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Restrict NPC Corporation Posting Abilities.

First post First post
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#941 - 2014-07-22 18:27:25 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Dhaq wrote:
admiral root wrote:
I don't like what you're saying, therefore you must be a troll?

Almost 50 pages summed up in one sentence.

A fun statistic, almost 1/3 of the post in this thread are by one person saying exactly what you just said.

All those people arguing with La Nariz are one person?

...Wow. Really, guy?
Dally Lama
#942 - 2014-07-23 08:49:53 UTC
It's funny that the reasonings for this change apply more so to the non-NPC forum alts on here.

When it comes to thread derailment, trolling, and especially breaking of the forum rules, tough-guy-regulars on here are absolutely larger culprits.

If CCP wants to improve the quality of the forums, they can start by promoting them to be popular amongst non-elitist posters. The vast, vast majority of regulars on here are elitists and it's because they have not seen consequences for their actions, causing most non-elitists to eventually stop posting here.

So no, the notion that NPC restrictions would improve forum quality is bologna. The only way to improve forum quality is to start banning members - NPC or otherwise - for breaking forum rules. This would mean a large chunk of the regulars would be banned, but it would pave the road for more reasonable posters to join up.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#943 - 2014-07-23 12:40:16 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

1. For those that would alt forum troll:

a. Currently, make alt, forum troll ( but those in NPC corps that dont forum troll are unaffected and are free to post in any forum of their choosing)

b. If this horrendous idea goes into effect, those that would troll the forums make a one million ISK one man corp and go back to trolling BUT, and this is the important part, those in NPC corps that would post constructively on the forums will forevermore be punished even though they have done nothing wrong. Further, since NPC playing is VERY different from PC playing they will either be forced to play as you want them to or be forced out of posting on the forums (there really is only so many ways to make this totally unfair edict any more clear).

2. NPC play style is in fact a play style, with real in-game consequences that you ARE aware of and are just pretending not to notice which to be honest reflects poorly both on you and your corp. It is like a group of people all standing in the rain and you and La Nariz repeatedly saying it is not raining.

3. What study did you do to count the total number of NPC players in the game vs the total number of PC players in the game, determine the percentages of each posting troll post on the forums over an extended period of time such that you can justifiably make the claim the "The majority of the shitposting on this board" comes from NPC's. Personally I see as much if not more troll posts coming from those in PC corps; including, ironically the OP in this very thread.

You didn't read the OP or anything I posted in response to you did you? It takes a 10+ man corporation to be able to post in CAOD which is what I base my suggestion on. Its far more difficult than starting your own one man corporation then going back to trolling. I highly recommend you reread the OP as it answers the rest of your post.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Dally Lama
#944 - 2014-07-23 12:55:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dally Lama

This is why this idea cannot, should not, and will not happen.

I personally have no problem with this; I myself have hired mercs to wardec posters on here before.

However from a business standpoint CCP cannot reasonably support this. It is against their better interest to create an environment where sharing one's ideas and thoughts about the game results in wardecs or in-game reactions.

1) Players will simply not share their ideas due to what has occurred in the above thread.
2) Players who want to share their ideas despite this will many times be ordered by their corp/alliance leaders not to.

As a result this will cause the industrial/non-PVP playerbase to become less involved in the forums and thus less involved in the community. Considering lack of community involvement is one of the biggest issues in the game right now, it is quite obvious this idea will never actually happen.

Quite honestly, you only have yourselves to blame for this. The regulars on here are extremely aggressive and hostile individuals. Call it EVE all you want, CCP isn't going to allow their playerbase to become victimized for simply trying to discuss ideas about the game.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#945 - 2014-07-23 13:57:03 UTC
Dally Lama wrote:
Quite honestly, you only have yourselves to blame for this. The regulars on here are extremely aggressive and hostile individuals. Call it EVE all you want, CCP isn't going to allow their playerbase to become victimized for simply trying to discuss ideas about the game.

