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Remote Researching from NPC Station to POS -- DO NOT TAKE AWAY

Katherine Raven
ALTA Industries
Intergalactic Conservation Movement
#41 - 2014-05-26 22:49:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Katherine Raven
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
Or I can reply to this thread in favor of removing the ability.

It is broken and has no risks for its reward, damn glad its getting removed.

I currently own two POS' which I use exclusively for research. And yet I am in agreement that this does not properly represent the risk vs. reward nature that EVE advertises.

Am I saddened by the fact that I can no longer cook billions of isk worth of blueprints simultaneously with no risk of losing anything more than time? Of course.

Do I think that it is a better change for Eve as a whole? Absolutely. Sorry OP, but even as a HS carebear, I am in favor of this change.
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#42 - 2014-05-26 22:59:52 UTC
I always wonder how can BPO become loose? It's blueprint, not a rope...
Anyways, good change CCP. Plus, not like you risk anything. Before war dec you have 24 to move that BPO to safety...
Zan Shiro
#43 - 2014-05-27 05:41:43 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
This isn't about risk/reward, it's about effort/reward. Where is the reward for those who ground the faction standing,run a corp, fuel the pos, buy the bpos, etc. Doesn't that effort and cost warrant at least minimal in-game protection?

It's not up to the devs to protect you. Put up a proper POS, and defend it. Make friends instead of alts. It's your job to protect yourself, and it's your job to face the losses if you don't.

Or just put the pos so deep in BFE no wants the moon its on.

Well that and to some empire pos owners I can say...welcome to eve. Look on the bright side, you aren't sweating a baby mommie or titan in the csaa. Leaves your really stuck. Kill the job and billions upon billions just vaporizes. Defence goes bad....well some take great joy in killing unfinished titans. Even better if not paid for yet...owning corp just took a nice hit to the profits.

Ohh and op by proper pos they mean large with deathstar ability (I will be nice to the empire pos owners who are going however shall we get by). Or go or FU style pos (jams and scrams....rotate the jams so the bs are after an hour going what the f...... this is getting real annoying).

I have known many empire pos owners go deathstar mode in war decs. Wars last about 2-3 days. it be the mercs who call the war....they didn't plan on losing handfuls of BS' to a deathstar in empire. Don't know how to make a deathster, google 0.0 fits of them.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#44 - 2014-05-27 06:17:10 UTC

I do a significant amount of highsec t2 production. I maintain a large POS with around a dozen labs, which are pretty much essential for maintaining a supply of t2 BPCs.

I am 100% in favor of a MASSIVE increase to the risk vs reward situation regarding highsec T2 production.

I think forcing BPO's to be inside the POS to utilize the POS resources is absolutely the RIGHT direction for CCP to take.

I firmly believe you should pay large fees for S&I activities in an NPC station, and find it absolutely ridiculous that you can spend a "few thousand isk" to run your research job in a station! Running a large POS runs 450m isk/month, and believe the fees of using safe highsec stations for S&I should cost well above and beyond the riskier POS usage fees.

The only things I find disconcerting about the upcoming changes is the difficulties in segregating your assets at the POS arrays. Allowing all POS jobs to take from and deliver to a Personal Hangar Array would solve most of these issues. Furthermore, allowing the corp to "lock down" BPO's within a Corp Hangar Array would solve most of the security issues related to sharing BPO's among corp mates at a POS.

Yes, your assets are more vulnerable when at a POS vs in a Station. However, you can easily setup your POS to be a PITA to take down and you can take steps to limit the number of assets you have at risk. And I hope the benefits of operating out of a POS will be generous enough that those willing to take the risks are adequately rewarded. If you wont take the risks, go ahead and take down your POS and pay the exorbitant station fees. You're just going to pass on those fees to your end user, and the market is certain to balance out so you can still make a profit while being a risk adverse carebear. It just means your less risk adverse competitors will see more profit per item than you (ideally).
Shadow Cartel
#45 - 2014-05-27 06:27:46 UTC
Seriously copy times are going to be reduced a shitload!!!

Risk = Isk.

stop crying and start adapting!!!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-05-27 06:33:59 UTC
I'm in favour of the change. More reward should have more risk.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#47 - 2014-05-27 06:47:03 UTC
OP failed to notice that slots are being removed altogether, so he'll always be able to research a BPO in any station with research facilities with no waiting time.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Tranquility Lost
#48 - 2014-05-27 07:19:03 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I do a significant amount of highsec t2 production. I maintain a large POS with around a dozen labs, which are pretty much essential for maintaining a supply of t2 BPCs.

