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Mobile Warp Disruptor

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2014-07-04 09:29:16 UTC
I still can't support generic decay, there are too many strategic uses in areas of the game where time is measured in days (as others have mentioned), around POS etc.

But a "gate area" decay mechanism is perfectly fine. I suspect that rats shooting them are the "easiest" way to achieve this without too much work (and if it has the added effect of having them shoot other deployables like MTU/Depots then even better).
Anthar Thebess
#62 - 2014-07-04 09:39:48 UTC
afkalt wrote:
I still can't support generic decay, there are too many strategic uses in areas of the game where time is measured in days (as others have mentioned), around POS etc.

But a "gate area" decay mechanism is perfectly fine. I suspect that rats shooting them are the "easiest" way to achieve this without too much work (and if it has the added effect of having them shoot other deployables like MTU/Depots then even better).

If you are saying about keeping someone in POS , if you haven't noticed people found a way to free them self using server mechanics.

I proposed that those Mobile ... will be getting damage from gate.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2014-07-06 08:05:43 UTC
Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#64 - 2014-07-06 08:31:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ugly Eric
Iain Cariaba wrote:
The failure in your logic is you think warp bubbles last forever. Warp bubbles are very easy to pop, so if you're caught by a 200km stop bubble, simply have your fleet pop it and continue on. As said earlier, any decently organized fleet has the firepower to wipe the gate rats. If you don't have the dps to pop a gate rat, what makes you think you have the dps to pop anything else?

In my travels throughout New Eden the only place I've seen gates uber-bubbled has been dead-end systems and EC-. Most bubbled systems only have a handful of bubbles, and if you spend half as long shooting them as you spend trying to get bubbles nerfed on forums, they go away.

You take a 5 man roam out and try to pop 20-50 large t1/t2 bubbles on every gate in a ratting pocket. It wil use all of your ammo you can carry with you. Althought there is little to no reasons in using anything, but droneboats on pvp nowdays, so the ammo is free.

It's quite the standard to have the heavily ratted pockets defencive bubbled like that. Best occation I have personally witnessed had 3 gates in a row on both sides of the gate minimum of 52 bubbles and max of 78 bubbles.

Each large t1 bubble has 220 000 hitpoints. Each large t2 bubble has 216 000 hitpoints. Multiply that by the average of 60 (in my worst case scenario that I have witnessed) and then multiply the result with 6 (3 gates from both sides) and you get total amount of 79 200 000 hitpoints worth of bubbles. Now lets assume our 5 man roaming gang consists of 3 ishtars (shield) and 2 tackle. These 3 ishtar do around 700 DPS each. so 2100 dps total. That equals to 37714 seconds of shooting bubbles. whitch is 10 and a half hours to be precise. Good roam yeah!

Just as a referrage, a SBU have 41 million effective hitpoints. An ihub needs to be shot for 56250000 million HP to get it to first RF cycle. An outpost to get it to first RF cycle needs to be shot for 75 mililon HP worth of dmg. so not one of these sove structures needs to be shot as much as the 3 gates bubbled heavily by ratters. None of the sove structures have as much hp as those bubbles on the gate. Yes, its easy to shoot them, if you happend to have 10 hours extra time on your roam.

If you happend to have ammo using ships, lets throw some more numbers. I use as a example a shield fitted vindicator with neutron blasters and void ammo. Each t1 large buble needs 31 volleys from the vindi. Each volley being 8 ammo's. So each bubble uses roughly 7780 ammunitions to be destroyed. Each ammo costs roughly around 500isk. So the total amount of isk to destroy 1 large t1 bubble is around 3.9 million. Now, we had 3 gates, with average of 60 bubbles on each side of it. So 6*60 = 360 bubbles in total. Those 360 bubbles uses total amount of 1.4 billion isk to be destroyed.

Dunno about you, but if each ratting pocket costs something close to 1b in isk to destroy bubbles, takes hours to grind them down is not very viable thing, now is it?

And if you haven't seen them bubble oceans in anywhere, but ec- is not beacause they wouldn't excist, but beacause you have not roamed in there. They are there. A LOT of them.
Anthar Thebess
#65 - 2014-07-06 09:25:45 UTC
Ugly Eric wrote:

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#66 - 2014-07-07 21:07:40 UTC
bump Pirate
Athryn Bellee
No Assets
#67 - 2014-07-07 21:36:16 UTC
Like someone else said in the thread, just change it so that rats will shoot at any player structures within the same grid as the gate or some other reasonable distance. This doesn't change any mobile bubble mechanics, and actually makes sense. Why would pirates not shoot at a mobile bubble a capsuleer anchored?
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#68 - 2014-07-07 21:46:36 UTC
Athryn Bellee wrote:
Like someone else said in the thread, just change it so that rats will shoot at any player structures within the same grid as the gate or some other reasonable distance. This doesn't change any mobile bubble mechanics, and actually makes sense. Why would pirates not shoot at a mobile bubble a capsuleer anchored?


