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Problem with EVE Board refusing to register this character name.

Eves Aldent
lilsteel Corporation's HQ
#1 - 2014-05-03 17:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Eves Aldent
I believe it could be caused by a reversed word (command name) having to do with his first name, Eves.

I can't verify if that is the case.
It could be caused by a delay, though I doubt it.

The reversed above was meant as:
reserved word (... ,
not reversed to reversed...

Edit 2:
After verification. it seems the problem is more targeted than a naming algorithm problem.
This]Eve Online
pilot shows registered around 16 characters after without the same or similar problem.

Edit:]Eve Online
This previous line may have been meant to be :
Eve Online
End of Edit above.

Edit 3:
The thread titled also dissapeareed.