Any distaste exhibited by a particular segment of the community is probably because we're tired of seeing the same old nonsense dressed up in whatever it's fashionable to whine about this week. There's also people who openly admit they're just here to be drains.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#946 - 2014-07-23 14:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Desivo Delta Visseroff
I'm rather late to the party, but after reading the first two and last two pages of this thread, I am in agreement with La Nariz. Even if doing so would have a direct detriment to myself, being in my own corp. I have posted manymanytimes before in response to Forum trolls and alts.

While I personally feel that a 1 million is charge would prove too exclusionary, not just for new players, but also for those, like myself, that are vehemently cheap in game/rl, I do believe a CSPA charge for NPC characters and one-man corp characters would be a reasonable compromise.

However, I would lower the charge to an amount between 10K and 100K. Overall, I would be happy to see some improvement in the quality of posting and discussion on these forums and I look forward to seeing the evolution of the same. Better yet, if the isk accumulated could be banked by CCP and converted back into real money by them at Plex price, then reinvested by CCP for their infrastructure or as a charitable contribution, all the better.


Edit: Darn, bottom of the page.

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#947 - 2014-07-23 14:51:17 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

1. For those that would alt forum troll:

a. Currently, make alt, forum troll ( but those in NPC corps that dont forum troll are unaffected and are free to post in any forum of their choosing)

b. If this horrendous idea goes into effect, those that would troll the forums make a one million ISK one man corp and go back to trolling BUT, and this is the important part, those in NPC corps that would post constructively on the forums will forevermore be punished even though they have done nothing wrong. Further, since NPC playing is VERY different from PC playing they will either be forced to play as you want them to or be forced out of posting on the forums (there really is only so many ways to make this totally unfair edict any more clear).

2. NPC play style is in fact a play style, with real in-game consequences that you ARE aware of and are just pretending not to notice which to be honest reflects poorly both on you and your corp. It is like a group of people all standing in the rain and you and La Nariz repeatedly saying it is not raining.

3. What study did you do to count the total number of NPC players in the game vs the total number of PC players in the game, determine the percentages of each posting troll post on the forums over an extended period of time such that you can justifiably make the claim the "The majority of the shitposting on this board" comes from NPC's. Personally I see as much if not more troll posts coming from those in PC corps; including, ironically the OP in this very thread.

You didn't read the OP or anything I posted in response to you did you? It takes a 10+ man corporation to be able to post in CAOD which is what I base my suggestion on. Its far more difficult than starting your own one man corporation then going back to trolling. I highly recommend you reread the OP as it answers the rest of your post.

Except you want to remove people from General discussion. You are willing to force in game decision to players just so they can post on the general discussion board of the game they pay to play. Not being able to post in the "In-character political center for all things corporate" because you are not in a player corporation makes sense. Not being able to post in "General discussion about EVE Online" for whatever reason except not being a player makes none.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#948 - 2014-07-23 14:54:33 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Dally Lama wrote:
Quite honestly, you only have yourselves to blame for this. The regulars on here are extremely aggressive and hostile individuals. Call it EVE all you want, CCP isn't going to allow their playerbase to become victimized for simply trying to discuss ideas about the game.

Any distaste exhibited by a particular segment of the community is probably because we're tired of seeing the same old nonsense dressed up in whatever it's fashionable to whine about this week. There's also people who openly admit they're just here to be drains.

If only CCP applied their own damn rules and revoked posting privilege to repeat offenders instead of letting them come back all the damn time. If it cost people an account to keep trolling, I can bet you a lot will stop.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#949 - 2014-07-23 14:57:26 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:

If only CCP applied their own damn rules and revoked posting privilege to repeat offenders instead of letting them come back all the damn time. If it cost people an account to keep trolling, I can bet you a lot will stop.

