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Mobile Warp Disruptor

Totally Abstract
#21 - 2014-06-28 16:19:00 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Sov holders keep talking about how highsec should gang up and do something about one coalition taking all of null.

Then when this is suggested everyone becomes very reluctant.

So whatever twists their panties gets a +1 from me. The one time I WAS interested in exploring Null I met such an uncamped gate of about 60 bubbles, and by the time I got out of it, the baddies arrived.

And you get a +1 from me. Circle of Like's. Big smile
I have learned on the forums that nerfs are needed everywhere, just not in anybodies particular playstyle. Roll
Iain Cariaba
#22 - 2014-06-28 16:22:30 UTC
scorchlikeshiswhiskey wrote:
I have learned on the forums that nerfs are needed everywhere, just not in anybodies particular playstyle. Roll

If nerfs are needed everywhere, then perhaps it is your own ability to adapt that needs buffed.
Ari Kelor
Frontier Explorations Inc.
#23 - 2014-06-28 17:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Ari Kelor
Iain Cariaba wrote:
scorchlikeshiswhiskey wrote:
I have learned on the forums that nerfs are needed everywhere, just not in anybodies particular playstyle. Roll

If nerfs are needed everywhere, then perhaps it is your own ability to adapt that needs buffed.

Small gang is dying because of mechanics like this. Mobile Warp Disruptor's need to get redone along with the POS Code. Telling people to HTFU will not solve this issue as it can only become a larger problem as people see that it is effective. Changing the nature of the mechanics before is becomes a problem is a good solution.

Besides why would you want to shoot dozens of bubbles on the gate while your position is exposed and you're stuck, tactically that makes no sense and very few fc's will 'shoot' down bubbles while having a potential engagement with another fleet. On the other hand if there is no opposition, why would you waste your time shooting bubbles when you could just move on to something more fun.

Forever bubbles need to go, they're as antiquated as POS's. Adaptation has nothing to do with this, currently nullsec involves 3 types of pvp, Frigates (mostly interceptors 30-80 people), Covert hotdropping (10-30 people), or fleet warfare with bridging(100+ people). Every playstyle has a way to bypass or quickly move through hellcamps of bubbles.

There are many more styles of pvp in Eve and it saddens me to see us limit ourselves in Nullsec because we don't want to put a timer on Mobile Warp Disruptors. Stop trolling and provide a counter argument on why there shouldn't be a timer on bubbles, become engaged in the discussion and back up your statements with something of substance.
Iain Cariaba
#24 - 2014-06-28 17:53:46 UTC
Ari Kelor wrote:
Small gang is dying because of mechanics like this. Mobile Warp Disruptor's need to get redone along with the POS Code. Telling people to HTFU will not solve this issue as it can only become a larger problem as people see that it is effective. Changing the nature of the mechanics before is becomes a problem is a good solution.

Besides why would you want to shoot dozens of bubbles on the gate while your position is exposed and you're stuck, tactically that makes no sense and very few fc's will 'shoot' down bubbles while having a potential engagement with another fleet. On the other hand if there is no opposition, why would you waste your time shooting bubbles when you could just move on to something more fun.

Forever bubbles need to go, they're as antiquated as POS's. Adaptation has nothing to do with this, currently nullsec involves 3 types of pvp, Frigates (mostly interceptors 30-80 people), Covert hotdropping (10-30 people), or fleet warfare with bridging(100+ people). Every playstyle has a way to bypass or quickly move through hellcamps of bubbles.

There are many more styles of pvp in Eve and it saddens me to see us limit ourselves in Nullsec because we don't want to put a timer on Mobile Warp Disruptors. Stop trolling and provide a counter argument on why there shouldn't be a timer on bubbles, become engaged in the discussion and back up your statements with something of substance.

You really need to get out of your own little bubble of null if you think nullsec involves only three types of pvp. My little corner gets small fleets, I'm talking 3-10 people, all the time. Though you do get props for being the first in the thread to claim something I see or do every day is dying. If what you say is truly the case, then the cruiser fleets, solo battlecruisers, and small wings of faction frigates that constantly visit my region looking for kills must be my immagination.

You and your FC's decision to not shoot the bubbles has no factor in the fact that bubbles work as intended. There is nothing that a timer on bubbles will effect in a decision on whether or not to pop them. If someone is paying attention, then the bubbles will be there and a fleet will be following them in. If no one is around to monitor the bubbles, then what is stopping you from popping them?

Every playstyle has a way to bypass or quickly move through hellcamps of bubbles.

