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Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#101 - 2014-09-14 01:13:24 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Saisin wrote:

it would only concern interceptors, so T3 with nullification sub system would still be immune to bubbles, T1 or T2

T2 fields are more expensive, requires higher set of skills, and in any case an inty in a T2 bubble can still get out of it really quickly or burn back to gate in no time either, unless there is an active fleet around it, which they can easily scout out.. It would merely slow them down and force them to think more rather than aligning to next gate and hitting jump without even needing to worry about anything as they are now.

Your argument about t2 being the only one used does not hold water . t1 stuff is still used even if they have a more powerful T2 counterpart... This would be no different with t2 WD fields....

It would not, because Nullification is Nullification. If 1 Nullified ship is not immune to bubbles, it makes no sense that other nullified ships keep that. They both employ the same principle. And while it's just a switch of an attribute, it still makes no sense why the same principle works on 1 ship, but not the other. Blink

Ceptors are also easy to catch on gates when they burn with insta-locking ships that web them down to 0 m/s. And if they manage to jump, they will be bubbled on the other side of the gate again, and webbed again. And killed. That works already today.

Propulsion Jamming V (Warp Disrupt Field Gen II) takes 29 days to train, considering 6 weeks of advance notice for such a change, I don't see how people would not train for that or could train that to T2 level within days. Not to mention that most Dictor/Hictor pilots already have that trained. Moreover, money is not a problem in this game. At all.

T1 items are only used in very narrow circumstance, which are either fitting limitations (Meta 4 DCU, anyone?) or skill limitations (Meta 4 guns, anyone?) or because T2 items are worse or don't offer enough to no benefits. These bubbles, however, offer an enormous benefit over T1 as they can catch/stop/drag everything in the game and there is no point in using T1 warp probes anymore, because nothing would change in a world where you want to stop ceptors and other nullified ships.

So, while I don't need to hold water, I hold my ground with logic.

How about that : T2 bubbles would consume some amount of rare materials (idk, maybe Dysprosium, Technetium, Sleeper loot) so they would cost roughly about 10x-100x a T1 Probe would cost. This would drive up costs of spamming those bubbles. Another important Property should be that it only can prevent Nullified ships from warping. All other "regular" hulls would just warp through the bubble. The effect would be that you can either drop a T1 bubble for regular hulls or a T2 probe for nullified hulls. Looks still somehow odd i have to admit as it also could easily bypassed by two Interdictors dropping different bubble types.
Yishna Strone
We Aim To MisBehave
Wild Geese.
#102 - 2014-09-14 02:24:29 UTC
TheMercenaryKing wrote:
Vadeim Rizen wrote:
TheMercenaryKing wrote:
If any change is needed on interceptors, its a reduction in DPS.

Not sure if serious, but the fact that it has all those bonus's and can still apply dps is a bit ridiculous, i agree with you.

The theory behind this is that nullification on interceptors make sense, in some ways, but the fact they can do similar DPS to Assault frigs is overpowered.

How is it's current DPS overpowered? Why would you fly an assault frig when you can speed tank or run away with a interceptor? interceptors should exist to catch up and slow down or interdict hostiles, not necessarily kill them single handed.

The only inties that can put out assault frigate levels of damage are the Taranis and maybe Crusader.
In both cases they have to be in brawling range to apply their damage.
Samuel Wess
#103 - 2014-09-14 05:14:22 UTC
I would love a role bonus scrambler strength multiplier, this days 3-6 stabs are common on most ships
i find, and my interceptor doesn't have enough midslots to effectively tackle.

Walk into the club like "What up? I got a big cockpit!"

Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#104 - 2014-09-14 06:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
What are you saying here? Everyone has no brain except you? If I gave you a Killmail you would just start trolling "this guy blabla no brain blabla **** fit bla hahaha" No Offense but its not worth arguing with you about that. Maybe I should emphasise it in another way : Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Malediction through 10 Gatecamps, drop a can and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I'm saying that you have no idea what you are talking about and that your posts come across as tasty tears. To address your question, no I do not see anything wrong with running 10+ gate camps in a travel fit inty. Cloaky nullified T3's have been doing this for ages. Please, keep posting.