Perhaps CCP is dedicating their resources to things like improving industry, trading and fighting in space. Perhaps they need a sort of "filter" to decrease their forum workload, like this suggestion.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#950 - 2014-07-23 15:07:34 UTC
I've more or less refrained from commenting on this (I think - I may have commented before and just forgotten) but honestly, I didn't expect this thread to last this long.

Ah well, shows what I know.

At any rate, this idea is kind of a non-starter for two reasons:

1. It is absolutely not in CCP's best interests as a for profit entity to treat (or even give the appearance of treating) a large portion of their player base as second class citizens just for being in a certain group of characters.

2. A lot of the really inflammatory trolling doesn't come from NPC corp characters (Tom Gerard springs to mind immediately), so the proposed solution does nothing to attack the problem.

Of course, I am assuming that the OP is not, himself, trolling with this entire thread - if I'm wrong, then 100/10 OP, well played.

A couple of other points.
I do agree with the OP that trolling is a TOS/EULA violation and should be punished. CCP has rules in place for this kind of thing, and frankly, I don't think additional restrictions are necessary - they just need to actually enforce the ones they already have in a more judicious manner. Personally, I'm not against temp bans to in game accounts for serious forum violations.

I also agree that this has nothing to do with free speech. Free speech arguments fall flat from the get-go because this is not a government managed forum - it's run by a private entity and they have the right to ban people from it for absolutely no reason at all, if they so choose.

I disagree that the proposed change would, in any way, improve the quality of the forums because frankly, it's so easy to bypass. In fact, I argue it would worsen the quality of the forums due to the "*******" effect, in which people rail against arbitrary restrictions by being as obnoxious as possible in openly working to circumvent the restriction. I would expect to see a Postshield corporation (a la Dechsield) spring up almost immediately with free and open recruitment simply for people to post absolute dreck on the forums in retaliation against CCP for this change. (I would probably be one of them, because frankly, it's a bad idea.)

I also disagree that it would make people more accountable for their posts - all it would do in that case is spur the creation of more anonymous alts who would then join corporations like Postshield and continue sperging on the forums.

In summary, I cannot support this idea because it simply won't do any good. It certainly won't accomplish the lofty goal set by the OP, and it might, in all honesty, make the problem significantly worse.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#951 - 2014-07-23 15:12:27 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:

If only CCP applied their own damn rules and revoked posting privilege to repeat offenders instead of letting them come back all the damn time. If it cost people an account to keep trolling, I can bet you a lot will stop.

Perhaps CCP is dedicating their resources to things like improving industry, trading and fighting in space. Perhaps they need a sort of "filter" to decrease their forum workload, like this suggestion.

Change your filter so it does not restrict legitimate posters and it will be acceptable. Removing people from boards because someone else is a troll is not acceptable. Find a reason similar to CAOD if you want but "some of them are shitting it up" is not valid unless we also start to ban all corps from posting when we find out there are trolls in that corp like there are in NPC ones and this is something I would rather not see happening for obvious reasons.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#952 - 2014-07-23 15:13:53 UTC
De'Veldrin wrote:
I've more or less refrained from commenting on this (I think - I may have commented before and just forgotten) but honestly, I didn't expect this thread to last this long.

Ah well, shows what I know.

At any rate, this idea is kind of a non-starter for two reasons:

1. It is absolutely not in CCP's best interests as a for profit entity to treat (or even give the appearance of treating) a large portion of their player base as second class citizens just for being in a certain group of characters.

2. A lot of the really inflammatory trolling doesn't come from NPC corp characters (Tom Gerard springs to mind immediately), so the proposed solution does nothing to attack the problem.

Of course, I am assuming that the OP is not, himself, trolling with this entire thread - if I'm wrong, then 100/10 OP, well played.

A couple of other points.
I do agree with the OP that trolling is a TOS/EULA violation and should be punished. CCP has rules in place for this kind of thing, and frankly, I don't think additional restrictions are necessary - they just need to actually enforce the ones they already have in a more judicious manner. Personally, I'm not against temp bans to in game accounts for serious forum violations.

