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Restrict NPC Corporation Posting Abilities.

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Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#981 - 2014-07-26 20:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
La Nariz wrote:

Goonspiracy is ad hom attacking the person through the organization they belong to.

You make this statement in a post where you are "attacking the person through the organization [npc players] they belong to".

Your self-centric view of the world knows no bounds.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#982 - 2014-07-26 20:39:35 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
If it blocked by account you'd have a point but, I can ignore npc alt 1 only to have them make npc alt 2 and continue their garbage.

You have the same limitation in Jita Local and no blocking function changes have been made in EVE, or planned.

Why should the forums be any different?

Jita local should be different as well and I think everyone will agree with me when I say chat bots should be pursued and banned just as much as any other kind of bot. Those bots are exploiting the mechanic just as much as the npc corporation members are on the forums.

I think you're understating the intelligence that can be gathered from an account-wide blocking functionality. No one, without an API or being CCP, should know which alts are linked by an account.

If someone is botting in Jita Local then the report function is available for you as recourse. I'm not sure why CCP has to code an account-wide blocking function for you if you are unable to right-click > Block on your own.

I'm also not sure what the parallel is between botting in Jita Local and non-EULA breaking posts on the forum. One is a violation of EVE's TOS and one, though personally irritating to you, isn't a violation unless a CCP employee finds it to be.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#983 - 2014-07-26 23:37:59 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

Unlike NPC corporations player corporations have far more constraints and the effects of bad posting can be a self moderating force. Which is one of the many reasons why NPC corporations need to have their posting abilities restricted.

There is plenty of evidence from those of us that read the forums regularly that members of your very alliance frequently troll the forums, so no your alliance isn't self moderating at all.

If you want to keep debating the issue you have to get the goonspiracy out of your arguments, it only serves to show that there isn't so much opposition against my idea as there is against the person who posted it.

Citing the fact your own corp/alliance invalidates the VERY point you are trying to make is not "goonspiracy". Fond of playing the false victim, are you? It is growing old, and quite frankly renders you little better than the trolls you claim to despise so.

In summary it is yet another logical fallacy from you.

Shouldn't be a surprise, however, as your entire premise is basically one too.
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#984 - 2014-07-27 02:17:25 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

Goonspiracy is ad hom attacking the person through the organization they belong to.

You make this statement in a post where you are "attacking the person through the organization [npc players] they belong to".

Your self-centric view of the world knows no bounds.

He's also technically wrong, ad hominem is avoiding an argument by attacking the person. That's different from this situation since player organizations and trolling are central to the discussion, so discussion of goon behavior is fair play.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#985 - 2014-07-27 03:21:26 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

I think you're understating the intelligence that can be gathered from an account-wide blocking functionality. No one, without an API or being CCP, should know which alts are linked by an account.

If someone is botting in Jita Local then the report function is available for you as recourse. I'm not sure why CCP has to code an account-wide blocking function for you if you are unable to right-click > Block on your own.

I'm also not sure what the parallel is between botting in Jita Local and non-EULA breaking posts on the forum. One is a violation of EVE's TOS and one, though personally irritating to you, isn't a violation unless a CCP employee finds it to be.

No if you had followed the thread espionage is why I stated any sort of npc posting corporation alliance is very vulnerable. Trolling is breaking the EULA and npc alts do a lot of it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#986 - 2014-07-27 03:24:37 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

Goonspiracy is ad hom attacking the person through the organization they belong to.

You make this statement in a post where you are "attacking the person through the organization [npc players] they belong to".

Your self-centric view of the world knows no bounds.

I will take this as your concession as you have not brought up a new point and only wish to voice your outrage while continuing your boring ad homs. Maybe its an entitlement issue? NPC corporation members think they are entitled to troll the forums without any consequence to themselves and should there be a consequence they make another npc corporation member to continue the trolling.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#987 - 2014-07-27 03:25:39 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
afkalt wrote:

Citing the fact your own corp/alliance invalidates the VERY point you are trying to make is not "goonspiracy". Fond of playing the false victim, are you? It is growing old, and quite frankly renders you little better than the trolls you claim to despise so.

