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W space little things.

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Erufen Rito
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#341 - 2014-07-30 12:13:42 UTC
Updated nebulae please. How hard can this be?

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

#342 - 2014-07-30 12:15:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bleedingthrough
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#343 - 2014-07-30 12:35:00 UTC
Whilst I can see pros, cons and lots of opinions for allowing jump cloning to and from wormholes.

Does anyone actually object to the idea of swapping clones within a wormhole on a POS mod of some form? ie swapping from an armour clone to a shield clone...
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#344 - 2014-07-30 13:15:26 UTC
Can we all take a moment to appreciate what it's like to have a CSM that's active on the forums..? Shout out to corbexx for not being complete ****.

Regarding clone swap - I'd be pretty keen

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

#345 - 2014-07-30 13:45:08 UTC
Bleedingthrough wrote:

Nerf escalations

You claim capital escalations is bad game design because they promote a "closed doors mode". Newsflash: this isn't specific to C5/C6 gameplay. Wormholes are collapsed all over the place before sites are run (safe for C1 holes maybe) ... at least by those people who can be bothered to have an orca at hand.

As for escalations allowing groups to grow in quantity and quality of players: I suppose that's working as intended. Consider those 90b shared amongst a larger group of players (let's say 30-50 real players. That's ~2-3b on average, really not that much. Same goes for the isk/h/pilot ... it's really not that much better than certain k-space activities that you can do with just as much safety.

If you want to establish a better balance with regards to risk/reward in wormhole space, buffing C1-C3 holes is certainly better than nerfing escalations into the ground. The former will get fresh people into wormholes while the later will simply make people leave ... it's as simple as that.
#346 - 2014-07-30 14:15:26 UTC
Bleedingthrough wrote:
POD express
The pod express to HS makes many people risk averse. You cannot afford not to have key players in your WH if **** hits the fan! Introducing a structure (something as bulky as a XL SMA) or ship (roqual) that allows you to activate a new clone if it died in the same system (J-number) would mitigate this. In case of an eviction this would give the defender an advantage.

Absolutely do not want, for the exact reasons Corbexx mentioned. Clone-swapping to switch implant sets only, AND you have to transport any such clones into the system manually. At any point in time those clones can be destroyed by someone attacking the transport or storage location.

Bleedingthrough wrote:
Capital escalations is twofold bad game design

I could agree that allowing repeat escalations over the course of multiple days is bad design, if I were convinced that it was designed to happen that way as opposed to just being a relic of not keeping track of the status of each individual site and carrying that status across downtimes.

However, the capital escalation mechanic, supposedly intended in the beginning to discourage use of capital ships to blast through combat sites in W-space the way the Nullbears use them in Nullsec, is not a bad mechanic. You increase your risk and costs on the field by introducing capital ships, and you are rewarded with an extra payout.

Personally, I think it should be one escalation per site (and feel the same way about farming hisec missions in a similar manner), but that doesn't mean the whole idea is bad.

Xuixien wrote:
force field games

This is where someone pokes his or her nose out of the force field to take a few pot shots at one of the siegers, while the sieger then bumps that person fully out of the shields and they die. Even if you don't land a good bump or destroy the ship with high burst damage, getting them into low armour before they can turn around and get back in the shields is effective enough after a couple times that they stop.

Thankfully I haven't participated in too many tower bashes, but the times when the targets started to play games, either they died or it didn't last long. Force field games are not an issue at all, as you correctly observed.

Bleedingthrough wrote:
Besides all this carebear-talk: The problem with WH space is not the income it is the lack of opportunities to lose ISK. Balancing the income side between different classes/activities can only achieve anything if interesting gameplay emerges from this. Why is C5+ space so dull that they fight in null? Why do people only log in for pings?

The one issue, about the lack of danger, is often complained over and CCP is well aware of: namely, the instant, free, intel about sigs. If they choose to do something about it is another matter.

The C5 entities that I've had direct interaction with have generally rolled their static, look for targets, and roll their static again, on repeat. It's super easy, and requires a single round-trip from only three ships. It's much easier than scanning multiple systems to form chains for exploring.

Roaming Null/Low is just an extension of that. No scanning, just jump from gate to gate looking for anyone who wants to fight.

People likely roam Null and Low instead of scanning in W-space because it's easier and it's faster. You may end up with the same results: people dock up the second you enter local, compared to people who POS up the moment a new sig spawns, but you've expended much less effort (no scanning) to achieve comparable results. They live in W-space, but operate in K-space. It's better than living in Null because each day you get new territory to explore.

People who don't or refuse to roam Null or Low either like scanning, don't mind scanning, or prefer to hunt and stalk prey instead of looking for quick and easy ganks. Or maybe other various reasons. Quality over Quantity, or something like that. These people live in W-space and operate in W-space. Often, as is the case with my corp, these types will also use K-space as a highway to more W-space.

