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Crius Feedback

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Tiberius Zol
#321 - 2014-07-24 13:35:22 UTC
Ivan Isovich wrote:
Tiberius Zol wrote:
The argument about paying humans to work for me is nonsense.. do you pay for all the crew member in all your shiny ships?

This is a pointless argument. "Paying humans to work" is backstory for a game play mechanic. The game mechanic is to pay for your jobs based on the cost of the type of job. It was simply too basic pre-Crius, and it makes more sense in the new methodology. You already paid these fictional humans to do the jobs pre-Crius. You just paid a flat rate for any job...big, small, simple, complex. Everything was paid the same.

It is more realistic now....the higher the cost of a set of inputs is a good way to measure the complexity of manufacturing an item, and a more complex process usually involves higher costs of production (not just the cost of the inputs, but the actual work involved in manufacturing).

In this case.. pay for every ship if you undock.. less for a shuttle, way more for a freighter.. same mechanism..

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Ivan Isovich
Clutter Conglomerate
#322 - 2014-07-24 13:48:43 UTC
Mistah Ewedynao wrote:
Xatinni wrote:
Being a member of our Alliance/Corp procurement, fitting and contracting team, I got all excited when I read about the fitting changes. Unfortunately still can’t fit the the majority of our doctrines - simply haven’t got the skill to jump into a hull to fit in the first place.

For us fitting guys and girls, wouldn't it have been better to enable us to fit hulls regardless, but disable the ability to un-dock from a station.

YGTBFSM..... Really???

You don't have the skills to do your little niche job so the whole freakin concept of training for skills to improve your lot ingame should be just tossed out the window???

This what you get when you cater to noobs by wiping out exploration skills usefulness and major nerfing lots of others.

What's next? People are gonna want to anchor POS's without having to grind for months, spending lots of isk and/or REAL money in the process. Or maybe even, crazy as it sounds, they'll be expecting to jump in the game and within no time at all get BPO's researched to the same level as folks who spent many months getting their BPO's to Perfect.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!! They've already done that!!!!!!

No way! No smart business would take a dump on their long time loyal customer base like that. No way. Impossible..

Overreact much? That isn't what the OP was saying...he was saying that the patch allowed him to fit ships for his corp without having the skills to use all the modules/rigs, but it skipped over the fact he might not be able to fly a ship and thus could not open the ship fitting window to outfit it at all. That defeated the point of fitting ships without having the skills to use the fits. Your argument seems to say that we should have skills to even open the "show info" window. That's absurd.

Slapping a module in place, or jumping into the pilot's seat in station is no different than a kid sitting in the drivers seat of a parent's need the skills to drive, but don't need the skills to sit down! Jumping into the pilot's chair is also no different than opening the show info window to see what a ship is capable of.

Another option is to allow the fitting window to be opened via the right click menu on any ship in your hangar. This may even make sense to allow users to outfit a ship set up in the corporate hangars instead of dragging to personal hangars, outfitting and dragging back.
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#323 - 2014-07-24 13:51:55 UTC
For the love of God and to protect your players from carpel tunnel syndrome,please make unlocking blueprints easier. Right now, it takes about 8 clicks to unlock a single blueprint. On top of that, the menu to actual vote on the blueprint to unlock is horrible! You have a list of collapsed items to vote on. You cannot expand the entire list, you must expand each item individually. To top it off,when you vote on an item, it collapses the entire list so you have no idea where you left off except for looking at time stamps. Please, please, please fit this! I need to move just under 2000 blueprints which is a really small amount and my hand/wrist is starting to hurt, a lot. I really feel for the guys that have larger blue print collections.


Ivan Isovich
Clutter Conglomerate
#324 - 2014-07-24 13:55:05 UTC
Tiberius Zol wrote:
Ivan Isovich wrote:
Tiberius Zol wrote:
The argument about paying humans to work for me is nonsense.. do you pay for all the crew member in all your shiny ships?

This is a pointless argument. "Paying humans to work" is backstory for a game play mechanic. The game mechanic is to pay for your jobs based on the cost of the type of job. It was simply too basic pre-Crius, and it makes more sense in the new methodology. You already paid these fictional humans to do the jobs pre-Crius. You just paid a flat rate for any job...big, small, simple, complex. Everything was paid the same.

It is more realistic now....the higher the cost of a set of inputs is a good way to measure the complexity of manufacturing an item, and a more complex process usually involves higher costs of production (not just the cost of the inputs, but the actual work involved in manufacturing).