I am 100% in favor of a MASSIVE increase to the risk vs reward situation regarding highsec T2 production.


I think people may be lying or being mislead as I cannot think of any reason why a person who claims to be doing research in any manner, large or small, would be totally okay with taking on additional risk then has ever been required to take since the inception of researching blueprints? It's absurd to be excited about having to do more for the same reward then ever before.

Additionally, I am not even saying that we shouldn't get the ability to research blueprints inside NPC Stations by having unlimited number of slots or any of the other Industry-related improvements Kronos will bring either in June or July. All I am saying is that being able to store the blueprints inside the NPC station and start research jobs remotely at the POS should be kept as that should be the only feature removed from the expansion. Who cares how realistic it is or is not because this has been an ability one could do for years.

For those who do research should be able to appreciate the safety of keeping their blueprints safe while still having a risk vs. reward feature. Risk being someone could come by and destroy your POS and then research is then nullified. Another risk is that you have to put in money and time to maintain a POS thus taking away time for other activities that are more fun that also may be needed to do and accomplish. Plus, it does not take anything away from the argument of defending your POS if you have one.

For those who like to grief and destroy POS's if you want to take down a POS just War Dec that corporation if the POS is in High Sec or Low Sec. That way you can still do what you enjoy while not getting Concord'd or losing Security Status, respectively. I'm surprised that nobody has lobby for removing or reducing the POS shield capacity, claiming it isn't fair that a POS have massive shields. :)

Honestly, the argument really isn't about Risk vs Reward but rather getting the surprise attack because you know if you were to War Dec someone with a POS they would just beef it up and/or defend it with ships in person. You just want to be able to sneak around doing dirty work against those who you can take advantage of regardless if they took any actions against you that limited what you do in game or limit your fun, in any way. Whether that should be allowed is for another topic on another day but just admit that as the true reason anyone would be against keeping the ability to Research Blueprints remotely.

I'm embracing this change as well as it will help to illustrate to people of all in-game professions just how important people who research and make stuff in game are to the things you use and the things you need to buy on a regular basis. The effect won't be instantaneous but over time as the game depends more and more on the players themselves the market and contract system will slowly show over time a decline for products at a reasonable price. You will then be forced to acquire them item, if available, at a much higher price then ever before or be forced into making your own items yourself. You don't have to believe me but rest assured that is likely to be the course of this game if actions that only benefit the combat side of this game take precedence.
Tranquility Lost
#49 - 2014-05-27 08:29:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Absinyth
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
There are most definitely things that are wrong and broken.

All of Eve is about a Risk vs Reward ratio. You are getting a benefit (researched BPOs) at quicker research time compared to station, yet you are not risking moving it from a station to the POS where you are 'researching' it. You are leaving it in an indestructible, unassailable station in high sec but receiving the benefits of a POS. You explain to me how that is not broken.

The reason why we used to be able to research our Blueprints from the confines of an NPC Station and use the POS research slots remotely is because of a few things. Conducting Remote Research is a Reward but is justified.

1) The fact that it takes forever, months of grinding mission after mission over and over and over and over again until your brain hurts -- then going back the next day and doing it all over again. In the meantime not much else gets accomplished or completed. = Risk

2) Or if you chose to hire someone to boost your standings not only does your corporation activities get put on a week hold but that person knows your putting up a POS and if desired could take action against you or simply not return the corporation. = Risk

3) You still had the option to War Dec that corporation and putting a fleet together to destroy the POS thus removing their ability to complete the research and the jobs that did not finish are not improved at all and the research time has to start all over. = Risk

4) When making copies those BPC's were stored in the Lab, thus vulnerable to loss. = Risk

5) A POS requires to be defended, maintained, and fueled which requires money and time to be invested for continuous operation. All the while these Ice Belts went from being completely abundant to very limited and concentrated to less number of systems. = Risk

6) If an owner forgets to re-fuel the tower in time the POS becomes completely defenseless as the offensive and defensive measures are not active. = Risk

I've just shown you why the current system is not broken. Tell me how the system of researching to a POS while storing your Blueprints in an NPC Station is not operating within the Risk vs. Reward ratio philosophy?

Clearly, the risks completely outweigh the rewards and that was before the June or July expansion is deployed. Kronos, and subsequent expansions, as announced, only widens that gap of being more risky, unnecessarily.