In summary it is yet another logical fallacy from you.

Shouldn't be a surprise, however, as your entire premise is basically one too.

It doesn't invalidate anything because it does not even attack the suggestion or argument. It attacks the organization and myself now attacking the person over the argument where have I heard that fallacy before?

E: We can play fallacy wars all you want but, the effort isn't worth it and it derails the thread. Even if I show how many horrible fallacies you committed trying to destroy an argument against something that benefits you to the detriment of everyone else. You'll continue to whinge about goonspiracy and how you don't have an quintuple-blind deity reviewed study so this shouldn't be done.

We've pretty much always advocated for changes that would benefit the game, even if its a detriment to ourselves, see: tech, fw, supercaps, titan dd, etc. It's the same situation here. The game would be much more inviting to newer players with a higher quality forum that can be brought about by enacting my suggestion.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#988 - 2014-07-27 08:11:53 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
No, it doesn't.

You state alliances and player corps can self moderate - you are presented with the argument that this does not work - indeed that your own alliance trolls and shiptoasts. So do many, it's not just your collective.

The fact is, your own alliance (irrespective of who it is) is undermining your point. How can you sit there and suggest that people will do something when the company you keep does not do that? As stated, it's not JUST your alliance guilty of this, but it does damage/invalidate the notion that you were arguing.

To suggest that point is goonspiracy and try to sweep it away is simply ridiculous. Playing the false victim here as opposed to countering the argument with a valid response just undermines it further.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#989 - 2014-07-27 22:43:34 UTC
afkalt wrote:
No, it doesn't.

You state alliances and player corps can self moderate - you are presented with the argument that this does not work - indeed that your own alliance trolls and shiptoasts. So do many, it's not just your collective.

The fact is, your own alliance (irrespective of who it is) is undermining your point. How can you sit there and suggest that people will do something when the company you keep does not do that? As stated, it's not JUST your alliance guilty of this, but it does damage/invalidate the notion that you were arguing.

To suggest that point is goonspiracy and try to sweep it away is simply ridiculous. Playing the false victim here as opposed to countering the argument with a valid response just undermines it further.

No it isn't you cannot make a brand new character that begins in my alliance to being trolling. NPC and PC are not the same so it is an inaccurate comparison. Player corporations are far more moderated than NPC corporations through the virtue of player moderation as well; so no it supports my claim that goonspiracy is just ad hom and means anything you base on it can be safely ignored.

If you want to actually do attempt to discredit my suggestion you have to attack it not me, GSF, ISDs, GW, CCP or other posters. You're supposedly very reasonable and examples of NPC members that post well yet the majority of your collected postings are ad hom attacks. That's only adding to the litany of support for my idea.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#990 - 2014-07-27 23:25:58 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
La Nariz wrote:
Player corporations are far more moderated than NPC corporations through the virtue of player moderation as well

Prove it. Because I know for a fact and can happily link examples all day, that extensive trolling is undergone by player corp members.

No corp is immune, save perhaps those who forbid members posting entirely.

Point is, the idea that player corps moderate is a pipe dream at best.

So let us eliminate 'goonspiracy' from this completely. Let's say a pandemic legion poster is trolling - what are you, I or indeed /anyone/ else going to do about it? Nothing. Furthermore I'd bet a sizeable sum that PL will do nothing too.

La Nariz wrote:
You're supposedly very reasonable and examples of NPC members that post well yet the majority of your collected postings are ad hom attacks

I'm afraid I'm going to require hard evidence of my postings being 'goonspiracy' in their 'majority' (personal attacks are all bit non-existent, and not through ISDs hands) unless I misread your post. If I did not, this should be good as I think I have actually agreed with your posters more than I have not - this thread excluded. Perhaps not, you see I cannot be certain as I rarely look at the corp of whom I'm talking to because despite what you'd like to have people believe I really don't care what flag you wave. I argue the point, not the person or their affiliation - I always have and always will. You should try it sometime, taking prejudice into a forum is not heathly.