It doesn't matter who you are or which you prefer, because EVE caters to and allows for both playstyles.
Rolled Out
#347 - 2014-07-30 14:23:16 UTC
Kynric wrote:
Alundil wrote:
In wspace warfare, if eviction is the desire podding them residents out is the only way to ensure that you slowly gain system control (barring diplomatic talks of surrender and graceful exit, etc).

I disagree. If clone jumping were possible system control would be established and held the same way it is everywhere else in New Eden, by removing offensive ships and structures. Whether this is a good change or not is not clear. But what is clear is that the existing siege mechanic where one side hopes for rescue from outside while preserving their ability to log out one ship is terribly dull and not very much fun for either side. It is strange that we cling so fiercely to maintain a pretty terrible status quo where both the attacker and defender have a dreadful weekend.

The only issue with your comment about system control in other places in New Eden is this:
Hole Control = Gate Camping
'Bubble' Cage = Hell Camping (station)

We don't have to worry about Cynojamming a system for obvious reasons. But other than that, there's very little difference mechanically to how we control a system than in other places. Even in the scenario where pilots are podded back to the same station you're trying to flip given bubbles and sufficient attacker numbers on the station undock there is literally nothing the defender can do. This is why so many 00 pilots have assets station locked in places that they can no longer dock at (something something alts and courier contracts but a separate discussion). Because they literally could not get them out.

So - basically it boils down to:

"Aggressive/defensive structure-based conquest in EVE is a soul-crushing experience regardless of what side you are on or what type of space you are in (barring HS since no bombers, smartbombs on undocks, or capitals)."

Giving wspace the means to death clone back into system (or clone jump at death into a clone in system) doesn't change the fact that if the attacker is prepared (and by your own admission they most likely will be - we were when we did these things in Sky) then nothing functionally changes. Pilots won't undock/float out of shields for a guaranteed loss mail and insta-blap (whether dread or ishtar/domi ball doesn't matter). Pilots also won't hesitate to "deny victory" by SDing everything that they can because there's literally no penalty to doing so since those ships were already lost.

You want hotly contested fights for eviction/home defense? Put pilot/corporation/alliance 'statistics' on the line and generate lossmails for things SD'ed inside of a POS shield. With all of the juicy loot/salvage that might drop from them too. (Might be a good time to ensure that structures like POSes and POS mods drop wrecks/salvage also - since these things can be built inside of POSes themselves now).
If POS is bubbled = killmail goes to pilot(s) with bubbles or corp that anchored bubbles - it would look similar to kills by a tower listing only the corp
IF POS is not bubbled = no killmail - allows zero penalty SDing as there are some legitimate reasons for it that don't need a km


I'm right behind you

Dead Sky Inc.
#348 - 2014-07-30 14:32:13 UTC
Erufen Rito wrote:
Updated nebulae please. How hard can this be?

If you are talking about the skyboxes, CCP stated those were incredible expensive and while we all would love to get them it is not going to happen.

Andrew Jester wrote:
Regarding clone swap - I'd be pretty keen

I vaguely remember a dev talking about this. Would require a new POS module, so no way before the structure rework next year(tm).

Meytal wrote:
The C5 entities that I've had direct interaction with have generally rolled their static, look for targets, and roll their static again, on repeat. It's super easy, and requires a single round-trip from only three ships. It's much easier than scanning multiple systems to form chains for exploring.

That is why I think lowends are better. Rolling requires way more people to be done in one go and chances for a fight on the hole, while one side tries to roll it, are much higher. If a c5 manages to pass one cap through before your fleet is ready and in position you need a lot more t3s than the other group.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#349 - 2014-07-30 14:37:12 UTC
Shilalasar wrote:

Andrew Jester wrote:
Regarding clone swap - I'd be pretty keen

I vaguely remember a dev talking about this. Would require a new POS module, so no way before the structure rework next year(tm).

It'd honestly be fine if they let you do it in a Rorq. Would make the thing actually useful...

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Rolled Out
#350 - 2014-07-30 14:59:15 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
Shilalasar wrote:

Andrew Jester wrote:
Regarding clone swap - I'd be pretty keen

I vaguely remember a dev talking about this. Would require a new POS module, so no way before the structure rework next year(tm).

It'd honestly be fine if they let you do it in a Rorq. Would make the thing actually useful...