Keep in mind I've not mentioned the negative aspects to the ship rebalancing or the reduced yield from refining Ore & Ice come with the Kronos, and subsequent, expansion(s). Just all the more justification to keep the ability to conduct research remotely while storing blueprints inside the NPC station needs to stay.

This is not a cry for change but merely a discussion about why to keep this feature. For those who think this is anything but a reasonable and logically sound discussion merely choses to fuel that belief at their own discretion and accord; and is not the accurate view of the original post.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#50 - 2014-05-27 08:51:22 UTC
Absinyth wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I do a significant amount of highsec t2 production. I maintain a large POS with around a dozen labs, which are pretty much essential for maintaining a supply of t2 BPCs.

I am 100% in favor of a MASSIVE increase to the risk vs reward situation regarding highsec T2 production.


I think people may be lying or being mislead as I cannot think of any reason why a person who claims to be doing research in any manner, large or small, would be totally okay with taking on additional risk then has ever been required to take since the inception of researching blueprints? It's absurd to be excited about having to do more for the same reward then ever before.

I don't appreciate your insinuation that I'm lying or misleading people. Do I need to give you the name of my main research alt Ender Malikite? Do you want to verify my POS setup in Dantan? Or are you so mistrusting you won't believe anything short of API keys? I just made myself a potential target sharing this info, taking on additional risk to anyone I **** off. Why might I do such a thing? Because I've defended enough POS's to be a pain in the ass to anyone that attacks it. Because I've been in a few wardecs and know how to get my assets safe. To sum up, the reason I'm ok with taking on the additional risks because those risks can be mitigated by competent players.

Absinyth wrote:

Additionally, I am not even saying that we shouldn't get the ability to research blueprints inside NPC Stations by having unlimited number of slots or any of the other Industry-related improvements Kronos will bring either in June or July. All I am saying is that being able to store the blueprints inside the NPC station and start research jobs remotely at the POS should be kept as that should be the only feature removed from the expansion. Who cares how realistic it is or is not because this has been an ability one could do for years.

For those who do research should be able to appreciate the safety of keeping their blueprints safe while still having a risk vs. reward feature. Risk being someone could come by and destroy your POS and then research is then nullified. Another risk is that you have to put in money and time to maintain a POS thus taking away time for other activities that are more fun that also may be needed to do and accomplish. Plus, it does not take anything away from the argument of defending your POS if you have one.

So you want the benefits of POS arrays without risking your precious BPOs. There are two scales I believe EvE should reward its players with: Risk vs Reward and Effort vs Reward. Operating a POS requires a reasonable amount of effort. In highsec, there is even some risk, too, mainly when players make their POS a loot pinata (but much less than the risks to a loot-filled freighter or blingy ship). Moving BPO's to the POS increases both the risks and the effort to POS S&I, which are pragmatically pretty minimal at the moment. While I haven't crunched the exact numbers, I suspect the benefits of POS operations will increase my profitability enough to pay for my POS maintenance and more. I'm still exploring this on Sisi.

Without the "BP's must be at the POS to utilize the POS benefits", the upcoming changes will further reduce the assets you risk. With the changes to remove S&I lines, you only need a single lab and array to do all the S&I activities your corp can handle.

Absinyth wrote:

Honestly, the argument really isn't about Risk vs Reward but rather getting the surprise attack because you know if you were to War Dec someone with a POS they would just beef it up and/or defend it with ships in person. You just want to be able to sneak around doing dirty work against those who you can take advantage of regardless if they took any actions against you that limited what you do in game or limit your fun, in any way. Whether that should be allowed is for another topic on another day but just admit that as the true reason anyone would be against keeping the ability to Research Blueprints remotely.

This paragraph doesn't make sense. Wardeccing gives the defenders a reasonable amount of time to get a bunch of their assets safe. The first time I was decced, I simply removed the Mobile Arrays from the POS, eliminating the rewards anyone would get for shooting my tower. Later I learned to properly setup the POS with hardeners, ECM, and weapons to thoroughly discourage the wardecs before they happen. There is nothing dirty or underhanded when someone wardecs you with the hope of destroying your POS and looting your assets. That's a part of this game, not to mention the complete opposite of a "surprise attack".

