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Factional Warfare Farmers - Warp Core Stab & similar

Maximus Aerelius
#61 - 2014-05-08 11:52:08 UTC
Niden wrote:
I'd love to. Give me examples on how damage nerf 'breaks' WCS for people outside of FW and we'll take it from there.

As I've already stated I'm no FW expert but I've laid out my case for you to counter. Think outside of the one area you seem to focus on (FW) and see the "bigger picture".

I fit 1 x WCS which drops me to:

Targeting Range Penalty -50%
Signature Resolution Penalty -50%

So why should it have a 3rd negative because just because you can't counter it solo or fail to fit to counter it? I'm guessing you aren't bring enough points\DPS\friends. If you want to take them out bring more counter, it doesn't seem that hard to me rather than screaming for WCS's to be nerfed into being useless or to be scrapped all together as I've read so many times on the forums.

Again, I'm no FW expert\FW farmer but I do use WCS and this would affect me and all of New Eden.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#62 - 2014-05-08 12:28:44 UTC
I'll take it as a good sign you, as a user of the WCS, can't think of one single instance where this would harm anyone else.

No disrespect intended, but your assumptions about why we are having this debate about the WCS are compleatly off, as should be clear from several posts in the thread so far by me and others - please read them :)
Topher Basquette Dusch-shur
Montana Freedom Fighters
#63 - 2014-05-08 16:04:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Topher Basquette Dusch-shur
Edit: This thread has become too silly. I'm done trying to bring rationality.
Julianus Soter
Blades of Liberty
#64 - 2014-05-09 11:29:58 UTC
Looks like the farming macro botters are starting to ragequit the thread already, operation success I think ;)

Moira. Corporation CEO, Executor, Villore Accords, @Julianus_Soter

oohthey ioh
#65 - 2014-05-09 23:19:39 UTC
make warp stabs chance based?
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#66 - 2014-05-10 04:55:55 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
So why should it have a 3rd negative because just because you can't counter it solo or fail to fit to counter it?

Fair enough. Get rid of the targeting range penalty. You're back to two penalties. Everybodyhappy?
Azn Empire
#67 - 2014-05-10 06:33:50 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
first of all thank you for including large plexes in the regular FW spawn cycle we asked for it since inferno - a really nice change.

The other two changes however i really can't support. The problem is that they most likely will make plexing more annoying without fixing anything.

If you are after LP running or hiding is still more efficient than fighting, making running or hiding more difficult does not fix the problem its just a dirty way of dealing of the symptoms of the mechanics.

CCP has a history of fixing symptoms instead of the problem, for example if you look back what happened in inferno, plex layout changes like moving the beacon closer to the warpin or the requirement to kill the rat instead of tanking it did not help at all to motivate farmers to get out the vicious circle and use pvp ships (it really is the first step, if you don't do this you have no choice but running away).

A fix of the problem would NOT be to prohibit cloaks, or block stabs. It would be to penalize running or hiding. Sounds horribly complicated right? FEAR NOT ITS THE EASIEST FIX IN THE WORLD. I am sure nobody in the forums EVER suggested timer resets as most obvious fix to the problem. Kappa

So how would a CLEAN FIX OF THE PROBLEM look you ask? There are many many variations of the timer reset or rollback proposal. Here a few examples:
- timer ticks backwards in accelerated fashion till it reaches neutral state if a player waits in the plex
- timer ticks backwards till it reaches the neutral (normal speed) state if everything left the beacon
- timer resets immediately (imagine you could spend lp on the plex structure to reset it)
- ... just a few EXAMPLES

you say, hey thats not fair since i might waste so much time of my life plexing. FEAR NOT timer length is not set in stone.
- imagine someone would reduce timer length and payouts to balance the now fixed mechanics between EXPANSIONS

you say everybody would blob and i can't solo anymore (sidenote: i solo pvp at least 90% of my gametime)
- firstly, the nature of blobs is that they a) get killed by a larger blob or b) dissolve quickly since there is no other blob around
- secondly, having a blob you still won't be able to cover whole FW space. A route through all amarr systems alone has 32+ jumps, and thats half of the warzone. (cal-gal WZ is much larger btw) How often do you think a blob would fly this route?
- thirdly, crazy concepts like patrol gangs might actually work, you could defend (selected) systems or disrupt your opponent defending systems WITHOUT TRADING TIME 1:1 WITH FARMERS
- solo farming WILL STILL PERFECTLY WORK, all you would have to do is to use a pvp fit an pick a quiet system

so what would happen after implementing the MOST OBVIOUS FIX IN EVE HISTORY you ask?
- stabs, cloaks will serve the original purpose: protecting your ship but using them for make LP won't work anymore
- plexing will be a mechanic to create confilct and you would see more fights in them
- frigs will stick to novices, destroyers to small plexes and cruisers to medium plexes
- people will plex together in great joy, celebrating the new plexing mechanics

OMG the fix is PERFECT you say, do we still need the other stuff?
- actually no, rats, artificial rules like cloak inhibitors don't matter anymore, you could just remove them or keep them... doesn't matter

