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Crime & Punishment

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Harrassement in Chat

First post
Jack Lennox
Grove Street Families
#81 - 2014-04-30 23:08:19 UTC
Carnia Astrael wrote:
Trolling is prohibited.
"Trolling" is the phrase used to describe a remark which is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the community. Comments of this nature are disruptive and will not be tolerated.

Follow your own advice and stop trolling OP.

Due to the new nature of your character I can only conclude one of two things:

1. You are a child that just started playing and is incredibly shocked at someone mouthing off to you. Which, if I had to guess, they did because of something stupid/uneducated/rude/immature thing you did. As a result you probably shouldn't be playing Eve if you're not mature enough to handle it. Judging by your posts, it's quite clear you're not.

2. You've been playing the game awhile and have been offended by such behavior for some time now. However, due to you're previous actions, you're become a joke within the community and are posting with a forum alt in order for people to take you more serious.

The big similarity between these two points is you're clear lack of maturity.

For the record, I am (for once) not trying to be a ****, but I'm actually giving you some advice that I'd like you to think about.

Consider quitting the game. It's quite clear to me that you don't really fit well in this community, and I think that you wouldn't really be able to have fun with the game as much as a majority of others do.

Save yourself the $15/month, I have a feeling you'll be happier in the long term.

Or ignore me and keep playing; if you're honestly having fun playing this game, then I recommend taking things a bit less seriously.

Just take the time to seriously think about what I'm saying. If you decide to keep playing, consider that it's just a game and that literally none of it matters.

If you decide to quit, then congrats, because that's the only real way to win Eve

Been ganked? Robbed? Space feelings hurt?  Now there's something you can do! Fill out a Customer Service Comment Card!  EIther that or contact everyone's favorite Space Detective for an instant ban!

Carnia Astrael
#82 - 2014-04-30 23:16:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Carnia Astrael
Thank you Jack for sharing your thoughts , I am neither a child, being 62 years young, nor inexperienced, as I have played, and studied hundreds of games including most of the space sims ever created and played MMOS for all the years they have been around. I do not need your advice sorry, and it is not applicable to me in any case thanks. I work to support decency and fair play and respect and dignity in games of all kinds.

Words cannot shame or bully me which Is apparently what some of the posts in this thread seem to be about. I am comfortable in any game community and come and go as I please following and obeying and asking for the rules to be enforced when they are not followed by others. That is what makes a game fun and safe. Without that there is chaos, hate and rancor. I am NOT the one trolling, I was and am asking for saftey, pure and simple. I cannot share the details of the abusive encounter in the chat for privacy reasons and I had expected and assumed I would be trusted as to the nature of my concerns, I have no need or desire for notice, and that was never my intent in creating this thread. In some ways I regret doing it, but once I saw the direction of this I decided it might help others who might need courage to report bullying, abuse and violation of the EULA.

thank you again for sharing.

Just take the time to seriously think about what I'm saying. If you decide to keep playing, consider that it's just a game and that literally none of it matters.

I am afraid that this is not my feeling about games and life, games can and do affect and influence people for real and it is a chance to teach fair play and decency and respect. ;)


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#83 - 2014-04-30 23:52:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kristalll
Carnia Astrael wrote:
What happens in a public space where no one controls what may happen is based on Trust and agreed upon standards. Such standards forbid certain subjects due to their extreme nature and the upsetting imagery and nature of their content.

I apparently didn't agree to the same standards you did.

I really don't see how you can call yourself an adult, and actually worry about these things. You have to opt-in to being offended and feeling bad. Or you can simply ignore those that are "below your standards."

Also, the reason you're catchign some flak here is not because you think some people say some really mean things (they do) it's because you came in here acting elitist and entitled to a world that made you feel comfortable. Let's face it, EVE isn't the place for you. You being comfortable is on nobodies mind but yours, and if you can't handle a few words, I can't imagine what's going to happen to you when something actually bad happens.

I am afraid that this is not my feeling about games and life, games can and do affect and influence people for real and it is a chance to teach fair play and decency and respect. ;)

Okay, EVE REALLY isn't your game.