Well, my opinion is that you are the one who has no clue what he is talking about. Also I see a problem wih running through 10+ gate camps the "High-sec Style" without getting in any danger. Please, keep on calling me incompetent
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#105 - 2014-09-14 06:54:21 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Well, my opinion is that you are the one who has no clue what he is talking about. Also I see a problem wih running through 10+ gate camps the "High-sec Style" without getting in any danger. Please, keep on calling me incompetent

That is simply not true. If you do that, your ceptor is specifically fitted for that (Nanos, Stabs, Istabs, MWD/AB, cloak) and you cannot do anything else with it than travel. And even then you can be caught, although the chances are very slim.
If you are fitted for combat, your aligntime is so much longer, that re/sebo'd ceptors or resebo'd destroyers/interdictors/cruisers can easily catch and destroy you in an instant. Players even made it a sport to place Ishtar sentries right at the gate box on regional or border gates and assign them to an insta locking, webbing Loki to catch frigates and ceptors and kill them with the sentries when the ceptor tries to reapproach, or try to fly away, and thus as 0% transversal towards the sentries.

There are so many things in the game already, which make it hard for a ceptor to travel "in High-sec style", that there's no more need for change.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#106 - 2014-09-14 07:15:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
Well, my opinion is that you are the one who has no clue what he is talking about. Also I see a problem wih running through 10+ gate camps the "High-sec Style" without getting in any danger. Please, keep on calling me incompetent

That is simply not true. If you do that, your ceptor is specifically fitted for that (Nanos, Stabs, Istabs, MWD/AB, cloak) and you cannot do anything else with it than travel. And even then you can be caught, although the chances are very slim.
If you are fitted for combat, your aligntime is so much longer, that re/sebo'd ceptors or resebo'd destroyers/interdictors/cruisers can easily catch and destroy you in an instant. Players even made it a sport to place Ishtar sentries right at the gate box on regional or border gates and assign them to an insta locking, webbing Loki to catch frigates and ceptors and kill them with the sentries when the ceptor tries to reapproach, or try to fly away, and thus as 0% transversal towards the sentries.

There are so many things in the game already, which make it hard for a ceptor to travel "in High-sec style", that there's no more need for change.

I'm just pissed that an Inty with an aligntime of 1.8-1.9s can instawarp with a socalled "travelfit" which is very different from a regular travelfit used to recharge cap and jump faster. In my eyes that is some kind of abuse and I don't consider this working "as intended". Also many of my sidekicks in Null think so, too. I could also give you an example on Video if you don't believe me. A r/sebo'ed malediction isn't able to disrupt the warp of another malediction with an alignfit.
Otherwise you're right, Interceptors are too fragile and need some buff in survivability but without buffing them beyond the Assault Frig class. Dropping the Interceptorbonus of Warp Disruptor and Warp Scrambler range for a local repair bonus should give them more beefiness to stay on the Target long enough to either get locked by a Logistics in a Fleetfight or until the big guns of your roaming rang get to you.
Arctic Estidal
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2014-09-14 10:37:01 UTC
Interceptors are designed to scout ahead of a fleet to catch targets, identify other gangs and threats.

Nullification is the main benefit of the interceptor as a scout without nullification the first drag or catch bubble with a gang, it is dead.

They die pretty easily once they are caught, it appears that the tears are from gate campers instead of PVP gangs.

There may be merit in a balance for the ships across the four races, but they perform perfectly in their class and the benefits to the class should not be changed.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#108 - 2014-09-14 16:00:45 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Saisin wrote:

it would only concern interceptors, so T3 with nullification sub system would still be immune to bubbles, T1 or T2

T2 fields are more expensive, requires higher set of skills, and in any case an inty in a T2 bubble can still get out of it really quickly or burn back to gate in no time either, unless there is an active fleet around it, which they can easily scout out.. It would merely slow them down and force them to think more rather than aligning to next gate and hitting jump without even needing to worry about anything as they are now.

Your argument about t2 being the only one used does not hold water . t1 stuff is still used even if they have a more powerful T2 counterpart... This would be no different with t2 WD fields....

It would not, because Nullification is Nullification. If 1 Nullified ship is not immune to bubbles, it makes no sense that other nullified ships keep that. They both employ the same principle. And while it's just a switch of an attribute, it still makes no sense why the same principle works on 1 ship, but not the other. Blink

Ceptors are also easy to catch on gates when they burn with insta-locking ships that web them down to 0 m/s. And if they manage to jump, they will be bubbled on the other side of the gate again, and webbed again. And killed. That works already today.