Absinyth wrote:

I'm embracing this change as well as it will help to illustrate to people of all in-game professions just how important people who research and make stuff in game are to the things you use and the things you need to buy on a regular basis. The effect won't be instantaneous but over time as the game depends more and more on the players themselves the market and contract system will slowly show over time a decline for products at a reasonable price. You will then be forced to acquire them item, if available, at a much higher price then ever before or be forced into making your own items yourself. You don't have to believe me but rest assured that is likely to be the course of this game if actions that only benefit the combat side of this game take precedence.

What utter rubbish. In the worst case scenario, where POS S&I facilities are completely rubbish and unusable, then we will all use NPC station services for our S&I activities. With no more queues, production rates will easily be maintained, production profitability will be maintained, and any end-user price increases honestly won't matter.
Tranquility Lost
#51 - 2014-05-27 09:20:20 UTC
Absinyth wrote:

I think people may be lying or being mislead as I cannot think of any reason why a person who claims to be doing research in any manner, large or small, would be totally okay with taking on additional risk then has ever been required to take since the inception of researching blueprints? It's absurd to be excited about having to do more for the same reward then ever before.
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I don't appreciate your insinuation that I'm lying or misleading people....

If you thought I was single-handedly accusing you then I apologize, but you weren't the only one who said they research and agreed with the removal of this feature. I hope you aren't taking this personally as I was just making a point, being that removal of this feature is unnecessary and doesn't make sense to remove. Also, nobody forced you to volunteer any information or to even make the reply but I do appreciate your feedback.

I don't need to see any information nor would I go after anyone who doesn't agree with me from a forum post. I'm not that petty. As far as anyone who reads this I wouldn't worry about getting sought out as I don't think someone would chose to do so simply from your statement on here alone. I guess more people that do research see that as a problem as well and is probably why this conversation has been mostly one-sided thus far.

Don't be afraid of what people will do in game, if you want to give your thoughts do so. If someone targets you in game then fight back. This is just a game and we should all be able to have fun within the rules and the mechanics of the game. If you want to do more than that then convenience the developers to change the game--hence what this post is all about. I'm just trying to point out the deficiencies of the upcoming expansions this Summer.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#52 - 2014-05-27 09:24:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
Absinyth wrote:
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
There are most definitely things that are wrong and broken.

All of Eve is about a Risk vs Reward ratio. You are getting a benefit (researched BPOs) at quicker research time compared to station, yet you are not risking moving it from a station to the POS where you are 'researching' it. You are leaving it in an indestructible, unassailable station in high sec but receiving the benefits of a POS. You explain to me how that is not broken.

The reason why we used to be able to research our Blueprints from the confines of an NPC Station and use the POS research slots remotely is because of a few things. Conducting Remote Research is a Reward but is justified.

1) The fact that it takes forever, months of grinding mission after mission over and over and over and over again until your brain hurts -- then going back the next day and doing it all over again. In the meantime not much else gets accomplished or completed. = Risk

First off, this is effort, not RISK. Second, the standings requirements for anchoring a POS are being removed. Thirdly, this is a one-time effort that can easily be bypassed by the competent.

2) Or if you chose to hire someone to boost your standings not only does your corporation activities get put on a week hold but that person knows your putting up a POS and if desired could take action against you or simply not return the corporation. = Risk

This is hardly a "risk" unless you are a moron.

3) You still had the option to War Dec that corporation and putting a fleet together to destroy the POS thus removing their ability to complete the research and the jobs that did not finish are not improved at all and the research time has to start all over. = Risk

The effort required to wardec and destroy a properly setup POS is generally NOT worth rewards in doing so. Sure, if you make your POS an undefended loot pinata it might be worth their time, but that's on you! This risk is pretty minimal to be frank.

4) When making copies those BPC's were stored in the Lab, thus vulnerable to loss. = Risk

You can remove those copies when you get wardecced, before your POS is RF'd. Again, this risk is pretty minimal to be frank.

5) A POS requires to be defended, maintained, and fueled which requires money and time to be invested for continuous operation. All the while these Ice Belts went from being completely abundant to very limited and concentrated to less number of systems. = Risk

Again, this is better classified as EFFORT. And again, it is generally not worth an attackers time to attack your POS unless you make it such.

6) If an owner forgets to re-fuel the tower in time the POS becomes completely defenseless as the offensive and defensive measures are not active. = Risk

Well gee, you can mitigate this risk simply by FUELING YOUR POS. Again, this risk is pretty minimal to be frank.

