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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Manfred Sideous
#361 - 2014-07-08 03:21:34 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Alternative Splicing wrote:
Just a thought experiment: what if all/some of these changes Manfred is proposing do not affect all of null space, but just certain regions? It looks like that could create some very interesting situations where projection stops at the entry systems, and everything within must be fought, won and protected the old fashioned way. Obviously it would really help if he numbers on the structures were adjusted within the confines of one of these zones. Just as an experiment, it would be fun to see what happens.

The groups living in those regions would get crushed by the coalitions that'd continue to exist elsewhere, as new rules or not they'd still have an overwhelming advantage in basically every way.

Variations by region or constellation or even system in the "terrain" would be intersting but at some basic level everyone has to be playing by the same set of rules.

What Mynnna said.


Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#362 - 2014-07-08 03:24:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
So far there has been some very good points made. I think aside from those who want Eve to remain comfortable and dull all of us can agree upon a few things:

1. Power Projection needs to be severely limited and localized.

2. JF's need to be limited as well so that markets and industry is local as well.

3. Sov itself needs to provide bonuses and incentives for local groups to fight and maintain it.

4. Supers need to be limited in range and useage.

5. Sov mechanics ie. Structure grinding is ******** and needs to be reworked into something non supercap based.

Just some final thoughts on this. I really think that the idea of regional conflict, growth etc is truly what Eve is meant to be. Throughout the lore based history of New Eden humanity has been forced to deal with harsh realities and conflict.

There needs to be a sense of accomplishment. A sense of risk and even fear. Eve needs to be this wide eyed universe again that captivated players since it's creation in 2003.

Eve is not an easy game. It's not meant to be. There is no "win" except in that journey we all experience be it good fights, good friends, stories we can tell that no other community can experience.

Eve needs to be unique again. Null needs to be this mystical harsh place whispered about fought with peril and riches beyond a capsuleers wildest dreams.

You want to be the top dog? You want to truly be masters of your own house? Building and creating? Conquering and pillaging? Prove it.

Prove to all of New Eden that you are just as valuable in a fleet of 10, 20, 50, 100 as you are in a tidi ridden blob of 1000. I for one am excited and even giddy at the prospects of Eve having new life breathed into it.

I guess the main focus now is how do we bring these ideas to CCP? Which members of the CSM and the more vocal voices of the community take this to CCP? This needs serious backing.

Alliance wide backing. Coalition based backing. Hopefully this gains real traction. I really hope it does.
Manfred Sideous
#363 - 2014-07-08 03:27:17 UTC
So I just want to share some knowledge. Pandemic Legion took the largest losses in any single fight in the history of gaming during B-R. We have already COMPLETELY recovered and expanded our titan force and are still expanding at a rate never seen before. This is all in the span of 5 months.


Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#364 - 2014-07-08 03:28:36 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Nex Killer wrote:
X_D on reddit said this and I think its a good idea.

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
Are you guys ready for this?

All capitals / supercapitals / titans / whatever can now go through regional gates. Maybe all gates if it helps, idk w/e

You can no longer jump drive in between regions, but can still jump within the same region (Catch -> Catch is okay, Catch -> Providence isn't).

Regional gates now become the only way to travel between regions, creating bottlenecks to defend/scout/whatever on.

If you want to stage in a region, you have to actually take and hold sov in said region, preferably on the border system(s).

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
You could start getting crazy and making it so holding an entire region gave some kind of bonus or something as well, incentivise holding a region completely, and encourage other entities to try and prevent you from holding said region. This would allow a small dedicated group to sneak in and say, knock out a system over a day or three and totally **** everything up if they don't defend it.

Sort of assuming this to mean "no restrictions but capitals have to use gates to cross between regions."

It'd be interesting. I guarantee you that what'd happen is that each region would have a mini-bloc (or single alliance, depending on size) that overwhelms and crushes everyone else within the bounds of that region, so inside any given region you join them or die. Between regions, open warfare, maybe. Basically, the current EVE meta writ small, albeit with more inter-regional conflict.

Could be interesting.