The idea that pirates are perpetually offering themselves up, like some kind of sacrifice for the capsuleers benefit, without even considering opposing them in such obvious ways... that is what I would consider a glaring hole in their behavior.

It seems they think like this:
"Yes, we NPC pirates will pop up in small numbers, and annoy capsuleers just enough to encourage them to kill us and make profits from doing so."
"But, we will not mount any kind of obvious tactic, such as assaulting the POS's, outposts, or even small anchored things left sitting in plain sight."

Who programmed these munchkins, the underwear gnomes from SouthPark?
I can't figure out how they profit from this behavior either.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2014-07-16 10:58:58 UTC
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2014-07-18 06:05:22 UTC
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#71 - 2014-07-18 06:44:15 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
Mobile Warp Disruptors should be content generators, not tool for avoiding content.

Right now most of these are anchored in 0.0 on gates to prevent small pvp groups from moving fast trough space.

Devs gave us intreceptors but they won't survive long enough on rats fire when gang have to fly 200km+ to the gate and same distance on the other side of the gate.

My solution is simple: Mobile Warp Disruptors should use fuel, and has small fuelbay, for 1 max 2 hours. Or just explode after 1, 2 hours. Its fair for tactic pvp usage on grid, or setting up small camp.

You can still set up bubble on gate to your farming system, but not 50 like today.

What has Mobile Warp Disruptor to do with content? Today we have 2 oponents in sov war, Days with small local wars everywhere in galaxy are gone long ago. The only left content ganerate people from small gangs who roaming sov 0.0 systems, but current situation make this work really hard.

CCP changed rats agro (npc pirates should be more than happy that we want to kill thier Nemesis), added mjd. I hope devs don't chenged mind and this is still pvp game where small groups with high game skills can find something for theirself.

Fly Unsafe

just yes
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#72 - 2014-07-18 06:47:59 UTC
Athryn Bellee wrote:
Like someone else said in the thread, just change it so that rats will shoot at any player structures within the same grid as the gate or some other reasonable distance. This doesn't change any mobile bubble mechanics, and actually makes sense. Why would pirates not shoot at a mobile bubble a capsuleer anchored?

its not about rats its about bubbles... jeez
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#73 - 2014-07-18 07:01:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Zamyslinski
another thing is the fps drops, 20+ bubles makes th graphic card chop harder then clouds in anomalies...

Those 20 bubbles chocke your pc more than a domi fleet spammin 1000000 drones. Im glad you can turn the dron models off

And remember the isk sink we need more of those!!!!!
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#74 - 2014-07-18 14:34:56 UTC
Zamyslinski wrote:
Athryn Bellee wrote:
Like someone else said in the thread, just change it so that rats will shoot at any player structures within the same grid as the gate or some other reasonable distance. This doesn't change any mobile bubble mechanics, and actually makes sense. Why would pirates not shoot at a mobile bubble a capsuleer anchored?

its not about rats its about bubbles... jeez

You are correct, although I am not sure you meant it the same way I do here.

Like fuel, the rats are an arbitrary game mechanic.
Unlike fuel, the rats are an environmental obstacle to overcome, which scales with the environment in a manner the devs feel appropriate.

If the rats attack the anchored structures, then the need for fuel is eliminated.
The need for a player, attentive and prepared, replaces it.
Fuel use effectively creates a bot on a timer, which can be measured in how long the fuel lasts.

In a game, we seek interaction. Seeing an automated device, even if someone else volunteered to stick around, is like phoning it in.

Plus, why would the NPCs give player pilots a free pass?
Isn't their narrative much more immersive if they do what we would, in their position?

PIRATE: These guys again, and look at this, they left some garbage floating in OUR space.... the nerve of these capsuleers...
Let's destroy / steal their stuff... and teach them to respect GURISTA POWAAAHH!!!
(makes bunny ears hand-sign)
Thorr VonAsgard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2014-07-18 14:42:57 UTC
+1 to the main idea : Make the bubble deployable for a time limit like jetison can.

You miss blink ? Come and play with us at !

Envie de fraicheur ? Frugu, le forum fruité est fait pour toi !

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2014-07-21 13:28:21 UTC
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2014-07-21 22:46:17 UTC
If you never seen 50+ bubbles on gate here is small example of this problem:
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2014-07-22 07:19:50 UTC

Anthar Thebess
#79 - 2014-07-22 07:23:01 UTC
Luwc wrote:

Athryn Bellee
No Assets
#80 - 2014-07-22 16:26:31 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
If you never seen 50+ bubbles on gate here is small example of this problem:

I don't know much, but that many bubbles is probably bordering (if not directly) exploit territory since it would take your client so much longer to load the grid when you jump.