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Mobile Warp Disruptor

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2014-09-11 09:34:42 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I don't understand your point.

You can get fights now just fine, and the bubbles only serve to separate your scout tackle from your main gang. They create a nice obstacle in space where a fight might happen, where the defenders might counter attack. They serve as a purpose slowing down the reinforcements so the tackled pilot has a minute or three to kill the tacklers and get safe.

These are good things! I don't understand what the issue is?

There is, to my mind, a distinction between a handful of tactical bubbles and this sort of thing:

I like bubbles in the sense you refer to, I like them actually in general as engagement forcers. I do think there's something to the complaints about the kind of thing in the image though.

Essentially people are anchoring like the image to hide behind them, mounting an (imo) over effective passive defence that requires them to do nothing of any substance.

As previously as discussed I don't see any issue with gate rats popping them, if you're there and active it is no problem - even if you're just nearby, rats aren't famed for epic DPS. It limits their destruction to the gate and belt (does anyone do this in belts?) areas leaving you to bubble strategic assets if you are that way inclined.

I genuinely can't see any players using bubbles in the manner you describe taking issue with having to splash rats every 20 minutes or whatever.
Rex Omnipotens
Terminal Velocity Enterprises
#102 - 2014-09-11 16:45:47 UTC
NPCs shooting player owned structures/ deployables is a slippery slope to go down.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#103 - 2014-09-11 16:58:07 UTC
Rex Omnipotens wrote:
NPCs shooting player owned structures/ deployables is a slippery slope to go down.

There are a lot of things that are good in limited quantities, and sorely missed in absence or overabundance.

We have NPCs present to shoot player owned structures already, our ships.

Having them show up to take out other items is not a bad idea, so long as it helps promote play rather than diminish it.

In my opinion:
Shooting stations and outposts, bad.
Shooting pretty much everything else, good.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#104 - 2014-09-11 21:53:32 UTC
Also.... You get caught in bubble. Enemies appear to violence you. Behold "content" has been generated, just not the content you wanted.

The bubbles themselves represent content.

It's a little understood concept that content is not just defenseless PvE Miner/Ratter/Hauler getting violenced by "brave" hunters.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#105 - 2014-09-11 22:06:48 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
Mobile Warp Disruptors should be content generators, not tool for avoiding content.

Right now most of these are anchored in 0.0 on gates to prevent small pvp groups from moving fast trough space.

Devs gave us intreceptors but they won't survive long enough on rats fire when gang have to fly 200km+ to the gate and same distance on the other side of the gate.

My solution is simple: Mobile Warp Disruptors should use fuel, and has small fuelbay, for 1 max 2 hours. Or just explode after 1, 2 hours. Its fair for tactic pvp usage on grid, or setting up small camp.

You can still set up bubble on gate to your farming system, but not 50 like today.

What has Mobile Warp Disruptor to do with content? Today we have 2 oponents in sov war, Days with small local wars everywhere in galaxy are gone long ago. The only left content ganerate people from small gangs who roaming sov 0.0 systems, but current situation make this work really hard.

CCP changed rats agro (npc pirates should be more than happy that we want to kill thier Nemesis), added mjd. I hope devs don't chenged mind and this is still pvp game where small groups with high game skills can find something for theirself.

Fly Unsafe

Better idea: Just prevent stacking of Mobile Warp Disruptors by making it impossible to anchor them too close together. Other deployables work that way, why not Mobile Warp Disruptors, too?

Having them hang around forever is stupid, I think. But making them use fuel is a bit harsh. Make them reusable, but with a 2-day timer: If you just leave them alone, they're decay away two days later. Should help against lag, too.
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#106 - 2014-09-11 22:10:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Braugh
Firstly though, Don't bump F&I threads. Beyond being kinda annoying, it is against the rules. Rule 15

  • Fuel use isn't the answer, as it doesn't balance them, just adds another step to the resident's task list of to do items before ratting.
  • Timers are a bad balancing tool as they will just replace them more often-- maybe cost them more, but their risk is not balanced.
  • 'you can just pop the bubbles' is a straw man argument and does nothing to address the fact that when you jump into a system and you are inside a bubble, you mathematically have zero chance of catching someone off guard with the SOLE exception of them being on grid with you.
  • Even without a bubble, catching a ratter is mathematically impossible unless they don't react within about 6 seconds of you popping up in local. [Math based on the fastest cruiser vs slow BS] Bubbles just makes that time to react go up to afk-able levels.