Yes, it does. It is up to you to find that method, not to ask for more nerfs cause you don't want to.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-06-28 17:57:15 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
The failure in your logic is you think warp bubbles last forever. Warp bubbles are very easy to pop, so if you're caught by a 200km stop bubble, simply have your fleet pop it and continue on. As said earlier, any decently organized fleet has the firepower to wipe the gate rats. If you don't have the dps to pop a gate rat, what makes you think you have the dps to pop anything else?

Skill up your reading comprehension before you post something on forum.

Iain Cariaba wrote:

In my travels throughout New Eden the only place I've seen gates uber-bubbled has been dead-end systems and EC-. Most bubbled systems only have a handful of bubbles, and if you spend half as long shooting them as you spend trying to get bubbles nerfed on forums, they go away.

Try roaming null sec more often.
Iain Cariaba
#26 - 2014-06-28 18:10:46 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
Skill up your reading comprehension before you post something on forum.

My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you. Again, logic seems to escape you here. Just because someone disagrees with you, and is fairly sure the issue lies with you, doesn't mean they have low reading comprehension. Next time, try to troll with a saying you didn't just copy/paste from some other thread.

GlassCutter wrote:
Try roaming null sec more often.

I live in null and have an alt I regularly send out into red space to partake in ninja exploration. Perhaps it's your region that has the problem. The 8 regions I regularly fly through don't seem to have more then 1 or 2 bubbles when they have them at all.
Ari Kelor
Frontier Explorations Inc.
#27 - 2014-06-28 19:14:19 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
GlassCutter wrote:
Skill up your reading comprehension before you post something on forum.

My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you. Again, logic seems to escape you here. Just because someone disagrees with you, and is fairly sure the issue lies with you, doesn't mean they have low reading comprehension. Next time, try to troll with a saying you didn't just copy/paste from some other thread.

GlassCutter wrote:
Try roaming null sec more often.

I live in null and have an alt I regularly send out into red space to partake in ninja exploration. Perhaps it's your region that has the problem. The 8 regions I regularly fly through don't seem to have more then 1 or 2 bubbles when they have them at all.

Still waiting for a discussion rather than claims, why should the bubbles not have a timer on them? I've presented my side, stop trolling and make your case.

Oh and my little part of null, is down the wormhole, and we have very little problems with bubble hell camps because entrances aren't static and the pvp is much better IMHO.
Obscure Joke Implied
#28 - 2014-06-28 19:53:26 UTC
Ari Kelor wrote:

Still waiting for a discussion rather than claims, why should the bubbles not have a timer on them? I've presented my side, stop trolling and make your case.

So long as the time is measured in days I don't have a problem with putting a timer on mobile disruptors. Currently, mobile disruptors are the only tool for filling the role of static warp denial. Hicters and dictors are dynamic forms that require far more training and a warm body to operate (they're also more useful in my opinion, but for different reasons).

While I'm all for making bears of all types recognize this game is not without risk, I think this is too much of a double edged sword with too many unforeseen consequences to just change offhandedly because the OP is throwing a hissy fit over the mackinaw(or whatever) that got away from him.

Ari Kelor wrote:

Oh and my little part of null, is down the wormhole, and we have very little problems with bubble hell camps because entrances aren't static and the pvp is much better IMHO.

100% this. ^ Due to the ever changing nature of wormholes smaller groups that have more communication between their players (rather than top down FC style of null) are more successful because of their more adaptive nature(not to forget mass limits on wormholes as well).

I personally think wormholes are far more interesting player driven content than null is.
Iain Cariaba
#29 - 2014-06-28 19:59:54 UTC
Ari Kelor wrote:
Still waiting for a discussion rather than claims, why should the bubbles not have a timer on them? I've presented my side, stop trolling and make your case.

Really, when exactly did you present your side? I must have missed in somewhere between your whining that null ratters/miners have a way to keep you from dropping a fleet you say never happens in null on them, claiming bubbles are the problem, and your constant claims that anyone who disagrees with someone else is a troll. I've already presented my side that bubbles work as intended by giving example of how to get around them. You have yet to provide any reasons beyond 'I don't like this,' and calling me a troll while quoting comments not even directed at you. Your claims of OPness are moot since the counters to bubbles are already there. Your own decision not to follow them, all while crying for a nerf, simply places you in the same category as highsec miners/haulers crying for constant nerfs to ganking.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2014-06-28 23:36:53 UTC  |  Edited by: GlassCutter
Kaerakh wrote:
So long as the time is measured in days I don't have a problem with putting a timer on mobile disruptors. Currently, mobile disruptors are the only tool for filling the role of static warp denial. Hicters and dictors are dynamic forms that require far more training and a warm body to operate (they're also more useful in my opinion, but for different reasons).

