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Warning! If you are training Combat Drone Operation, STOP NOW!

Tika Hemah
#1 - 2014-05-04 11:04:27 UTC
This is a warning to those of you currently training Combat Drone operation to 5 in anticipation of the drone changes detailed in the 4/1/14 dev blog: Giving drones an assist

We are also splitting the current Combat Drone Operation skill into two new skills, Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation. This means that all light combat drones will now be unlocked and bonused from the Light Drone Operation skill, and medium combat drones will be unlocked and bonused from the Medium Drone Operation skill. During the patch downtime, existing players with the Combat Drone Operation skill trained will receive both new skills trained to the same level that their Combat Drone Operation skill was trained to.

This was changed in the discussion thread on 4/3/14 (page 32)

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Sorry for the delay in answering some of the skill questions guys.

As many of you have suggested, we'll be giving pilots the same level in both Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation as the highest level they have in either Scout Drone Operation or Combat Drone Operation over the patch downtime.

The Light Drone Operation skill will be rank 1, the Medium Drone Operation skill will be rank 2.

Now to get the 2 new skills to 5, just need scout drone operation 5 (rank 1 skill). Don't even need combat drone operation (rank 2) at all!

No word on which new skill will unlock drone link augmentor II (currently require CDO 5).

The dev blog as of this writing is not updated to reflect this new change.

I hope for those of us that trained CDO to 5 based on the dev blog will get a skill point refund.
Stellar Production
#2 - 2014-05-04 11:08:37 UTC
Tika Hemah wrote:
This is a warning to those of you currently training Combat Drone operation to 5 in anticipation of the drone changes detailed in the 4/1/14 dev blog: Giving drones an assist

We are also splitting the current Combat Drone Operation skill into two new skills, Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation. This means that all light combat drones will now be unlocked and bonused from the Light Drone Operation skill, and medium combat drones will be unlocked and bonused from the Medium Drone Operation skill. During the patch downtime, existing players with the Combat Drone Operation skill trained will receive both new skills trained to the same level that their Combat Drone Operation skill was trained to.

This was changed in the discussion thread on 4/3/14 (page 32)

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Sorry for the delay in answering some of the skill questions guys.

As many of you have suggested, we'll be giving pilots the same level in both Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation as the highest level they have in either Scout Drone Operation or Combat Drone Operation over the patch downtime.

The Light Drone Operation skill will be rank 1, the Medium Drone Operation skill will be rank 2.

Now to get the 2 new skills to 5, just need scout drone operation 5 (rank 1 skill). Don't even need combat drone operation (rank 2) at all!

No word on which new skill will unlock drone link augmentor II (currently require CDO 5).

The dev blog as of this writing is not updated to reflect this new change.

I hope for those of us that trained CDO to 5 based on the dev blog will get a skill point refund.

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#3 - 2014-05-04 11:15:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Alyth Nerun
Octoven wrote:

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.

I think the problem at hand here is that this updated information is hidden in the middle of a 44 page thread and not that it is subject to change. But yeah there will be no refund
Liam Inkuras
#4 - 2014-05-04 11:20:06 UTC
To clarify: in order to recieve light drone operation 5, you need scout drone operation 5. In order to recieve medium drone operation 5, you will need combat drone operation 5.

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

#5 - 2014-05-04 11:20:16 UTC
Tika Hemah wrote:

I hope for those of us that trained CDO to 5 based on the dev blog will get a skill point refund.

oh lol, you must be new here.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-05-04 11:22:42 UTC
Liam Inkuras wrote:
To clarify: in order to recieve light drone operation 5, you need scout drone operation 5. In order to recieve medium drone operation 5, you will need combat drone operation 5.

But this contradicts the dev quotes in OP's post.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Tika Hemah
#7 - 2014-05-04 11:23:58 UTC
Liam Inkuras wrote:
To clarify: in order to recieve light drone operation 5, you need scout drone operation 5. In order to recieve medium drone operation 5, you will need combat drone operation 5.

Pleas read the dev quotes again.
Stellar Production
#8 - 2014-05-04 11:27:00 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.

I think the problem at hand here is that this updated information is hidden in the middle of a 44 page thread and not that it is subject to change. But yeah there will be no refund

Yes, but given the amount of blogs they will be releasing during and after fanfest, I doubt they considered it to be #1 priority to correct a dev blob when the information is in the thread, even though it is somewhat hidden, I guess he will correct it later own, but at least someone is informing others of this.
Victor Andall
#9 - 2014-05-04 11:33:03 UTC
Well, I already finished training it, so meh. Who cares?

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Tika Hemah
#10 - 2014-05-04 11:33:30 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.

