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Worst Merc`s ever award?

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#21 - 2014-07-15 17:46:51 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
Docking Station wrote:
I am Elven Serpent's old friend from the industrial alliance. His entire story is fake. He hired Marmite Collective to kill his own industrial corp a year ago and then got kicked from the corp when they found out via his API key. They got a lot of kills, but we were lucky that the war ended after the first week. I had a chat with Elven last week and he told me he hired Marmite Collective to go to war with his current corp too. He said he only had to pay 100M for the allies thing and was pissed off, because they didn't ask more. His main thing was to make them look bad, but in stead they helped him big time. He told me he would make up a nice story anyway on the forums and it seems he did. Elven will never grow up. And no, we do not want you back in!!!!!
And here we have the truth. People need to learn that lies have no legs!.

I am glad to see Lucas Kell hanging on to every word like a nodding dog but then being delusional comes with the territory.
lol, yes, that 1 month old alt is clearly telling the truth. It's not at all a damage control marmite alt, right? Roll

And I don't have to hang onto anything. It's a well known fact that marmite hub and pipe camp. I've even seen you guys advertising that fact. If he hired you to attack a corp outside of hubs, he clearly hired the wrong guys. You guys like to think of yourselves as the elite, but actions speak louder than words my friend.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#22 - 2014-07-15 18:10:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Saeger1737
And the award for most fail, overpriced, unorganized merc alliance in all of new eden goes to drum roll please: The marmite collective.

I wouldn't be shocked if CCP handed out this award this year at fanfest.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#23 - 2014-07-15 18:14:15 UTC
Saeger1737 wrote:
And the award for most fail, overpriced, unorganized merc alliance in all of new eden goes to drum roll please: The marmite collective.

I wouldn't be shocked if CCP handed out this award this year at fanfest.

Ahh, so just because you say so, it must be true, right?

Not even giving any evidences or good reasons to back up your claim with?

Sounds like a fail attempt to smear our name just because we are better than you.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#24 - 2014-07-15 18:27:05 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
And the award for most fail, overpriced, unorganized merc alliance in all of new eden goes to drum roll please: The marmite collective.

I wouldn't be shocked if CCP handed out this award this year at fanfest.

Ahh, so just because you say so, it must be true, right?

Not even giving any evidences or good reasons to back up your claim with?

Sounds like a fail attempt to smear our name just because we are better than you.
You and your leaders do a pretty good job of smearing your own names. I know though, you are ex-rebirth, right? Where's your usual post about how amazing your boyfriend Kai is?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#25 - 2014-07-15 18:29:35 UTC
lol, by the way, You might want to tell Tora to make it a little less obvious when he's damage controlling on his alts. Within 2 minutes of Docking Station making that claim, Tora posted this on the Marmite thread:
Tora Bushido wrote:
Lol, want us to kill your own corp mates again ?

Some pretty blatant damage control going on there. Damage control that wouldn't be needed if the claims were false.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#26 - 2014-07-15 18:38:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Saeger1737
NightmareX wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
And the award for most fail, overpriced, unorganized merc alliance in all of new eden goes to drum roll please: The marmite collective.

I wouldn't be shocked if CCP handed out this award this year at fanfest.

Ahh, so just because you say so, it must be true, right?

Not even giving any evidences or good reasons to back up your claim with?

Sounds like a fail attempt to smear our name just because we are better than you.

There's a war report in my profile if you want to take a look, and I bet every other merc service marmite has fought nearly looks the same.

Simply stated I've been at war with marmots a number of times, their forces always turn tail and run, when there are more the 3 enemies coming at them. You might catch a straggler but in the end all they do is **** and moan in local about how you blobbed their fleet of 10 with a fleet of 5.

Case rested.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

elven serpent
#27 - 2014-07-15 18:48:10 UTC
Docking Station wrote:
I am Elven Serpent's old friend from the industrial alliance. His entire story is fake. He hired Marmite Collective to kill his own industrial corp a year ago and then got kicked from the corp when they found out via his API key. They got a lot of kills, but we were lucky that the war ended after the first week. I had a chat with Elven last week and he told me he hired Marmite Collective to go to war with his current corp too. He said he only had to pay 100M for the allies thing and was pissed off, because they didn't ask more. His main thing was to make them look bad, but in stead they helped him big time. He told me he would make up a nice story anyway on the forums and it seems he did. Elven will never grow up. And no, we do not want you back in!!!!!

lol fake alt posts are lame
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2014-07-15 18:50:07 UTC
I'm pretty sure I'd be a worse merc than marmite. Want to find out? Contracts start at 200m.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

elven serpent
#29 - 2014-07-15 18:56:36 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
lol, by the way, You might want to tell Tora to make it a little less obvious when he's damage controlling on his alts. Within 2 minutes of Docking Station making that claim, Tora posted this on the Marmite thread:
Tora Bushido wrote:
Lol, want us to kill your own corp mates again ?