Absinyth wrote:

I've just shown you why the current system is not broken. Tell me how the system of researching to a POS while storing your Blueprints in an NPC Station is not operating within the Risk vs. Reward ratio philosophy?

Because the risks you just mentioned are pretty minimal. Operating a highsec POS is a LOW RISK activity as long as you don't do something stupid. It is a medium effort activity, given you have to refuel it once a MONTH.

Absinyth wrote:

Clearly, the risks completely outweigh the rewards and that was before the June or July expansion is deployed. Kronos, and subsequent expansions, as announced, only widens that gap of being more risky, unnecessarily.

What do you mean the current risks "completely outweigh the rewards"? I know several people that currently do research in Highsec POS's, with the BPO's located AT THE POS. Go look in stationless highsec systems for POS's with labs on them, you might be surprised at the risks many EvE players take.

Absinyth wrote:

Keep in mind I've not mentioned the negative aspects to the ship rebalancing or the reduced yield from refining Ore & Ice come with the Kronos, and subsequent, expansion(s). Just all the more justification to keep the ability to conduct research remotely while storing blueprints inside the NPC station needs to stay.

This is not a cry for change but merely a discussion about why to keep this feature. For those who think this is anything but a reasonable and logically sound discussion merely chooses to fuel that belief at their own discretion and accord; and is not the accurate view of the original post.

So far, the only rational reason you've given to keep the feature as it is:
You feel the benefits of POS based S&I are not worth the increased risks given BPO's at a POS.

That is your opinion, but this POS using industrialists disagrees. If the majority of players feel as you do, what harm will it do to the game? Furthermore, do you realize CCP can always increase the benefits of POS based S&I to balance the rewards to the risk & effort?
Tranquility Lost
#53 - 2014-05-27 09:44:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Absinyth
I think your statement of: "You feel the benefits of POS based S&I are not worth the increased risks given BPO's at a POS." is completely true. For sure it is not worth taking on additional risks for roughly the same reward. Some of the risks could be classified as efforts and while I know some of them can be mitigated was just proving there is risk in the current system. I don't know what the majority of people feel yet but would like to find out. I think over time we will get a better sample and the active discussion is good as it keeps the conversation going.

I'm willing to see how the removal of this feature is after the expansion is rolled out but still won't change my mind or point of view. I also remember how the Unified Inventory was a complete and utter failure after it was when first rolled so I know what it takes to reverse a change. While we still have the Unified Inventory window it is much more like the previous windows in how it operates and functions. People made their points and had a discussion thus we got a good product that was a good compromise of the old window and the new window layout and functionality. I am hoping for the same result here with the Remote Researching feature. I do realize that CCP can always make a change and is why I wanted to stand against the removal of the remote research feature.

Furthermore, I still am unclear why you are in support of not being able to conduct your research remotely while still storing them in the NPC station. Maybe you could elaborate on it a bit more without giving away any confidential or sensitive information? You have not mentioned anything about the prices of office rental or availability of office slots which are both reasonable points in your defense.

You can still believe in the Risk vs. Reward and Effort vs. Reward ideologies while still enjoying keeping your blueprints in an NPC station, or at the least give other people the option to enjoy that benefit. Who's to say that given a choice some people will choose to store blueprints in the labs while other people stores them in the NPC station. Why is one way more right then the other? You can store blueprints in the labs right now if you want. Nobody is stopping you. That is what lead me to my original statement of what I said.

I have also not complained about the fact that refined ore will get less mineral output, which is something that will negatively impact a lot of people and the market. I am also in favor of the new slots and research system that introduces higher risk for reward just as you like. All I am asking for is a compromise, wish other people saw it the same.

With the current system, before Kronos expansion, if you want to take on the additional risk feel free to do so, but why should everyone be forced to do the same? You want to launch a POS in a station-less system, go for it. With the removal of this feature there is increased risk or effort, even if some of them can be easily mitigated, without a change to any type of reward. To me, that is why the removal of this feature is unnecessary and doesn't make sense.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#54 - 2014-05-27 10:31:30 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
OP failed to notice that slots are being removed altogether, so he'll always be able to research a BPO in any station with research facilities with no waiting time.

Yup, and his costs only go up several orders of magnitude, and he has zero control over future costs, as he cannot control how many people use a station. (And I can only wait for the explosions of joy heard when mission runners realize that building 5 Fed Navy tracking computers at an NPC station just went from 1200 ISK to 120 million)

Truly a brilliant mechanism......