“Die trying” is the proudest human thing.

Lola Shaboopie
#84 - 2014-05-01 00:28:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Lola Shaboopie
Carnia Astrael wrote:
Trolling is prohibited.
"Trolling" is the phrase used to describe a remark which is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the community. Comments of this nature are disruptive and will not be tolerated.

No sharing of personal information.
For the safety of our players, we prohibit the exchange of personal information such as phone numbers and addresses in the channels.

Private communication between EVE personnel and representatives (including game masters and volunteers) and the channel patrons is not to be made public in these channels, on our forums or elsewhere.

Mutings, kicks, warnings and bans are not to be discussed.
Such matters shall remain private between CCP and the user. Questions or comments concerning moderation methods will be conveyed through private messages only, and only with the parties involved.

Immediate banning from a channel may result from any of the following: discussions regarding pornography or inappropriately gruesome and/or hideous subjects; discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive; excessive obscene or vulgar language; the discussion of illegal activity; or providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned.

Spamming is prohibited.
"Spam" is considered to be a repetitive display of the same text again and again in an effort to aggravate other channel patrons. Using all caps is also considered spamming and not permitted.

Off Topic (OT) discussions and casual conversation should be kept to a minimum. In order for questions and information to be relayed more efficiently and in a timely manner, channel patrons are asked to refrain from using these channels to socialize, particularly during peak hours. We also request that certain topics (religion and politics, especially) be avoided. Inevitably, conversations of this nature have a tendency to result in heated arguments and flaming. Please use common sense when discussing OT themes and be considerate of others.

Impersonating another channel patron, volunteer or CCP employee is strictly prohibited and may result in the permanent revocation of your channel access, temporary suspension or permanent banning of your account.

"Newbie" bashing will not be tolerated.
New players are encouraged to participate in these channels. Observing the conversations in Help Channel or #eve-chaos is a great way for those who are new to EVE to ask questions and learn more about the game. All patrons are expected to be polite and encouraged to be helpful and courteous in their responses.
You should join irc using the name of your ingame character, and ensure no corp tag is displayed within #eve-chaos.

finally in closing i liked what i saw in one post i think it was by Kristall but it is hard to tell as it was re quoted several summariezed my concerns, and states them clearly ..and it is clear at least this one person understands why I posted in the first place, tho i did not expect such a flame attack from so many on such a basic decency issue...Kristall said:

First, I agree with your ideas, but it doesn't apply. Free speech is not truly free. In the US there are many limits on free speech (more of them come each day), for example, you can't yell "fire!" in a crowded theater and then hide behind the 1st amendment. The countries I listed as examples have free speech but limits on hate speech. I know there are contradictions there, but that wasn't my point, rather just an example on the side.

Eve is a game. In a game, hate speech shouldn't be protected or tolerated. In your public life, say whatever you want, and I'll always defend your right to do so, it doesn't mean I won't punch you in the mouth for saying at the same time. Having a right to say something doesn't mean you should say something. Hmmm.... sounds a lot like just because you can fly a Golem doesn't mean you're ready to fly one, or should fly one. People think so much about how they play the game, and the repercussions of their actions, but put no thought whatsoever into what they say on coms or write in chats.

Yes you have a right to express yourself in a RPG situation expressing your character and yes you have the right in our society for free speech but abuse, blatant attacks, using gross pornographic imagry and using it to attack a player for no reason at all other than an exploit is against both the EULA and all standards of decency. THAT was what happened to me, i did not post the actual chat which i DID copy and share with the Admins for THAT would have been a violation of the free speech of that player, but they will I hope and pray recieve just punmishment for their actions and hopefully learn that there ARE limits to what we tolerate in our society and in our games. thank you all. I am glad we had this chance for a open discussoin tho a lot of it was quite painful for me. Please temper your speech in such exchanges if you were one of those who felt motivated to attack me and my concerns here. I hope you can too learn moderation.

wall of text aside, you have not explained your perverse, over done breasts on your avatar, which to some is much worse that saying curse words in chat. You are a confused 62 year old man if you do not see they hypocracy in that. Take your blind stabs at making people guilty of EULA violations and stuff them in your Depends Sanitary Undergarments.