No. Why don't you want to have 2 hours timer? You can still camp ships on poses with them, or setup small camp. All you need is fuel in cargo. I want to nerf ability to anchor hundreds forever lasting bubbles with zero effort.

If you never saw 100 bubbles on gate, or never experienced roaming in heavy bubbled pocket it doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. Anyway it is exploit, we can send petition to devs and they'll remove it, but its not the solution.

Bubbles used this way destroy content, why? Last time i checked 95% of sov 0.0 leave in peace, generating zero content for others, just making isks. WoW style playing. Most of the content in addition to wars generates small roaming groups. Unfortunately there is no reason to fight with us, you can just stay docked, smack on local and wait until we move somewhere else. Easiest way to force fight is catching some fancy isk printing machine.

ESS helps a litle bit, but one more time: they need just 30sec to take all money, after this time there is no reason to defend system and generate some content for all.
Obscure Joke Implied
#31 - 2014-06-29 00:03:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaerakh
GlassCutter wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:
So long as the time is measured in days I don't have a problem with putting a timer on mobile disruptors. Currently, mobile disruptors are the only tool for filling the role of static warp denial. Hicters and dictors are dynamic forms that require far more training and a warm body to operate (they're also more useful in my opinion, but for different reasons).

No. Why don't you want to have 2 hours timer? You can still camp ships on poses with them, or setup small camp. All you need is fuel in cargo. I want to nerf ability to anchor hundreds forever lasting bubbles with zero effort.

Um, because POS mechanics and sov mechanics are measured in days not hours and I might as well just have a couple of hicter pilots at that point? I mean hypothetically I "could" camp a POS with them, but anyone who has actually done it will tell you you're completely high to think that's an ok alternative.

Plus, anyone who actually anchors bubbles will tell you it's a PITA to lay them out properly, especially since you can destroy them rather easily with even less effort. Plus, that fuel requirement would mean the debilitating loss of a pilot that could otherwise be doing other more critical tasks in a smaller group environment like a wormhole.

Personally, I think you're knee jerking a little too hard over something that has been a relatively problem free mechanic for years.

Edit: Holly crap you edit your posts a lot.
GlassCutter wrote:
If you never saw 100 bubbles on gate, or never experienced roaming in heavy bubbled pocket it doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. Anyway it is exploit, we can send petition to devs and they'll remove it, but its not the solution.

I've been on many roams and even lead a few. While true I've never lead a glorious blobbing fleet, bubbles are far from the boogieman you make them out to be. Just because there's a hundred of them on a gate doesn't mean you can't a pop a few and come back later to pounce some people who don't know you made a hole in the bubble coverage. As I said before. Bubbles have been int he game for a very long time. There are methods for dealing with them and I'm hardly an authority on the tactics for doing so, but they're not a afkwinallsnooze button you make them out to be.

GlassCutter wrote:

Bubbles used this way destroy content, why? Last time i checked 95% of sov 0.0 leave in peace, generating zero content for others, just making isks. WoW style playing. Most of the content in addition to wars generates small roaming groups. Unfortunately there is no reason to fight with us, you can just stay docked, smack on local and wait until we move somewhere else. Easiest way to force fight is catching some fancy isk printing machine.

This bit makes no sense.

GlassCutter wrote:

ESS helps a litle bit, but one more time: they need just 30sec to take all money, after this time there is no reason to defend system and generate some content for all.

Now I know you're trolling.
Iain Cariaba
#32 - 2014-06-29 01:10:14 UTC
GlassCutter wrote:
Bubbles used this way destroy content, why? Last time i checked 95% of sov 0.0 leave in peace, generating zero content for others, just making isks. WoW style playing. Most of the content in addition to wars generates small roaming groups. Unfortunately there is no reason to fight with us, you can just stay docked, smack on local and wait until we move somewhere else. Easiest way to force fight is catching some fancy isk printing machine.

Bubbles are not the reason you don't find targets in null. Granted they may slow you down, but any ratter/miner in null worth anything is watching intel and sees you coming from several systems away.