What Absinyth has failed to realize that this entire overhaul was designed to ruin high sec industry, forcing those that wish to continue industry to become serfs of the null sec cartel lords.
XS Tech
#55 - 2014-05-27 10:32:16 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Because the risks you just mentioned are pretty minimal. Operating a highsec POS is a LOW RISK activity as long as you don't do something stupid. It is a medium effort activity, given you have to refuel it once a MONTH.

To be fair - IIRC you can only cram 28 days of fuel into a tower Blink (but it's been a while since I've been POS-fuel *****).

Absinyth wrote:

I have also not complained about the fact that refined ore will get less mineral output, which is something that will negatively impact a lot of people and the market.

You should really train "maths" beyond level one.

currently -> Veldspar x 333 = FLOOR((1,000 trit (base) * 1.0 (refine) * (1.0 - [tax])),1) = 1,000

post-Crius (as I believe all of the indy changes have been pulled from Kronos) --> Veldspar x 100 = FLOOR ((415 trit (base) * 3.33 * 0.724 (refine) * (1.0 - [tax])),1) = 1,000 <--- because FLOOR (1000.5 , 1) = 1000.

- we're assuming "tax" to be zero in both cases, along with perfect skills, and the refining implant in a generic 50% base NPC station.
- the 3.33 multiplier is because the batch size is being reduced to 100 units across the boards.
- functions are floored, because all refining maths round down.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Tranquility Lost
#56 - 2014-05-27 10:37:20 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

What Absinyth has failed to realize that this entire overhaul was designed to ruin high sec industry, forcing those that wish to continue industry to become serfs of the null sec cartel lords.

I haven't failed to realize it, I summarized that thought in my original post. I also posted some additional posts explaining what could happen if this trend continues in this direction over time.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#57 - 2014-05-27 14:27:17 UTC
Absinyth wrote:

I think your statement of: "You feel the benefits of POS based S&I are not worth the increased risks given BPO's at a POS." is completely true. For sure it is not worth taking on additional risks for roughly the same reward. Some of the risks could be classified as efforts and while I know some of them can be mitigated was just proving there is risk in the current system. I don't know what the majority of people feel yet but would like to find out. I think over time we will get a better sample and the active discussion is good as it keeps the conversation going.

Furthermore, I still am unclear why you are in support of not being able to conduct your research remotely while still storing them in the NPC station. Maybe you could elaborate on it a bit more without giving away any confidential or sensitive information? You have not mentioned anything about the prices of office rental or availability of office slots which are both reasonable points in your defense.

Several Reasons:
1.) To maintain uniformity with S&I POS modules. Currently, to do MFG at a POS array involves putting your building materials at the POS. To do invention requires putting decryptors, datacores, and interfaces at the POS. I see no logical reason to keep BPO's elsewhere.

2.) To add additional risks to POS S&I. With the removal of station lines, the number of POS modules you need to run your corps S&I jobs is greatly diminishing. This essentially removes much of the risky "bling" at your POS, and putting BPO's back at the POS helps balance this.

3.) As a conflict driver. There are few reasons to attack a POS in highsec. The 24 hr wardec warning allows players to usually get their POS assets safe, leaving little incentive for an attack. With the potential loot of BPO's, there is more incentive to attack them. While I understand you may not want such attention, I still think it is good for the game to encourage such things.

4.) I hope to profit from it. As someone that is willing to take risks, I hope to improve my profit margins by utilizing POS equipment above and beyond what the risk adverse NPC station builder enjoys.

Absinyth wrote:

You can still believe in the Risk vs. Reward and Effort vs. Reward ideologies while still enjoying keeping your blueprints in an NPC station, or at the least give other people the option to enjoy that benefit. Who's to say that given a choice some people will choose to store blueprints in the labs while other people stores them in the NPC station. Why is one way more right then the other? You can store blueprints in the labs right now if you want. Nobody is stopping you. That is what lead me to my original statement of what I said.

In the end, you do not want to risk placing your BPO's in a POS. I totally understand this, and truth be told there are some BPO's I'd rather leave safely in station too. However, I don't see why we should get the benefits of POS S&I while keeping our BPO's safely in a station. We can always just use the station when the risk is too much. With the removal of station lines, there is no queue, and main penalty is an increased time to complete a job.