Some pretty blatant damage control going on there. Damage control that wouldn't be needed if the claims were false.

Or being unanimously corobarated by various independent players..
Selling your services as mercenaries is comparative to filling a jar with poop and calling it Marmite... leaves a bad taste in the mouth of whoever buys it..
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2014-07-15 19:01:16 UTC
elven serpent wrote:
Docking Station wrote:
I am Elven Serpent's old friend from the industrial alliance. His entire story is fake. He hired Marmite Collective to kill his own industrial corp a year ago and then got kicked from the corp when they found out via his API key. They got a lot of kills, but we were lucky that the war ended after the first week. I had a chat with Elven last week and he told me he hired Marmite Collective to go to war with his current corp too. He said he only had to pay 100M for the allies thing and was pissed off, because they didn't ask more. His main thing was to make them look bad, but in stead they helped him big time. He told me he would make up a nice story anyway on the forums and it seems he did. Elven will never grow up. And no, we do not want you back in!!!!!

lol fake alt posts are lame

Lol fake client posts are lame

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

Proud CEO of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

elven serpent
#31 - 2014-07-15 19:04:15 UTC
Fybs wrote:
elven serpent wrote:
Docking Station wrote:
I am Elven Serpent's old friend from the industrial alliance. His entire story is fake. He hired Marmite Collective to kill his own industrial corp a year ago and then got kicked from the corp when they found out via his API key. They got a lot of kills, but we were lucky that the war ended after the first week. I had a chat with Elven last week and he told me he hired Marmite Collective to go to war with his current corp too. He said he only had to pay 100M for the allies thing and was pissed off, because they didn't ask more. His main thing was to make them look bad, but in stead they helped him big time. He told me he would make up a nice story anyway on the forums and it seems he did. Elven will never grow up. And no, we do not want you back in!!!!!

lol fake alt posts are lame

Lol fake client posts are lame

aaah the old `everyone is lying` defense..
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#32 - 2014-07-15 19:04:24 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
You and your leaders do a pretty good job of smearing your own names. I know though, you are ex-rebirth, right? Where's your usual post about how amazing your boyfriend Kai is?

Empty words with just yadda yadda yadda where you just cry out because you know we are good at what we are doing.

Kai86 is still pretty darn good for being a fleet commander. I'm sure he would be able to take on half of your alliance alone with his alts.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#33 - 2014-07-15 22:35:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
NightmareX wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
You and your leaders do a pretty good job of smearing your own names. I know though, you are ex-rebirth, right? Where's your usual post about how amazing your boyfriend Kai is?
Empty words with just yadda yadda yadda where you just cry out because you know we are good at what we are doing.

Kai86 is still pretty darn good for being a fleet commander. I'm sure he would be able to take on half of your alliance alone with his alts.
LOL. You are very good at hiding in stations, yes indeedy, so I guess you are right, you are good at what you are doing in that regard. As for what you advertise, being a "merc" corp, not so much. A cursory glance at your war list shows the type of players you will attack and the groups you get dunked by.

Now that zkb can show it all, pointing at the bottom line and saying "look how many wars we had!" means nothing, since we can now easily see most of them were zero valued wars against minuscule corps. 54% of your declared wars in fact had zero kills and were there simply to make it look like you were busily at war with many people. Realistically you farm easy targets for industrial ships, in fact, 89% of all of your historic war kills come from just 10% of your wars (shock horror, they are almost exclusively null alliances, rental alliances and newbie training/service alliances), and that doesn't even count the ones you still hold active for easy farming.

So please, continue to cry that what anyone can easily see is just "empty words". It just makes you look more dense with your every tear.

And Kai is just an awful awful player. I know you love him so it's hard to accept, but it really is the truth.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#34 - 2014-07-15 23:01:15 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
LOL. You are very good at hiding in stations, yes indeedy, so I guess you are right, you are good at what you are doing in that regard. As for what you advertise, being a "merc" corp, not so much. A cursory glance at your war list shows the type of players you will attack and the groups you get dunked by.

