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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1281 - 2014-08-13 16:35:02 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Ok let us make your idea real.
We increase the maximum number of supported characters per system to about 500.(how does not matter we all know 50versions how todo that)
Funny thing would be that a roaming in this systems would be suicide and probably the gates would have so many bubbles that you would not even try.
Then we decrease jumpcabability and bridges by 75% so that large coalitions can not use wrecking ball and super tactics everywhere.
This will increase the time to move capitals significantly because they are not able to jump over empty space between some regions.This will end all jumpfreighter logistic and probaly most capital production. Flying freighters through stargates and making 200au freighter warps is so much fun, protecting them is even more fun.
Then we have to take care of the capability to move fleets through stargatesotherwise we would be able to kill the small groups with supcapitals.
Easyiest way would be to return to hardware 10 years ago, the lag would be so painfull nobody would want to move. Other option would be somekind of artifical number of how many players can use the gate per hour.

By that point you would have destroyed the game but at least the coalitions can live with 25000members in 50system and they are not capable to strike smaller groups with overwhelming force.

Nerfing jump range doesn't nerf boot fleet/wreckingball.
Shalmon Aliatus
Bluestar Enterprises
The Craftsmen
#1282 - 2014-08-13 17:04:21 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:

How to you suppose to make it impossible to hold 1000 systems with a coalition?
Do not come up with some content lacking phrase like the last 15 post you did.

Go look at null and its activity levels.

All of those systems with a handfull of jumps and nobody active would drop sov. Those systems make up 80% of sov null.

I think most of the systems are claimed, because you don't want people to hotdrop you with blackops while you do your ratting :D.
The problem with the unused space is, that it is impossible for other entities to do something in them.
The sowner gets an automated message if you put up a POS. I think that is a relict from the days when sov was defined by the POS in a system, but in the current state of sov, it's just free intel for the owner of the system. If you want to know about a new pos in your system, check the moons or build POS on them (and if offline POS generate mails if attacked, remove them as well, to prevent the drop of small towers on every moon).

If small corps/alliances decide to take the risk and do mining or ratting in an unused system, they can drop a small POS in the system. WHs show, that you can live out of a POS without problems. Maybe the tower gets spotted after some time, but this is a case of "risk vs reward".
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1283 - 2014-08-13 17:06:16 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Ok let us make your idea real.STUFF!

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1284 - 2014-08-13 17:11:48 UTC
Yikes. Any 'cap' on gate movement, jumping, etc, will and always will be exploited by whichever side has the alts to do so. Consider that one side will always use fleets to force a gate to its 'cap' just for strategic purposes.

I don't think there will ever be a way to limit how many people go where. The only thing I can think of is that there can be a limit on how fast they get there. IE, nerfing fuel costs, jump range is not the way to go.

I'm still thinking there should be a huge spool up timer BEFORE any cap or supercap can jump anywhere (pilot can activate a module to begin spooling as soon as they undock/log on, so the first jump can be made any time after it has spooled), and that the spool-up time should increase accordingly depending on the amount of TIDI in jump range.
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1285 - 2014-08-13 23:04:05 UTC
SFM Hobb3s wrote:
I'm still thinking there should be a huge spool up timer BEFORE any cap or supercap can jump anywhere (pilot can activate a module to begin spooling as soon as they undock/log on, so the first jump can be made any time after it has spooled), and that the spool-up time should increase accordingly depending on the amount of TIDI in jump range.

I'm leaning towards letting Caps move around as they do now because lets face it, we stare at our screens enough in EVE why make it so we are doing it for longer...Ugh

Instead of slowing down Cap movement, which seems to focus around the cap group being able to get across the map quickly, why not focus on their destination having a door that can be closed before they get there?

CCP can probably just make a portable cyno jammer that is system wide, takes 5 minutes to anchor (or whatever 10 min etc), burns out in 1 hour time or so, and has a crap load of HP so peeps are more apt to leave it alone to burn out rather than try and take it down so the SC fleet coming from 5 regions away can get in when they are 1 jump out.

EVE is boring enough, I'm not sure why people want to slow it down even more...Straight

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1286 - 2014-08-14 09:06:05 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
baltec wrote:
So you have no answer for supporting 200 ratters in a single system in the current sov null setup.

Why should a system support 200ratters? and how would that end 0.0 stagnation.

Because, to reduce the need for an alliance to hold vast amounts of space to rat in. Thus freeing up large swaths of "useless" space for other entities to settle in who might not be to friendly to your alliance.

It took me like 3 seconds to think that one up, if I may paraphrase your useless non answer from earlier.

