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Is anyone bowing out of Industry with these new changes?

First post
#61 - 2014-07-23 12:57:31 UTC
Well I won't be manufacturing anything until the system indices adjust. And I won't be doing ME or TE research or buying any additional BPOs unless the research costs drop considerably. And I can't continue invention without manufacturing forever.

So yes, I am looking for other ways to spend my time, both in EVE and elsewhere.

There are positive and negative aspects to the changes, and I'm sure the landscape will look different to a new player than to someone who remembers how it was before. I do not understand the underlying reasoning behind some of the changes, but they are what they are and I'm not going to bang my head into a wall over it.

Balaster McNugget
Into The Plasma Inc
#62 - 2014-07-23 14:25:33 UTC
i have cancelled my 60 research jobs, unancorched and sold my 10 research labs. selling my 3.5b worth of BPOs

this patch is a nightmare and destroyed part of the game that I enjoyed.
Aineko Macx
#63 - 2014-07-23 20:22:11 UTC
As a lowsec cap builder I'm among the ones hit on multiple fronts by the nerfs. I am stopping that activity for the forseeable future as there is no acceptable way (cost/risk/effort-wise) to go about it.
Caiyuga Onishi
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#64 - 2014-07-23 21:18:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Caiyuga Onishi
So, looks like many are actually taking a break from Industry right now - it will be interesting to see what that does to the market.

Correct me if I'm wrong: currently we have 10% tax on all S&I jobs - with profit margings around 2-10% or so when building t1 stuff those items will most likely not be built anymore - for a while.
Therefore the price of those products will most likely rise, whilst minerals and other ressources will become cheaper, right?
At the same time that 10% tax will be lowered - because less industry jobs will be installed.

Those numbers will eventually even out over time.

However, that tax will suck out ISK from the market. Therefore people will have to kill 1-10% more rats to keep the inflation at the current rate, since rats are the only way to actually generate ISK from thin air. All other activities is just shifting assets.
More likely: people wont be killing more rats than before - looks like CCP finally found a way to stop that inflation.

Salvaged materials are already dropping, it seems. Tripped Power Circuit went down by 5%
Razor Wong
Oceanic Trade and Transport
#65 - 2014-07-24 00:53:28 UTC
I haven't seen anything upsetting in the way of change concerning low sec POS operations. Simple reactions seem unaffected.

My mining friends are just beside themselves over perceived reductions in their refining efficiency. Not being a Miner, I don't quite appreciate their angst. But they seem ready to rage quit. Miners seem to be an abused species in every update no mattter what. Can someone expand upon why these folks are upset? Is their concern real or misunderstanding?
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2014-07-24 01:37:35 UTC
Razor Wong wrote:
I haven't seen anything upsetting in the way of change concerning low sec POS operations. Simple reactions seem unaffected.

My mining friends are just beside themselves over perceived reductions in their refining efficiency. Not being a Miner, I don't quite appreciate their angst. But they seem ready to rage quit. Miners seem to be an abused species in every update no mattter what. Can someone expand upon why these folks are upset? Is their concern real or misunderstanding?

Your miner friends are upset because they are uninformed. Eve players just aren't spectacular exemplars of the species. If among them they have even one toon with maxed refining skills, their yields will be equal to what they were before, and they now have options to increase their refining yields to levels beyond what were possible before Crius.
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#67 - 2014-07-24 02:49:27 UTC
A couple of months ago I set a goal to make XX...XX isk from manufacturing. Then Crius happened and I've spent the last two months frantically trying to assemble a collection of BPO's, research them, and train the necessary skills for industry.

I'm so burned out from starting invention/copy/manufacturing/research jobs every few hours, and flying around 3 regions of low-sec trying to find the shortest queues -- so I could take advantage of the unique opportunities created by the BP patch conversion - that I'm going to take some time away from industry to let the dust settle and pricesstabilize.

But then I still plan to achieve my industry isk goal. So, not bowing out.

Plus, I'm really liking the new UI (the stupid window size is more bearable on a large monitor).

Mean Corp
Mean Coalition
#68 - 2014-07-24 02:58:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Skyneon
I think everyone miss the real danger in this new "update".

Manufacturing cost is not a real problem because the market will be adapt for absorbe this new cost. So just be patient and you will earn nomey as before.

But the real problem is about the market price, everything will cost more and more, and in a future what do you think will happen if you have to paid you t1 frigate close to 1m ???

It will impact the pvp, because if the ship and the fitting become too expensive nobodies will want to take the risk to lose it (who played to pirate of burning sea know that). and less pvp in eve is a dead eve.

And what about new player ??? it will take for them forever to can be efficient and have the isk for really start to manufactur. And about the player who just want pve/pvp they will cannot afford good ship because just for remind you the loot in pve mission and exploration was nerf too. So at the end it will be only two solution : buy a plex or leave the game (it's a game if it take forever to have just one ship is not fun and be honest pepole will leave)

The last update (and the many past nerf) Is just a hiding hope for CCP that player will just run for buy plex in plus of their sub.