I also agree that this has nothing to do with free speech. Free speech arguments fall flat from the get-go because this is not a government managed forum - it's run by a private entity and they have the right to ban people from it for absolutely no reason at all, if they so choose.

I disagree that the proposed change would, in any way, improve the quality of the forums because frankly, it's so easy to bypass. In fact, I argue it would worsen the quality of the forums due to the "*******" effect, in which people rail against arbitrary restrictions by being as obnoxious as possible in openly working to circumvent the restriction. I would expect to see a Postshield corporation (a la Dechsield) spring up almost immediately with free and open recruitment simply for people to post absolute dreck on the forums in retaliation against CCP for this change. (I would probably be one of them, because frankly, it's a bad idea.)

I also disagree that it would make people more accountable for their posts - all it would do in that case is spur the creation of more anonymous alts who would then join corporations like Postshield and continue sperging on the forums.

In summary, I cannot support this idea because it simply won't do any good. It certainly won't accomplish the lofty goal set by the OP, and it might, in all honesty, make the problem significantly worse.

1. It is in their financial interest to automate as much of the forum moderation as possible because it allows them to use their employees more efficiently and CCP has stated before the subset of forum users is considerably smaller than the population of EVE. Out of all the people playing EVE few people use the forums. That could be for a variety of reasons like poor forum quality but, since few customers are effected by the change in the first place it won't be a big deal.

2. CAOD rules are 10+ member corporations so it will get rid of plenty of that kind of garbage.

I might as well say it again its not the solution but is part of it, its not intended to be a herculean effort to qualify for posting, and NPC corporations do far more trolling than anything else. Player organizations can be handled so the Alliance of Posting alts is a non-issue.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#953 - 2014-07-23 15:16:43 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:

Change your filter so it does not restrict legitimate posters and it will be acceptable. Removing people from boards because someone else is a troll is not acceptable. Find a reason similar to CAOD if you want but "some of them are shitting it up" is not valid unless we also start to ban all corps from posting when we find out there are trolls in that corp like there are in NPC ones and this is something I would rather not see happening for obvious reasons.

A mechanic is being abused so it needs to be changed do you really want to circle back to the similarities between this and the drone assist nerf? Its the same thing some non-abusers are equally effected by the nerf as abusers, such is the nature of nerfs.

Unlike NPC corporations player corporations have far more constraints and the effects of bad posting can be a self moderating force. Which is one of the many reasons why NPC corporations need to have their posting abilities restricted.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#954 - 2014-07-23 15:22:59 UTC
La Nariz wrote:

1. It is in their financial interest to automate as much of the forum moderation as possible because it allows them to use their employees more efficiently and CCP has stated before the subset of forum users is considerably smaller than the population of EVE. Out of all the people playing EVE few people use the forums. That could be for a variety of reasons like poor forum quality but, since few customers are effected by the change in the first place it won't be a big deal.

By that reasoning, it makes even more buisness sense to not moderate at all because you don't even have to spend time building rules for it. Did EVE ever lose players because the boards were a cesspit?
#955 - 2014-07-23 15:45:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Dhaq
I'd rather CCP allow community managers to simply hand out 30 day bans on the entire account if slot is being used as a constant blatant troll account. This was discussed a billion pages back about the possible disadvantages of giving more powerful tools to the moderators, so there is that issue. But I'd much rather have that over a blanket ban on a large subset of the population.

If CCP is truly committed to cleaning up the forums, then they should dedicate more resources and people to bringing it up to the state that they want it. We're not talking about pulling game developers off and putting them to work moderating the forums, so don't even start in with that "I'd rather them fix the game than worry about the forums" nonsense.