Keeping the current blocs is still possible in that system. You just fly your caps into those regional gates and voilĂ , your massive capital force is now the biggest thing in that adjacent region. Continue down the cyno chain until you reach the region that is the destination. The opposing force is either crushed at the final destination or the in gate to the region where that bloc has entered. Sure it will slow them down a little, but let's be honest here. Unless that opposing force was as powerful as that bloc to begin with, they would not stand a chance anyways now or with that change.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#365 - 2014-07-08 03:32:53 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
2. JF's need to be limited as well so that markets and industry is local as well.

To be fair this isn't strictly true. What's necessary for markets and industry to be local is for the means of production and resource acquisition to be up to the task. Crius is a good start in the production category, at least to the point where GSF will probably supply most of our fleets with ships and equipment built locally, because the cost advantage of doing so (even without factoring in not having to import the hulls) will be considerable. Anyone else willing will be able to do the same. Much of the minerals to do that will still come from empire though, because things are still lacking in the resource acquisition department.

Limiting JFs and similar logistics may give more room to make more radical changes in those regards, but it's not necessary.

Marlona Sky wrote:
Keeping the current blocs is still possible in that system. You just fly your caps into those regional gates and voilĂ , your massive capital force is now the biggest thing in that adjacent region. Continue down the cyno chain until you reach the region that is the destination. The opposing force is either crushed at the final destination or the in gate to the region where that bloc has entered. Sure it will slow them down a little, but let's be honest here. Unless that opposing force was as powerful as that bloc to begin with, they would not stand a chance anyways now or with that change.

Fair point; I suppose you managed to find a nut.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#366 - 2014-07-08 03:42:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
mynnna wrote:
2. JF's need to be limited as well so that markets and industry is local as well.

To be fair this isn't strictly true. What's necessary for markets and industry to be local is for the means of production and resource acquisition to be up to the task. Crius is a good start in the production category, at least to the point where GSF will probably supply most of our fleets with ships and equipment built locally, because the cost advantage of doing so (even without factoring in not having to import the hulls) will be considerable. Much of the minerals to do that will still come from empire though, because things are still lacking in the resource acquisition department.

Limiting JFs and similar logistics may give more room to make more radical changes in those regards, but it's not necessary.

To be fair and I understand your point the JF pretty much killed off Low Sec Piracy in the form of neutering trade routes that were vital supply chains to Null Sec systems.

Limiting it's usage would make local trade and industry more important especially mining fleets, ship production, etc. If you really want people to feel the burn limit supplies and especially the means in which to transport them.

Think in terms of the collapsing of the Eve Gate which gave birth to this universe. Cut off or at least limit an entities ability to import resources and you either live off the land or die.

And let's be honest here. Miners, Industrialists, all the people that build and create need to be worth their salt and will be if such changes are implemented.

I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route system called Mara, effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and thus Concord was created!

Trade routes need to be vital again to spur conflict, increase risk, make logistics truly challenging and worth while. Plus a little ransom to a freighter full of goodies never hurt...
State War Academy
Caldari State
#367 - 2014-07-08 03:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Tara Read wrote:
mynnna wrote:
2. JF's need to be limited as well so that markets and industry is local as well.

To be fair this isn't strictly true. What's necessary for markets and industry to be local is for the means of production and resource acquisition to be up to the task. Crius is a good start in the production category, at least to the point where GSF will probably supply most of our fleets with ships and equipment built locally, because the cost advantage of doing so (even without factoring in not having to import the hulls) will be considerable. Much of the minerals to do that will still come from empire though, because things are still lacking in the resource acquisition department.

Limiting JFs and similar logistics may give more room to make more radical changes in those regards, but it's not necessary.

To be fair and I understand your point the JF pretty much killed off Low Sec Piracy in the form of neutering trade routes that were vital supply chains to Null Sec systems.

Uh, as has been reiterated time and time again in this thread, the JF only streamlined jump drive based logistics; they'd still been a thing with carriers, cargo dreadnaughts, etc. I guess maybe JFs (and the rise of organized, centralized, for-pay JF services, really) might have killed off piracy on hauling through lowsec by individuals but that'd be about it.

Tara Read wrote:
And let's be honest here. Miners, Industrialists, all the people that build and create need to be worth their salt and will be if such changes are implemented.