P.S. you may want to look up in the beloved EULA, that you are not allowed to discuss petitions, or any CCP mod interactions in this public forum.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#85 - 2014-05-01 00:53:46 UTC
Is anyone besides me hoping to hear what/who the OP reports to in terms of video game review? I'd like to know what to avoid in the future. Wonder if this is what we can expect from CIG/SC? I hear their forum is grossly over moderated. (Insert comments about game play moderation, oh wait.)

Also in before thread lock and OP irony ban for public posting of gm replies.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2014-05-01 01:30:50 UTC
Carnia Astrael wrote:
I had an unfortunate experience in chat today with rudeness crossing over the line to obscene insults and personal attacks. It appears the Mods will not enforce the rules..they gave an ambivilant response with no real reply. I will be moving on and leaving EVE most likely.

A game with no standards of conduct is not a game it is a disaster waiting to happen.

ADDENDUM: if you read this topic you may be surprised and even shocked as I was that my being the victim of flaming and trolling abuse in the Local Chat and reporting it here caused ME to be the target for four pages of mostly very negative and aggressively hostile posts. It still puzzles me a bit and was a sad experience. here is a portion of my final post as I now move on from this discussion look for my post on Page FOUR,...and good luck ..if you are the victim of abuse in the game PLEASE report it to the GMs thru Support right away, the topic to report under is at the very end of the topic list for Support Tickets, Harassment.

Good luck and lets try to keep EVE a fun game

I had no idea I would receive so much abuse here and personal attacks on my sensibilities, standards and right for a safe game environment as promised clearly by the EULA. It has continued now for four pages and may continue on. It is not pleasant to be so targeted and shamed in a public forum for no apparent reason. I have not committed a crime, or taken any right away from anyone, i have asked for the standards promised by the game to be upheld. I took action on that basis and am reassured that the moderators understand and will do what they decide to do. They do not report on results or actions. And I did not reveal the content of the attack to support that privacy.

Many here seem to feel empowered to blame me for caring for decency. That appears to be happening in our society as well. I cannot and do not hope to deal with it on that scale. But I do feel it is our responsibilty as mature adults who have inherited our culture to protect standards of decency in public areas, what you do in private and in your own personal communications is totaly your right as many here have stated. What happens in a public space where no one controls what may happen is based on Trust and agreed upon standards. Such standards forbid certain subjects due to their extreme nature and the upsetting imagery and nature of their content. I think maybe the ease of access of the internet and modern media has made such standards seem impossible. but I will not surrender my concern and care for this. I will not abandon the game or my beliefs. You are free to do as you wish but when you attack me and aggressively criticize me for asking for safely in a game that has clearly stated standards of play then you yourself are violating the rules against Trolling and flaming and being needlessly hurtful.

It has not been easy to endure this. I guess i have kept with this rather than run away because i think it may help some others who feel the same way and who may have been brutalized or bullied in the same way and were afraid to speak out.

I urge and encourage all who encounter speech and chat that violates the EULA rules to report it immediately. I don't think it is useful to talk about it here on the forums from the results of my effort :) but do please know some of us are doing our best to keep the game clean and as nice as it can be. Have fun, I plan to, and please think carefully about what you say and do, for even in a virtual fictional world, it has consequences and impact and you can cause both joy, fun and pain. Try to choose wisely. Take care and I wish you all well.

I was and am in the end very impressed by the very high quality of moderation by the Admins and GMs in this game it is superb and I am sorry that they have to deal with this kind of issue but I thank the stars they are here and are doing their best to give us a safe (not from Ganking and pirates )..... game to enjoy.