In this case.. pay for every ship if you undock.. less for a shuttle, way more for a freighter.. same mechanism..

Agreed, you could do that, but you have to pick and choose how much realism makes be purely realistic, a ship also isn't going to insta-dock from the back end of a will take minutes/hours to pull into a stationary position, cargo takes time to install/unload (should we pay for that work, too?), storage costs and hangar space limitations, FOOD? We just gotta pick and choose. Since industry is an important part of the game, I just think this was a good change to add complexity that requires a bit of thought.
Sir SmashAlot
The League of Extraordinary Opportunists
Intergalactic Conservation Movement
#325 - 2014-07-24 13:56:59 UTC
When bidding on Teams it would be nice for some commas or spaces as a careless extra zero could make for an expensive purchase.

A method to sort between teams that are proficient at material cost verse build time as currently the only sorting feature I am aware of is sorting by names.

The flashing deliver tab on the left is a little too much, when you hover over it they stop flashing, I do not understand the purpose of it.

I will have more to say once I can actually play with the UI as most of my industry slots are undeliverable at the moment

***Wish list***

A way to batch select blueprints to mass install the same job
Ivan Isovich
Clutter Conglomerate
#326 - 2014-07-24 14:24:49 UTC
Additional Suggestions:

In the BP list, add the "group" or "category" column like we had in the previous S&I window. Could make it hideable by right click the column tabs. Also give us the ability to order the columns as we see fit. An even better option is a way to quickly hide and unhide columns...such as a small box on each column that toggles whether it is visible or not (the idea needs some love, I know).

In the filter function, allow categories to be filtered. Typing "Frigate" should filter to all frigate types (not just T1's, but include faction and T2's). "Crystal" would pull mining crystals and frequency crystals (as well as any BP with Crystal in its name), and of course typing out the full category name like "Assault Frigate" would reduce it to just assault frigates instead of getting no results as it is now.

Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#327 - 2014-07-24 14:30:50 UTC

I've noticed the invention-information is gone from the BPOs. This is kind of bad, since this means I need a BPC to look up what skills/materials I need to invent.

Of course, you can look up a BPO in the industry window, switch to copy and look up the BPC-info there, but this is kind of awkard and not really intuitive for new players.

Please try to change that, thanks.
Hazel Ripley
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#328 - 2014-07-24 14:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Hazel Ripley
yeah yeah I know those "harden the **** up" phrases and so on...
but seriously?
I mean I read all the ****, but what I expectet was good...
what I got is a totaly ruined UI looking like smartphone bullshit....
so I got the choice of gettin eyecancer or feel like a dumb idiot wanting to touch the sceen with my fatty fingers....
ur GUI is **** guys!

the reson for me to stick on EVE was that it surely is and also LOOKED like a PC game....
why the hell u have to ruin this?
why the ****?
childish ugly **** I say!
maybe u shall steal a little of StarCiticens attitude "PC only" this kind of merchandizing seems to work well to make people throw their money at them....

oh angry days since 22. july

In my anger I totaly forgot to moan bout the reprocessing nervs....
so mining got a useless activity since Kronos
now reprocessing got the same senseless klicking since Cirus
whats next?
realoading with PLEX?
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#329 - 2014-07-24 14:57:38 UTC
Copy pasting from Crius Issues thread:

CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Ophelia Valentine wrote:
Echo Mande wrote:
When I try to start a job at a POS with a 'new' BPO type (for example an auguror or LSE; in anycase something I haven't used that session) the input/output selections appear to default to the lowest number hangar partition you have access to and not the hangar partition (or maybe can; haven't tried that) that the blueprint is actually in.

I really hope that this is not intended behavior.

In the previous system you could configure the science/industry window to use the last used input/output hangars for new jobs. Being able to do that again would be very nice since my jobs almost always take their input from one hangar and output to another, neither of which is the first hangar.

It will remember the input / output in your client between sessions, per type at a facility. The first time you pick a blueprint of that type you need to select, after that all of the settings are remembered (runs, output, decryptors etc)

This absolutely unacceptable for those of us who don't just produce one item all day long. The Input/Output settings should be remember per location and industry type. Manufacturing jobs, invention jobs, copy jobs etc.

Either way, different people have different setups, some settings for the industry UI and it's behavior would be nice. You should know by now that one size doesn't fit all.

