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Mobile Warp Disruptor

Bohneik Itohn
#41 - 2014-06-29 22:00:27 UTC
Great idea here folks...


HIC only, deploy your anti-bubble and if it covers at least 50% of a normal bubble or disruptor, they destroy each other.

Add in a flashy explosion with random colors.

I now eagerly await the first HICDisco party video on Youtube.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

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Obscure Joke Implied
#42 - 2014-06-29 22:19:06 UTC
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
Great idea here folks...


HIC only, deploy your anti-bubble and if it covers at least 50% of a normal bubble or disruptor, they destroy each other.

Add in a flashy explosion with random colors.

I now eagerly await the first HICDisco party video on Youtube.

CCP, by using this item you absolve CCP of all responsibility for epileptic seizure, and promise to give CCP moneyz™.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-06-30 06:00:28 UTC
Sigras wrote:
The only thing I would be in favor of is increasing the build cost of bubbles slightly, large bubbles especially.

That being said, if an alliance is willing to allow 200-300 million isk in bubbles to go poof undefended then I'm all for allowing them whatever marginal security that provides them from people like the OP who arent inventive enough to come up with a solution to that problem.

I hope you remember was was said about titans: "they are extremely expensive so there should be only few in entire game". Changing prices won't change this situation. 200 - 300 mln isk one ratting corp can earn in less than hour.

But poor solo taranis pilot will have to choose between buying new ship or bubble.
Anthar Thebess
#44 - 2014-06-30 06:53:27 UTC
On the other thought why Mobile Warp Distruptors cannot take damage from the gate?
"Close Proximity of stargate puts high pressure on warp field interdiction and causes constant damage of XXXhp every second."

This will solve all the issues , and allow free use of those modules during fights on gate grid.

Let say that small bubble can survive on the gate 15min , medium 20min , large 30min ( +5 min for tech II version)

They can sit there for hours if you are going to rep them.
#45 - 2014-06-30 07:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Sigras
GlassCutter wrote:
Sigras wrote:
The only thing I would be in favor of is increasing the build cost of bubbles slightly, large bubbles especially.

That being said, if an alliance is willing to allow 200-300 million isk in bubbles to go poof undefended then I'm all for allowing them whatever marginal security that provides them from people like the OP who arent inventive enough to come up with a solution to that problem.

I hope you remember was was said about titans: "they are extremely expensive so there should be only few in entire game". Changing prices won't change this situation. 200 - 300 mln isk one ratting corp can earn in less than hour.

But poor solo taranis pilot will have to choose between buying new ship or bubble.

its almost as though you dont play this game...

The entire game is about risk to reward ratios and how much ISK you gain vs how much ISK you risk losing by doing X activity.

if dropping 8 large bubbles cost 200-300 million ISK you as a ratting corp now have a tough decision to make... Do i spend 200-300 million ISK on potentially protecting my ships but basically guarantee that im going to lose the bubbles if an enemy fleet does come through.

corps may cheap out and figure 3-4 bubbles is "good enough" allowing you to slip through

or who knows, you may realize there are other ways to tackle someone than to charge in solo with no backup and no plan... anything is possible...
Amak Boma
Dragon Factory
#46 - 2014-06-30 09:21:45 UTC
my idea for bubbles would be simpler

small mobile warp disruptor will have fuel bay for 6 hours . if someone attack the bubble device and down to 25% of shields
it go into reinforced mode, buble is down for hour , then it exit reinforced and can be destroyed otherwise after fuel reserve is depleted then bubble is offline

medium mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 12 hours of online bubble it can be reinforced for 2 hours

large mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 24 hours of online buble, can be reinforced for 3 hours

factional mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 48 hours can be reinforced for 4hours
Anthar Thebess
#47 - 2014-06-30 09:26:48 UTC
Amak Boma wrote:
my idea for bubbles would be simpler

small mobile warp disruptor will have fuel bay for 6 hours . if someone attack the bubble device and down to 25% of shields
it go into reinforced mode, buble is down for hour , then it exit reinforced and can be destroyed otherwise after fuel reserve is depleted then bubble is offline

medium mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 12 hours of online bubble it can be reinforced for 2 hours

large mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 24 hours of online buble, can be reinforced for 3 hours

factional mobile warp disruptor
fuel bay for 48 hours can be reinforced for 4hours

reinforce timers ... no
Turbo Tesla
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2014-07-01 07:29:59 UTC
Make bubbles a deploy-able structure, without possibility to scoop it to cargo once deployed. Make them really small by volume, make them cheap, and i mean really cheap, make them operate for a short time. When you deploy it, bubble goes UP right away, but You should be scramed! and should stay in proximity of 2500m for a short period of time (1/2/3 minutes), otherwise the bubble pops (similar to ESS isk taking mechanics), You can "kill" the bubble in similar way, you would be scramed and in bubble during the process.