I think the problem at hand here is that this updated information is hidden in the middle of a 44 page thread and not that it is subject to change. But yeah there will be no refund

That's why I'm just putting this out there as public service anouncement.

It is worth it if it saves one person from training CDO 5 at this point.

In the overall scheme of thing, this is not a big deal. Rank 2 skill which takes ~11 days from 1-5. But it sucks when you keep up with the dev blogs and are mislead.

Imagine if this happened with the destroyer and battlecruiser change from last year. After month long train, you're told nevermind, you just need the frigate skills and cruiser skills.

Victor Andall
#11 - 2014-05-04 11:37:32 UTC
Tika Hemah wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.

I think the problem at hand here is that this updated information is hidden in the middle of a 44 page thread and not that it is subject to change. But yeah there will be no refund

That's why I'm just putting this out there as public service anouncement.

It is worth it if it saves one person from training CDO 5 at this point.

In the overall scheme of thing, this is not a big deal. Rank 2 skill which takes ~11 days from 1-5. But it sucks when you keep up with the dev blogs and are mislead.

Imagine if this happened with the destroyer and battlecruiser change from last year. After month long train, you're told nevermind, you just need the frigate skills and cruiser skills.

You can take it out on other players using your new Rank V Catalyst.

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2014-05-04 11:38:12 UTC
Things change... It happens...

On my Main I had all Gunnery Trained to Level 5. When they did the last change, suddenly Doomsday Weapons were added to Gunnery. My main will never use them, but I wanted my little Gunnery Skills all at V because well I just want it. So I decided I would train Doomsday Weapons to Level V. From IV to V took me 57 days. All because I wanted those little bars to say V...

No complaints, my choice...
Tika Hemah
#13 - 2014-05-04 11:57:10 UTC
BrundleMeth wrote:
Things change... It happens...

On my Main I had all Gunnery Trained to Level 5. When they did the last change, suddenly Doomsday Weapons were added to Gunnery. My main will never use them, but I wanted my little Gunnery Skills all at V because well I just want it. So I decided I would train Doomsday Weapons to Level V. From IV to V took me 57 days. All because I wanted those little bars to say V...

No complaints, my choice...

It was also my choice, based on what I read from the dev blog AND the first 2 days of discussion thread. The change came on day #3 on page 32 out of a 44 page threadnaught.

You have another lvl 5 skill to look at under gunnery... I and other are out both time and money and have NOTHING to show for it. The skill is being removed.

Now I'm not talking about my older characters who at least got use of the skill (+damage and drone link aument 2).

It sucks for the alts and new players who ran out and bought the book and moved up training this skill after reading the blog.

11 days training is not a lot but also not trivial for newer toons.

Human Remains Incorporated
#14 - 2014-05-04 11:58:57 UTC
There seems to be a lot of confusion about this issue. Some quotes below:

Dev Blog wrote:
We are also splitting the current Combat Drone Operation skill into two new skills, Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation. This means that all light combat drones will now be unlocked and bonused from the Light Drone Operation skill, and medium combat drones will be unlocked and bonused from the Medium Drone Operation skill. During the patch downtime, existing players with the Combat Drone Operation skill trained will receive both new skills trained to the same level that their Combat Drone Operation skill was trained to.

This change makes light and medium drones consistent with heavy and sentry drones in their skill paths. It also allows us to create new ships and modules with bonuses that only affect light or medium drones separately, such as the newly rebalanced Guristas Worm faction frigate.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Sorry for the delay in answering some of the skill questions guys.

As many of you have suggested, we'll be giving pilots the same level in both Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation as the highest level they have in either Scout Drone Operation or Combat Drone Operation over the patch downtime.

The Light Drone Operation skill will be rank 1, the Medium Drone Operation skill will be rank 2.

Dev Blog wrote:
Finally, we are renaming two drone skills to clarify their roles. The Scout Drone Operation skill is being renamed “Drone Avionics”; the Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing skill is being renamed “Advanced Drone Avionics” to better represent their roles. The effects, prerequisites and unlocks provided by these skills will not be changing.

I'll illustrate my understanding of the change through an example.

Current skills on one of my characters:
Skill name / skill rank / trained level / accumulated skill points
Combat Drone Operation / Rank 2 / L4 / 90.510
Scout Drone Operation / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000

Current combined SP: 346.510

Predicted post-change skills on the same character:
Skill name / skill rank / trained level / accumulated skill points
Light Drone Operation / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000
Medium Drone Operation / Rank 2 / L5 / 512.000
Drone Avionics / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000

Predicted post-change combined SP: 1.024.000

So, if I understand this correctly and there won't be any additional changes to the planned implementation, I will gain 677490 SP.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-05-04 11:59:58 UTC
A little sensationalist, aren't you?

Marcus Gord: "Aspalis is an onion. Many layers, each one makes you cry."