Which is the problem. Industrialists do (or will after Crius), bu miners or rather the task of mining remains lacking.

Tara Read wrote:
[I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and they in turn also died. Thus Concord was created!

The fact that you have to go as far back as M0o is kinda proving my point re: jump drive based logistics.

Anyway we are not entirely disagreeing, I think, we're just saying it in very different ways.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#368 - 2014-07-08 03:51:25 UTC
Tara Read wrote:

I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route system called Mara, effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and they in turn also died. Thus Concord was created!

Lol wow. That is some Oklahoma level ignorance you have got going. Here, let me help you. m0o did not, in fact, defeat CCP.

That took me about forty seconds to look up by the way.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#369 - 2014-07-08 03:55:34 UTC
To Mynna silly quote limiting.

Well as for the "about it" portion killing off local low sec Pirates to those of us it was our bread and butter. But enough of that. Jump Drive logistics in general need to be reworked not just the JF so we can agree on that.

Also am I the only one who remembers M0o? I'm waxing nostalgic but think of the explosions and the prey again if Pirates and other merc groups tried to prey upon Null logistical protection fleets.

Ah it almost sounds too good to be true...
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#370 - 2014-07-08 03:58:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tara Read wrote:

I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route system called Mara, effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and they in turn also died. Thus Concord was created!

Lol wow. That is some Oklahoma level ignorance you have got going. Here, let me help you. m0o did not, in fact, defeat CCP.

That took me about forty seconds to look up by the way.

Bah I cocked up and redited the post. I thought originally that CCP tried to fight them several times before and had lost. Actually it's quite funny reading about them running away or being sent into other systems to break up the gatecamp.

Apologies on my Oklahoma level of ignorance. Sometimes my cousins just look that good : P
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#371 - 2014-07-08 04:03:39 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tara Read wrote:

I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route system called Mara, effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and they in turn also died. Thus Concord was created!

Lol wow. That is some Oklahoma level ignorance you have got going. Here, let me help you. m0o did not, in fact, defeat CCP.

That took me about forty seconds to look up by the way.

Bah I cocked up and redited the post. I thought originally that CCP tried to fight them several times before and had lost. Actually it's quite funny reading about them running away or being sent into other systems to break up the gatecamp.

Apologies on my Oklahoma level of ignorance. Sometimes my cousins just look that good : P

Yeah, that was a bit more harsh than I intended, I just got done talking to my in laws for two hours. >.<

But yeah, m0o actually cut and ran when the developer ships showed up, except one guy who got one shotted.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#372 - 2014-07-08 04:06:11 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
To Mynna silly quote limiting.

Well as for the "about it" portion killing off local low sec Pirates to those of us it was our bread and butter. But enough of that. Jump Drive logistics in general need to be reworked not just the JF so we can agree on that.

Also am I the only one who remembers M0o? I'm waxing nostalgic but think of the explosions and the prey again if Pirates and other merc groups tried to prey upon Null logistical protection fleets.

Ah it almost sounds too good to be true...

I hadn't played at the time, but their exploits were one of the reasons I joined. Personally, although I do realize that Jump Freighters took a bite out of lowsec traffic, if it hadn't been that, it would have been a bunch of other things eventually.

What's wrong with lowsec right now can't just be chalked up to one mechanic. Same thing with nullsec. People who gnash their teeth about Power Projection and drumbeat about taking it away are failing to see the bigger picture.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#373 - 2014-07-08 04:37:20 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tara Read wrote:
To Mynna silly quote limiting.

Well as for the "about it" portion killing off local low sec Pirates to those of us it was our bread and butter. But enough of that. Jump Drive logistics in general need to be reworked not just the JF so we can agree on that.

Also am I the only one who remembers M0o? I'm waxing nostalgic but think of the explosions and the prey again if Pirates and other merc groups tried to prey upon Null logistical protection fleets.

Ah it almost sounds too good to be true...

I hadn't played at the time, but their exploits were one of the reasons I joined. Personally, although I do realize that Jump Freighters took a bite out of lowsec traffic, if it hadn't been that, it would have been a bunch of other things eventually.

What's wrong with lowsec right now can't just be chalked up to one mechanic. Same thing with nullsec. People who gnash their teeth about Power Projection and drumbeat about taking it away are failing to see the bigger picture.