Basic stats:

small Tech 1 | med Tech 1 | large Tech 1
Volume: 1m3 | 5m3 | 25m3
HP: 50k | 200k | 500k
bubble radius: 5 km | 11,5 km | 26,5 km
deploy proximity: 2,5 km | 2,5 km | 2,5 km
time of operation: 20 minutes | 40 minutes | 60 minutes
production/sell cost 200k isk or less! | 500k isk | 2 mil isk
deploy time: 1 minute | 2 minutes | 3 minutes

Tech 2
+50% radius and time of operation
cost X 5
+100% time of operation, no radius bonus

What can we expect from such massive change in mechanics?

First of all we will make them common! when did you see those solo taranis, wolf, or even ishtar with his own bubble, setting up a quick camp? they don't do that nowdays. Bubble takes too much space, its not cost effective, and you never have time to pick it up, when the local spikes! - Make them small by volume, make them cheap! bubbles should be as common in pvp as nanite pase is, PERIOD.

Why scram and instant bubble? Because we don't want those pesky pvpers to be completely safe do we? They cannot use MWD until they get out of scram range/deploy proximity in which case, the bubble pops, and you are (and they are) free to warp off, unless you are pointed by the time of course. You would think dual propers have some advantage here? they will have to finish their AB cycle first, to mwd and catch you up.
You are ratting with carrier and worried about instantly bubbling ceptors? imagine what your geckos will do with those SCRAMED for 1/2/3 minutes flies!

Once completely deployed, bubble operates just like today! but for a short period of time.

Could you bubble the gate all around, spherically, so not even dust will get through? Yes you could, but it will require large manpower and will be somehow costly. Unless you are doing some massive pos bashing operation / whatever, i dont see point to make such protective actions.

Help us make bubbles a tactical weapon!
Anthar Thebess
#49 - 2014-07-01 07:41:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Yes , but.
I fit my battleship for a full tank, pack it's cargo hold full of large bubbles , and drop in the middle of enemy capital fleet.
I drop next disruptor when the first dies , i got reps from logistics.

Battleship class HIC?

Oh and i have carriers , can i make them capital class hics, 10k m3 of large warp distributors.
So i will have Jump capable hic, having capital level tank and reps.
Turbo Tesla
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2014-07-01 07:56:41 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Yes , but.
I fit my battleship for a full tank, pack it's cargo hold full of large bubbles , and drop in the middle of enemy capital fleet.
I drop next disruptor when the first dies , i got reps from logistics.

Battleship class HIC?

Oh and i have carriers , can i make them capital class hics, 10k m3 of large warp distributors.

The difference from today bubbles is 180 sec of anchoring and they last forever or until destroyed. So today you can have capital Hic with 10km3 (around 17?) of large T2 bubbles, that's bubbling forever x 17.

After the change, your Battleship class HIC deploy the bubble in the middle of capital fleet, then someone bumps you, and the bubble pops! Your capital HIC at least will be scrammed and bubbled in the process, 3, 2, 1 hot drop incoming.
Anthar Thebess
#51 - 2014-07-01 08:10:18 UTC
Turbo Tesla wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Yes , but.
I fit my battleship for a full tank, pack it's cargo hold full of large bubbles , and drop in the middle of enemy capital fleet.
I drop next disruptor when the first dies , i got reps from logistics.

Battleship class HIC?

Oh and i have carriers , can i make them capital class hics, 10k m3 of large warp distributors.

The difference from today bubbles is 180 sec of anchoring and they last forever or until destroyed. So today you can have capital Hic with 10km3 (around 17?) of large T2 bubbles, that's bubbling forever x 17.

After the change, your Battleship class HIC deploy the bubble in the middle of capital fleet, then someone bumps you, and the bubble pops! Your capital HIC at least will be scrammed and bubbled in the process, 3, 2, 1 hot drop incoming.

Try some bloob fights, you will notice how my proposal can be abused.

For example : Ghost riding changes
Right now in order to catch a super people are using Ghost riders :

1. Find a super in a cyno frigate.
2. Place a cyno
3. Jump in a carrier ( titans are often to far)
4. Launch HIC from a carrier
5. Change ships ; point the super ; light the cyno for the rest of the fleet.

What you are proposing :

1. Find a super in a cyno frigate.
2. Place a cyno , near the super
3. Jump in the carrier, deploy Large Mobile Disruptor & place the cyno using your carrier.

Turbo Tesla
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2014-07-01 09:31:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Turbo Tesla
Try some bloob fights

The joke is not even funny


For example : Ghost riding changes
Right now in order to catch a super people are using Ghost riders :

1. Find a super in a cyno frigate.
2. Place a cyno
3. Jump in a carrier ( titans are often to far)
4. Launch HIC from a carrier
5. Change ships ; point the super ; light the cyno for the rest of the fleet.

