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Test Server Feedback

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Mass-test feedback - November 17

First post
ViRUS Pottage
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#61 - 2011-11-18 09:49:33 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win7 Ultimate SP1
CPU: Quad Q6600
GPU: HD 4890
RAM: 4gb GSkill 1200 DDR2
How many clients were you running at the same time? 2
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Main on high, alt on low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 20 on main, 30 on alt
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 10 main, 15 alt
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 7
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Nope.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: I think it was a good test. Good fun, and went smoothly.
Suun Olsen
Calm Edging
#62 - 2011-11-18 11:47:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Suun Olsen
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 Professional
CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 620 Propus 2.6GHz Socket AM3 95W Quad-Core Processor
GPU:XFX HD-577A-ZNFC Radeon HD 5770 (Juniper XT) 1GB 128-bit GDDR5
RAM:G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low/disabled.

User Experience -

Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 17
Average FPS - Zoomed in:9
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 5 (less due to brackets bug)
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Eve voice sounds great. UI bugs are frustrating. Overall, I like the papercuts changes but there are lots of bugs to hunt down in the next two weeks. As expected from previous fleet fights. Noticed no time dilation, experienced windows moving themselves at will on dock/undock, and an issue with 'show all brackets' being enabled constantly while just sitting in space, bringing fps to a crawl. Must have hidden brackets nearly a dozen times during the test.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2011-11-18 12:10:48 UTC  |  Edited by: babylonfire
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win 7 Pro
CPU: AMD Athlon II 2.6GHz
GPU:Radeon HD 5770
RAM:4GB DDR3 1600
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low/disabled.

User Experience -

Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 21
Average FPS - Zoomed in:13
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? 6-7
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: UI bugs are prevalent, and have surely been reported. Otherwise, the test was an improvement over TQ code.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2011-11-18 12:19:57 UTC
OS version: Windows 7 Pro
CPU: AMD Athlon2 X3 640@X4 3.0GHz
GPU: Nvidia 560ti
RAM:8gig DDR2
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low/disabled.

User Experience -

Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 36
Average FPS - Zoomed in:22
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ?
Small improvement of FPS.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 6
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: These tests need to be done more frequently with all the changes made to code that are to be pushed in less than two weeks.
Salam Horani
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-11-18 12:52:34 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: OS X 10.7.2
CPU: Intel Core i7 2GHZ
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6490M 256MB VRAM
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 1
Average FPS - Zoomed in: less than 1
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 1
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: the lag was almost unnoticeable, even in high GFX settings, until the big fight in Poitot. Received some damage so docked at station to repair, which brought back order to the GPU. Once I warped back to battle, everything was more like 10-20 SPF. I got destroyed and i was still stuck in space with hardly anything updating. Had to force-quit client to relog and resume operation.
I also feel that a bit more detailed instructions and plans would have helped those who were lagging behind or got disconnected to know what to do next and where. the whole thing at the Poitot gate was just a blob of stuttering slow-moving jelly. some people were reporting 100fps and 60fps. not sure how, but for many of us, it was just no see, no play.
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#66 - 2011-11-18 13:57:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Adrenalinemax
If you participated in the mass-test on the 17th November, please reply in this thread to give your feedback, based on following template:

Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: 10.7.2
  • CPU: Dual quad 2.8Ghz Xeons
  • GPU: 5770/4870/3870 - 5 monitors
  • RAM: 14GB
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1 SiSi (Only client on 5770 card), 7 TQ clients
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Started high with brackets on, ended low with brackets off

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: Never loaded grid
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: In Poitot, never loaded grid (in first system about 23-28 while shooting POS)
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 2
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? I was killed and podded in Poitot, I loaded grid and could see other ships, but client was unresponsive for 22 minutes (Due to being killed and podded). I could hear EvE voice and only restarted client when it was announced "Test was over" then i could see killmails and put together a timeline.
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: The improvements for this patch are amazing, everything most players have asked for for years...ever since Apocrypha. Performance has taken a pretty big hit. I still can't AA and performance with everything on high has taken a HUGE hit, with everything on low it doesn't seem as much of a hit, but playing like that sucks.
RN Thunder
The Riot Formation
#67 - 2011-11-18 15:38:26 UTC

Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows 7 64bit
  • CPU: Intel i7 960 3.2GHz
  • GPU: MSI 560GTXti
  • RAM: 12gig
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 2 - one on TQ
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High

User Experience
  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in Poitot, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 10
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 5 - 7
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 4
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Performance seems to have taken a small hit, but it's all heading in the right direction.