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The real cost of PLEX

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2011-11-18 15:52:06 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:

LOL why am I bothering really it is the same old same old any post that could have CCP sitting up and taking note gets whittled down to name calling and emoisam

he he
so you say that then you go on to say this

Boadicea Wales wrote:

OK i give up you have brow beaten me into submission I'll let this thread drift off into the land of ignorance and bewilderment.

in conclution all I can say is there seems to be a lot of weak willed people playing eve, I am very glad I do not count my self in with them. I literaly feel that in doing and saying the things that I have I have proven my self not to be a compleat eve junkie as to those who have blindly defended their eve habbit I say this I truly feel sorry for you.

you have both "name called" and "emoisam" (as you said it)

if your that board leave the game
dont play a game you dont enjoy. i mean even CCP admit that eve is not for everyone, it seems that EVE is not for you
#102 - 2011-11-18 15:56:04 UTC

Dude you can make $15 in an hour in real life the point is how you chose to use it

OP is mad people spend their money the way they want too.

to make isk = personal commitment in time

AKA Playing the game. Yeah last time I checked EVE is a game.

the point here is I don't wish to commit more time to a game I allready find boring but still find usfull as a distraction when these is nothing on TV
Sooo...go outside?

OK i give up you have brow beaten me into submission I'll let this thread drift off into the land of ignorance and bewilderment.

yay! the troll has given up.

in conclution all I can say is there seems to be a lot of weak willed people playing eve, I am very glad I do not count my self in with them. I literaly feel that in doing and saying the things that I have I have proven my self not to be a compleat eve junkie as to those who have blindly defended their eve habbit I say this I truly feel sorry for you.

...yeah I'm not even going to bother.

Caldari State
#103 - 2011-11-18 17:00:33 UTC
suZy pLaIn wrote:
Boadicea Wales wrote:
Barbie D0ll wrote:
its more along the lines of having to grind for 5-10 hours for a plex

HOLY COW you can make 500 mill isk in 5-10 hours. Man how boring must the game be for you. Roll

Incursions are the Care Bear wet dream come true.

I can run incursions, gate camp with a 0.0 corp, and use my market trader all at the same time.

You can make a lot more isk in 5-10 hours then you'd think.

Probably part of the problem, the easier it is to get isk for plex the more isk people are willing to spend on it.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2011-11-18 18:14:45 UTC
Eebi wrote:

Probably part of the problem, the easier it is to get isk for plex the more isk people are willing to spend on it.

You understand the reason, but you assume that this is a problem in the first place. Yes, the price increase, but your earning increase at a comparable rate (at least for those who have a working brain). For me, this is really a non-issue.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#105 - 2011-11-18 20:38:53 UTC
It should take any player in eve no longer than 1 hour to make 500 mil if you can't do that you playing the game wrong.

Therefore even though plex are silly money it;s still only one our of your play time to pay for you account.

If you cant do this i would consider a new game as your not cut out for eve.

#106 - 2011-11-18 20:43:43 UTC
leich wrote:
I1 hour to make 500 mil if you can't do that you playing the game wrong.

I wish I knew what you were doing
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2011-11-18 22:00:26 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:
Ok I have done some reserch into Incursions. The magic word being over looked here is COULD.

In you COULD earn 100 mill isk an hour doing incursions, so ya you could end us extreamly isk rich or you could end up with nothing or worst lost a lot of isk in lost ships.

Setting up an incursion crew takes a lot of organising and could result in a loss.

So yes it is true to say you could earn 100 mill isk an hour doing incursions, the same can be said you could earn a $1,000,000 on the stock market.

So lers stop all this blowing smoke up each others arse shall we.

Yes theres a chance you will lose you ship (not a very big one otherwise people wouldn't risk thier shiney Machs and Nightmares). The only way to make that risk bigger is by continuing to run Incursions when another fleet has been greifed or by recruiting that one logi pilot that doesnt even warp into the site.

As for you stock market analogy, you are far more likely to make 100m ISK in incursions in an hour than making $1,000,000 on the stock market. If your analogy was actually right im definatly going to the stock exchange right now.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Emiko Luan
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2011-11-18 22:46:45 UTC
Why is op still playing eve... The only thing that matters is "are you having fun"

The answer was repeatedly "no". Why are you playing a game you don't enjoy...