Current system is worse for us because we use dozens and hundreds of different blueprints and we're forced to select input/output every time, which now takes longer than it did before as you can't use keyboard shortcuts.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#330 - 2014-07-24 15:06:55 UTC
Taru Audeles wrote:
System index in EVERY high sec system and most low sec systems is maxed. I know you will sell this as a feature and everything works as planed but are you serious ?
You tried to sold us this BS new industry changes as something good and ground breaking. And half an hour after you deploy this EVERYTHING is maxed out ?
removing slots was a really great idea. BTW your concept of people move around to less used systems. Someone at CCP didn't get the memo about that because there NO systems to move since every system is taxed the same.

You must be near jita. Where I am they all low (different region)
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#331 - 2014-07-24 15:11:06 UTC
Xatinni wrote:
Being a member of our Alliance/Corp procurement, fitting and contracting team, I got all excited when I read about the fitting changes. Unfortunately still can’t fit the the majority of our doctrines - simply haven’t got the skill to jump into a hull to fit in the first place.

For us fitting guys and girls, wouldn't it have been better to enable us to fit hulls regardless, but disable the ability to un-dock from a station.

well you couldn't open a ship before you couldn't fly. that hasn't change. You can still fit what you used to fit.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#332 - 2014-07-24 15:18:48 UTC
Akira Menoko wrote:
I have a collection of capital ship BPOs that before Crius were all researched to have no waste, which took about 3/4 of a year to do depending on the blueprint. Now that Crius is out these BPOs have a lot more waste and in order to get rid of it I have to spend another 3/4 of a year or so researching it away. Not to mention the high installation cost to do such a job.

Now in the EVE Industry - All you want to know dev blog made just a week ago, it's stated that
The guiding goal with this translation is "no blueprint gets functionally worse" i.e. the materials needed for a single run should be the same or less after the transition.

My blueprints are functionally worse after the Crius Patch. They require more materials for a single run.

I know I'm not the only person who's capital BPOs have gotten worse with the Crius patch. So my question now is, what's CCP going to do to fix this situation?

Edit: grammar fix

Yeah I just found this out. Had all the subparts made to make a nidhoggur but now a bunch went up by 1. I had it to perfect (me 8)..and oddly all went up by one except Cap Construction parts, Cap Capacitor Battery....and drum roll..Capital Drone bay. It took 49 drone bays before and 49 after. but the other stuff all went up by 1 except what i just mentioned.

I am curious if I get it to me-10 if they will go back down?
The Sagan Clan
#333 - 2014-07-24 15:30:15 UTC
Ivan Isovich wrote:
Mistah Ewedynao wrote:
Xatinni wrote:
Being a member of our Alliance/Corp procurement, fitting and contracting team, I got all excited when I read about the fitting changes. Unfortunately still can’t fit the the majority of our doctrines - simply haven’t got the skill to jump into a hull to fit in the first place.

For us fitting guys and girls, wouldn't it have been better to enable us to fit hulls regardless, but disable the ability to un-dock from a station.

Overreact much? That isn't what the OP was saying...he was saying that the patch allowed him to fit ships for his corp without having the skills to use all the modules/rigs, but it skipped over the fact he might not be able to fly a ship and thus could not open the ship fitting window to outfit it at all. That defeated the point of fitting ships without having the skills to use the fits. Your argument seems to say that we should have skills to even open the "show info" window. That's absurd.

Slapping a module in place, or jumping into the pilot's seat in station is no different than a kid sitting in the drivers seat of a parent's need the skills to drive, but don't need the skills to sit down! Jumping into the pilot's chair is also no different than opening the show info window to see what a ship is capable of.

Another option is to allow the fitting window to be opened via the right click menu on any ship in your hangar. This may even make sense to allow users to outfit a ship set up in the corporate hangars instead of dragging to personal hangars, outfitting and dragging back.

This is actually a damned good idea. Restrict the undock, but let us fit it. Well, shoot... maybe once it was fitted and lacked the skills to fly you could see what you needed to skill up? Shocking idea, I know. In game ship fitting/skill planning.

Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#334 - 2014-07-24 15:49:28 UTC
Kesker wrote:
Ivan Isovich wrote:
Mistah Ewedynao wrote:
Xatinni wrote:
Being a member of our Alliance/Corp procurement, fitting and contracting team, I got all excited when I read about the fitting changes. Unfortunately still can’t fit the the majority of our doctrines - simply haven’t got the skill to jump into a hull to fit in the first place.

For us fitting guys and girls, wouldn't it have been better to enable us to fit hulls regardless, but disable the ability to un-dock from a station.