And that comes from a guy who hides behind how many thousands of players in carebear heaven called 0.0 space?

Only stupid players who thinks they can go around doing solo PVP is usually those who gets dunked by others. I'm not a solo PVPer my self so i will always fly in groups. And when we fly proper fleets, we don't get dunked like you want it to be. It will be the opposite then.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Now that zkb can show it all, pointing at the bottom line and saying "look how many wars we had!" means nothing, since we can now easily see most of them were zero valued wars against minuscule corps. 54% of your declared wars in fact had zero kills and were there simply to make it look like you were busily at war with many people. Realistically you farm easy targets for industrial ships, in fact, 89% of all of your historic war kills come from just 10% of your wars (shock horror, they are almost exclusively null alliances, rental alliances and newbie training/service alliances), and that doesn't even count the ones you still hold active for easy farming.

Yes, you probably have a billion of blues in 0.0 space where others can hold your hand in hard times in 0.0 space when you get attacked by other massive alliances. While we are a lonely small alliance of like 240 players who have wars against half of EVE. Ofc we will play smart and kill everyone in the most brutal and smartest way while doing everything we can to avoid losses..

Not only that, but as mercs, it's our job to have good killboard statistics so the clients can see that we are killing our war targets effectively. Ofc we will have losses and it's unavoidable. But your problem is that you are dragging everyone under the same boat for some stupid mistakes other members in the alliance here does. Sure, it shouldn't happen, but after ex-Rebirth joined Marmite, things have changed radically here, so things gets better. Changing a whole alliance for the better can takes months to several years.

We gets better and better every day. Heck, i'm not even saying that Marmite is THAT good, i'm just saying that we are just doing our job good atm even though we can be much better.

We also do alot of war decs by our self that doesn't get any kills and such as many corps and alliances are really tiny and they are usually never logged on in our prime time. And alot of our wars are paid by our members so they can go and kill the target they want to see dead themself. So not all wars are given out by the whole Marmite itself.

You should just learn the basic 'how to do Empire Wars 101' in an effective way before you scream out alot of your rubbish. Come back later when you are educated in how mercs and empire PVPers runs their business. I have been here in EVE since early 2004 and have gone through empire PVP for many many years, so i'm afraid you are pretty clueless when it comes to this.

Lucas Kell wrote:
So please, continue to cry that what anyone can easily see is just "empty words". It just makes you look more dense with your every tear.

You are still crying because you can't stop us and because we most likely have done damage to you or your alts in some way and you aren't genious enough to avoid us. That's why you are mad at us.

Lucas Kell wrote:
And Kai is just an awful awful player. I know you love him so it's hard to accept, but it really is the truth.

I don't love him, i do like him really good because he knows how to run a fleet in empire and brings fights.

It have been many times where i have been told to attack someone where i have told him that he's nuts for sending me into something like that. But he have always said i will be fine. Everytime he have been right. There is extremely rare to come over that he does something wrong that messes up the fights. It happens some very few times, but hey, we are all humans and will do mistakes from time to time no matter how professional we are at something.

So my last word here for now is, you don't want to meet me and Kai in the same fleet if you are a war target to us, because that's gonna end your day badly.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#35 - 2014-07-15 23:22:49 UTC
NightmareX is writing a book report on how he's mad.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#36 - 2014-07-16 00:06:57 UTC
Saeger1737 wrote:
NightmareX is writing a book report on how he's right about this.

Oh snap.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Snuggle Society.
#37 - 2014-07-16 06:23:10 UTC
Marmite does a better job than most. And is cheaper than most for such a good product.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#38 - 2014-07-16 07:22:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
No they don't. We've been decced a couple of times by Marmite. They are woefully incompetent and everybody knows it. Lol
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#39 - 2014-07-16 07:28:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
NightmareX wrote:
And that comes from a guy who hides behind how many thousands of players in carebear heaven called 0.0 space?
The difference being I don't claim to be elite, while you do. We've covered this once before. I don;t mind claiming I'm a loser little carebear that hang around in station and makes stuff out of titanium. You however are a lose that hangs about in stations and whines about how amazing you are, even though you'll only engage if the odds are 99.999% in your favour.

NightmareX wrote:
Yes, you probably have a billion of blues in 0.0 space where others can hold your hand in hard times in 0.0 space when you get attacked by other massive alliances. While we are a lonely small alliance of like 240 players who have wars against half of EVE. Ofc we will play smart and kill everyone in the most brutal and smartest way while doing everything we can to avoid losses..

