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Getting Free Gank Kills Courtesy The CODE. Alliance

Jolly Rancer
You Need To Calm Down
Memento Moriendo
#141 - 2014-07-27 08:24:26 UTC
Posting in a Benny & the Jets thread! Woohoo mom look at me \o/
Eagle's Talon's
#142 - 2014-07-30 00:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
One thing that CODE cannot do for theirselves is actually doing something for theirselves. They have to make others give them ISK through their Mining, Travel, Mission Running and other types of insane permits they can think of. CODE is unable to do anything for theirselves which brings about their lazy ganking of any ship they come across.

Only lazy minded and sloths actively gank for the period that they have been ganking in High Sector. Because CODE have been labeled terrorists of New Eden because of their operations in High Sector those contributing to the defense of helpless ships are asking ALL New Eden Capsuleer's regardless of who you are and what you do to set the CODE. Alliance to -Red is Dead standings as well as blocking those members that you come across in Local Chat so as to keep them from trying to brainwash you into purchasing one of their Failmits. or Permits as they are called.

Without CODE. Alliance being able to communicate with you regarding the selling of their Failmits they will become frustrated and actually have to do something like mine or run missions like everyone else.

If you haven't been a victim of will eventually so protect yourself now and block them.

....Oh and by the way CODE most people reading this thread will generally read what the OP has to say and be amused by the rest.

Total number of Orca, Freighter and Mining Barge Pilots added as contacts and have been made aware of the CODE Alliance :

403 tagged and added as contacts....I know where they are CODE and YOU DON'T. Lol

Total amount of ISK received for such services from pilots : 0....

just the way it will be and shall remain so until then.
JTClone Ares
Deep Space Exploration Corps
#143 - 2014-07-30 00:28:13 UTC
All the code is are bullies and they are about to kill a major part of new players by setting up an event to kill ventures and noob's in rookie systems. At the moment all the code really wants are killmails and say hey look at us we are the bad a** players of eve. The only reason i did those speeches against the code was to get everyone to know how they treat other players of eve. Their mental attitude is to have everyone in high sec play the way they want eve players to play. By what ganking other players and fueling your own killmails.

A majority of us don't give a flying rip about killmails we decide to either build the game and develop an area of the games foundation, and all the code is doing is taking that foundation and ripping it apart. On their main website code takes the pleasure of using us high sec carebears and showing anyone who reads the site on how violent we are in local.

All we are doing is treating the code how they treat us.(this is where the old saying comes in: "treat others the way you want to be treated")

I prefer to use the truth as a weapon and those who cant handle it can cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it. Right now if code gets to gank as many ventures and kills a good part of the players who play eve. Then that means a couple of things:

1. Code is using the Eula agreement to their advantage
2. Telling everyone who is in high sec to play their way when it is a sandbox game which means everyone is allowed to do what ever they want to do in eve
3. the Eula Agreement is an agreement that lets other people know before playing a game that we want people who understand what they are getting into and know what can happen if something does happen
4. Eve is made for everyone not just a few(the needs of many outweigh the few)

CCP I urge you do so something because i am not leaving this game because i love playing eve with friends. And i do encourage to to get on these idiots who are playing you for fouls because the last thing i want to see is eve go down the toilet like a game i use to play called global agenda(only hackers, multiboxers, losers play it now) and when the game community had asked for something to be done about them and they had left it to the needs of few instead of listening to the needs of many.

CCP you need to draw a fine line of where old players cannot become a few players then those few players pick on everyone just to say hey look at us we are the bada** players of eve and we have cause a majority of eve to leave game. That is something i will stand up against and enough is enough.

CODE have been extorting other players which is legal in the game but picking on other players and having them hang and dry on their main website and saying look at how these players treat us and we should kill them all just to fuel our needs. so when did the needs of a few outweigh the many. it never did.

I do in fact encourage other players to not buy a permit to use what ever weapon they have against the code and not give them any respect or honor because respect and honor is earned and it can never be taken.

the code needs to earn its respect as well as its honor. It has none and never will be since they are using the mechanics and systems for their own fun.