EDIT: dangit Baltec1

wait a minute. Either the space is useless to you and you don't use it. Or you need all this space to support all your ratters. Which is it?

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1287 - 2014-08-14 09:19:59 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Falin Whalen wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
baltec wrote:
So you have no answer for supporting 200 ratters in a single system in the current sov null setup.

Why should a system support 200ratters? and how would that end 0.0 stagnation.

Because, to reduce the need for an alliance to hold vast amounts of space to rat in. Thus freeing up large swaths of "useless" space for other entities to settle in who might not be to friendly to your alliance.

It took me like 3 seconds to think that one up, if I may paraphrase your useless non answer from earlier.

EDIT: dangit Baltec1

wait a minute. Either the space is useless to you and you don't use it. Or you need all this space to support all your ratters. Which is it?


The space might be near useless but the mechanics dictate that we need it. Welcome to the headache that is null sov space.
Pidgeon Saissore
Short Bus Syndicate
#1288 - 2014-08-14 10:22:04 UTC
To break up monolithic sov, like seems to be the general consensus on what the game needs, there must be limits on how large fleets can travel.

Any way to do this will have significant side effects. They can also be mitigated.

Before I make my suggestions my intent is to make large fleets travel separately, not to effect anything about the final destination. Moving a fleet will force them to consider how an enemy might disrupt their jumping as well as current considerations. Everything I say will have an appropriate number that is not decided by me. The numbers that are appropriate should be the subject of debate not the concept itself. My intent is for only the largest fleets to be effected at all though there will always be manipulation of mechanics that will spread the effects elsewhere.

Limited charge on gates/bridges:
Know that regular travel will be effected by the recharge time and large fleet travel will be effected by the capacity. These are entirely separate numbers and can be balanced accordingly.

Limited system jump drive stability:
Putting a solid cap on the number of jumps to a cyno just means more cynos are put in the same place. The effect needs to be system wide. That will then however make the fleet that jumps in first unassailable. I suggest putting the jump in and out limit on the same counter/recharge. This means that while the fleet might be unassailable it also can't move again until the system is fully stabilized. It also means the fleet can't come back to save the stragglers. An attacker can also force the otherwise unbeatable fleet to have stragglers. It can also be held there by single enemies jumping in and out.

A fleet in its final destination could use the same mechanics to keep someone from responding to them while they destroy sov structures. At the same time that fleet will be unable to respond to considerably smaller attackers hitting their own sov. Over all this should contribute to destruction of sov on significant scale.

The exact effects of this are not easily predictable but most of them allow a smaller well timed and placed fleet to do significant damage to a larger one. If they don't time it well the smaller fleet will simply be annihilated, like they would be anyway under current mechanics.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1289 - 2014-08-14 13:58:11 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:
SFM Hobb3s wrote:
I'm still thinking there should be a huge spool up timer BEFORE any cap or supercap can jump anywhere (pilot can activate a module to begin spooling as soon as they undock/log on, so the first jump can be made any time after it has spooled), and that the spool-up time should increase accordingly depending on the amount of TIDI in jump range.

I'm leaning towards letting Caps move around as they do now because lets face it, we stare at our screens enough in EVE why make it so we are doing it for longer...Ugh

Instead of slowing down Cap movement, which seems to focus around the cap group being able to get across the map quickly, why not focus on their destination having a door that can be closed before they get there?

CCP can probably just make a portable cyno jammer that is system wide, takes 5 minutes to anchor (or whatever 10 min etc), burns out in 1 hour time or so, and has a crap load of HP so peeps are more apt to leave it alone to burn out rather than try and take it down so the SC fleet coming from 5 regions away can get in when they are 1 jump out.

EVE is boring enough, I'm not sure why people want to slow it down even more...Straight

In a system like the one I suggested there would be nothing stopping a titan chain from pre-spooling their bridges so that a subcap fleet can still be moved fairly quickly.

On the other hand, if you were in a cap fleet, and you had to pre-spool your drive before jumping, that puts you (and potentially whatever fleet you are with) in a position of content creation, as you are now in a position where you could possibly be intercepted.

And if you are preparing to jump into a system with huge tidi and your pre-spool is taking even more time, a hostile reinforcement fleet might just decide to intercept you instead of jumping into the original target system.

There's lots of possibilities for content. But by slowing supercap movement down its very likely you'll slow the progression of tidi in a huge fleet battle. That means more stuff can happen in the contested system in a much shorter timespan. I'm all for that.