Propulsion Jamming V (Warp Disrupt Field Gen II) takes 29 days to train, considering 6 weeks of advance notice for such a change, I don't see how people would not train for that or could train that to T2 level within days. Not to mention that most Dictor/Hictor pilots already have that trained. Moreover, money is not a problem in this game. At all.

T1 items are only used in very narrow circumstance, which are either fitting limitations (Meta 4 DCU, anyone?) or skill limitations (Meta 4 guns, anyone?) or because T2 items are worse or don't offer enough to no benefits. These bubbles, however, offer an enormous benefit over T1 as they can catch/stop/drag everything in the game and there is no point in using T1 warp probes anymore, because nothing would change in a world where you want to stop ceptors and other nullified ships.

So, while I don't need to hold water, I hold my ground with logic.

Fair enough.

My logic is to not tie up t3 nullification with interceptors nullification. We can agree to disagree Big smile

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#109 - 2014-09-14 17:53:19 UTC
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Maledictions are over-powered.

tackle range bonus
armor resist (tank)
missile RoF (DPS)
and missiles are a long range weapon that you don't have to care about transversal

along with all the standard tackle activation bonus, sig bonus, bubble immunity, and fast locking, speed, agility.

For Tech2 ships being "specialized", the Malediction gets a wide range of bonuses, a large effective range for its weapons, and damage selection.

The Mal gets the same number of bonus's as the rest of them however the Armour bonus is unique to it. ( the rest get damage or application bonus's)

Except my Mal does the same damage out to 27km that my Stiletto does 1km. Yah, same sort of bonuses, on weapons with entirely different base stats.

The Crow and Malediction aren't so popular because they look pretty. It is because they will do the damage of the turret based Interceptors at a much greater range and without having to care about transversal.

So your bitching at Light Missiles then?

So Much Space

Terra Chrall
#110 - 2014-09-15 18:26:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Chrall
I've read through this whole thread and find it a very interesting topic.

I see 3 main arguments being made that Interceptors need nerfed:

1) Too hard to counter speed and dps
2) They shouldn't be able to counter 10+ gate camp bubbles and still do their job
3) They have become the primary small gang ship in null

Arguments being made against the nerf:

1) Several posters have pointed out there are plenty of counters and ways to kill, chase off, or escape from Interceptors.
2) They are interceptors, they are designed to counter stationary interdiction, so they can intercept their prey.
3) They make an easy gang that is fast and effective that is why you see them used so much in null. There is power in multiples, you don't send 1 drone after a target if you can send 5. Drones are fast and deadly in numbers, so are inties.

My thoughts:

1) Every ship type has pros and cons. The interceptor fills its role of fast pursuit and fast tackle well. It has sufficient DPS and speed tank to be useful on its own. But it is vulnerable enough that it need to pick its targets carefully or get killed. If anything only minor tweaks need to be looked at here, and balance between interceptors. Many of the complaints seem to come from ships that were not fitted for PvP since they were ratting. You have to weigh your choices of defenses vs. the threats you may encounter. If you feel interceptor gangs are likely to attack you then fit accordingly. If not then you risk being vulnerable to their particular bonuses. Being well tanked does not mean you should be able to survive every small ship attack.
2) Nullified hulls are good for the game. Bubbles shouldn't be a catch all ships design. Everything should have a counter or weakness. If anything the argument that they are too good against gate camps should bring up gate camps being nerfed because they too good against all but 2 types of ship.
3) I think this actually relates in part to #2; since all other frigates are vulnerable to gate camps, Interceptors have become the easiest means of getting around and hunting instead of being ambushed at every gate. If you took away gate camps do you think more variety of frigates would be used? I do.

I am not saying take away gate camps. I am saying that bubbles are a huge factor in how things in null sec have shaped up. It's like if you had a good cat that could catch any mouse except a white mouse. Then you saw your house was full of white mice and complain that the white mouse is too OP. The real problem was that the cat was OP and chased off everything else.
I don't blame the prevalence of inties on their own power (nullified hull) but on the fact that gate camps have caused balance issues with other ships.

I like balance passes that help bring ships in line when they are too good or not good enough. I think some small adjustments will help balance interceptors but I would be shocked if they lost any of the primary attributes that they have today.