And should i remind everyone eve is a sandbox game and anything can happen in it. But when you have an opposing force come in and say how everyone should play the game and only to use everyone else for their own fun is just plain wrong. Since when did playing a sandbox MMO start to become an Empire Build game where only a few players play it(ie less then 200).

The code and everyone who hates be is allowed to have their own opinion but the moment you say my opinion is not like yours sorry but you can not shove your own opinion down mine and say what you want and get your ways when i am around. I like to help other players and have each player have their own voice instead of everyone having 1 voice.

The best Leaders to ever lead, lead by example never by force or fear.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#144 - 2014-07-30 15:44:02 UTC
JTClone Ares wrote:
All the code is are bullies and they are about to kill a major part of new players by setting up an event to kill ventures and noob's in rookie systems.

Wait who said anything about rookie systems? The rest is pretty much true though. Lol venture kills.

JTClone Ares wrote:
On their main website code takes the pleasure of using us high sec carebears and showing anyone who reads the site on how violent we are in local.

The most vulgar and violent threats I've ever received in my life have been from carebears in high sec, some of whom I had not even ganked. Minerbumping neither lies nor exaggerates, but if you want to defend people who spew profanities and RL threats at the drop of a hat when their internet spaceship gets blown up while they are playing a game about blowing up internet spaceships, then by all means, continue.

JTClone Ares wrote:
All we are doing is treating the code how they treat us.(this is where the old saying comes in: "treat others the way you want to be treated")

That is actually exactly what we want you to do. Code would love to see all carebears take up arms, it would genuinely make Eve a better and more interesting game.

JTClone Ares wrote:
1. Code is using the Eula agreement to their advantage

When carebears stop violating the EULA they'll stop getting in trouble for violating the EULA. Everyone has to play by the rules, I'm not really sure how you can 'use it to your advantage.'

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#145 - 2014-07-30 15:44:55 UTC
JTClone Ares wrote:
2. Telling everyone who is in high sec to play their way when it is a sandbox game which means everyone is allowed to do what ever they want to do in eve

I hope you see the irony in you complaining about how Code plays the game. We do not disagree with Eve being a sandbox, we are playing in a sandbox, if you don't like the way we are playing, oh well, it's a sandbox.

JTClone Ares wrote:
3. the Eula Agreement is an agreement that lets other people know before playing a game that we want people who understand what they are getting into and know what can happen if something does happen

That isn't remotely what the EULA is about.

JTClone Ares wrote:
4. Eve is made for everyone not just a few(the needs of many outweigh the few)

Not sure how that's relevant.

JTClone Ares wrote:
CCP I urge you do so something because i am not leaving this game because i love playing eve with friends. And i do encourage to to get on these idiots who are playing you for fouls because the last thing i want to see is eve go down the toilet like a game i use to play called global agenda(only hackers, multiboxers, losers play it now) and when the game community had asked for something to be done about them and they had left it to the needs of few instead of listening to the needs of many.

CCP created the environment and the rules, and Code plays by those rules in that environment. CCP created a game about internet spaceship violence. Code is fulfilling CCP's vision of what Eve is all about.

JTClone Ares wrote:
CCP you need to draw a fine line of where old players cannot become a few players then those few players pick on everyone just to say hey look at us we are the bada** players of eve and we have cause a majority of eve to leave game. That is something i will stand up against and enough is enough.

Wow. Grammar, use it. I'm not sure what that is actually trying to say, but whatever the first part was, it turned into gibberish. As to the second part, are you actually going to argue that Code has caused 'a majority of eve to leave game'? Really? Show numbers to support your statement. Show us a graph showing Eve's population since the advent of Code.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#146 - 2014-07-30 15:49:45 UTC
JTClone Ares wrote:
the code needs to earn its respect as well as its honor. It has none and never will be since they are using the mechanics and systems for their own fun.

How is having fun in a game a bad thing? As to honor and respect, you're right, those things are earned. Code is earning them everyday. It might not agree with what you think honor and respect should look like, but that doesn't change the fact that more and more people are joining Code's cause and donating to support it's activities.