Very late edit: don't see the point in a new post for this: I'd not have any objection to a limited number of posts per hour - whatever the limit is on a fresh character. People not badly spamming or trolling are unaffected, it would slow things right down and make people put more thought into their posts and removes all the collateral damage I had concerns about. Player corps still hold and advantage, but those who chose the life of NPCs simply need to choose their words carefully. Only hole might be biomass but if we lock that whilst a posting cool down is in effect that is solved.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#991 - 2014-07-28 12:38:41 UTC
afkalt wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Player corporations are far more moderated than NPC corporations through the virtue of player moderation as well

Prove it. Because I know for a fact and can happily link examples all day, that extensive trolling is undergone by player corp members.

No corp is immune, save perhaps those who forbid members posting entirely.

Point is, the idea that player corps moderate is a pipe dream at best.

So let us eliminate 'goonspiracy' from this completely. Let's say a pandemic legion poster is trolling - what are you, I or indeed /anyone/ else going to do about it? Nothing. Furthermore I'd bet a sizeable sum that PL will do nothing too.

La Nariz wrote:
You're supposedly very reasonable and examples of NPC members that post well yet the majority of your collected postings are ad hom attacks

I'm afraid I'm going to require hard evidence of my postings being 'goonspiracy' in their 'majority' (personal attacks are all bit non-existent, and not through ISDs hands) unless I misread your post. If I did not, this should be good as I think I have actually agreed with your posters more than I have not - this thread excluded. Perhaps not, you see I cannot be certain as I rarely look at the corp of whom I'm talking to because despite what you'd like to have people believe I really don't care what flag you wave. I argue the point, not the person or their affiliation - I always have and always will. You should try it sometime, taking prejudice into a forum is not heathly.

Very late edit: don't see the point in a new post for this: I'd not have any objection to a limited number of posts per hour - whatever the limit is on a fresh character. People not badly spamming or trolling are unaffected, it would slow things right down and make people put more thought into their posts and removes all the collateral damage I had concerns about. Player corps still hold and advantage, but those who chose the life of NPCs simply need to choose their words carefully. Only hole might be biomass but if we lock that whilst a posting cool down is in effect that is solved.

I have refuted every point you brought up but, you continue to deny reality so unless you have a new point to bring up this only serves to further derail the thread. Oh look some of that "hard evidence" you wanted in your own post. You benefit from this abused mechanic so even if facts and data were there you'd continue to do as you are doing now. You are no different than the titan users in favor of titan tracking, the tech moon holders in favor of its dominance, the fw farmers in favor of that imbalance, or the drone assist users in favor of that abused mechanic.

Oh yes make sure you justify new points with something other than "because reasons," there's no meaningful discussion that can be had around those points.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#992 - 2014-07-28 14:51:21 UTC
So you're levelling unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations at me? Is that what it's gotten to? Given your inability to provide any sort of proof that the 'majority' of my postings are ad-hom attacks.

I appreciate being caught in a lie/bad set of assumptions is not convenient for you, but at least you could be big enough to admit you made a mistake.

The thing about refuting a point is one tends to need to provide evidence with that refuting. Go have a look at posts by "Fabulous Rod" (assuming ISD even left any alive) and let me know how that player corp moderating is working out.

I'm sorry, you do not get away with accusing me of derailing when you make a sweeping and patently false statement, are called on it and you descend to a personal attack or your old favourite retreat of "poor goons".

Calling you on flagrant falsehoods and point evasion is not derailing, doesn't matter how much you'd like it to be.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#993 - 2014-07-28 15:57:53 UTC
afkalt wrote:
So you're levelling unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations at me? Is that what it's gotten to? Given your inability to provide any sort of proof that the 'majority' of my postings are ad-hom attacks.

