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PLEX nearing 800m--thoughts?

First post
Dave stark
#21 - 2014-07-08 13:12:07 UTC
erg cz wrote:
With simple and plain high sec AFK mining ppl are able to make 30-40 mio ISK a day. That is about 1 bilion a month. I believe this is where PLEX prices go.

try per hour, per miner. not per day.
#22 - 2014-07-08 13:50:02 UTC
Invisible Exchequer
#23 - 2014-07-08 15:14:56 UTC

I suspect the multiple char training has more effect.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#24 - 2014-07-08 15:53:39 UTC
GavinGoodrich wrote:

PLEX nearing 800m--thoughts?

As a trader, you don't "think". As a trader you shall be on the right side of the trend and make hard cash on it.

About trend... I am still laughing thinking my charts had shown this trend years ago and people did not believe me Twisted
Steve Celeste
#25 - 2014-07-08 16:40:52 UTC
PLEX nearing 900m--thoughts?
Qmamoto Kansuke
Killing with pink power
Penguins with lasorz
#26 - 2014-07-08 17:33:21 UTC
I guess at this rate we're bout to catch up to the chinese server soon?The only question is are the subs going to fall at their lvl tooRoll
Felicity Love
#27 - 2014-07-08 19:07:12 UTC
"Hard times" in the real world... people need to eat and put gas in their cars... PLEX... not so much.

Or not.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Jame Tea Sukarala
#28 - 2014-07-08 19:16:15 UTC
Felicity Love wrote:
"Hard times" in the real world... people need to eat and put gas in their cars... PLEX... not so much.

Or not.

Central banks are hard at work printing prosperity for us all. Mind your tongue peasant. You signed our social contract by continuing to exist in our territory.
Tauren Transit
#29 - 2014-07-08 19:59:11 UTC
Qmamoto Kansuke wrote:
I guess at this rate we're bout to catch up to the chinese server soon?The only question is are the subs going to fall at their lvl tooRoll

Skydell wrote:
Posted: 2012.12.20 08:51 | The template on passive profit in EVE is 1% at the top so a player with 75 Billion could plex their account in passive income from that ISK. I'd say there is 5% of EVE in that group and they are former CEO's of massive alliances that fell apart over the years, the said CEO's took the money and run.

Plex has always said more for me than anything forums say or even API sites and wallets. Because we know what a wealthy server looks like thanks to the Chinese server, Serenity we can see where Plex would be if everyone was filthy rich. There Plex go for 2 billion the last I read anything on it. Because we have 600 mill Plex at most, I suspect most players are under the 75 Billion mark.

This was posted a while ago. Looks like Skydell nailed it, too. I really hope PLEX doesn't reach 2bil Cry.
Irokoi Purisukin
Prussia Group
#30 - 2014-07-08 21:08:29 UTC
CCP doesn't seem to have interfered on the PLEX market so far and following this current spike. Although it also depends on what CCP considers interfering with PLEX prices. I don't think they include their PLEX sales and promotions even though it helps curbing the price rise. But even those haven't happened in a while. Also worth noting is that Dr.EyjoG was in the process of leaving CCP folloing some offer to become rector of some Icelandic university. So the new person taking his place at CCP may have a different approach. As of now the prices seem to be spiking at a faster rate than what has been the norm, but there's also been a decrease on the amount of PLEX being traded.
Evil Brock Nelson
#31 - 2014-07-09 01:17:53 UTC
Steve Celeste wrote:
PLEX nearing 900m--thoughts?

I brought some Aero bars from Walmart and ate it. It was nice.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#32 - 2014-07-09 01:57:48 UTC
I love all of the wild speculation in here when a well-known trillionaire and character trader has stated the correct reason PLEX have spiked.

They'll fall slightly soon but continue to trend upward medium term.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Uncle Traveling Matt
Sapphire Dragon Industries
#33 - 2014-07-09 02:24:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Uncle Traveling Matt
I can understand a slow and steady increase of plex prices due to inflation and other factors, but COME ON.