- no problem m8. FW covers EVERYTHING. You can fly pve missions which allow you to complete them without NPC agro, 0 risk... you can cloak any time, watch a movie etc. Best of all: it doesn't influence sov and its the perfect solo mechanic DESIGNED TO BE NO CONFLICT DRIVER

but what if this change is made and it DOESN'T WORK (fictional, highly theoretical scenario - won't happen ever)
- luckily eve has now a new 6 week deployment model so you could implement the "we will monitor the situation and tweak the system later" - inferno - CCP Soundwave - before riot - promise with minimal effort

thanks for listening and thanks for the large plex change

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#68 - 2014-05-10 12:03:42 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Gigan Amilupar wrote:
(1) It's not so much that using a stabs in FW is a "problem" exactly since it's using stabs for what they were clearly designed for...running away. The issue lies that doing so in FW is rather against the spirit of the concept as using them allows for relatively risk-free farming. It's a weakness in the design more then it is an exploit. However I do agree that it definitely needs to be properly addressed.

There is plenty of risk in farming with a stabbed plex runner: the risk is that you fail to make bank. You driving the plexer away is engaging in PvP. You are directly interfering with their ISK-making.

What is the spirit of Faction Warfare, and why is using warp core stabilisers going against that spirit?


Mara Rinn wrote:
There is plenty of risk in farming with a stabbed plex runner: the risk is that you fail to make bank

Yes, yes, huge risk there. Oh me oh my, this 2mil ship isn't making 24098725098234bil an hour. Boo. Hoo.

Mara Rinn wrote:
What is the spirit of Faction Warfare, and why is using warp core stabilisers going against that spirit?

The spirit of FW is pew for pew's sake. The search for the GUD FITE .

FW plexes are meant to be an income for that "mindless" pvp. Entering into FW with absolutely zero want for the glorious pew it has to offer drags the rest of us down. Lets say you fit a cloak, you fit stabs, you avoid any and all confrontations....what content is that character bringing to the warzone? A non-farmbot-9000 character in those plexes provides content for everyone else in the warzone. We get to shoot him and we get to be shot by him.

"chasing" one of the farmville dude's 8 plexing characters out of a plex for a few minutes doesn't hurt him very much. Spending your own pew-time keeping the farmer out of the plex is something you only do when there is nothing else to do.

They don't want to pew. Others will assume you yourself are just a farmer and that you're just gonna run/cloak, thus less fights for you.

LP inflation. The pilots adding content to this area of the sandbox make less isk while waiting for fights.

Hell, if it was up to me we'd roll it all back to no LP for plexes at all and no missions. Corpses and smoking wrecks were good enough for us when it all started. We had fewer pilots in FW, but there were so many more fights.....
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#69 - 2014-05-10 12:38:42 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
OK, I'm not a FW expert but WCS aren't broken, FW is. You don't break one module because a system is broken and if you do you break it for the whole of New Eden.

Personally, I think you need to HTFU and bring more points, more friends or more DPS if you don't like WCS use then bring the counter to it.

People fit WCS to escape, strange notion I know, and the counter to that is points, Faction points at that (+3). Is there a Faction WCS? Nope.

So the more WCS you fit the less distance you can lock at which is called balance.

So now I've covered that please tell me why they should have another negative bonus added for their use?

Farmers sit in plexes, usually 25km or more from the beacon.

Multiple people coming in is less effective than one guy with multiple scrams.

So, to break the average 3 stabs, I need 4 points worth of warp disruption. There aren't many frigates with that many mids or the cpu to fit that many long points, so it has to be scrams.

The farmer has every advantage. The hunter has to cover 20-30km, during which time all stabby pants has to do is hit warp or cloak if he's really on the ball. Having to fight in scram range, having to sacrifice a precious midslot that will be missed in a fight with someone that actually has teeth...

The alternative is to plant myself in a cloaked ship inside the plex beforehand. Wait for them to come to me.....but wow, that's a lot of effort for a 100k isk ship kill.

Last night I had an alt chasing two farming destroyers around my home a dual scram 1.5k ehp bomber.

Abs Sciuto
Tail Spin Corp
Proxima Centauri Alliance
#70 - 2014-05-10 12:56:27 UTC
Only negative damage bonus wont be enough i think. or it may be too much

Make Warp Core Stabilizer active modules without autorepeat! you can make a cooldown too)
it will get extra gameplay in yhis area like mwd+cloak, it will be real tool to conter warp disrupters.
Never Back Down
#71 - 2014-05-10 21:11:27 UTC  |  Edited by: hellcane
These threads are always worth reading.

Side 1: Upset because they refuse to fit in anticipation of stabs. Demands nerf to module because it is working exactly as intended, and they missed out on killing a pve ship. Convinced that they are playing the correct way.

Side 2: Uses stabs or supports that style of play. Taunts the nerf crowd.

Side 3: Understands that the issue is not with stabs, however most of these ideas get pounced on by other two sides.

Best part is that when a thread sadly dies, you can be assured of more entertainment will be posted in a few days
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#72 - 2014-05-10 21:38:30 UTC
Joffy Aulx-Gao wrote:
I support this it's goddamn annoying to scram a ship, get it to hull and then it runs..

Double Web, stay on top of it, and blam. Hull pops.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...