Overreact much? That isn't what the OP was saying...he was saying that the patch allowed him to fit ships for his corp without having the skills to use all the modules/rigs, but it skipped over the fact he might not be able to fly a ship and thus could not open the ship fitting window to outfit it at all. That defeated the point of fitting ships without having the skills to use the fits. Your argument seems to say that we should have skills to even open the "show info" window. That's absurd.

Slapping a module in place, or jumping into the pilot's seat in station is no different than a kid sitting in the drivers seat of a parent's need the skills to drive, but don't need the skills to sit down! Jumping into the pilot's chair is also no different than opening the show info window to see what a ship is capable of.

Another option is to allow the fitting window to be opened via the right click menu on any ship in your hangar. This may even make sense to allow users to outfit a ship set up in the corporate hangars instead of dragging to personal hangars, outfitting and dragging back.

This is actually a damned good idea. Restrict the undock, but let us fit it. Well, shoot... maybe once it was fitted and lacked the skills to fly you could see what you needed to skill up? Shocking idea, I know. In game ship fitting/skill planning.

way to advance for eve.
Shadow State
Goonswarm Federation
#335 - 2014-07-24 15:51:13 UTC
So let me make sure I understand this correctly.

I start game 8 years ago,
I spend endless hours to train up and move to Null Sec because I dont want to be a high sec newb or prey on the week and prefer to fight the big boys,
I help fight for PLAYER BUILT STATIONS (not generated highsec,lowsec stations)
I help fight for Null Sec space to build, mine, invent, ect.


After patch I am charged a FEE to perform any industry type action in my own pos in NULL SEC and the isk goes to Secure Commerce?
The ALLIANCE that owns the station now lose the Industry job isk to Secure Commerce?
WTF you have lost your mind....I hope this game goes to ****
Why am I out here then if not to reap the benifits of NULL SEC

I should not be charge anything in my own POS no matter what. I pay the fuel, I bought the MODS that go on the POS, Not CCP so I should not have to pay them a dime.

Time to seriously think about StarCitizen now and just dump my $100 a month in there wallets.....

A Very disappointed Vet that thinks it time to give it up.

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#336 - 2014-07-24 16:31:43 UTC
Industry - the display of status after delivery is a bit too dim. Would you please bring it up a shade or two???

Since there is a Delivered/Failed status printed it's not really necessary to shade these out anyways.
#337 - 2014-07-24 16:36:39 UTC
Opsblitz wrote:

Time to seriously think about StarCitizen now and just dump my $100 a month in there wallets.....

You should totally do that, I'm sure you won't be disappointed in Star Citizen, it's had nothing buy glowing praise since they launched the pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha. The game is even stable with 3v3 multiplayer! Shame about Crytek though, hopefully the complete implosion of the engine developer won't hold back progress too much.

Star Citizen even has spaceship spinning! Admittedly, their version is spaceship spinning is when your ship goes out of control on it's own for no damn reason like a sickening broken carnival ride.
twisted twisted twisted
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#338 - 2014-07-24 16:39:10 UTC  |  Edited by: beatlebutt
ME Cap research cost. Has anyone looked at that? (all from High Sec Station far far away from Jita)

To take a Charon from 9% to 10% ME is 1.6 billion isk and takes 257 day.

to take a Charon from 0% to 1% ME is only 1.1 mil and 4 hours 22 min 30 sec.

to take a Charon from 0% to 10% ME is 2.79billion isk and takes 444 days.

Nidhoggur from 8% to 9% ME is 507mil and 108 days from 8% to 10% ME is 1.711 billion and 365days

Is this some evil scheme to keep us playing 1-2 years from now so our researches are finally done?

EDIT: even the sub parts have ridiculously long times. Capital Launcher Hardpoint, from ME0 to ME 10% is 133 days. (cost only 12.5 mil)
Nia Vaenyr
Skunk-Works Inc
#339 - 2014-07-24 16:57:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Nia Vaenyr
It has been probably mentioned before, but please add the option to resize the upper window of industry. It is redundant when you just want to check the ongoing jobs or bid on teams. Not to mention it's still quite a chore to find what I'd actually need for a team.
[Apparently I welped and the invetion costs were there.]
ME costs-times are ridiculous. I guess somebody stood up for those poor NPCs working 24/7.
Sisoko Osman
#340 - 2014-07-24 17:39:40 UTC
(not so) Dear CCP

you really screwed things up in this patch

if you are going to stick to this "new content every 6 weeks" please do less changes and test them better on sisi and dont turn it into "new fuckups every 6 weeks"

fly safe o/