Edit: added bold and underline, clarified I was restating others ideas about nerf and not nerf.
Arctic Estidal
Amarr Empire
#111 - 2014-09-15 23:36:09 UTC
Terra Chrall wrote:
I've read through this whole thread and find it a very interesting topic.

I see 3 main arguments that Interceptors need nerfed:

1) Too hard to counter speed and dps
2) They shouldn't be able to counter 10+ gate camp bubbles and still do their job
3) They have become the primary small gang ship in null.

Firstly I read your whole post and agree with your final point.

The above 3 main arguments are misleading and inaccurate.

1. Yes they have good speed and I question the dps argument. They have low HP and are killed quickly, so the idea that they are over powered is not correct.

2. The idea that nothing should get through a 10+ gate camp is ridiculous. The interceptor is a scout and must be able to scout ahead of a fleet. The idea that nothing can get through would make the gate camp overpowered.

3. The argument that they are the primary small gang ship in null sec is false. Our alliance run multiple small gang roams each week and we aren't filling the gang with just interceptors. Regularly we will have 1 maybe 2 interceptors to be scouts to the fleet composition which could be frigate, destroyers or cruisers.

There are times when a small gang may come through with a couple of interceptors on a roam but they run very quickly when a proper fleet composition is put against them.

Finally your idea is to get rid of the bubble and destroy gate camps because you believe they are overpowered has no basis. The interceptor is the scout ship to avoid the fleet landing in a gate camp or if the fleet believes the gate camp is vulnerable to blast into the gate camp and wreck carnage.

Bubbles are fine as they are, interceptors are fine as they are. CCP maybe you should focus on the other ships that are desperately in need of a rebalance and don't fix ships that are performing fine.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#112 - 2014-09-16 00:14:32 UTC
Nullsec claims to be the elite part of EVE, the endgame PvP.

Yet here we are, six pages of people complaining that they're still too lazy to change the way they do anything or try to actively counter something.

Please, CCP, hold Nullsec's hand and do everything for them. It's too hard for them to do anything about it themselves.

Please, CCP. Please.
Terra Chrall
#113 - 2014-09-16 20:03:59 UTC
Arctic Estidal wrote:
Terra Chrall wrote:
I've read through this whole thread and find it a very interesting topic.

I see 3 main arguments that Interceptors need nerfed:

1) Too hard to counter speed and dps
2) They shouldn't be able to counter 10+ gate camp bubbles and still do their job
3) They have become the primary small gang ship in null.

Firstly I read your whole post and agree with your final point.

The above 3 main arguments are misleading and inaccurate.

1. Yes they have good speed and I question the dps argument. They have low HP and are killed quickly, so the idea that they are over powered is not correct.

2. The idea that nothing should get through a 10+ gate camp is ridiculous. The interceptor is a scout and must be able to scout ahead of a fleet. The idea that nothing can get through would make the gate camp overpowered.

3. The argument that they are the primary small gang ship in null sec is false. Our alliance run multiple small gang roams each week and we aren't filling the gang with just interceptors. Regularly we will have 1 maybe 2 interceptors to be scouts to the fleet composition which could be frigate, destroyers or cruisers.

There are times when a small gang may come through with a couple of interceptors on a roam but they run very quickly when a proper fleet composition is put against them.

Finally your idea is to get rid of the bubble and destroy gate camps because you believe they are overpowered has no basis. The interceptor is the scout ship to avoid the fleet landing in a gate camp or if the fleet believes the gate camp is vulnerable to blast into the gate camp and wreck carnage.

Bubbles are fine as they are, interceptors are fine as they are. CCP maybe you should focus on the other ships that are desperately in need of a rebalance and don't fix ships that are performing fine.

Well, 2 things. Firstly I was restating what others were saying about the need to nerf interceptors, and why not. I was not saying they are overpowered. Secondly I said I don't want bubbles removed but I think developers need to look at them when it comes to balance and ship composition of null sec. Bubbles are great, gate camps are fine, but the fact that only a few ships can actively bypass them may be part of the reason we see so many interceptors being used. That was the only point I was trying to make in regards to bubbles.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#114 - 2014-09-16 20:46:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Antillie Sa'Kan
Belen Shields wrote:
Well, my opinion is that you are the one who has no clue what he is talking about. Also I see a problem wih running through 10+ gate camps the "High-sec Style" without getting in any danger. Please, keep on calling me incompetent

I see. Do you have any evidence to back your claim other than ranting about how the evil interceptor got past your gate bubbles and pointed you? Also you clearly seem to be overlooking smart bombs and the effect they have on interceptors landing on a gate. As well as the effect sensor damps and recon cruisers have on interceptors.