This is about the balance of using bubbles defensively as a way to hinder other player's ability to be the risk that goes along with the rewards of generally being in a null sec system. Hopefully, we can all agree that there really is no risk posed to you by the npc rats you are killing in and of themselves.

The issue, as I see it, is abuse of bubbles around gates. Combined with the insta-intel of local, it leads to zero risk for ships in the system to even be remotely bothered by someone entering the system assuming you notice the person in local before he is on grid with you.

Previously, (now years go) I posted a pretty in depth look at the mechanics surrounding 'the roam'. I did the math to show that even without bubbles, just based on the pure time to jump in and warp to a belt for instance (this was in the context of local being overpowered), a typical ratting raven was at zero risk even against a nano'd vagabond (at the time the slowest ratting ship vs arguably the fastest aligning solo pvp'ing cruiser) if the raven reacted in less than 6 seconds. This was without a bubble on the gate, and the raven at a deadstop, facing the wrong way from warp. This is assuming you know exactly where to warp to in the first place. Obviously the deck is stacked against the aggressor here.

With this said, I struggle to find anything less of restricting a bubble from enveloping the gate area as a balance.
The change could use the same mechanics as the the latest breed of player deployables, and simply restrict anchoring within 20km + the bubbles range of a stargate. Also, restricting them from anchoring within 2 * bubble range in order to stop players from simply building a 'bubble' of bubbles around the gate might be appropriate, but since you would be able to warp off the gate through the bubbles, it might not be needed.

Player-ship spawned bubbles (dictors/HICs) obviously wouldn't have these restrictions.

I don't think that the bulk of players supporting nerfs to bubbles (or local for that matter) are asking for an "I win" button, just a legitimate chance at an encounter.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#107 - 2014-09-11 22:46:59 UTC
Evasion is as legitimate in the sandbox as anything else.

Those bubbles are used for more than just giving sleepy ratters more buffer time to get away.
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#108 - 2014-09-11 22:54:57 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Evasion is as legitimate in the sandbox as anything else.
Those bubbles are used for more than just giving sleepy ratters more buffer time to get away.

Evasion implies some type of cleverness and that you are at risk in the first place.

Please, I'd like to know this reason why you would bubble a gate on a grid you are not present on (like for a camp) if not for the purpose of gaining an additional buffer of reaction time between seeing someone in local and getting safe.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#109 - 2014-09-11 23:03:40 UTC
Kell Braugh wrote:
'you can just pop the bubbles' is a straw man argument and does nothing to address the fact that when you jump into a system and you are inside a bubble, you mathematically have zero chance of catching someone off guard with the SOLE exception of them being on grid with you..

Unless of course you are flying an interceptor or nullified T3.
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#110 - 2014-09-11 23:10:49 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Kell Braugh wrote:
'you can just pop the bubbles' is a straw man argument and does nothing to address the fact that when you jump into a system and you are inside a bubble, you mathematically have zero chance of catching someone off guard with the SOLE exception of them being on grid with you..

Unless of course you are flying an interceptor or nullified T3.

So intys and nullified T3s should be the only mathematically possible roamers that can tackle someone reaping the rewards of being in null sec? Seems like the 'sandbox' just got awfully small.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#111 - 2014-09-12 00:25:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
Kell Braugh wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Evasion is as legitimate in the sandbox as anything else.
Those bubbles are used for more than just giving sleepy ratters more buffer time to get away.

Evasion implies some type of cleverness and that you are at risk in the first place.

Please, I'd like to know this reason why you would bubble a gate on a grid you are not present on (like for a camp) if not for the purpose of gaining an additional buffer of reaction time between seeing someone in local and getting safe.

I said they get used for more than that, not that they are never used for that.

Evasion implies that someone got away from you. It's inherent in tactics where direct risk is in fact completely avoided. Since tackle in EVE is absolute, there is no room in EVE for pushing any kind of limit to stay and try and fight, or even to find out if that neut is indeed neutral or actually hostile.

Go find someone interested in PvP for your gud fight. So long as you insist on hunting ships that rely 100% on evasion for defense, you should prepare to be avoided with regularity.

Kell Braugh wrote:

So intys and nullified T3s should be the only mathematically possible roamers that can tackle someone reaping the rewards of being in null sec? Seems like the 'sandbox' just got awfully small.