Funny how you have the exact same posting style as a certain other person who has been making posts about this topic recently. On a side note, GM's will never tell you what action they take against another person.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Subject 4927
Kenshin Shogunate.
#87 - 2014-05-01 03:39:31 UTC
Carnia Astrael wrote:
being 62 years young,

This right here could be your problem.

you ain't my daddy

Short Bus Window Licker
#88 - 2014-05-01 04:02:19 UTC
To the OP:

1. You clearly didn't do your research for this game like a proper journalist. I am fully qualified to cast stones due to the fact that I AM a trained journalist. If you had done your research you would have started with researching the community in the forums before even purchasing the game. Had you done so, you might have noticed that even the forums are far more adult oriented and bit more harsh than your average MMO.

2. Going back to lack of research you chose the absolute worst place to post a complaint about harassment. This is the crime and punishment forum. This is the worst cesspool in EVE filled with the lowest scum and villains of all the EVE universe. I might also add that these people are PROUD to have the previously mentioned honors. You couldn't have made a worse decision than posting a complain about harassment in this sub forum except maybe deciding to cover yourself in blood and climb naked into a shark tank. There is no sympathy in this forum.

3. Your values mean nothing. The macro or micro society of any culture sets the norms. You are unfortunately what this community would call a a non-conformist. There is nothing wrong with staying true to your own values. The moment you attempt to change the norms of a society or culture than you thrust yourself into, you become an ethnocentrist and many here would take offense to that. Your values are not superior to the cultural norms establish in EVE, merely different.

4. The ERSB doesn't care one bit about the behavior of a community of people within a game. I'm tempted to question the idea that you might actually be a professional journalist if you think the ERSB is going to change the rating of a game based on the behavior of it's community rather than the content of the game itself.

5. You had one bad experience. You ran to the absolute worst forum to complain about it and then you are shocked when people jeer at you like a village idiot. It reminds me of a Prep school child being thrown into a lower class neighborhood and being shocked when they are not treated like royalty.

6. You can NOT impose your believes and values on others. You are supposed to adapt to the culture you want to be a part of or don't take part at all.

I don't say all this to be mean to you. No doubt you will take it that way. I just hit you with a strong dose of reality. Sorry if my words offend you.

I personally hope you will read this and continue playing EVE. I hope you will skill up, find a good group to play with, and move on to bigger and better things without crying everytime someone is mean and station camps you. To be honest, people in EVE do far more screwed up stuff than say some mean words now and again. Research the Black hand or BOB if you don't believe me.

Likely you will never read these words but at least I can say I tried to salvage another poor unfortunately leaf eating creature and tried to turn him or her into a Carnivore.

TLDR Version

OP attempted to barge into a unique culture like a drunk homeless man at a high society party and is shocked when it doesn't go well. OP needs to learn to adapt to the game culture or find another game.
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#89 - 2014-05-01 04:08:45 UTC
Anyone who remembers Socratic getting déjà vu?

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

New Miner's Union
#90 - 2014-05-01 08:41:59 UTC
62 years young?


Bitter, dried up, has been vents anger on the interwebs.
Hlokk Skoggangur
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2014-05-01 13:11:24 UTC
Lola Shaboopie wrote:
Carnia Astrael wrote:

Pointless overblown waffle

wall of text aside, you have not explained your perverse, over done breasts on your avatar, which to some is much worse that saying curse words in chat. You are a confused 62 year old man if you do not see they hypocracy in that. Take your blind stabs at making people guilty of EULA violations and stuff them in your Depends Sanitary Undergarments.

P.S. you may want to look up in the beloved EULA, that you are not allowed to discuss petitions, or any CCP mod interactions in this public forum.

This question really does need to be answered. There seems to be a slight disconnect between what this person says and what they actually do. Vis-a-vis; overdone fake internet boobs.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2014-05-03 16:16:15 UTC
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away before I taunt you a second time.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Pubbie Spy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#93 - 2014-05-03 17:59:25 UTC
Carnia Astrael wrote:
Thank you Jack for sharing your thoughts , I am neither a child, being 62 years young, nor inexperienced, as I have played, and studied hundreds of games including most of the space sims ever created and played MMOS for all the years they have been around. I do not need your advice sorry, and it is not applicable to me in any case thanks. I work to support decency and fair play and respect and dignity in games of all kinds.