To be fair there are a myriad of issues both mechanic and player driven that have lead to the issues we are dealing with now. Hopefully though solutions can be found and more importantly implemented.
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#374 - 2014-07-08 04:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tara Read wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tara Read wrote:

I remember an entity from long ago called M0o who camped a vital trade route system called Mara, effectively forcing CCP themselves to step in and they in turn also died. Thus Concord was created!

Lol wow. That is some Oklahoma level ignorance you have got going. Here, let me help you. m0o did not, in fact, defeat CCP.

That took me about forty seconds to look up by the way.

Bah I cocked up and redited the post. I thought originally that CCP tried to fight them several times before and had lost. Actually it's quite funny reading about them running away or being sent into other systems to break up the gatecamp.

Apologies on my Oklahoma level of ignorance. Sometimes my cousins just look that good : P

Yeah, that was a bit more harsh than I intended, I just got done talking to my in laws for two hours. >.<

But yeah, m0o actually cut and ran when the developer ships showed up, except one guy who got one shotted.

I also think alot of them ended up getting banned right? I still remember that video from Tank CEO bringing this mining thorax that was killed onto their comms and the guy flipping ****. Hilarious.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#375 - 2014-07-08 04:49:06 UTC
Tara Read wrote:

To be fair there are a myriad of issues both mechanic and player driven that have lead to the issues we are dealing with now. Hopefully though solutions can be found and more importantly implemented.

As long as people keep fixating with "X mechanic that I don't like is the problem with everything!" style thought processes, it's not going to happen.

EVE has needed a comprehensive rework for years. Something with a vision and ideas for every area of space, not just null, not just low, not just w-space, and not just highsec.

The whole blasted game. The Crius industry rework gives me hope for this, but it's just a start, and it's a long road.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kethry Avenger
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#376 - 2014-07-08 04:50:44 UTC
Random Thoughts to add. What I'd like to see and some stuff I think might help.

I would like EVE bigger. 7-10 times bigger, # of systems. (As to cost for CCP. Clearly this would not get used immediately and as more players come to the game they could then afford more nodes etc, etc.) the population of EVE is much bigger than it was 7-10 years ago and the size of EVE has not kept up. New games are coming that will make EVE feel tiny, but still might not to amount to much if they are split shard, not player controlled economy etc.

I think this could help the game grow. Not just by itself but in conjunction with changes that make Alliances be rewarded for for using more concentrated space and negatively impacted by controlling more than one region(ish).

There should be ways to add more open routes to deep null sec. Could be player built stargates. But not things requiring a password.

Passive income streams should not be supported. I would prefer not to see support added for renters to keep some room for hijinks to ensue if a corp became more competent in the future and wanted to break away. Drama has always been good for EVE the game if not specific groups or players.

Moon mining should become a active process requiring a capsuleer in space. (either in a ship(preferred) or actively at a POS). Or at least something like PI where it can scale and shrink and there are controls and smaller things to shoot(POCO).

I think part of dynamic true sec should be earning the ability to have mission agents spawn in you Station. Thus removing the bottleneck of belts and anomalies as ability to scale bottom up income from player activities. Still couldn't get more than a 1000 people or so in one system before lag became annoying but much better than whatever low number of people one average null system supports now. (Imagine all of the highest reported number of subs could be happy in null in 500 systems.)

Nullsec should be about choice for who to work for. Either Anti or Pro Empire or neither. Emprie NPC's should be added, as Anomaly and Belt spawns. Fighting the Pirates spawns. You have choice of shooting one the other or both. If your Corp/Alliance just picks one side to fight against, that is how you earn support for getting agents from the side your fighting for to spawn in your station. However in Nullsec there is no Empire there should be no change in any sec status for activities preformed there.

That's part of what Lowsec should be best at. Where you go to increase your sec status with the Empires fastest(or lose it by shooting those people and taking their stuff). Should also add low level pirate NPC to mission for in Lowsec. Lowsec is supposed to be the area of space contested by empire rules, both between each other, and there efforts to expand into NPC pirate space and Capsuleer Null space.