Sandbox. It does not mean what you think it means. At the least I am pretty sure it does not mean free helpless kills delivered to your doorstep daily.

Watching local constantly represents more effort than the average hunter wants to put into finding prey. You want someone to go out, be distracted for however long, and then wait for you to come shoot them, all while you log in, undock and spend a few minutes looking for a target. What's the point for them again? Getting their stuff blown up is 'content'? Because the content sure wasn't that completely one sided fight you want them to experience.
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#112 - 2014-09-12 01:00:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Braugh
If you acknowledge that risk vs. reward is a central tenant to Eve, which I and many other subscribe to, that you must also acknowledge that a 'helpless' ship reaping premium rewards is out of balance.

Maybe you are just playing dumb to support your own opinion, but to think that a solo/small gang, roaming null sec is riskfree itself and effortless is about as far from the truth as possible. The fact you think this all happens "a few minutes" from logging in makes me think we aren't playing the same game.

The attacker in this scenario is going into a situation knowing that they are attempting to attack people in their own homes, where they can quickly re-ship to counter whatever the attacker brings, where the defender has the advantage of safe havens like stations and pos shields. The added numbers than come from others in the surrounding area to group together and form a counter gang against the attackers. So many advantages for the defender. The attacker has one advantage-- surprise on the initial encounter.

I never asked for anyone to be distracted, nor wait around to get tackled. I asked that we examine the in-game mechanics and reality of the scenario in order to balance the reward that null space PvE'er enjoy with the true lack of risk they experience.

Mobile Warp Disruptors are really the coup de grĂ¢ce on solo/small gang roams and need balancing.

edit: just to make sure nothign has changed since i last did the math, I've run preliminary numbers on Sisi. Given a crow with all inertia stabs in the lows and two t2 rigs for agility, and a full mid-grade (HG aren't available) nomad pirate implant set plus highest agility hard wires, the minimum time to warp off grid [i used a belt 150k km away] is 18.7 seconds. A Domi with all bulkheads in the lows [arguably the slowest sub-cap to warp out] can get into warp in 13.2 seconds. So yeah, my point above about the 'helpless' ratter having a built in handicap of 5.5 seconds still exists.

tl; dr;
If you hit warp in a belt within ~5 seconds of someone jumping into system, there is mathematically no way you can be tackled and therefore, there is zero player-contributed risk in your activity.
Rex Omnipotens
Terminal Velocity Enterprises
#113 - 2014-09-13 19:35:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Rex Omnipotens
I don't understand how the crow comes into the argument, its nullified so bubbles do nothing to it. If your "tests" show that domi can't be caught in that scenario, it just means that domi can't be caught. Or are you saying the game is broken because not even a ceptor can catch a slow battleship if the player is paying attention? If so that's completely irrelevant to this topic.
Iain Cariaba
#114 - 2014-09-13 20:41:22 UTC
Kell Braugh wrote:
tl; dr;
If you hit warp in a belt within ~5 seconds of someone jumping into system, there is mathematically no way you can be tackled and therefore, there is zero player-contributed risk in your activity.

This is sorta true, and therefore invalidates arguments that bubbles need changed. If the pilot is on his toes, you're not going to catch him, bubbles on gate or not, in anything other then an interceptor, which is immune to bubbles anyway.
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#115 - 2014-09-13 21:57:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Braugh
Yes, crows are immune to bubbles and even they face an uphill, unbalanced scenario.

It is used as a comparison in the sense that if the fastest tackle in the game, who is immune to bubbles, ALREADY faces a MASSIVE disadvantage-- how are we to legitimately say that said ratter is 'at risk' in balance with the reward his activity garners against ships not immune to bubbles or who don't warp from gate to belt (for instance) as fast.

The crow scenario is the ~closest~ the ratter gets to being at risk, and even then, if s/he isn't afk, as the numbers show, he isn't at risk at all.

Again, I'm not asking for some easy button to kill people involved in PvE, nor a major nerf to the rewards they gain from this now risk-less activity. I'm asking that we look at the activity holistically to bring a balance to the point where the game mechanics aren't giving the PvE-side multiple, absolute advantages.