Words cannot shame or bully me which Is apparently what some of the posts in this thread seem to be about. I am comfortable in any game community and come and go as I please following and obeying and asking for the rules to be enforced when they are not followed by others. That is what makes a game fun and safe. Without that there is chaos, hate and rancor.

There are many safe and civil games. Why does Eve have to be as safe and civil?
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#94 - 2014-05-03 19:27:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Carnia Astrael wrote:
I had an unfortunate experience in chat today with rudeness crossing over the line to obscene insults and personal attacks. It appears the Mods will not enforce the rules..they gave an ambivilant response with no real reply. I will be moving on and leaving EVE most likely.

A game with no standards of conduct is not a game it is a disaster waiting to happen.

ADDENDUM: if you read this topic you may be surprised and even shocked as I was that my being the victim of flaming and trolling abuse in the Local Chat and reporting it here caused ME to be the target for four pages of mostly very negative and aggressively hostile posts. It still puzzles me a bit and was a sad experience. here is a portion of my final post as I now move on from this discussion look for my post on Page FOUR,...and good luck ..if you are the victim of abuse in the game PLEASE report it to the GMs thru Support right away, the topic to report under is at the very end of the topic list for Support Tickets, Harassment.

Good luck and lets try to keep EVE a fun game

I had no idea I would receive so much abuse here and personal attacks on my sensibilities, standards and right for a safe game environment as promised clearly by the EULA. It has continued now for four pages and may continue on. It is not pleasant to be so targeted and shamed in a public forum for no apparent reason. I have not committed a crime, or taken any right away from anyone, i have asked for the standards promised by the game to be upheld. I took action on that basis and am reassured that the moderators understand and will do what they decide to do. They do not report on results or actions. And I did not reveal the content of the attack to support that privacy.

Many here seem to feel empowered to blame me for caring for decency. That appears to be happening in our society as well. I cannot and do not hope to deal with it on that scale. But I do feel it is our responsibilty as mature adults who have inherited our culture to protect standards of decency in public areas, what you do in private and in your own personal communications is totaly your right as many here have stated. What happens in a public space where no one controls what may happen is based on Trust and agreed upon standards. Such standards forbid certain subjects due to their extreme nature and the upsetting imagery and nature of their content. I think maybe the ease of access of the internet and modern media has made such standards seem impossible. but I will not surrender my concern and care for this. I will not abandon the game or my beliefs. You are free to do as you wish but when you attack me and aggressively criticize me for asking for safely in a game that has clearly stated standards of play then you yourself are violating the rules against Trolling and flaming and being needlessly hurtful.

It has not been easy to endure this. I guess i have kept with this rather than run away because i think it may help some others who feel the same way and who may have been brutalized or bullied in the same way and were afraid to speak out.

I urge and encourage all who encounter speech and chat that violates the EULA rules to report it immediately. I don't think it is useful to talk about it here on the forums from the results of my effort :) but do please know some of us are doing our best to keep the game clean and as nice as it can be. Have fun, I plan to, and please think carefully about what you say and do, for even in a virtual fictional world, it has consequences and impact and you can cause both joy, fun and pain. Try to choose wisely. Take care and I wish you all well.

I was and am in the end very impressed by the very high quality of moderation by the Admins and GMs in this game it is superb and I am sorry that they have to deal with this kind of issue but I thank the stars they are here and are doing their best to give us a safe (not from Ganking and pirates )..... game to enjoy.

Direct harassment over things such as race, sex, social status, orientation etc is NOT tolerated under the EULA and under CCP's rules and codes of conduct. To say that Eve has no standards of conduct and is a "disaster" waiting to happen, well Eve's been a disaster waiting to happen now for well over 10 years.