PS. sorry for my english i still learning it.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#69 - 2014-07-24 03:23:01 UTC
Skyneon wrote:

But the real problem is about the market price, everything will cost more and more.

Why do you see prices spiralling upwards?

(installation cost is based off build cost, not sell cost)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Mean Corp
Mean Coalition
#70 - 2014-07-24 03:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Skyneon
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Skyneon wrote:

But the real problem is about the market price, everything will cost more and more.

Why do you see prices spiralling upwards?

(installation cost is based off build cost, not sell cost)

I see you have deep and strong economic knowledge. If you think the price is only lead buy the installation cost is kind of scary as you are a CSM.

so let me give you some examples :

-player stop manufacturing -> the price go up because no supply any more.

- player continue to manufacturing but the price become too expensive -> pvp player stop pvp because they can afford the price so they don't want lose the ship -> nobodies buy the price go down until the player stop manufacturing stuff because they will lose money ...

- player who manufacturing can't afford to supply enough quantities because of the prod cost -> price go up.

An other example about the POS, Now if you have a POS you have to pay the installation cost (i know you can stack stuff for make it lower) but it still an additional cost in plus of the fuel who will cost more too.

And you have to consider the isk/hour, if the proder don't find the isk/hour good enough compare to the time and effort of this activity the will stop it and go do something else or leave the game

Eve is a balance between all the activities if you screw one the other will be screw too.

That really scary you didn't see the impact on the player of this kind of action, that simple if now player have to buy plex for afford a ship they will leave (remember Eve is not a F2P player already pay a sub )
Mean Corp
Mean Coalition
#71 - 2014-07-24 03:56:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Skyneon
oupps sorry
SJ Astralana
#72 - 2014-07-24 04:09:59 UTC
I'm still trying to absorb the changes, so I have far more questions than answers.

I've been based in Penirgman since 2007. Currently, my index is sitting at .05, which is higher even than Amarr which is .04. This appears to be due to Penirgman having 14 industrial stations compared to Amarr's 1. Since the beginning of time Penirgman has been fine in that there have been at worst minimal build backlogs, yet a system with very high capacity is now a pariah compared to a one-station hole like Orkashu.

I have absolutely no confidence in moving one jump to Orkashu, as it's just too obvious, and even if it weren't obvious it's entirely possible that my volume alone will tilt it over.

Fair enough, all's fair in love. What I can't figure out is, if my installation fee to build one Abaddon is just shy of 10mil, and the best price I've found by flying around is about 5mil, why the speculators aren't buying radically underpriced Abaddons, and why the price isn't spiking already. I've shut down my operation, and the one builder in Domain that I know is larger than me is in a system with an even higher index, so the disconnect between costs and supply seriously has me baffled.

I assumed (sue me) a gradual change from patch day. But this crap seems like the product of a sadistic bunch of hand-waving (worst possible synonym for vaginas) laughing around a scrum of fail.

Hyperdrive your production business: Eve Production Manager

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2014-07-24 04:47:25 UTC
Speculators are afraid that mineral prices will head to basement due to compression changes (in the short term), potentially leaving a bunch of (temporarily) overpriced BS on their hands.

In the medium term - before miners wise up - they will keep whining about the buff to refining (lol), refine their stuff, sell minerals and wonder why your friendly Titan builders no longer buy that. If you are an empire T1 builder, watch for this and stockpile on minerals.

Mineral prices will start to rise as soon as majority of miners sell ore (or compressed) ore. At that point if you are a builder, you should be able to refine or you may end up buying "more expensive" minerals.
Aineko Macx
#74 - 2014-07-24 05:11:32 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Skyneon wrote:

But the real problem is about the market price, everything will cost more and more.

Why do you see prices spiralling upwards?

Well you have forces pulling in both directions. Increased costs and in some cases increased effort will push up. On the other hand those new taxes are a massive ISK sink. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually got us into deflation.
#75 - 2014-07-24 05:29:54 UTC
All the tears in here are out of control.

But when you all start your fire sales i will be surely looking for the bargains, thanks in advance.

The other bonus to you all bowing out of industry is the system cost index will go down. Pirate
Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#76 - 2014-07-24 07:30:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Vartan Sarkisian
Although totally against CCPs plans to push people away from being centred around trade hubs like Jita, sure having a system like Penirgman (as another poster mentioned) would be cheaper. Having 14 industry stations in a system would surely offer cheaper industry than having 1 station in system (competition between station owners if nothing else)

I can see the prices of things being pushed upwards by a lot, maybe outside the reach of new players who will give up in frustration, all but the richest corps/alliances would feel the pinch in terms of SRP if they have one, but even individual players will need to shell out much more to replace ships.

There is a massive increase in fuel costs so buying stuff to be transported will cost more.
The cost to make stuff has gone up so it will cost more to buy.
Re-processing loot is now pointless and so isk cannot be clawed back that way

I guess it is a waiting game whilst the market catches up. We’ll know in a few months whether CCP have nerfed their own game so much that people just unsub and move onto other things. If that is the case I suspect they will move to unnerf to nerf to some degree.
SJ Astralana
#77 - 2014-07-24 09:54:13 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
All the tears in here are out of control.