As for portable cyno jammers that function system-wide. Again both sides will be huge d***s and exploit this constantly.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1290 - 2014-08-14 15:14:37 UTC  |  Edited by: SFM Hobb3s
Pidgeon Saissore wrote:
To break up monolithic sov, like seems to be the general consensus on what the game needs, there must be limits on how large fleets can travel.

Any way to do this will have significant side effects. They can also be mitigated.

Before I make my suggestions my intent is to make large fleets travel separately, not to effect anything about the final destination. Moving a fleet will force them to consider how an enemy might disrupt their jumping as well as current considerations. Everything I say will have an appropriate number that is not decided by me. The numbers that are appropriate should be the subject of debate not the concept itself. My intent is for only the largest fleets to be effected at all though there will always be manipulation of mechanics that will spread the effects elsewhere.

Limited charge on gates/bridges:
Know that regular travel will be effected by the recharge time and large fleet travel will be effected by the capacity. These are entirely separate numbers and can be balanced accordingly.

Limited system jump drive stability:
Putting a solid cap on the number of jumps to a cyno just means more cynos are put in the same place. The effect needs to be system wide. That will then however make the fleet that jumps in first unassailable. I suggest putting the jump in and out limit on the same counter/recharge. This means that while the fleet might be unassailable it also can't move again until the system is fully stabilized. It also means the fleet can't come back to save the stragglers. An attacker can also force the otherwise unbeatable fleet to have stragglers. It can also be held there by single enemies jumping in and out.

A fleet in its final destination could use the same mechanics to keep someone from responding to them while they destroy sov structures. At the same time that fleet will be unable to respond to considerably smaller attackers hitting their own sov. Over all this should contribute to destruction of sov on significant scale.

The exact effects of this are not easily predictable but most of them allow a smaller well timed and placed fleet to do significant damage to a larger one. If they don't time it well the smaller fleet will simply be annihilated, like they would be anyway under current mechanics.

Don't think for a moment that Side G in any conflict won't forcibly make those jumping or gate caps reach their limit to prevent anyone else from moving or responding. Trying to enforce any limit on system population will result in far worse conditions than we have today. You have to assume the players will exploit it to their benefit. Which once again takes us back to the only way you can effectively make a change is to limit how fast caps/supers move. Not where. Not how many.

Edit: I actually like all of snotshots suggestions regarding sov changes...but I still think something must be done about how caps can move so fast across eve.
Kira Hizu
Rotten Kimchi Squadron
#1291 - 2014-08-14 16:24:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Kira Hizu
We are looking to new space to be built in EVE, so we only need tweats too player own space.

All your idea how space would change should be place input for this new space, which is were?

Dose it belong in eve online... between see able space and worm hole space.

Modules which allows you to stable worm holes to be used as star gates, able to hack star gates and change the jump routes and
remove them from the star map making it hard to fly which you can't see it but the space still their good luck...

What we need now is more ways to force projection of fights both big and too small fights.
#1292 - 2014-08-14 20:50:28 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
baltec1 wrote:

Nerfing jump range doesn't nerf boot fleet/wreckingball.

I like the idea that you can jump inside of a constilation but you have to use a stargate to get between constilations and regions... the gates are larger then regular ones so that can cover the PR thing.

example of how this would change things is look at staging systems... they are chosen because they are withing jumping range of all the fights...

or in other words you cant jump from TNN to sagain anymore... if you want to go to stain you have to go the long way.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1293 - 2014-08-14 21:04:09 UTC
Just nerfing fleet mobility does not solve the problem if the EHP of the targets DEMAND a large capital fleet anyway. People will just hate more, but still move the said capital fleet.

The most effective way to make something not overused, is not to make harder to use it.... it is to make it not needed!

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

#1294 - 2014-08-14 21:07:20 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Just nerfing fleet mobility does not solve the problem if the EHP of the targets DEMAND a large capital fleet anyway. People will just hate more, but still move the said capital fleet.

The most effective way to make something not overused, is not to make harder to use it.... it is to make it not needed!

NO but its part of the solution... I dont like how in the op you can only jump next door. i think constalation only jumping would help.

that couppled with other factors of "occupation" based sov ofcoarse.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1295 - 2014-08-14 21:47:54 UTC  |  Edited by: SFM Hobb3s
Rofl. Put a superlaser on all sovereignty modules. Superlasor charges when 12 caps are on grid (12 or whatever number could still potentially be dealt with by any sized subcap fleet, even if they were spider tanked).
For every minute an extra cap or super is on grid, superlazor blaps a random cap/super. One shot instant kill.

Crazy you say? Hehe.