What you are proposing :

1. Find a super in a cyno frigate.
2. Place a cyno , near the super
3. Jump in the carrier, deploy Large Mobile Disruptor & place the cyno using your carrier.

So, are you complaining it is so much hassle to catch a super now? Why "3. Jump in the carrier, deploy Large Mobile Disruptor & place the cyno using your carrier. ", when you can deploy the bubble in your frigate and light cyno? of course the super may have a smartbomb, and you still need fuel for the cyno.
If you are proposing, on the other hand, to prohibit cyno being lit while in proximity of bubble deployment - you got my vote!
Anthar Thebess
#53 - 2014-07-01 09:48:18 UTC
No i just state that this way you will make HIC obsolete, put new dangerous mechanics in game.
Your changes applied will make every ship capable putting Mobile Warp Distruptor into a cargo a HIC.

Every ship will be able to drop instant boubble, and will probably have bigger chance of survival than a hictor , as you can rep it.

Now think about how this can be abused during the fleets, want a anti bomber defense?
Drop bubble , and replace it every <2minutes , by moving away and drop another.
Want to insta warp off whole fleet?
You don't have to wait for dictor bubbles to explode, for a HIC cycle to end, just move away from current bubble.

As much i want changes in this mechanic - as much i don't like the idea that every ship in a game will have instant bubble that can be easily replaced by another or pulled down by moving away in some certain amount of time.

Now dropping 100 bubbles for large fleets while they move is nothing expensive - this will equal 1-2 lost ships in terms of isk.

What we will get?
Perma bubbled fleets slowly moving forward while designated ships drop anti bomber bubbles?
Each battlefield will be one big bubble field.

Changes : Yes
Each ship a hictor/dictor : No
Turbo Tesla
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2014-07-01 14:14:43 UTC
Now think about how this can be abused during the fleets, want a anti bomber defense?
Drop bubble , and replace it every <2minutes , by moving away and drop another.

Bomber's warpin giver will drop his bubble, so bombers wont stop on yours, but on their own bubble, 30km off your fleet, at that sweet spot where whole your fleet is bubbled by "anti bomber defense"

Want to insta warp off whole fleet?
You don't have to wait for dictor bubbles to explode, for a HIC cycle to end, just move away from current bubble

How come you are insta warping off, if you are bubbled by enemy fleet?!
How come you want to rep stationery ceptors in a fleet? how long will it take to lock them up by logistics? what EHP are you expecting them to have?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#55 - 2014-07-01 18:15:16 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Sov holders keep talking about how highsec should gang up and do something about one coalition taking all of null.

Then when this is suggested everyone becomes very reluctant.

So whatever twists their panties gets a +1 from me. The one time I WAS interested in exploring Null I met such an uncamped gate of about 60 bubbles, and by the time I got out of it, the baddies arrived.

You want more high sec pilots to venture into null?

Kill off some of the time sink.

A good percentage of high sec dwellers have hard limits on their time in game. If navigating the obstacles to a destination kills the remaining time too much, they simply don't bother.
If they even THINK it will be too much of a time sink, they won't bother.

Much of the game is too far away by the clock, for them to risk an entire session attempting it.
Hairpins Blueprint
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#56 - 2014-07-02 21:33:53 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
Mobile Warp Disruptors should be content generators, not tool for avoiding content.

Right now most of these are anchored in 0.0 on gates to prevent small pvp groups from moving fast trough space.

Devs gave us intreceptors but they won't survive long enough on rats fire when gang have to fly 200km+ to the gate and same distance on the other side of the gate.

My solution is simple: Mobile Warp Disruptors should use fuel, and has small fuelbay, for 1 max 2 hours. Or just explode after 1, 2 hours. Its fair for tactic pvp usage on grid, or setting up small camp.

You can still set up bubble on gate to your farming system, but not 50 like today.

What has Mobile Warp Disruptor to do with content? Today we have 2 oponents in sov war, Days with small local wars everywhere in galaxy are gone long ago. The only left content ganerate people from small gangs who roaming sov 0.0 systems, but current situation make this work really hard.

CCP changed rats agro (npc pirates should be more than happy that we want to kill thier Nemesis), added mjd. I hope devs don't chenged mind and this is still pvp game where small groups with high game skills can find something for theirself.

Fly Unsafe

or they should drag rat agro after few hours ... or so.
Anthar Thebess
#57 - 2014-07-03 06:40:12 UTC
Just to remind CCP that something needs to be done in this case.
Up, Up you go.
Ari Kelor
Frontier Explorations Inc.
#58 - 2014-07-03 19:25:56 UTC
Needs more visibility, this idea is too good to die.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2014-07-04 07:15:04 UTC
bump Pirate
Anthar Thebess
#60 - 2014-07-04 09:16:25 UTC