Implementing some contrived half-ass measure that does nothing but punish a large portion of the player base is worse than doing nothing. I would hope CCP can see the problem in implementing these types of knee-jerk reactionary ideas by now.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#956 - 2014-07-23 16:14:22 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:

By that reasoning, it makes even more buisness sense to not moderate at all because you don't even have to spend time building rules for it. Did EVE ever lose players because the boards were a cesspit?

No because then you get a cesspit like kugu that actively drives people away and looks horrible to the outside looking in crowd that has been so beneficial to EVE like national news agencies. EVE-O isn't there yet but, its quickly approaching that level of terrible. It makes the most sense to put in a filter like this, one that has been tested, and enact other small changes to fix the problem.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#957 - 2014-07-23 16:15:31 UTC
Dhaq wrote:
I'd rather CCP allow community managers to simply hand out 30 day bans on the entire account if slot is being used as a constant blatant troll account. This was discussed a billion pages back about the possible disadvantages of giving more powerful tools to the moderators, so there is that issue. But I'd much rather have that over a blanket ban on a large subset of the population.

If CCP is truly committed to cleaning up the forums, then they should dedicate more resources and people to bringing it up to the state that they want it. We're not talking about pulling game developers off and putting them to work moderating the forums, so don't even start in with that "I'd rather them fix the game than worry about the forums" nonsense.

Implementing some contrived half-ass measure that does nothing but punish a large portion of the player base is worse than doing nothing. I would hope CCP can see the problem in implementing these types of knee-jerk reactionary ideas by now.

You're welcome to start another thread about give the ISD a greater ability to moderate the forums. I agree it could be PART of the solution and is not a substitute or replacement for my suggestion.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

#958 - 2014-07-23 16:28:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Dhaq
La Nariz wrote:

No because then you get a cesspit like kugu that actively drives people away and looks horrible to the outside looking in crowd that has been so beneficial to EVE like national news agencies. EVE-O isn't there yet but, its quickly approaching that level of terrible. It makes the most sense to put in a filter like this, one that has been tested, and enact other small changes to fix the problem.

Are we looking at the same forums? Can you provide some examples of how NPC troll alts are causing the EVE-O forums to "quickly approach that level of terrible"? Am I just blind to all these posts?

You continue to repeat the same mantra about how god awful the quality is here and it is just completely baffling to me.

Edit: Also.. posting in what now appears to be a stealth Forums are Dying thread
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#959 - 2014-07-23 17:38:18 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Dhaq wrote:
I'd rather CCP allow community managers to simply hand out 30 day bans on the entire account if slot is being used as a constant blatant troll account. This was discussed a billion pages back about the possible disadvantages of giving more powerful tools to the moderators, so there is that issue. But I'd much rather have that over a blanket ban on a large subset of the population.

If CCP is truly committed to cleaning up the forums, then they should dedicate more resources and people to bringing it up to the state that they want it. We're not talking about pulling game developers off and putting them to work moderating the forums, so don't even start in with that "I'd rather them fix the game than worry about the forums" nonsense.

Implementing some contrived half-ass measure that does nothing but punish a large portion of the player base is worse than doing nothing. I would hope CCP can see the problem in implementing these types of knee-jerk reactionary ideas by now.

You're welcome to start another thread about give the ISD a greater ability to moderate the forums. I agree it could be PART of the solution and is not a substitute or replacement for my suggestion.

It actually IS a replacement or substitute because if the trolls were dealt with directly, all the actual trolls would be gone anyway without having to restrict the posting privilege of anyone not trolling. You can deny it all you want but forums with strong moderation are much cleaner than the ones without.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#960 - 2014-07-23 17:59:12 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

The ONLY people adversely affected by the elimination of the drone exploit were exploiters, no other players suffered from the change. Your proposal adversely affects people that are playing by the rules, HUGE DIFFERENCE!

Incorrect we have an ice mining fleet that was adversely effected by the drone assist changes. Trolling is not playing by the rules what part of that do you not understand?

The part were people in NPC corps that do play by the rules are shut out of the forums, that part.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.