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#16 - 2014-05-04 14:51:05 UTC
Tika Hemah wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Not likely, as CCP has stated many times, any information regarding skill requirements or such is subject to change at any point leading up to and even past deployment date. You take the risk by choosing to train those skills in advance, it sucks....but unfortunately thats the way of it.

I think the problem at hand here is that this updated information is hidden in the middle of a 44 page thread and not that it is subject to change. But yeah there will be no refund

That's why I'm just putting this out there as public service anouncement.

It is worth it if it saves one person from training CDO 5 at this point.

In the overall scheme of thing, this is not a big deal. Rank 2 skill which takes ~11 days from 1-5. But it sucks when you keep up with the dev blogs and are mislead.

Imagine if this happened with the destroyer and battlecruiser change from last year. After month long train, you're told nevermind, you just need the frigate skills and cruiser skills.

I have been building an anonymous alt to actually play the PvP portions of the game again.
I deviated from my skill plan for Combat Drone V and it finishes in 10 hours.

Given the level of competence demonstrated in the recent past at CCP, I should have expected a move like this.
#17 - 2014-05-04 15:00:16 UTC
Siphaanu wrote:
There seems to be a lot of confusion about this issue. Some quotes below:

Dev Blog wrote:
We are also splitting the current Combat Drone Operation skill into two new skills, Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation. This means that all light combat drones will now be unlocked and bonused from the Light Drone Operation skill, and medium combat drones will be unlocked and bonused from the Medium Drone Operation skill. During the patch downtime, existing players with the Combat Drone Operation skill trained will receive both new skills trained to the same level that their Combat Drone Operation skill was trained to.

This change makes light and medium drones consistent with heavy and sentry drones in their skill paths. It also allows us to create new ships and modules with bonuses that only affect light or medium drones separately, such as the newly rebalanced Guristas Worm faction frigate.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
Sorry for the delay in answering some of the skill questions guys.

As many of you have suggested, we'll be giving pilots the same level in both Light Drone Operation and Medium Drone Operation as the highest level they have in either Scout Drone Operation or Combat Drone Operation over the patch downtime.

The Light Drone Operation skill will be rank 1, the Medium Drone Operation skill will be rank 2.

Dev Blog wrote:
Finally, we are renaming two drone skills to clarify their roles. The Scout Drone Operation skill is being renamed “Drone Avionics”; the Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing skill is being renamed “Advanced Drone Avionics” to better represent their roles. The effects, prerequisites and unlocks provided by these skills will not be changing.

I'll illustrate my understanding of the change through an example.

Current skills on one of my characters:
Skill name / skill rank / trained level / accumulated skill points
Combat Drone Operation / Rank 2 / L4 / 90.510
Scout Drone Operation / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000

Current combined SP: 346.510

Predicted post-change skills on the same character:
Skill name / skill rank / trained level / accumulated skill points
Light Drone Operation / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000
Medium Drone Operation / Rank 2 / L5 / 512.000
Drone Avionics / Rank 1 / L5 / 256.000

Predicted post-change combined SP: 1.024.000

So, if I understand this correctly and there won't be any additional changes to the planned implementation, I will gain 677490 SP.

Looks about right to me. Personally, more than anything, it bothers me that it adds another 15 days or so of skills for a rookie to reach minimum drone competence, which is the opposite of what they said they want to do. But at least current rookies can get a pretty big SP boost.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Sarah Flynt
Red Cross Mercenaries
Silent Infinity
#18 - 2014-05-04 15:02:12 UTC
wait, what?!?

Great, I just threw away several days of skill time on several accounts each because of that devblog.

Thank you CCP for not updating the devblog in over a month. Do you really expect us to check each and every thread for important information that may or may not be buried deep inside it?

@OP: thanks a lot for his thread! It saved me from throwing away even more skill time.

Sick of High-Sec gankers? Join the public channel Anti-ganking and the dedicated intel channel Gank-Intel !

#19 - 2014-05-04 15:02:23 UTC
Time for some off-remap drones training on all chars.
Liam Inkuras
#20 - 2014-05-04 15:37:22 UTC
Tika Hemah wrote:
Liam Inkuras wrote:
To clarify: in order to recieve light drone operation 5, you need scout drone operation 5. In order to recieve medium drone operation 5, you will need combat drone operation 5.

Pleas read the dev quotes again.

I just did read them again, and I am still correct. Whatever level your Scout Drone Operation skill is at when the patch hits, you will recieve Light Drone Operation at the same level. The same is true for Combat Drone Operation, which will translate into Medium Drone Operation.

If you wish to recieve both Light and Medium Drone Operation skills at 5 after the patch, then train Scout and Combat Drone Operation 5 now.

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

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