As far as generating zero content goes, your going out to hunt them is not considered zero content. You occasionally find one not paying attention to intel and get s kill, that is not zero content. The fact that they don't simply line up for you to kill is not a matter of game mechanics, but of their choice to avoid pvp.
Zabijaki i Pijaki
The Minions.
#33 - 2014-06-29 07:20:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Okropniak
Iain Cariaba wrote:
The failure in your logic is you think warp bubbles last forever. Warp bubbles are very easy to pop, so if you're caught by a 200km stop bubble, simply have your fleet pop it and continue on.

Sure you can do it with one or two bubbles, and 60? 100?
Guess the only you saw in your eve life was 1 bubble per gate - we're jumping (thx to wh) across whole eve and 20 bubbles - large ones, is something we meet each few days, and - if we find one gate bubbled like this there's 90% chance all others gates, on few near systems - are bubbled in same way :)
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2014-06-29 07:22:10 UTC
Kaerakh wrote:

As I said before. Bubbles have been int he game for a very long time. There are methods for dealing with them and I'm hardly an authority on the tactics for doing so, but they're not a afkwinallsnooze button you make them out to be.

Yes they are, but 3, 4 and more years ago wars generates content everywhere, where is this content now?

Rest of your post shows lacks in your pvp experience.

Kaerakh wrote:
Bubbles are not the reason you don't find targets in null. Granted they may slow you down, but any ratter/miner in null worth anything is watching intel and sees you coming from several systems away.

As far as generating zero content goes, your going out to hunt them is not considered zero content. You occasionally find one not paying attention to intel and get s kill, that is not zero content. The fact that they don't simply line up for you to kill is not a matter of game mechanics, but of their choice to avoid pvp.

As long as small groups can't do anything else to spawn fight permanent bubbles are the main problem. If we can not move fast, we are losing our only advantage.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2014-06-29 08:15:31 UTC
Making rats pop them seems like a good idea; it would place a line between gate areas and other pockets of space like POS.
Filip Bonn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-06-29 08:41:14 UTC
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2014-06-29 09:05:30 UTC  |  Edited by: GlassCutter
Kaerakh wrote:
Um, because POS mechanics and sov mechanics are measured in days not hours and I might as well just have a couple of hicter pilots at that point? I mean hypothetically I "could" camp a POS with them, but anyone who has actually done it will tell you you're completely high to think that's an ok alternative.

Bubbles have nothing to do with pos mechanics, or sov mechanics it was intended to be tool for pirate or tactic tools during fights.

If you are affraid of pos shooting your bubbles, try to remove guns first.
Obscure Joke Implied
#38 - 2014-06-29 09:15:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaerakh
GlassCutter wrote:

Yes they are, but 3, 4 and more years ago wars generates content everywhere, where is this content now?

Rest of your post shows lacks in your pvp experience.

Yeah, whatever man.

GlassCutter wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:
Bubbles are not the reason you don't find targets in null. Granted they may slow you down, but any ratter/miner in null worth anything is watching intel and sees you coming from several systems away.

As far as generating zero content goes, your going out to hunt them is not considered zero content. You occasionally find one not paying attention to intel and get s kill, that is not zero content. The fact that they don't simply line up for you to kill is not a matter of game mechanics, but of their choice to avoid pvp.

As long as small groups can't do anything else to spawn fight permanent bubbles are the main problem. If we can not move fast, we are losing our only advantage.

I didn't even post that.

GlassCutter wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:
Um, because POS mechanics and sov mechanics are measured in days not hours and I might as well just have a couple of hicter pilots at that point? I mean hypothetically I "could" camp a POS with them, but anyone who has actually done it will tell you you're completely high to think that's an ok alternative.

Bubbles have nothing to do with pos mechanics, or sov mechanics it was intended to be tool for pirate or tactic tools during fights.

If you are affraid of pos shooting your bubbles, try to remove guns first.

You know, I was being facetious when I suggested you were intoxicated earlier. I'm not sure if it was really that inaccurate now.

Whatever man.

As far as what afkalt said earlier though. That sounds like a decent enough idea though.
#39 - 2014-06-29 21:46:50 UTC
The only thing I would be in favor of is increasing the build cost of bubbles slightly, large bubbles especially.

That being said, if an alliance is willing to allow 200-300 million isk in bubbles to go poof undefended then I'm all for allowing them whatever marginal security that provides them from people like the OP who arent inventive enough to come up with a solution to that problem.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#40 - 2014-06-29 21:59:55 UTC
A small gang with one or two t3 immune to bubbles and with tackling capability will do just fine...
In fact the bubbles are generating a false sense of confidence in the system.
I am still in favor of a timer for them though, but not a few hours, may be one day or two...

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