In that 10 years players have created a universe that is incredibly harsh, unforgiving, and above all challenging. Do not sit here and insult players and devs unless you can give us concrete proof as to such "harsh" talk in local. I assume as well as everyone else you are not familiar with Eve's rather brash and unforgiving nature.

As a person you claim to be in your 60's (which I very much doubt) because someone in their 60's would have enough wisdom and maturity to just filter out garbage instead of feeding people and giving them a response. Here's a tip: Don't say anything back.

Eve is not your friend. Players are not your friend. This isn't a Facebook game. This is a game based in treachery, cruelty, and a certain reality others games do not give you. Therefore either adapt or move on. Eve isn't for everyone. I suggest you realize that rather quickly before insulting the entire playerbase over a game you do not understand.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#95 - 2014-05-03 21:06:17 UTC
I can't decide whether to give the OP 0/10 for trying too hard, or 5/10 for getting so many responses.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

#96 - 2014-05-04 10:40:17 UTC
Had similar situations and reported them. Problem is CCP don't seem to want to enforce a lot of rules that they state in the EULA / Rules tho. The person who was abusing me constantly in game was making sexual remarks and such which quite frankly I would have thought would be a bannable offence for anyone, especially seeing as though EVE is rated at 12. I placed them on the ignore list in game so they started it on the forums, removing the mods edits of their posts.

But then there is the other type of person who goes around breaching every loop hole in the game to their advantage too, so it's not just the abuse side that CCP doesn't punish, people openly using game bugs to their advantage get away with it too (no matter how people many report them).
Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#97 - 2014-05-04 18:44:56 UTC
I think that most of us can agree that there is a line between what is and isn't appropriate for public chat channels. We just differ on exactly where that line should be drawn. Without seeing what was actually posted that upset you so much, we can't really judge whether you were rightfully offended or you are just another crackpot off on a tangent.

If people here seem to be judging you harshly, it is probably because something in the neighborhood of 99.9% of people who post complaints similar to your own in these forums fall into the crackpot category, and turn out at the end to have been offended by actions which are just normal gameplay. EVE is designed to include treachery, theft, lies, con games, and all sorts of similar shenanigans. It is designed to be a fiercely competitive game primarily for an adult audience. This doesn't mean that you can say whatever you want without consequences, but you can't exactly expect to be left alone and never confronted by other players, either.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#98 - 2014-05-04 19:55:10 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post.

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Red Herring Industries
#99 - 2014-05-05 12:40:52 UTC
350125GO wrote:

There was a major incident back in 2005/2006 where a corp (or possibly alliance I don't remember which) was renamed by CCP because their name was the same as an anti-Chechen hate group that was active in the former Czech Republic. Bigotry is not illegal, but it doesn't mean we should tolerate it.

Seriously? Somehow I doubt that the Czechs would care about the Chechens at all, apart from being mildly annoyed when people mix them up. Also, I wonder what do you believe became of the Czech Republic.

But honestly, this sounds interesting. Do you have any further (correct) information on this? What hate-group was that? Thanks in advance.
Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#100 - 2014-05-07 19:05:43 UTC
Kristalll wrote:
Carnia Astrael wrote:
post removed and thanks for that.

it is not a matter of freedom when it involves a clear use of prohibited graphic pornographic imagery and content to attack a player in trolling. Sorry you clearly have an overly liberal view of freedom and that is not a problem limited to EVE but to our current culture as well.

Have a nice day.

Freedom is freedom, there isn't a spectrum to it.

You have provided no proof of "graphics pornographic imagery" or "graphic content" or "trolling". All you've provided is your clear sense of superiority because of your own inability to manage yourself.

You're the only one that chooses if you're offended.

*sips his coffee while peering out the window to see a blue sky over shining dew clinging to the grass*

Griefer tears, best tears.

You can try to redefine these things as much as you like - CCP is still going to enforce their rules when you get called out for breaking them. Good luck though. You'll just have to keep dealing with horrible people like us. 7o

P.S. You need to go back to reddit and fix your reply. Someone did not win CSM - clearly someone had too much faith that their viewpoint is the majority one. I noticed the HS carebear won, though.