I don't particularly want people to leave, but really, it's for your own good if you're grinding your life away on something you don't enjoy.

+welcome to my world+

Tenchi Sal
White Knights of Equestria
#109 - 2011-11-18 22:57:54 UTC
attention wh0ring is all the rage. why quit when you aren't enjoying a game when you can just complain and get attention?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#110 - 2011-11-18 23:05:13 UTC
Tenchi Sal wrote:
attention wh0ring is all the rage. why quit when you aren't enjoying a game when you can just complain and get attention?

Well, there is the inherent need to proclaim that the boredom they aren't imaginative enough to get past... and their reluctance to spend $15 a month on a hobby... somehow makes them superior to people who enjoy EVE and are willing to pay a subscription fee for at least some of their accounts.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#111 - 2011-11-18 23:44:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ispia Jaydrath
Boadicea Wales wrote:
to make isk = personal commitment in time

The really funny part is that this is literally false. It might be true for a new player, maybe even for the first few years, but any 2006 character should be aware that it's easy to make enough for a couple plex per month with minimal time investment. I'm sorry you're so dumb, but your failure to learn anything about the game is your problem, not ours.
Alistair Cononach
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#112 - 2011-11-18 23:47:34 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:
the cost of a plex in ISK has gone up 41 million isk in the last 6 days and is now topping a masive 500 mill isk on the markets.

I personal think this is now out of reach for many of the casual players currently playing eve and will ultimatly drive them away, I speak as one my self.

Playing for free was for me the last realistic draw for playing EVE.

What has the real cost of PLEX been for the game as a whole. Is it a good thing turned bad by sheer greed as with so many other things in the game.

I personal think that in 90 days time the eve population will fall drasticly. Sadly I don't think I will be around to see if I am right or not. Paying real money to be this bored is not really that apeeling to me.

No you can not have my stuff

Then quit.


But for the love of God, stop whining.

If you don't like PLEX prices, and don;'t want to part with the massive $15 bucks each month, then don't play.

Enjoy other games, have fun, go outside, etc.

But please spare us the gurning.
Theodoric Darkwind
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2011-11-19 02:47:25 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:
suZy pLaIn wrote:
Boadicea Wales wrote:
Barbie D0ll wrote:
its more along the lines of having to grind for 5-10 hours for a plex

HOLY COW you can make 500 mill isk in 5-10 hours. Man how boring must the game be for you. Roll

Incursions are the Care Bear wet dream come true.

I can run incursions, gate camp with a 0.0 corp, and use my market trader all at the same time.

You can make a lot more isk in 5-10 hours then you'd think.

I would have to be unemployed to achive that dude. or overly commit my out of work time to EVE, a some thing I find very unattractive.

Then incursions are perfect for you, you can make 500 million isk in 5 hours of incursion running with a good fleet. Thats a lot less time spent carebearing for isk and more time doing fun stuff.
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2011-11-19 03:15:46 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:
well we will see how things pan out wont we but alass I wont be around to say "I told you so" unless CCP steps in and brings the price of PLEX down to around 300 mill. So crack on you eve junkies Ugh long may your lum reek

they won't step-in. The price will however, regulate itself. Hope you're not a casualty in the interim. good luck.

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Outside The Asylum
#115 - 2011-11-19 03:51:41 UTC
JitaJane wrote:
Because $15 is such an onerous burden?

Played since 2004? 7 yrs * 12 mon/yr * $12/mon (subscription price) = $1008. Double for 2 accounts (which is needed by many activities in Eve) = $2016.

Alternately, the small scale "did I get 50 cents worth out of Eve today?" (Did I even play it, probably not... BTW you can station spin on trial accounts...)
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#116 - 2011-11-19 03:58:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Paragon Renegade
I read this, and I've been laughing all the way to the bank as I earn millions of ISK exploring wormholes, selling DS mods & mining ABC and otherwise easily drown in money.

Oh, by the way, don't let the singularity hit you on the ass on your way out, your ass might collapse my Wormhole with it's titanic mass.

The pie is a tautology

Lord Wiggin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2011-11-19 05:16:07 UTC
Why is this so hard to understand.
Paying players are CCP's customers, so to provide them with more bang for their buck, Nex was created.
Plex rose, the paying customers were elated at the isk exchange rate and bought even more plex.... Cool

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#118 - 2011-11-19 05:44:16 UTC
Chelone wrote:
JitaJane wrote:
Because $15 is such an onerous burden?

Played since 2004? 7 yrs * 12 mon/yr * $12/mon (subscription price) = $1008. Double for 2 accounts (which is needed by many activities in Eve) = $2016.

Alternately, the small scale "did I get 50 cents worth out of Eve today?" (Did I even play it, probably not... BTW you can station spin on trial accounts...)

One person can't go to the movies once a month for $12 anymore, in fact if you buy snacks and a drink you'll spend closer to the $24.

I know sometimes it's difficult to realize just how much you spend on incidental things each month or year, but seriously, EVE is very cheap entertainment compared to most things. Look at your monthly cable or satellite TV bill sometime, or the bill from your ISP. If you are a smoker, smoke one less pack a week and pay for EVE, with money left over to pick up a cheap bundle of flowers for the EVE widow upstairs.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Jooce McNasty
Islefive Consulting
#119 - 2011-11-19 10:08:14 UTC
Boadicea Wales wrote:
Jooce McNasty wrote:
Boadicea Wales wrote:
well we will see how things pan out wont we but alass I wont be around to say "I told you so" unless CCP steps in and brings the price of PLEX down to around 300 mill. So crack on you eve junkies Ugh long may your lum reek

Explain to me how CCP is going to step in and bring the price of plex down? If CCP starts to manipulate the market they have ruined their sandbox. There should be no intervention from CCP.

I am one of the few that is driving the price of plex up. I saw that the prices were rising dropped about 12 bil into plex at 340mil and have been slowly selling them off as the price goes up. I figure by the time I am done I will be up between 6-8 bil on top of my initial investment.

ok this should be a give but if it really needs to be said.

CCP makes real money from selling plax to those weak willed individuals dumb enough to buy them.

Plex becomes so isk expensive less are willing to buy them from the in game market, some like me feel it is no longer worth the effort and quit the game.

CCP are now faced with two things player loss and falling plex sales, both things having an effect on CCP's proffits.

Will CCP step in and do some thing about it you can bet your ass they will.

Ok I hope this makes your life a happier one.

Please explain to me how CCP will step in with the cost of plex? If they put a hard cap on the max sell price they have just ruined they open market, and players will revolt.

If they magically make a pile of plex from thin air they are losing money, and players will revolt because they droped the value their plex by making new ones.

CCP will no do anything with the price of plex. There is no way they can do anything without ruining part of their game.

Please come up with a sensible solution that makes sense on how CCP can step in without damaging their game. Remember the Gold scorpion that was supposed to cost arum? This was supposedly going to just cost arum and be created from nothing. The Scorpion builders got angry and the players were pissed off that an item was being created from nothing. Now plex does not get created in game but it does get created from something.

This market is run on supply and demand. If there is a supply and players are willing on paying a certain price for a plex then there is a demand.

If the price gets to high eventually there will be less demand and the prices will drop again.

I am glad that the high prices of plex **** people off. Makes me happy that I am helping drive the prices up and my wallet balance up.
Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#120 - 2011-11-19 10:36:44 UTC
Jooce McNasty wrote:
Please explain to me how CCP will step in with the cost of plex? If they put a hard cap on the max sell price they have just ruined they open market, and players will revolt.

If they magically make a pile of plex from thin air they are losing money, and players will revolt because they droped the value their plex by making new ones.

CCP will no do anything with the price of plex. There is no way they can do anything without ruining part of their game.

Please come up with a sensible solution that makes sense on how CCP can step in without damaging their game. Remember the Gold scorpion that was supposed to cost arum? This was supposedly going to just cost arum and be created from nothing. The Scorpion builders got angry and the players were pissed off that an item was being created from nothing. Now plex does not get created in game but it does get created from something.

This market is run on supply and demand. If there is a supply and players are willing on paying a certain price for a plex then there is a demand.

If the price gets to high eventually there will be less demand and the prices will drop again.

I am glad that the high prices of plex **** people off. Makes me happy that I am helping drive the prices up and my wallet balance up.

...well, one thing they could do is drop the price of a time card to 2x 1 month subscription, instead of tacking on the extra $5.