Not only that, but as mercs, it's our job to have good killboard statistics so the clients can see that we are killing our war targets effectively. Ofc we will have losses and it's unavoidable. But your problem is that you are dragging everyone under the same boat for some stupid mistakes other members in the alliance here does. Sure, it shouldn't happen, but after ex-Rebirth joined Marmite, things have changed radically here, so things gets better. Changing a whole alliance for the better can takes months to several years.
lol, again see above. And you don't "play smart and kill everyone in the most brutal and smartest way", you attack newbies, industrialists and haulers to pad your killboard. And by all means, continue to whine on about how mercs need padded killboards, but don;t expect everyone to look at the raw numbers and say "OH MY GOD THEY MUST BE AMAZING!". Those of us will eyes will continue to pull apart your killboard and point out that it all means absolutely sod all. I know, it upsets you, but people looking to hire you should take a little look at how you pad your kuillboard, not just the raw numbers, and they'll realise that hiring you is pointless.

NightmareX wrote:
We also do alot of war decs by our self that doesn't get any kills and such as many corps and alliances are really tiny and they are usually never logged on in our prime time. And alot of our wars are paid by our members so they can go and kill the target they want to see dead themself. So not all wars are given out by the whole Marmite itself.

You should just learn the basic 'how to do Empire Wars 101' in an effective way before you scream out alot of your rubbish. Come back later when you are educated in how mercs and empire PVPers runs their business. I have been here in EVE since early 2004 and have gone through empire PVP for many many years, so i'm afraid you are pretty clueless when it comes to this.
You wars are easy targets designed to either provide easy kills or bury your killboard in a long list of wars so people will say "wow, look at all the wars they had!". Before the war stats on crest, that was effective, but now that they can all be seen your little smokescreen no longer works. And I know a good deal about empire wardecs, which is why I can see straight though all your whining about how great you are. Any competent PvP group could permadunk you, since your members are only trained to fight unarmed ships. When a ship fires back the only response they know is running away and docking.

NightmareX wrote:
You are still crying because you can't stop us and because we most likely have done damage to you or your alts in some way and you aren't genious enough to avoid us. That's why you are mad at us.
lol, fail. I live in 0.0 mate, and my highsec traders are NPC corps. You could literally do nothing to me if your life depended on it. You need to try to make something up since you realise what I'm stating here is irrefutable fact. Nice rage post by the way Lol

NightmareX wrote:
I don't love him, i do like him really good because he knows how to run a fleet in empire and brings fights.

It have been many times where i have been told to attack someone where i have told him that he's nuts for sending me into something like that. But he have always said i will be fine. Everytime he have been right. There is extremely rare to come over that he does something wrong that messes up the fights. It happens some very few times, but hey, we are all humans and will do mistakes from time to time no matter how professional we are at something.

So my last word here for now is, you don't want to meet me and Kai in the same fleet if you are a war target to us, because that's gonna end your day badly.
Bull, you want Kai to come to your hose and make sweet love to you. Hearing Kai saying your name is all that you need to make your date. This is why you bang on about how great he is when it's plain to see that the only thing he's good at is crying louder than you. By all means get in the same fleet. Continue to hang around gates and stations and whine on about how amazing you would be if only people wouldn't use pesky combat ships. That wouldn't make him or you any less terrible, and it certainly won;t make your whining about how good you are anything more than words.

All the data is there and plain to see on zkb. If people did a little bit of homework and didn't just accept your whining as proof of success they can see for themselves what you guys are really like. Unfortunately for you, you can't fake figures for the API, and can't hide behind the wall of saturated data like you used to, so no matter how many tears you shed about you competence, potential clients can dig into your data themselves.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#40 - 2014-07-16 07:28:19 UTC
elven serpent wrote:
Docking Station wrote:
I am Elven Serpent's old friend from the industrial alliance. His entire story is fake. He hired Marmite Collective to kill his own industrial corp a year ago and then got kicked from the corp when they found out via his API key. They got a lot of kills, but we were lucky that the war ended after the first week. I had a chat with Elven last week and he told me he hired Marmite Collective to go to war with his current corp too. He said he only had to pay 100M for the allies thing and was pissed off, because they didn't ask more. His main thing was to make them look bad, but in stead they helped him big time. He told me he would make up a nice story anyway on the forums and it seems he did. Elven will never grow up. And no, we do not want you back in!!!!!

lol fake alt posts are lame
aaah the old `everyone is lying` defense..


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.