JTClone Ares wrote:
Since when did playing a sandbox MMO start to become an Empire Build game where only a few players play it(ie less then 200).

Eve has always been about empire building. It's kinda part of what the game is about. Code is just the first group to go about it in this particular way.

Overall impressions 2/10.

Self contradicting arguments abound throughout.

Grammatical and spelling errors render reading the post more difficult that is necessary.

Consider having a third party edit and review your work in the future.

As for your overall thesis, Yes Eve is a sandbox. We are playing a certain way, that way includes demanding others to join our cause. At the end of the day though we are not forcing anyone to join us, just offering incentives for doing so and repercussions for not doing so. All of those things are part of the way we are choosing to play in the sandbox. Anyone and everyone is welcome to oppose us or join us, it is a sandbox after all. I'm not sure how you think that anything Code does is NOT part of sandbox game play.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#147 - 2014-07-30 17:26:30 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

If you haven't been a victim of will eventually so protect yourself now and block them.

Are you actually suggesting that the best way to protect yourself from Code is to block them? Guys Dryson invented a new tanking style! It's called denial tanking!

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#148 - 2014-07-31 00:31:59 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
The end of CODE has finally come to an end.

The Scissors Attack Technique

Wherever CODE may be ganking the end result will the beginning of a new era.

The final tactic against CODE.

Since CODE draws the attack of CONCORD within twenty seconds after their attack and usually by then the target has been destroyed Anti-CODE members are going to be using a similar tactic.

First create two alts from your primary.

The alts only need to be basically trained and their Rookie skills will suffice.

Next set the CODE Alliance to - red to your corporation or - red to you. Block them all in the local chat channel so you are not saturated with their filth.

Next find the Macherial or other ship that is bumping the Freighter, Orca, Elite Class Ship and mark it as - orange.

Whenever you see the CODE Bumper ship stop bumping give a count of twenty seconds and fire at the bumper ship with alt one.

This will draw CONCORD to the exact location where the target is located. You will lose security status and a rookie ship in the process but getting the auto-pilots through the gates is more important.

Once CONCORD arrives and destroys your ship the aggression countdown begins. Five minutes after CONCORD arrives attack either the Bumping ship or the target with the second alt to draw a fresh group of CONCORD to the scene.

Continue to employ this tactic for as long as the targeted ship remains on auto-pilot. If CODE decides to arrive and do any ganking then CONCORD will already be on the scene and CODE will not be able to gank their prize.

....The main thing to remember is that CODE hates being denied.....Just one ship will be enough to deny their whole alliance they ISK they want but are too lazy to go out and earn.

.....Oh by the way Cannibal Kane....I expect your toon to have its head shaven...all of that pretty hair being worn as a prize inside of my pod for all times.

Now go into low sector and PVP like real fighters....nothing but sissies with long hair......By CODE.

How'd that work out for you? Thanks for the KM.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#149 - 2014-07-31 02:08:12 UTC
Now that our Carebear-rage-bounties have been redeemed by a true Hero of New Eden, the number of white knights opposing us has plummeted.

So much for their cause I guess...


Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Eagle's Talon's
#150 - 2014-08-02 22:02:55 UTC
It seems the CODE has stepped over the line finally and crossed over into the realm of making fun of deceased players family members.

Although I do not have all of the information nor was I there I do believe the blog's that I have been reading. Especially from Gorila's Blog that can be read here. * Some foul language contained *

The main issue at hand is not really whether or not Gorila posted to his blog that his wife had recently passed away but more so the
use of his wife's passing to by subscribers to purposely cause Gorila emotional discomfort and discontent with the environment thus causing him to leave the EvE - Online Community, which he has done.

I believe that there was another incident in which a subscriber was made to sing a song in what was called the Bonus Room where that subscriber was then made fun of on You Tube thus causing her or him to leave the environment permanently as well.