But when you all start your fire sales i will be surely looking for the bargains, thanks in advance.

The other bonus to you all bowing out of industry is the system cost index will go down. Pirate

Suspended into wait and see is a far cry from done. I've seen an exodus of offices from both Penirgman and Amarr. Large scale producers can see the cost changes and can't possibly build per current. When the volatility kicks in, I have as much capital as anyone, and I'll be in position to stick it to the consumer when it comes back around, and as always I'll do it with an absolute void of heart. The miners and the pvpers are just abstractions to me. If you think for a second that the hegemony in this game won't continue, you're in the wrong game. I got rich off the suckers, and I'll continue to do so.

Hyperdrive your production business: Eve Production Manager

Mean Corp
Mean Coalition
#78 - 2014-07-24 11:08:41 UTC
SJ Astralana wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
All the tears in here are out of control.

But when you all start your fire sales i will be surely looking for the bargains, thanks in advance.

The other bonus to you all bowing out of industry is the system cost index will go down. Pirate

Suspended into wait and see is a far cry from done. I've seen an exodus of offices from both Penirgman and Amarr. Large scale producers can see the cost changes and can't possibly build per current. When the volatility kicks in, I have as much capital as anyone, and I'll be in position to stick it to the consumer when it comes back around, and as always I'll do it with an absolute void of heart. The miners and the pvpers are just abstractions to me. If you think for a second that the hegemony in this game won't continue, you're in the wrong game. I got rich off the suckers, and I'll continue to do so.


If it's a way to do significant profit people will comeback in this system and your installation cost will go up again. If nobodies comeback that mean your price will be so high than most of people can't/don't pay for it.

So how you will get rich ????
Victoria Sin
#79 - 2014-07-24 11:40:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Victoria Sin
Skyneon wrote:

If it's a way to do significant profit people will comeback in this system and your installation cost will go up again. If nobodies comeback that mean your price will be so high than most of people can't/don't pay for it.

So how you will get rich ????

It's cost uncertainty that discourages investment. What CCP seems to have done is ensure all of the idiots who previously factored their minerals as "free" have an open playing field, whilst the people who were serious about running a business in the game, making sure they made a profit and valuing their minerals at market or more when working out costs, have a lot of uncertainty.

The latter just won't build. So the market is now dominated by the former and will be for some considerable time, at least until some tools are available outside of the game.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#80 - 2014-07-24 12:07:35 UTC
Skyneon wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Skyneon wrote:

But the real problem is about the market price, everything will cost more and more.

Why do you see prices spiralling upwards?

(installation cost is based off build cost, not sell cost)

I see you have deep and strong economic knowledge. If you think the price is only lead buy the installation cost is kind of scary as you are a CSM.

so let me give you some examples :

-player stop manufacturing -> the price go up because no supply any more.

- player continue to manufacturing but the price become too expensive -> pvp player stop pvp because they can afford the price so they don't want lose the ship -> nobodies buy the price go down until the player stop manufacturing stuff because they will lose money ...

- player who manufacturing can't afford to supply enough quantities because of the prod cost -> price go up.

An other example about the POS, Now if you have a POS you have to pay the installation cost (i know you can stack stuff for make it lower) but it still an additional cost in plus of the fuel who will cost more too.

And you have to consider the isk/hour, if the proder don't find the isk/hour good enough compare to the time and effort of this activity the will stop it and go do something else or leave the game

Eve is a balance between all the activities if you screw one the other will be screw too.

That really scary you didn't see the impact on the player of this kind of action, that simple if now player have to buy plex for afford a ship they will leave (remember Eve is not a F2P player already pay a sub )

Oh, I know about supply and demand. I have to take it into account when I make things, as it's entirely possible for me to flood some of the markets I deal with, to the point it'll take months to clear the oversupply.

Yes, prices can rise, when people stop producing. But that's countered by people recognizing a profitable market, and starting to produce in it. It's a dynamic equilibrium.

As such, it can pretty much be discounted as a source of prices rising, unless the barrier to entry is very high. (Most Eve markets aren't gated, excluding capitals (high initial investment of isk and time))

That leads to the following causes of price rises:

  • Job costs (static fairly small increase)
  • POS costs. These are a lot more dynamic, due to the sources of materials. However, if they rise too far, then people can shift to stations for a minimal increase to the job cost.
  • Material costs. These could cause a spiral up. However, the barrier to entry for mining is really low. If mineral prices rise enough, it becomes worth mining for people, which caps off a spiral. Mineral gathering is

Now, you had half a valid point with the 'ship to expensive to replace, won't pvp, ships become not worth making'. If it becomes too expensive to pvp, people will stop playing. But there's a feedback loop you've not taken into account. ISK is a limited resource. If ships can't be bought, materials won't get bought. Which will lead to a reduction of the price of those materials (minerals, for example, are pretty much free to harvest, except for time.). So materials can pretty much be discounted from creating a spiral.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter