice. Just stop changing things that dont help the gake but rather enrage the player base. WE ALL KNOW MAKING THE EVE COMMUNITY MAD = BAD.

Rant over, watching Lucy in theatre right now. I shall post more when I'm home. Also, Hellmar; Stop. Breaking. This. Game. Please. And. Thank. You.
Elana Apgar
Allspark Industries
#151 - 2014-08-03 19:05:21 UTC
This is one of the WORST ideas/things you could EVER do to W-Space.

Like everyone else before has mentioned, this will kill PVP. You can't possibly try to pvp with any type of mixed (mixed being battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers, etc.) fleet comp if everyone is going to be spewed out in all sorts of random directions. You would basically be signing your hole fleet up for slaughter.

One of the fleets that my alliance likes to do is travel through our pipe in RR Domis. With this new concept, that would be impossible. Domis have a range of 10km for cap chain and 8.5k for rep range. Spawning 40km off the hole in a random direction would completely kill this concept. You would be removing content instead of adding.

Fighting in wormholes occur on wormholes most of the time, and I understand wanting to try and change it up, but something like this would break wormholes, much like adding local to wormholes.

Please do not implement this change. It is repugnant to the entire wormhole community. It will break wormholes, and remove content from the game.
#152 - 2014-08-03 19:07:13 UTC
W-space jump mechanics ain't broke.
Don't fix them.

There ARE things that are broken: free discovery scanner sig intel, free industry intel via teams, and ore belts as anomalies instead of signatures.
Fix those.

Does the WH brawling style of fighting confuse your nullsec minds so much that you need to make W-space more like K-space? Nano-kiting is the rule of thumb in K-space. Armour brawling is the rule of thumb in W-space. You don't need every place in the game to have the exact same mechanics as everywhere else. You do know that polarization exists, right? That we can't keep jumping back and forth at any given time?

Are we TOO efficient at hunting, finding your nullsec farming fleets, and ripping them to shreds? Please show us on the doll where a W-space group touched your ratting or C5 farming fleet.

Are you going to make the same kind of changes affect Cynos and K-space gates, or are only the W-space groups in your crosshairs?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#153 - 2014-08-03 19:07:58 UTC
Hans Bonderstadt wrote:

Pros: lol

Cons: everything

If this is for real, im literally moving to nullsec

I might consider this a positive if you actually do end up moving :D
Hans Bonderstadt
#154 - 2014-08-03 19:10:01 UTC
Antimatter0097 wrote:
Hans Bonderstadt wrote:

Pros: lol

Cons: everything

If this is for real, im literally moving to nullsec

I might consider this a positive if you actually do end up moving :D

Well you are one rudey pooty pitootie
Not quite sure what I did to you :)

the trap is our venue pussy is on the menu

Rolled Out
#155 - 2014-08-03 19:14:43 UTC
Firefox4312 Yatolila wrote:
Rant over, watching Lucy in theatre right now.

I'm so sorry. It's terrible.

I'm right behind you

United System's Commonwealth
#156 - 2014-08-03 19:15:05 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Good afternoon everyone.

We are indeed working on some changes to how ships spawn when they jump through wormholes. This is one part of a series of wormhole iterations we are working on and...


Lo Fozzie,

don't take hate but somehow i got the feeling that i do not like any part of that extract of your post.

Just leave w-space alone, for me personally it is by far the best part of Eve, so looking at the changes you guys brought to the game lately (beside the changes to scanning, these are really good) i doubt it will get any better.

Best Regards
Dentric Crendraven
#157 - 2014-08-03 19:15:42 UTC
Hans Bonderstadt wrote:
Antimatter0097 wrote:
Hans Bonderstadt wrote:

Pros: lol

Cons: everything

If this is for real, im literally moving to nullsec

I might consider this a positive if you actually do end up moving :D

Well you are one rudey pooty pitootie
Not quite sure what I did to you :)

Could Possibly have something to do with the Swastika POS or the general **** talking in local.

But that's none of my business
Dead Sky Inc.
#158 - 2014-08-03 19:20:42 UTC
Kynric wrote:
Oh the horror of needing a dozen pilots to rage roll (do people honestly rage roll with a gang smaller than that?)

Some of the best times I have had was with just 4-6 pilots. One scout so that doesn´t leave much wiggleroom.

If I was with team tinfoldhat I´d say nullbears have lost too many caps/supers on wormholes because they were too scared to follow the wounded caps in. If the cap is not in jumprange anymore they can do riskfree titandrivebys or just throw everything at it until TiDi hits. Free capkills for the blob.

I find it cute how people think this will force people to move away from armor-T3s. You know that over 50% of those ships will have longrange scrams and webs and spawn in a tiny ball around the hole. If you bring f.e. kitey BS they will still appear in range and you will loose alot of them fast since they will also outdps you. Or they will really **** you over and bring a lot of damps, tank you easily and just roll you in because you don´t have a HIC on the hole.
This stuff works in k-space because a) regional gates f.e. spawn your entire fleet scattered inside a huge radius and b) there are flippin gates you can take to get out and around. Here it is loose your holecontrol and you loose your way home.

This change will also make camping retardedly easy, you see what jumps, you do the math and then have a ceptor orbit the hole at the spawnrange. Or in case of covertops just smartbomb his ass, you know he is within 2000m of the hole.

Fozzies response also feels like "we have already decided on how to change everything. We might adjust some numbers."
Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#159 - 2014-08-03 19:21:34 UTC
While I respect the effort to make WHs more unpredictable and thus dangerous, you need to be careful of the degree of danger you present.

40km jump range possible? no one will risk that at all with heavier ships and fleets, oh sure you will have the few that will risk it, but its a minority, and you can't balance a game around that. Its like saying capitals coming into a cyno will come out somewhere within a 40km radius, do you think you will jump your capital then?

Now 15km range, same as stargates, I wouldn't mind that, but I still feel that it just takes away the distinct WH like feel of the space I've come to love.

I cautiously await your next proposals.
Chrysalis Pollard
Griffin Capsuleers
#160 - 2014-08-03 19:22:52 UTC
Wanted to chime in on this thread. Being a smaller corp, this will significantly affect our ability to close holes as we will not want to risk our Orcas and maybe not even our battleships to close a hostile hole or get a new LS static for better PvE or PvP opportunities. Will it cause us to leave WH space? Probably not, but if we have dangerous or deadly connections or a really crappy static, we will probably just stay possed up and flip to our HS mission running or mining alts instead of trying to stay and play in the wormhole space.

Also, its very concerning to me why CCP seems to keep needing to relearn the lesson of open and honest communication when it comes to the player base and CSM regarding changes to game mechanics.