All role playing aside which cannot be used an excuse which such subscribers would hide behind saying "Eve - Online is a harsh place so we too must be harsh at all times." is no reason for such people to be inanimately without remorse and by making a joke out of the death of Gorila's wife in a public channel within Eve - Online is basically taking what happened on a blog and real world outside of Eve Online and making it public for everyone to see so that Gorila would be ridiculed in front of as many other Capsuleers as possible which is the same as taking something that happened in game and making the world know about so it that the person would be ridiculed in the real world as they were in the environment.

In - game incident / ridiculing ------> Out of game ridiculing
Out of game incident / ridiculing ------> In game ridiculing

There is no difference.

When an incident like this occurs it effects the entire New Eden Community as a whole because the verbal actions of a few in such a manner discussed above does not promote a general healthy sense of welfare and being for EvE - Online but does promote a degrading health of the very consciousness of the community as a whole for the simple matter of fact that if one Capsuleer gets away with such comments then other Capsuleer's will use the same tactic against other Capsuleer's in New Eden thus causing more and more subscribers to cancel their accounts and never return. When Capsuleer's leave the Pod once and for all and return planet side the very essence of New Eden begins to crumble. Once the pillars of this community have cracked and are no longer able to support the roof then the New Eden Community will once again be like it was when EvE Gate collapsed and locked he community into this new universe....nearly lifeless and teetering on the edge of permanent collapse.

With that in mind I ask all veteran Capsuleer's regardless of who you are to instill a policy of respect among your subordinates and other Capsuleer's that you may come into contact with as we are the elder generation that must keep the younger generation tidy and clean while casting those who are unclean from New Eden in order to maintain the environment for new generations to experience something wonderful......with this in mind....let High Sector begin the build up process for the invasion of Null Sector.

High Sec vs Null Sec
Reddd Herring
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2014-08-03 04:25:41 UTC
"Guilty conscience? Buy a mining permit today."

No, actually, no guilty conscience at all. And no desire to help fund the CODE Pyramid scheme, either. Big smile I wonder how long until that James fellow absconds with the funds CODE has collected? QuestionShocked

Dryson's thread here is not titled well. He seems to despise CODE more than anything and would like to see their downfall. His early postings had . . . Potential to become something more, but he is clearly not up to the task of encouraging and organizing the downfall, or simply the reduction of influence, of CODE. A pity, as they are an overbearing, pretentious, and annoying lot.

Really, CODE is simply just an organized crime protection racket with the trappings of a religious cult. Really? Trying to claim the morale high ground while practicing blackmail/extortion? Roll

What does CODE, in essence, offer? They give players two choices:
1) We'll kill you!


2) Pay us money, and obey us, or we'll still kill you!

Hmmm. . . Damned if I do, damned if I don't . . .

No, the Code cult, despite their claims, is not the savior of High-Sec. But is definitely one of the problems.

Good luck, safe flying, and be excellent to one another!

Good luck, safe flying, and be excellent to one another!

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#152 - 2014-08-03 04:40:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Capt Starfox
DrysonBennington wrote:

The New Order does not support comments that break the EULA and ToS. Players that break* the EULA and ToS should be petitioned and allow CCP to determine which course of action best pertains to the violation.

With that said, the player responsible for the comment about Gorila's deceased wife is being dealt with within the confines of CCP disciplinary action and rightfully so. The New Order has also dealt with the player in-game.

Any further questions please email me in-game, thank you.

* - I'm talking about actually break the EULA/ToS here, not some rage-petition just because you got mad at losing a spaceship in a video game about making spaceships explode.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#153 - 2014-08-03 16:20:45 UTC
What Starfox said.

I in no way support or condone behaviour that breaches the EULA or TOS, any if you think a player has done so, Code or not, please report them to CCP and let them sort it out.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#154 - 2014-08-03 16:47:50 UTC
Reddd Herring wrote:

What does CODE, in essence, offer? They give players two choices:
1) We'll kill you!


2) Pay us money, and obey us, or we'll still kill you!

Hmmm. . . Damned if I do, damned if I don't . . .

No, the Code cult, despite their claims, is not the savior of High-Sec. But is definitely one of the problems.