For Sov I like defensive scaling based on activity. It should be dynamic. The best defense is reserved for the one most active system of an Alliance. A home system, created based on activity of the members. Creating a tension between a larger Alliance and multiple smaller ones, that create room for hijinks and drama. Umm love me reading about EVE drama on the Alliance scale.

In line with that, though I support more tools for Alliances basically making them bigger corps. I do not support any ingame tools at all for Coalitions. In game support for larger groups has to stop at some point or we will just keep ending up with 2-3 big groups controlling everything no matter how many systems are added to the game.

Well unless EVE added a Million solar systems and spread that around so it would take a month of Real time travel to setup all the cynos and such. Then EVE would always be fractured. Why hasn't this happened yet?

Oh yeah, make Null sec be self sufficient. (Change T2 ships to only need the end components of one set of R64s.) A coordinated group would want 4 areas of the game spread out. Makes trade of R 64 a good practice across regions. Make everything else available through alchemy.

Let very advanced players start really inventing. Making T1 BPO's from scratch, well some kind of drop or resource. Let it work up from small items to larger. Have it be done in a POS.

Have implants be build able.

Oh and as before if you don't make EVE bigger you have to make it feel bigger. Nerf Combat power projection. Jump ranges on all combat ships and bridges. Might be ok to leave Black Ops alone for now. Something with Jump Frieghters.

Did I miss anything? Other than agreeing with someone else's point of view.
Mashka Cybertrona
Imperial Dawn.
#377 - 2014-07-08 04:51:42 UTC
With all the data collected via EVE API and now CREST, why has a new influence based sov mechanic not been implemented?

Kills, Deaths, Active Pilots, NPC Kills, Resources gathered, isk killed/loss ratio, the list is extensive. Out of all of this data you could put together an influenced based system for sov holding. Power projection would then no longer become an issue. The general idea is, the people that use the space get the space.

Some of you maybe thinking that a system such as this can be gamed. Well isn't that the whole point of eve, finding out how to game systems into your favor? So someone kills their alt 1000 times to gain sov influence, diminishing returns would solve that problem.


Would mean that a small force could take areas from larger ones purely by living/eating/breathing that area of space.

Larger entities would need to spread across all their claimed sov in order to maintain it.

Sovereignty would be given to the more active/efficient entities of coalitions regardless of their position within said coalition. Renters for example who share space with an "overlord" would claim the space from their masters. Allies that use the same areas of space could become potential threats just by using the space.

Tactics to weaken front line systems would emerge, attacking an alliances home system for example or a strategically valuable system would draw more influence generators to defend it, weakening the influence gains in other sectors.

Alliances would be rewarded for efficiency and input rather than pure numbers they can form once a day. Carebearing losses would not only be a financial loss written off by the amount of isk generated because it would also have negative impacts on your sovereignty claim. Losing ratting carriers to stealth bombers as an example would not only be a heavy blow to your sov claim but would also be a massive boost to a hostile entities claim of the system.

No more Sov Blockade/Ihub bashing for sov. The upgrades in an Ihub should benefit the system regardless of the owner of sov and killing an Ihub would be done for the same reasons you now kill PoS.

If you want to hold space, you need to manage space. Each entity within your ranks would have to contribute to sov generation, High generators would be valued/rewarded (such as miners/industry/ratters) and negative generators would be trimmed (players/corporations that consistently die, do not contribute to maintaining sov).

A Break up of the sov blocks as we know it. Being able to pull 250 capitals together for timers once or twice a week will not have as big an impact on sov claims as 50 players spending 3-4 hours a day using the space.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#378 - 2014-07-08 04:59:37 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
Sovereignty would be given to the more active/efficient entities of coalitions regardless of their position within said coalition. Renters for example who share space with an "overlord" would claim the space from their masters. Allies that use the same areas of space could become potential threats just by using the space.

Or we could do this the smart way and seek to facilitate cooperation within an area for groups that may desire it, for example the PvP & industrial corp teaming up together, and seek to mitigate territorial sprawl (or whatever...) in other ways.

This goes for any form & scale of "utilization matters", really.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#379 - 2014-07-08 05:29:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
mynnna wrote:
Fair point; I suppose you managed to find a nut.