I bought a plex ONE WEEK AGO for 725 mil. The lowest I can find right now is 811 mil in Jita, 825 mil everywhere else.

Buncha crap.


PS. In less than 12 hours, lowest price has risen to 814 mil.

PSS. AAaaaand in another 8 hours, lowest price has risen to 821 mil!
#34 - 2014-07-09 17:48:32 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
I love all of the wild speculation in here when a well-known trillionaire and character trader has stated the correct reason PLEX have spiked.

They'll fall slightly soon but continue to trend upward medium term.

Kwark is blowing his own trumpet - trying to attribute a grand economic change to his own activities.

I just wonder why he made those 250+ chars in a time where PLEX prices are increasing and demand for these pre-built alts is dropping like a stone.
Industriels Independants SARL
#35 - 2014-07-09 20:22:15 UTC
Uncle Traveling Matt wrote:
I can understand a slow and steady increase of plex prices due to inflation and other factors, but COME ON.

I bought a plex ONE WEEK AGO for 725 mil. The lowest I can find right now is 811 mil in Jita, 825 mil everywhere else.

Buncha crap.


PS. In less than 12 hours, lowest price has risen to 814 mil.

PSS. AAaaaand in another 8 hours, lowest price has risen to 821 mil!

It's a self sustained price increase, the market is bullish. Since everyone is seeing a constant increase in price, everyone is hoarding instead of selling.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#36 - 2014-07-09 21:38:01 UTC
Simple - people are putting PLEX in their hangers so they can go idle for the next few months. When you see a train wreck coming you GTFO.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#37 - 2014-07-09 23:14:20 UTC
Obunagawe wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
I love all of the wild speculation in here when a well-known trillionaire and character trader has stated the correct reason PLEX have spiked.

They'll fall slightly soon but continue to trend upward medium term.

Kwark is blowing his own trumpet - trying to attribute a grand economic change to his own activities.

I just wonder why he made those 250+ chars in a time where PLEX prices are increasing and demand for these pre-built alts is dropping like a stone.

Oh, it's not just the 250 characters he has made personally. No doubt there's been 5-10 thousand Power of Two alts created by enfranchised players using PLEX.

Anyone who intends to make a medium to high skilled off-account alt for a purpose that is not time critical generally prefers to wait for Power of Two.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#38 - 2014-07-10 00:00:55 UTC
I've already moved to reactivating an account or two every now and then with a PLEX from my stash, when I long for EVE, rather than PLEXing 4 accounts all the time whether I'm actually playing or not. A year from now I'll probably just give CCP $15 every now and then. P
X ATM092
The Hatchery
#39 - 2014-07-10 05:01:51 UTC
Obunagawe wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
I love all of the wild speculation in here when a well-known trillionaire and character trader has stated the correct reason PLEX have spiked.

They'll fall slightly soon but continue to trend upward medium term.

Kwark is blowing his own trumpet - trying to attribute a grand economic change to his own activities.

I just wonder why he made those 250+ chars in a time where PLEX prices are increasing and demand for these pre-built alts is dropping like a stone.

I don't for a moment believe that I single handedly caused a spike, nothing of the sort, I bought the plex I consumed for this months ago. However Po2 is an incredible offer which offers gains for anyone who pays for their game time with plex and just has one toon on an account (3 plex for Po2, 2 plex for transfer = 6 months game time for 5 plex), anyone who wants a long term alt, people who want to start a bunch of PI alts or whatever for passive income (you can get 3 very nicely trained ones on a Po2) or people like myself who train for the bazaar. A sizable proportion of the eve community could profit from buying their game time in advance with plex through Po2, 6 months for 3 plex is a ridiculously attractive offer, and people will be using it.

As for your speculation about the demand on the bazaar, I've seen nothing to back that up.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#40 - 2014-07-10 07:08:58 UTC
Look at a chart, where the spike went to.

Now, if it'll pass that point and the month will close above, then it's time to start getting worried, because in a RL market you'd usually see a crash. If an EvE starts diverging from "natural" behavior then it's bad, it's a sign there's a flaw in some important part of the game that can push prices above "nature" without pause.