I appreciate being caught in a lie/bad set of assumptions is not convenient for you, but at least you could be big enough to admit you made a mistake.

The thing about refuting a point is one tends to need to provide evidence with that refuting. Go have a look at posts by "Fabulous Rod" (assuming ISD even left any alive) and let me know how that player corp moderating is working out.

I'm sorry, you do not get away with accusing me of derailing when you make a sweeping and patently false statement, are called on it and you descend to a personal attack or your old favourite retreat of "poor goons".

Calling you on flagrant falsehoods and point evasion is not derailing, doesn't matter how much you'd like it to be.

You are though because you're trying to argue that goonspiracy is legitimate criticism when its really an ad hom attack. You're trying to argue that a fallacy is legitimate. You aren't arguing against the suggestion and you're derailing the thread with this crap so I guess that's a success for you, NPC alt troll did its job. It's also some "hard evidence" you love to whinge about for this thread.

You are existential proof that what I say is true that NPC members are decreasing the quality of the forum.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#994 - 2014-07-28 16:11:34 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
La Nariz wrote:
afkalt wrote:
So you're levelling unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations at me? Is that what it's gotten to? Given your inability to provide any sort of proof that the 'majority' of my postings are ad-hom attacks.

I appreciate being caught in a lie/bad set of assumptions is not convenient for you, but at least you could be big enough to admit you made a mistake.

The thing about refuting a point is one tends to need to provide evidence with that refuting. Go have a look at posts by "Fabulous Rod" (assuming ISD even left any alive) and let me know how that player corp moderating is working out.

I'm sorry, you do not get away with accusing me of derailing when you make a sweeping and patently false statement, are called on it and you descend to a personal attack or your old favourite retreat of "poor goons".

Calling you on flagrant falsehoods and point evasion is not derailing, doesn't matter how much you'd like it to be.

You are though because you're trying to argue that goonspiracy is legitimate criticism when its really an ad hom attack. You're trying to argue that a fallacy is legitimate. You aren't arguing against the suggestion and you're derailing the thread with this crap so I guess that's a success for you, NPC alt troll did its job. It's also some "hard evidence" you love to whinge about for this thread.

You are existential proof that what I say is true that NPC members are decreasing the quality of the forum.

That your own corporation (as well as others, I point I've mentioned before but you have ignored as usual) trolls and shiptoasts is a) factually accurate and b) not a character assassination of your corp because it is flat out accurate.

It is simply a fact. A fact which undermines the notion that player corps self regulate as if this were the case, there would be less trolling than there already is by said player corps.

Your perpetual fall back to "goonspiracy" instead of actually tackling the point is entirely reminiscent of a small child sticking fingers in their ears and saying "lalalalala". I don't frequent general discussion, I don't keep up on the politics. I don't even know what the hell this goonspiracy business is all about - something my posting history will cleary show. As I said, I've glanced back and I'm actually in agreement with members of your corporation more than I am not.

Your stubborn refusal to deal with arguments with more than a snide "goonspiracy" remark is derailing your own thread.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#995 - 2014-07-28 16:18:23 UTC
afkalt wrote:

That your own corporation (as well as others, I point I've mentioned before but you have ignored as usual) trolls and shiptoasts is a) factually accurate and b) not a character assassination of your corp because it is flat out accurate.

It is simply a fact. A fact which undermines the notion that player corps self regulate as if this were the case, there would be less trolling than there already is by said player corps.

Your perpetual fall back to "goonspiracy" instead of actually tackling the point is entirely reminiscent of a small child sticking fingers in their ears and saying "lalalalala". I don't frequent general discussion, I don't keep up on the politics. I don't even know what the hell this goonspiracy business is all about - something my posting history will cleary show. As I said, I've glanced back and I'm actually in agreement with members of your corporation more than I am not.