This was the verbiage of my suggestion a while back:

Alundil wrote:

2. Ability to swap clones within w-space.
Either from a POS Clone Vat bay or a Rorq clone vat bay. These are possibly the most underused POS mods and capital mods in the game.
Note: this is not to clone jump out of w-space or back into w-space. Only to swap clones within the clone vat. All other jump clone timers/rules apply.
This has been requested numerous times over the years because wh combat gang compositions change rapidly depending on who you might be fighting or expecting to fight, and/or what effects the wh you're planning a fight in has. Jumping out to some empire location, to the JC, possibly on the other side of the universe from the location you found then slow boating back means that JCs aren't used to their full potential by worm(hole) players. This also offers added targets of interest in wormhole space as roaming groups could potentially destroy several high value clones by destroying an online clone vat bay.

I'm right behind you

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#351 - 2014-07-30 15:15:27 UTC
Alundil wrote:

This was the verbiage of my suggestion a while back

implying I read anything in a thread before commenting

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Rolled Out
#352 - 2014-07-30 15:27:33 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
Alundil wrote:

This was the verbiage of my suggestion a while back

implying I read anything in a thread before commenting

To be fair - I made that comment several months ago in F&I so you're excused :p

I'm right behind you

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#353 - 2014-07-30 15:30:27 UTC
Bleedingthrough wrote:
corbexx wrote:

apart from this being terrible

You might have misunderstood me or have a very different perspective on what is good for w-space than I do. Let me get this straight: I am not for starving the big groups to death but I think we need a new paradigm that focuses on interesting gameplay more than conserving an arbitrary status quo. Both my suggestions trend towards this.

ok so going back to your first post

pod express
a) getting instantly back in to your wh terrible idea and more to the point CCP will never buy it.
b) changing clones in a wh I like.

ok capital stuff you mention. you want it so people will farm stuff in there static meaning more people will jump them while they run sites. this can happen already even in your home system closing wh's doesnt help when people roll in to you.
Also the amount of isk you earn running c5 or c6 sites with out cap wave you could almost make more doing lower class wh's, or you could farm hisec incursions for alot better isk and do it all day long in pretty much total safety (and there are already loads of people who do this)

farmers wont be as rich, I dont see the issue here. I dont like farmers and want to gank them but them making more or less isk I'm not worried about cos the more they run sites more chance people can gank them.

tiercide where wh's are defined by there statics where you make the isk. people want there staic for pvp in c5 or c6 and some of the lower class might want it for a mix of pvp and pve. really not sure what your getting at with this.

doubling k162s? I think you mean dynamics here which yeah could be cool but wtf has that to do with cap escalations. unless your assuming everyone will always be running sites in static so more connections?

more people involved sure I guess you will have a second scout to run sites maybe more but they are often alts.

All I see is your making people spend more time on stuff they dont want to do. atleast the bigger groups which is pve.

Bleedingthrough wrote:

corbexx wrote:

22b isnt much at all for a fire sized allaince espeically when the fleet to run the sites cost more than that.

This makes no sense to me.
We are not talking about income for an ally but income for one WH for doing home sites exclusively. And if you say it is not much what are you comparing it to? PL rent income or a C3 WH group doing exactly the same (running their home sites)? You did some testing on income, you can do the math.

And since when does the income of an activity in eve scale linear with the value of assets needed to do this? And please don’t pull the siege/triage = risk card. We all know that 95% of groups that spot such a fleet cannot attack it whereas everyone jumps on a Tengu that is tackled by sleepers.

If you don’t see a problem with a two orders in magnitude higher income for doing exactly the same thing (ratting in home) I don’t know what to say or I have to assume you are cool with there being no meaningful/interesting interactions between those two groups.

Besides all this carebear-talk: The problem with WH space is not the income it is the lack of opportunities to lose ISK. Balancing the income side between different classes/activities can only achieve anything if interesting gameplay emerges from this. Why is C5+ space so dull that they fight in null? Why do people only log in for pings?

And since you don’t want to touch it (I would not want to mess with my peer group either) I have to point my finger towards capital escalations and the bad they do. Out of Proportion compared to anything else in eve.

Now read my initial post again and call me terrible if you still wish so or come up with a better solution (and I am sure there are some).

Ok so the income I'v comparing it to a few things Now lets assume 10 people (less could be less could be alts but lets stick to 10 character) thats 2.8b a day or 280m a character for that you are risking 25b plus or even more if you use extra dreads

compared to c3 where your making 100m a hour and risking a 400m - 500m tengu you can still close your wh's so you only need to worry about incoming wh's (more on this later)

or hisec incruisons where you can make anything from 150m to 300m (these are numbers i have been told and I havent tested them) is a pretty much risk free enviroment and you can do it 24/7

the cap escalations you cant and if you ahd to farm the static which some do (hell people in noho do) the isk drops loads we normally do them in rr tengus as we're terrible at solo them in marauders and thats about 120 to 140m isk pp a hour not much more than a c4 so if you have a static c4 to c6 you can make over 100m a hour meaning the only ones who basically cant keep up with homesite income is people win c5 or c6 and anyone with a c1 and c2 static (which needs increasing)