You forgot Option three, Join us and have a ton of fun! We have cookies!

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#155 - 2014-08-03 16:57:49 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
One thing that CODE cannot do for theirselves is actually doing something for theirselves. They have to make others give them ISK through their Mining, Travel, Mission Running and other types of insane permits they can think of. CODE is unable to do anything for theirselves which brings about their lazy ganking of any ship they come across.

Only lazy minded and sloths actively gank for the period that they have been ganking in High Sector. Because CODE have been labeled terrorists of New Eden because of their operations in High Sector those contributing to the defense of helpless ships are asking ALL New Eden Capsuleer's regardless of who you are and what you do to set the CODE. Alliance to -Red is Dead standings as well as blocking those members that you come across in Local Chat so as to keep them from trying to brainwash you into purchasing one of their Failmits. or Permits as they are called.

Let me first state that I am not an agent of the CODE. While I find their actions intriguing, their style of play doesn't match mine. We peacefully coexist, and I to frequent the minerbumping channel for some interesting chats and intel.

With that said, you have some serious misconceptions about CODE. pilots and operations.

1. They are largely funded by player donations, not loot drops from ganking, and not permit sales. These are nice additions to their income of course, but most of it comes directly from players donating to their cause.

2. CODE. agents are generally among the least lazy players I've ever interacted with. They actively seek targets, they communicate and coordinate with others, and they rely very heavily on something that escapes the grasp of many of their targets: teamwork. That's not lazy. Lazy is sitting on a gate in losec/nullsec waiting for something to maybe come through a gate so you can maybe get a shot off at it.

3. CODE. pilots spend a great deal of time learning the capabilities of their ships, the skills they need to train to maximize their performance, the capabilities of their targets, how to operate in hisec with poor security statuses, and how to fly together in a fleet under a competent FC. That's not lazy either.

3. Ask any experienced PvP-er and they will tell you that proper target selection is the key to winning any fight. Pick fights you can win, avoid ones you can't. (Side note: this is a large part of the reason why nullsec is devolving into a "blue donut". Can't beat the big boys? Go home, or join them.) CODE. agents are the absolute masters of target selection. Even if you disagree with their choice of targets on moral or ethical grounds (which you obviously do), you cannot argue with the tactical wisdom of it.

4. I've been on voice comms with them during their Burn Aufay campaign. I was there watching, chatting, and enjoying the occasional bounty killmail (which they were hapy to see me earn). Their voice comms sounded like any other well-organized fleet comms that I've ever been in, not the raving bunch of sociopathic PvP failures that they are made out to be.

In short, you may disagree with what CODE. agents do or what they stand for, but you any attempt to call them lazy, unskilled, or mentally deranged are, for the most part*, utter misrepresentations.

*DISCLAIMER: I say "for the most part" because, as with any organization, there will be exceptions. Just covering my butt here....

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#156 - 2014-08-03 17:07:10 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
JTClone Ares wrote:
On their main website code takes the pleasure of using us high sec carebears and showing anyone who reads the site on how violent we are in local.

The most vulgar and violent threats I've ever received in my life have been from carebears in high sec, some of whom I had not even ganked. Minerbumping neither lies nor exaggerates, but if you want to defend people who spew profanities and RL threats at the drop of a hat when their internet spaceship gets blown up while they are playing a game about blowing up internet spaceships, then by all means, continue.

I can personally verify that I have received more vitriol from pissed-off AFK haulers and miners than I ever have from CODE. agents. I have offered advice to autopiloting freighter pilots and miners, and in return I generally get cussed out, reported to channel mods, and threatened with bans. I have been on the scene of CODE. ganks collecting bounties and had bounties added to my head by so-called "white knights". And through all of this, I've never heard a harsh word from CODE. agents.

If EvE were to evolve into nothing but CODE. agents and followers, I rather imagine it will be a much more polite place, and I am totally okay with that.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#157 - 2014-08-03 17:12:41 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
*DISCLAIMER: I say "for the most part" because, as with any organization, there will be exceptions. Just covering my butt here....