This would put a rather hilarious aspect on trying to use caps to destroy or rep things like sbu's....some alliance could be using 12 supers to rep an sbu, and you suicide a carrier in a little russian roulette...see who loses the draw ;)
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#1296 - 2014-08-16 07:25:19 UTC
I have a prediction: Step 1 will be to greatly decrease sov structure EHP in systems with low indexes. Maybe make player-built stations destructible too. Step 2 will be support systems (corp roles, structures, POS etc as per Seagull's slide). Step 3 will be Sov 2.0 with player built gates and all the rest.

I think CCP understands the urgency and already have a plan for the next 12-18 months. But they won't make us wait that long without any changes at all. They will lead with tweaks designed to start shifting the player mindset in preparation for the eventual changes.

Come on Fozzie, 'fess up.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Anthar Thebess
#1297 - 2014-08-16 10:00:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Snot Shot wrote:
SFM Hobb3s wrote:
I'm still thinking there should be a huge spool up timer BEFORE any cap or supercap can jump anywhere (pilot can activate a module to begin spooling as soon as they undock/log on, so the first jump can be made any time after it has spooled), and that the spool-up time should increase accordingly depending on the amount of TIDI in jump range.

I'm leaning towards letting Caps move around as they do now because lets face it, we stare at our screens enough in EVE why make it so we are doing it for longer...Ugh

Instead of slowing down Cap movement, which seems to focus around the cap group being able to get across the map quickly, why not focus on their destination having a door that can be closed before they get there?

CCP can probably just make a portable cyno jammer that is system wide, takes 5 minutes to anchor (or whatever 10 min etc), burns out in 1 hour time or so, and has a crap load of HP so peeps are more apt to leave it alone to burn out rather than try and take it down so the SC fleet coming from 5 regions away can get in when they are 1 jump out.

EVE is boring enough, I'm not sure why people want to slow it down even more...Straight

It is not about slowing it down.
It is about making eve bigger enough.

Why someone should be able to move easily large amount of forces to another side of eve , or just 3 regions away fast?
Eve is for fun , and in order to generate fun there have to be a lot small scale conflicts.

This is not about what is good or what is bad.
This is how to make fun to the bigest amount of people, as this lead to bigger amount of players.
Some groups like to farm, they will have blue in 2 regions away.
Some people like to fight? They will have targets in next constelation.

The main difference is that there will be no more cyno for a boored third party that will drop 50 motherships to kill 2 capitals of smaller groups brawling in fun.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1298 - 2014-08-16 14:20:10 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:

It is not about slowing it down.
It is about making eve bigger enough.

Why someone should be able to move easily large amount of forces to another side of eve , or just 3 regions away fast?
Eve is for fun , and in order to generate fun there have to be a lot small scale conflicts.

This is not about what is good or what is bad.
This is how to make fun to the bigest amount of people, as this lead to bigger amount of players.
Some groups like to farm, they will have blue in 2 regions away.
Some people like to fight? They will have targets in next constelation.

The main difference is that there will be no more cyno for a boored third party that will drop 50 motherships to kill 2 capitals of smaller groups brawling in fun.

Nerfing jump range does nothing to stop the current ****** affairs of null and infact makes it even worse for the small players (good luck getting supplies to the far corners of EVE).
Anthar Thebess
#1299 - 2014-08-16 19:53:57 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:

It is not about slowing it down.
It is about making eve bigger enough.

Why someone should be able to move easily large amount of forces to another side of eve , or just 3 regions away fast?
Eve is for fun , and in order to generate fun there have to be a lot small scale conflicts.

This is not about what is good or what is bad.
This is how to make fun to the bigest amount of people, as this lead to bigger amount of players.
Some groups like to farm, they will have blue in 2 regions away.
Some people like to fight? They will have targets in next constelation.

The main difference is that there will be no more cyno for a boored third party that will drop 50 motherships to kill 2 capitals of smaller groups brawling in fun.

Nerfing jump range does nothing to stop the current ****** affairs of null and infact makes it even worse for the small players (good luck getting supplies to the far corners of EVE).

Nerfing jump range or jump range mechanic is ONE of MANY items that needs to be changed.
Brutalis Furia
Hammer and Anvil Industries
#1300 - 2014-08-16 21:36:02 UTC
Coming to this conversation late, but as to the OP's suggestion of removing jump drives, altogether, I'd say no. I'd put them in more ships - even as small as a frigate. Of course I'd limit the range and make fuel more available, too. The bigger ships that have jump drives now I'd give jump bridges and keep their jump drives, but across the board I'd reduce jump range. The stargate network would be a way to avoid fuel costs, but not the only means of transportation.