Your stubborn refusal to deal with arguments with more than a snide "goonspiracy" remark is derailing your own thread.

I would actually have to refute your points if you would dissociate goonspiracy from them. My organization has nothing to do with this thread and it is the sole result of myself think up an answer to a question CCP asked a while ago that inspired a GD thread of its own.

I don't have to do anything but go "lol fallacies" to answer your posts until you decide to exclude them.

I'll copy-paste from wikipedia for you:

"argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument."

Guess what the irrelevant part is? That's right its the organization I belong to.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#996 - 2014-07-28 16:22:46 UTC
I'm not rejecting it because of your affiliation, I'm rejecting that player corporations somehow self moderate because there are examples all over this forum that they do not. I'm rejecting it because it is demonstrably false.

That your own corporation also partakes in trolling and shiptoasting is slightly hilarious in the irony factor, but it's not about your corporation - it is the simple fact that player corps crap all over these forums as well.

Thus, your notion that they somehow "self moderate" is patently false.

Now, would you like to refute the statement "player corporations troll heavily too and thus it can be demonstrated that there is no effective self moderation imposed by said corporations - as evidenced by their repeated trolling and shiptoasting all over the forums" with something other than "goonspiracy"?
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#997 - 2014-07-28 16:27:13 UTC
afkalt wrote:
I'm not rejecting it because of your affiliation, I'm rejecting that player corporations somehow self moderate because there are examples all over this forum that they do not. I'm rejecting it because it is demonstrably false.

That your own corporation also partakes in trolling and shiptoasting is slightly hilarious in the irony factor, but it's not about your corporation - it is the simple fact that player corps crap all over these forums as well.

Thus, your notion that they somehow "self moderate" is patently false.

Now, would you like to refute the statement "player corporations troll heavily too and thus it can be demonstrated that there is no effective self moderation imposed by said corporations - as evidenced by their repeated trolling and shiptoasting all over the forums" with something other than "goonspiracy"?

afkalt wrote:
That your own corporation (as well as others, I point I've mentioned before but you have ignored as usual) trolls and shiptoasts is a) factually accurate and b) not a character assassination of your corp because it is flat out accurate.

Goonspiracy plain and simple ad hom, you're making my job easier by doing that you know right? If you want to discuss something you're going to have to clean that out.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#998 - 2014-07-28 16:32:58 UTC
Nice try, but no dice. Now what did the bit in brackets right after your bold say? Furthermore, it is factually sound, it is no more "goonspiracy" than saying "goons control a vast swathe of nullsec". If what I'd posted was factually inaccurate or baseless, then yes it would be ad-hom and an invalid argument. Trouble is - it IS valid and it is directly related to the matter in hand - player corporations self moderating.

So again, would you like to refute the statement "player corporations troll heavily too and thus it can be demonstrated that there is no effective self moderation imposed by said corporations - as evidenced by their repeated trolling and shiptoasting all over the forums" with something other than "goonspiracy"?
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#999 - 2014-07-28 17:48:02 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Nice try, but no dice. Now what did the bit in brackets right after your bold say? Furthermore, it is factually sound, it is no more "goonspiracy" than saying "goons control a vast swathe of nullsec". If what I'd posted was factually inaccurate or baseless, then yes it would be ad-hom and an invalid argument. Trouble is - it IS valid and it is directly related to the matter in hand - player corporations self moderating.

So again, would you like to refute the statement "player corporations troll heavily too and thus it can be demonstrated that there is no effective self moderation imposed by said corporations - as evidenced by their repeated trolling and shiptoasting all over the forums" with something other than "goonspiracy"?

Does not matter clean the goonspiracy out of your posts if you want to be taken seriously, this is the last time I'm going to say this to you and this is the second time this thread we've had this conversation.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1000 - 2014-07-28 18:10:13 UTC
I shall take that as your complete inability to refute the statement, good day sir.