A scholar and a gentleman. Your portrait is always a welcome sight in local. I have yet to have the pleasure of being on Comms with you but would love to change that at some point. As to your disclaimer, it is true, any organization that involves human beings of any kind will inevitably have the odd bad apple.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#158 - 2014-08-03 17:14:38 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
JTClone Ares wrote:
On their main website code takes the pleasure of using us high sec carebears and showing anyone who reads the site on how violent we are in local.

The most vulgar and violent threats I've ever received in my life have been from carebears in high sec, some of whom I had not even ganked. Minerbumping neither lies nor exaggerates, but if you want to defend people who spew profanities and RL threats at the drop of a hat when their internet spaceship gets blown up while they are playing a game about blowing up internet spaceships, then by all means, continue.

I can personally verify that I have received more vitriol from pissed-off AFK haulers and miners than I ever have from CODE. agents. I have offered advice to autopiloting freighter pilots and miners, and in return I generally get cussed out, reported to channel mods, and threatened with bans. I have been on the scene of CODE. ganks collecting bounties and had bounties added to my head by so-called "white knights". And through all of this, I've never heard a harsh word from CODE. agents.

If EvE were to evolve into nothing but CODE. agents and followers, I rather imagine it will be a much more polite place, and I am totally okay with that.

If you or someone else were to organize a genuine Code resistance with the level of organization and courteous behavior I've seen in Code, then an eternal war between those two groups would make for the best eve experience possible. Alas I doubt such a day will ever come, but I do my part to encourage it.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#159 - 2014-08-03 17:39:58 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
If you or someone else were to organize a genuine Code resistance with the level of organization and courteous behavior I've seen in Code, then an eternal war between those two groups would make for the best eve experience possible. Alas I doubt such a day will ever come, but I do my part to encourage it.

I have genuinely toyed with such a notion. I would love nothing more than to have an endless stream of good fights generated by a Red vs. Blue style eternal struggle going on in hisec between CODE. agents and some anti-CODE. group. I can state with fair certainty that CODE. would welcome such a war, and I sincerely think such a war would be good for the overall EvE Community as well.

Ironically, such a successful war would have to not be about anti-ganking ideology. As much as I'm a fan of roleplaying, in this situation the ideology driving the current crop of anti-CODE. folks gets in the way of what they'd have to do to actually fight you. They are blinded by their false notions of you, and therefore can never successfully fight you.

To fight the CODE., you have to understand the CODE. Anti-gankers don't (at least not currently), and they will continue to fail until they do.

Sadly, I recognize my own shortcomings, and with my limited/erratic schedule of online time I am not the pilot to start such a glorious revolution. But if ever a war were to break out, I would gladly join. On which side, I cannot say. For now, I am content to pontificate, communicate, and, on occasion, eradicate.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#160 - 2014-08-03 17:48:02 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
If you or someone else were to organize a genuine Code resistance with the level of organization and courteous behavior I've seen in Code, then an eternal war between those two groups would make for the best eve experience possible. Alas I doubt such a day will ever come, but I do my part to encourage it.

I have genuinely toyed with such a notion. I would love nothing more than to have an endless stream of good fights generated by a Red vs. Blue style eternal struggle going on in hisec between CODE. agents and some anti-CODE. group. I can state with fair certainty that CODE. would welcome such a war, and I sincerely think such a war would be good for the overall EvE Community as well.

Ironically, such a successful war would have to not be about anti-ganking ideology. As much as I'm a fan of roleplaying, in this situation the ideology driving the current crop of anti-CODE. folks gets in the way of what they'd have to do to actually fight you. They are blinded by their false notions of you, and therefore can never successfully fight you.

To fight the CODE., you have to understand the CODE. Anti-gankers don't (at least not currently), and they will continue to fail until they do.

Sadly, I recognize my own shortcomings, and with my limited/erratic schedule of online time I am not the pilot to start such a glorious revolution. But if ever a war were to break out, I would gladly join. On which side, I cannot say. For now, I am content to pontificate, communicate, and, on occasion, eradicate.

Eve needs more people like you.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.