AS for attacking most people big groups will often try attackingother big groups in site, so not sure what you mean by 95% can't everone normally go after farmers running sites.

so yeah besides the carbear talk (which considering i am spending 3 hours a day doing it on sisi for testing is really ******* depressing). the problem is the lack of opertunity but as others have said this is down more to the fact you can see wh's appear before others even find you, which is something i want to change.

on the

Balancing the income side between different classes/activities can only achieve anything if interesting gameplay emerges from this

Your assuming people only make the income from sites (which not everyone does) I make all mine from indy as do alot of others. if you stopped cap escalation my personal view is your just going to **** off the peopel who do them.

as for not wanting to do something cos it will mess with my peer group you really don't know me well. If its the right thing to do i'll do it
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#354 - 2014-07-30 15:33:33 UTC

as for out of proportioned its hardly that your limited on sites so once they're done there done most other things arent others can still keep up there average income doing stuff in there static.

hell out of proportion . have you even looked at god damn hisec incursions.

anyway spent enough time on these posts so will send you some details so you can talk to me in person as you obviously have a issue with this.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#355 - 2014-07-30 15:46:27 UTC
corbexx wrote:
will send you some details so you can talk to me in person as you obviously have a issue with this.

CSM of our hearts

corbexx wrote:
hell out of proportion . have you even looked at god damn hisec incursions.

HS incursions can be limited. If an incursion group gets super butthurt or some group wants some lulz, they can effectively shut down all incursions for however long they decide to keep it up. But, since that rarely happens, it's essentially a free faucet.

One of the selling points of WH escalations should be that you can make good isk without having to deal with the autistic incursion community.

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Dead Sky Inc.
#356 - 2014-07-30 16:34:24 UTC
Sadly everything bar escalations is out of proportion compared to any other PvE activity.
Incursions are just the worst, but lvl5s, T4/5-FW missions, piratemissions, nullsec DEDs all make more, are less risky and more reliable than wormholesites. Hell, with ESS and fighterchanges you can now easily make 150m/h even in bad dronespace.
The only reason for running non-escalationsites is because you love wormholespace.
Maduin Shi
#357 - 2014-08-01 02:11:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Maduin Shi
Shilalasar wrote:
Sadly everything bar escalations is out of proportion compared to any other PvE activity.
Incursions are just the worst, but lvl5s, T4/5-FW missions, piratemissions, nullsec DEDs all make more, are less risky and more reliable than wormholesites. Hell, with ESS and fighterchanges you can now easily make 150m/h even in bad dronespace.
The only reason for running non-escalationsites is because you love wormholespace.

This +1.

Even C1/C2 is more dangerous than any of these activities because of no local while the site payout is absolute garbage. These holes are now used basically for PI and industry (passive income w/ zombie towers) for export to k-space and that is sad.
Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#358 - 2014-08-01 13:05:21 UTC
Maduin Shi wrote:
Shilalasar wrote:
Sadly everything bar escalations is out of proportion compared to any other PvE activity.
Incursions are just the worst, but lvl5s, T4/5-FW missions, piratemissions, nullsec DEDs all make more, are less risky and more reliable than wormholesites. Hell, with ESS and fighterchanges you can now easily make 150m/h even in bad dronespace.
The only reason for running non-escalationsites is because you love wormholespace.

This +1.

Even C1/C2 is more dangerous than any of these activities because of no local while the site payout is absolute garbage. These holes are now used basically for PI and industry (passive income w/ zombie towers) for export to k-space and that is sad.
This could be fixed by increasing demand for sleeper salvage, ie. adding new things to build from it. And not necessarily only T3 frigs or BSs - could be T3 modules, rigs, ammo or even some special structures/deployables. Making salvage worth more would help low-class and non-escalating wormholers disproportionately more than C5/6 capital farmers (as those mostly rely on blue loot).
#359 - 2014-08-01 13:13:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Axloth Okiah wrote:
]This could be fixed by increasing demand for sleeper salvage, ie. adding new things to build from it. And not necessarily only T3 frigs or BSs - could be T3 modules, rigs, ammo or even some special structures/deployables. Making salvage worth more would help low-class and non-escalating wormholers disproportionately more than C5/6 capital farmers (as those mostly rely on blue loot).

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#360 - 2014-08-01 13:25:25 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
Axloth Okiah wrote:
]This could be fixed by increasing demand for sleeper salvage, ie. adding new things to build from it. And not necessarily only T3 frigs or BSs - could be T3 modules, rigs, ammo or even some special structures/deployables. Making salvage worth more would help low-class and non-escalating wormholers disproportionately more than C5/6 capital farmers (as those mostly rely on blue loot).



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