I spent some time calculating the savings from Production and Research at a POS. If you are building ships, or the more expensive t2 items (Nuetron Blaster Cannon II's), you save a significant amount of isk by operating out of a POS. If you are building small items or ammo, you lose isk by operating out of a POS. If they can reduced the MFG times, Copy Times, and Invention times based on module sizes, even ammo and small modules will be profitable.

Absinyth wrote:

I have also not complained about the fact that refined ore will get less mineral output, which is something that will negatively impact a lot of people and the market. I am also in favor of the new slots and research system that introduces higher risk for reward just as you like. All I am asking for is a compromise, wish other people saw it the same.

Ore is getting less mineral output if you have poor skills. For those with good skills, or are willing to refine at a POS, we'll experience IMPROVED mineral yield. The changes also make Ore potentially more valuable as ore rather than as minerals. This is a very interesting change, and I don't believe you know how it will truly impact the market, which means you don't know the positive or negative impact it will have.

Absinyth wrote:

With the current system, before Kronos expansion, if you want to take on the additional risk feel free to do so, but why should everyone be forced to do the same? You want to launch a POS in a station-less system, go for it. With the removal of this feature there is increased risk or effort, even if some of them can be easily mitigated, without a change to any type of reward. To me, that is why the removal of this feature is unnecessary and doesn't make sense.

Your upset because there is an increased risk to continue operating the same way. Realize that the status quo is dramatically changing though. Don't use a POS if you don't like the risks.

Why do most t2 producers own a POS now? So we can make copies and invent BPC's at a reasonable rate. We cannot truly use NPC station services because the queues are insane. With this change, we can use NPC station services and completely bypass the POS operating expenses. It means we forgo the time efficiency provided by POS modules, but gain the safety of station based services. That will generally be a win for you when you do the math.

Alternatively, you can take the riskier road, and use POS based S&I. This will increase your production rates. On some things, this very much improves your net isk / month. On other items, not so much. I'd petition to improve the rewards long before I'd petition to make it safer.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#58 - 2014-05-27 20:23:49 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
OP failed to notice that slots are being removed altogether, so he'll always be able to research a BPO in any station with research facilities with no waiting time.

Yup, and his costs only go up several orders of magnitude, and he has zero control over future costs, as he cannot control how many people use a station. (And I can only wait for the explosions of joy heard when mission runners realize that building 5 Fed Navy tracking computers at an NPC station just went from 1200 ISK to 120 million)

Truly a brilliant mechanism......

What Absinyth has failed to realize that this entire overhaul was designed to ruin high sec industry, forcing those that wish to continue industry to become serfs of the null sec cartel lords.

So you're saying that 1200 increasing by up to 14% equals 120,000,000?

Your maths baffles and confuses me.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Domanique Altares
#59 - 2014-05-27 21:43:47 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
OP failed to notice that slots are being removed altogether, so he'll always be able to research a BPO in any station with research facilities with no waiting time.

Yup, and his costs only go up several orders of magnitude, and he has zero control over future costs, as he cannot control how many people use a station. (And I can only wait for the explosions of joy heard when mission runners realize that building 5 Fed Navy tracking computers at an NPC station just went from 1200 ISK to 120 million)

Truly a brilliant mechanism......

What Absinyth has failed to realize that this entire overhaul was designed to ruin high sec industry, forcing those that wish to continue industry to become serfs of the null sec cartel lords.

So you're saying that 1200 increasing by up to 14% equals 120,000,000?

Your maths baffles and confuses me.

Dinsdale uses math?

I could have sworn he was asking the Magic 8 Ball for his game related figures.
Komi Toran
Caldari State
#60 - 2014-05-28 02:39:11 UTC
The reason researchers would welcome this change is because increased risk/effort equals increased reward. More risk/effort will dissuade more competition from entering the field, contracting supply and increasing prices. So, naturally, I'm buying me a POS.

Also, with these changes, there should be an increased demand for BPCs. Null sec and low sec will not want to run on BPOs, as their POSes are much, much more vulnerable than High-Sec. So, research is getting a boost on both ends.

This is, however, a problem for corporations (and I don't mean single player +alt type corporations), who will have to risk locking down their BPOs in POS modules to get the full benefit of them. I'm happy I'm not in charge of a big high-sec industrial corp, as that could be brutal.

Asside from this, the BPO change is really a minor hit to high-sec BPO security. If you have warp points already established, you can be pretty much invulnerable ferrying between POS and NPC Station. But, there will always be people with more ISK than sense, so more BPOS will be lost to ganks/wardecs. This, too, will drive down supply and increase potential profits.