Again, holistically, if there was a balanced amount of risk, then that would drive even more player-generated content (yes: fights)

I would even go to say much of the stagnation currently experienced in null security/sov space is due to the fact that the landlord's of the space don't even need to provide any kind of protection for either their membership, or their tenants because through game mechanics such as the use of deployed bubbles on gates (and jump bridges and local-insta-perfect-intel chat too) the game is covering their six, providing them with enough crutches to walk from Jita to HED-GP without touching the ground.

edit: I'd also like to note that my purpose here wasn't to hijack the thread from GlassCutter's original idea of having bubble take fuel or be timed structures, i just disagree that that is a proper solution to the balance.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2014-09-13 22:14:03 UTC
Kell Braugh wrote:

tl; dr; If you hit warp in a belt within ~5 seconds of someone jumping into system, there is mathematically no way you can be tackled and therefore, there is zero player-contributed risk in your activity.

That is why CCP added tackling frigates to all anoms. Occasionally your target will be pre-tackled for you even if they're paying attention.

But disregarding that, think about what the inverse of your tl;dr would imply. I'd be okay with changing local to 10 second delay, but if so CCP had better change the PVE content to something appropriate for grouped players in semi-PVP fits.

Otherwise your next thread will be "why have all the cowards gone to run missions in highsec?"
Kell Braugh
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#117 - 2014-09-13 22:20:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Braugh
I actually don't have any issue with the inability to tackle ratters if they are paying attention and putting in the same level of effort and attention that I do. My issue is with bubbles providing a huge modifier to the advantage, while taking zero risk, time, effort, or attention from the players it is protecting or the players tasked with defending the player in the belt/anom.

Another alternative balancing mechanic that I have thought of during the course for these discussions, and think it can be applied to many of the similar deployable structures is to make Mobile Warp Disruptors require energy to stay active. Energy that must be provided by a player entity via an energy transfer.

The amount of energy required for the bubble to stay active should equate to something around a single cycle of an unbonused, size-similar energy transfer every minute. So for a small bubble, this would be like .5 GJ or 30GJ/minute. Medium would be about 1.5 GJ/sec or 90/min, Large would be ~5GJ/sec or 300 GJ/min.

This wouldn't hurt any active use of bubbles, even around gates, but it would be a counter to blobs of unmanned bubbles.
Anthar Thebess
#118 - 2014-09-13 22:42:16 UTC
No, simple make presence of a gate damage them until they are destroyed.
They are ok every place else than gates, and still sometimes they also make their job near the gates, and usually you have some logistics there to keep this bubble alive.
Rex Omnipotens
Terminal Velocity Enterprises
#119 - 2014-09-13 22:48:43 UTC
Kell Braugh wrote:
I actually don't have any issue with the inability to tackle ratters if they are paying attention and putting in the same level of effort and attention that I do. My issue is with bubbles providing a huge modifier to the advantage, while taking zero risk, time, effort, or attention from the players it is protecting or the players tasked with defending the player in the belt/anom.

There is risk, time, effort and attention required. While setting up the bubbles their ship is at risk both to other players and rats, they're potentially risking hundreds of millions in the actual deployable and the time it takes to set these bubbles up is not insignificant and in many cases the effort required to arrange the bubbles so a keyhole exists for the defenders is very tricky and requires communication amoungst a large group if the bubbles are not protecting just 1 corporation.

Adding the "recharging" mechanic would be silly. It wouldn't add meaningful gameplay and it would punish small groups who use drag bubbles to lock down a system. They would have to waste a high slot just to fit a cap transfer.
Rex Omnipotens
Terminal Velocity Enterprises
#120 - 2014-09-13 22:59:14 UTC
Kell Braugh wrote:
I would even go to say much of the stagnation currently experienced in null security/sov space is due to the fact that the landlord's of the space don't even need to provide any kind of protection for either their membership, or their tenants because through game mechanics such as the use of deployed bubbles on gates (and jump bridges and local-insta-perfect-intel chat too) the game is covering their six, providing them with enough crutches to walk from Jita to HED-GP without touching the ground..

Also this couldn't be much farther from the truth, bubbles do nothing more than slow non nullified ships down. They do nothing in the way of protecting sov. If a major power bloc wanted to take a system its far far far more efficient to bridge or jump into it than to fly. As for intel, thats the nature of the game, its a social game; Players have formed alliances and coalitions, they have banded together and share intel networks to protect their interests. They're playing the game as they want and just because it provides them with an easy counter to whatever small gang trololol fleet comes at them doesn't make the game broken IN FACT its what makes the game so great.