Are you aware that cloaky nullified T3 cruisers are even better at running gate camps than interceptors and far more dangerous to boot? The Proteus can even get a larger point range bonus at the same time. After all a travel fit interceptor is not a threat to anyone that isn't AFK. And a combat fit interceptor can be caught by a fast locking ship.

If you can't see past your very limited experience with interceptors and recognize the gaping holes in your statements then you are clearly not qualified to weigh in on issues of interceptor balancing. Just because you think that a ship being able to run gate camps effectively if fit specifically for that purpose is a problem does not actually make it a problem. The burden of proof is on you to actually show that it is a problem, something which you have failed to do.

If you feel that you are incompetent then maybe you should spend a few months flying mostly interceptors and get some experience with them. They really aren't that hard of a class to learn to fly and they aren't too expensive to loose. Also, they are quite fun.
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#115 - 2014-09-16 21:12:48 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:

If you feel that you are incompetent then maybe you should spend a few months flying mostly interceptors and get some experience with them. They really aren't that hard of a class to learn to fly and they aren't too expensive to loose. Also, they are quite fun.

Intys are easy to get into but hard to master. There are still times I die to stupid things because i forgot how much my inty can take

So Much Space

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2014-09-16 21:16:37 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nullsec claims to be the elite part of EVE, the endgame PvP.

Yet here we are, six pages of people complaining that they're still too lazy to change the way they do anything or try to actively counter something.

Please, CCP, hold Nullsec's hand and do everything for them. It's too hard for them to do anything about it themselves.

Please, CCP. Please.

Catching a well fit interceptor needs someone living next to the server room with stupid scan res and some luck. Even then usually they miss. That is just the reality.

Or smarty battleships.

HOWEVER I actually have no problem with this. Gatecamps should not be infallible.
Order of the Red Kestrel
#117 - 2014-09-16 21:43:02 UTC
Terra Chrall wrote:
I've read through this whole thread and find it a very interesting topic.

I see 3 main arguments being made that Interceptors need nerfed:

1) Too hard to counter speed and dps
2) They shouldn't be able to counter 10+ gate camp bubbles and still do their job
3) They have become the primary small gang ship in null

Arguments being made against the nerf:

1) Several posters have pointed out there are plenty of counters and ways to kill, chase off, or escape from Interceptors.
2) They are interceptors, they are designed to counter stationary interdiction, so they can intercept their prey.
3) They make an easy gang that is fast and effective that is why you see them used so much in null. There is power in multiples, you don't send 1 drone after a target if you can send 5. Drones are fast and deadly in numbers, so are inties.

My thoughts:

1) Every ship type has pros and cons. The interceptor fills its role of fast pursuit and fast tackle well. It has sufficient DPS and speed tank to be useful on its own. But it is vulnerable enough that it need to pick its targets carefully or get killed. If anything only minor tweaks need to be looked at here, and balance between interceptors. Many of the complaints seem to come from ships that were not fitted for PvP since they were ratting. You have to weigh your choices of defenses vs. the threats you may encounter. If you feel interceptor gangs are likely to attack you then fit accordingly. If not then you risk being vulnerable to their particular bonuses. Being well tanked does not mean you should be able to survive every small ship attack.
2) Nullified hulls are good for the game. Bubbles shouldn't be a catch all ships design. Everything should have a counter or weakness. If anything the argument that they are too good against gate camps should bring up gate camps being nerfed because they too good against all but 2 types of ship.
3) I think this actually relates in part to #2; since all other frigates are vulnerable to gate camps, Interceptors have become the easiest means of getting around and hunting instead of being ambushed at every gate. If you took away gate camps do you think more variety of frigates would be used? I do.

I am not saying take away gate camps. I am saying that bubbles are a huge factor in how things in null sec have shaped up. It's like if you had a good cat that could catch any mouse except a white mouse. Then you saw your house was full of white mice and complain that the white mouse is too OP. The real problem was that the cat was OP and chased off everything else.
I don't blame the prevalence of inties on their own power (nullified hull) but on the fact that gate camps have caused balance issues with other ships.