Does it pain you so much to agree with me on something that you can't do it without the insults? Ugh
Adolf Kaundur
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#380 - 2014-07-08 05:50:36 UTC
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
So it boils back down to variables, throw us some dam curve balls CCP!

How about cosmic storms that sometimes accelerate a jump drives range putting them randomly on the other side of the map (or even in unknown space!), make electrical interference screw up your ability to plot a jump correctly so you land in random areas of space, even fail to jump occasionally so you end up with 2-3 capitals that are stranded on the field.

Lets have Star gates malfunction from time to time and leave it up to the players to fix them. Have them fluctuate in destination as a glitch sometimes making travel easier other times making it harder. Turn jump bridges into more reliable gates, sepeate them from POS and have them as an anchorable structure that can be hacked to gain access, how about hacking a jumpbridge to land pilots that jump through it at a different destination? used for a dirty trap or a cunning get away plan.

What about restricting what is visible to you in a system to your ships scanner? change certain ships default scan ranges based on class, suddenly scanning/max scanner range ships become more useful to fleet movement (via fleet warp mechanics), lets get rid of local chat as a broken intel tool in favor of the for-mentioned. Build up more specialist roles within fleets so 1 person can't just login 12 accounts and do it all (like most large scale FC these days).

How about adding bigger critical strike bonuses so you randomly get that sweet shot that actually "wrecks" and enemy vessel? or have ships malfunction so sometimes the MWD will not shutdown, the guns jam, the drones turn on each other, the smartbomb hits your hull, reps and remote reps overload shield (or armor counterparts respectively) causing them to shut down for a cycle due to an error.

Throw some more tactical choices our way so ships are not all one cookie cutter fitting and doesn't have a counter cookie cutter fitting. Hell lets do something crazy like throw out the idea of racial guns that are slowly becoming practically the same weapon systems and give turret ships a generic turret bonus and switch it up with the weapon systems, make laser beams actual beams that slowly increase in damage over time so hitting larger/tankier ships makes them the choice weapon but against fast hard hitting ships less desirable, Artillery actually artillery hitting way out there but having 0 close range ability.

Lets have dreads that can shoot broadcasted targets from across a system, like an actual dread would. Lets enable carriers/supers to have multiple pilots that can take control and warp fighter wings around system.

Why not have deployable Titans which can become a kind of private defended star gate, connect two up to establish a link to a warzone from your deployment zone that can extend their shields similar to a POS with the same reinforcement mechanics in place.

Why not allow super-capitals to refuel themselves on energy harvested from stars? make it a finite resources so multiple super-capitals would have to travel to different systems to recharge their fuel bay. Maybe depleating a systems star could cause system wide effects, everything becomes colder as an example. If this refueling system was implemented it would put supers more at risk to gain their benefits, refueling a titan so you can use it to jump a fleet would mean babysitting the titan at the sun prior to the op, putting said titan at risk.

Lets have Ewar back, force multipliers were nerfed because they were "OP" just like speed was "OP" now power projection is "OP". I miss force multipliers, I miss having an ewar wing, you know what if 10 falcon pilots want to jam 4 people from the hostile fleet each essentially tieing up 40 pilots with 10 I guess removing that threat becomes priority rather than an all out turkey shoot of blob a shoots blob b in the kneecaps until one of the blobs can remember what they were fighting over in the first place and goes home.

While we are at it, lets remove Cyno. Instead let everyone use the capital navigation tab to find out were they can jump to and allow them to jump blindly into systems, jumping to the largest celestial in the system (usually the sun). Lets see Star Harvesting combined with Star Camping. Combined with all the variables mentioned ealier in the thread, you could accidentally find yourself in the middle of a hostile zone, your alliance could send a fleet to defend you but although 90% would make it, 10% would end up slightly off course and they too could fall prey to awaiting hostile entities.

Oh how eve would be so much more fun I I owned it :D

I would rather Hack via ship, Deus Ex WiS, or Space Marines (any or all of the above) a TCU to [temporarily] control or disable local along with the possibility of storms.

Aside from that one nitpick, This is all stuff I was hoping would be in eve way back when I first got into it. Let people use other peoples stuff against them, and let no one escape the wrath of Murphy.