I like balance passes that help bring ships in line when they are too good or not good enough. I think some small adjustments will help balance interceptors but I would be shocked if they lost any of the primary attributes that they have today.

Edit: added bold and underline, clarified I was restating others ideas about nerf and not nerf.

This is a good, well reasoned post.
I think one of the reasons why Interceptors are so prevalent is because null-sec has become too used to 'catch-all' gatecamps, usually involving mass remote sensor boosters, and that gangs simply get total hell camped in by a bigger force which they can't engage and just end up having to either log, probe wormhole exit, or die.

Remove the Scan Resolution aspect of Remote Sensor Boosters, and tone down the Scan Resolution boost part of the normal Sensor Booster by a small amount. Then you can remove Interdiction Nullification from Interceptors and it will make 0.0 a much better place.

PS: The reason why you don't see any Talos in 0.0 isn't because of Interceptors, it's because of gate-camps.

Contributer to Eve is Easy:

Solo PvP is possible with a 20 day old character! :)

Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#118 - 2014-09-16 23:43:31 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
Well, my opinion is that you are the one who has no clue what he is talking about. Also I see a problem wih running through 10+ gate camps the "High-sec Style" without getting in any danger. Please, keep on calling me incompetent

I see. Do you have any evidence to back your claim other than ranting about how the evil interceptor got past your gate bubbles and pointed you? Also you clearly seem to be overlooking smart bombs and the effect they have on interceptors landing on a gate. As well as the effect sensor damps and recon cruisers have on interceptors.

Are you aware that cloaky nullified T3 cruisers are even better at running gate camps than interceptors and far more dangerous to boot? The Proteus can even get a larger point range bonus at the same time. After all a travel fit interceptor is not a threat to anyone that isn't AFK. And a combat fit interceptor can be caught by a fast locking ship.

If you can't see past your very limited experience with interceptors and recognize the gaping holes in your statements then you are clearly not qualified to weigh in on issues of interceptor balancing. Just because you think that a ship being able to run gate camps effectively if fit specifically for that purpose is a problem does not actually make it a problem. The burden of proof is on you to actually show that it is a problem, something which you have failed to do.

If you feel that you are incompetent then maybe you should spend a few months flying mostly interceptors and get some experience with them. They really aren't that hard of a class to learn to fly and they aren't too expensive to loose. Also, they are quite fun.

I have had spoken about the way interceptors have changed 0.0 before and will not repeat what I had said. Lets get to smartbombing : it sucks against T2. Period. It's not like you need 3 BS and a scout on the other side. Its not like once missed, your BS are sitting targets for a gang of inties. Its not like i can think of a couple of activities in eve at a glance that are funnier. Its also the fact that you do it on a gate. With blue in system. Its also the fact that most intie pilots arent like you wanted them to be so ******** and warp directly to a gate. And 0.0 isnt any lowsec with lots ot ship travelling. Smartbombs may be fun in low or occasional in 0.0 but they arenz an argument for inties. Maybe in your space.maybe...
I dont consider flying Inties is fun because I really cant get ans satisfaction out of escaping a gatecamp at all.
Maybe you can get still something out of hat 20 mil hull...shaking hands, beating heart, adrenaline...i really cant get this anymore.
I had flown Frigs a couple oft years ago and except for those occasional happenings I really donz bother flying Them.
Maybe its time for you To enlighten us all in how To fix inties because you showed us all how competent and eloquent you are.
God's Apples
#119 - 2014-09-17 00:43:25 UTC
The reason inties are OP are because skirmish links exist. Trying to kill a stiletto going over 7km/s cold that has a 19km scram isn't exactly easy without bonused webs...

Inties themselves would honestly be fine if links didn't exist. The bonuses are just begging to be abused by links. Everyone is suggesting RLMLs and drones to kill them, but that doesn't work when they completely outrun warriors and take 10% dps from light missiles assuming they ever even hit. Take away the links and all of a sudden a ton of ships are completely able to deal with inties.

Remove skirmish links or remove inties. One has to go if you want to keep the solo/small gang meta interesting.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

Skelee VI
C5 Flight
#120 - 2014-09-17 01:21:00 UTC
I hate what they did to interceptors, just a glorified taxi. they should make the nullification a mod or rig. An inty is nullified but a t3 needs subsystem. Does not make sense. I do love the warps speeds and long range point though.