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Drug Booster Balancing issues

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Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#101 - 2011-11-22 15:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Fon Revedhort
You know, a truely interesting item/ship is something which is not only powerful, but also vulnerable/risky. That's precisely the reason supercaps are so imbalanced - they lack vulnerability.

There are quite a lot of players who understand these basic things and are willing to take extra risks for extra benefits. There must be an option to sacrifice something for an extra gain. Instead you're now turning EVE into a super-carebearish state, where all the players are equal to each other, having all the items at hand, and thus having no room to gain advantage at cost of committing to an extra penalty.

I'm pretty sure these booster changes are as stupid as your rig design was. Instead of making rigs truely balanced so that they impose significant penalties (+10% speed? -20% for both shield and armour! \o/) you made such a scheme, where rigs are mandatory and often come with no penalties at all (shield, cap rigs etc.). That's just stupid.

Drawing parallels between these 2 things is something you should have done yourself.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#102 - 2011-11-22 15:26:29 UTC
IHaveCandyGetInTheVan69 wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hey folks, it seems this thread needs some attention.


Note: Alchemist and Edge implant sets are an oversight that are being looked into. Fix will most likely not make it for Crucible release, but shortly after, so we advise you to hold on to them.

Hope that helps.

OK first off, thank you for replying, even on a topic like this we still like that you make the effort to communicate with us.

....but What are you thinking?! you seem to basically be moving to change boosters as a get-out of having to make big changes to the broken aspects of that area of the game.

The fact you completely forgot about Alchemist and Edge implant sets makes me think this is yet another rushed solution.

FIX Issue this customs agents

FIX Issues with drug acquisition (gas harvesting)

FIX Smuggling penalties and the profession as a whole

Leave the booster mechanics alone they are the one thing with that whole messed up system that actually work as intended!

You want to make them so everyone is forced to stick in a pair of strongs before a fight or be at a disadvantage. In reality they should be a last ditch and you should have to decide whether to use a strong /improved/ standard based on side effects AND price! Unpredictability is the whole point, and yes side effects should include some that go against the benefit so you have to weight up whether to use them.

Triage carriers risk injecting a mindflood / exile because they made the informed decision that the chance of getting a cap/armour penalty was outweighed by the need for more tank to last out the cycle. You are basically proposing they they all inject at the beginning of the fight because, hey may as well. Another part of the game dumbed down and fovoured against the player who simply has more ISK.

Yes boosters could have done with some changes to make them more widely used Gas + manufacture changes and smuggling changes, but the pills themselves were pretty balanced I'd say, maybe boost the gunnery/missile ones up to be inline with the tanking ones (30% for strong)

CCP leave drugs alone and fix the black market when you have the time, not some rushed garbage that no wants.

see this post? SEE iT? I agree!

Drugs are fine, it is the difficult manufacturing and ingredient aquisition that needs fixing. I want to set up my own boost-a-lab, but getting gas is too difficult. Make radar sites more comman and make a deadspace bc dedicated to gas harvesting.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2011-11-22 15:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Simc0m
I'm going to stick my neck out and just say what I feel: I like the proposed changes as they stand.

I think the biggest problem preventing the widespread use of boosters is the long list of potential drawbacks. New/moderately experienced players see that list and it isn't clear that using the booster will give them a clear advantage, so they decide to write off boosters as a whole, and just ignore them completely. Removing all drawbacks makes boosters easier to understand, which gives casual players the confidence to take the dive and start training biology. This change will not uber-buff boosters (in fact many current booster users are calling it a nerf), but it WILL go a long way by removing the misunderstanding around boosters/side effects, and will bring many new people into the market.

Edit: The 'simplification' of boosters may also be achieved by removing SOME but not ALL of the side effects and/or making the remaining drawbacks occur every time, so at least then you know for sure what you are getting yourself into when you boost. This may be a better route given that most of the people in here really want at least some drawbacks. At the very least I think the contradictory drawbacks should go. (see post directly below me)
Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#104 - 2011-11-22 15:40:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Daedalus Arcova
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
  • Unpredictability: that is due to the side-effects being randomly applied when you consume a booster, and that often hampers the very points you are trying to boost. As examples, chance of reducing shield capacity when consuming Blue Pills, missile velocity with Crash, or armor hitpoint / capacitor penalty with Exile. The list goes on, but the important point to remember here is that unpredictable mechanics on a player produced, controlled item do little to promote the usefulness of it in the long run.
  • Booster side-effects, as they are currently, are unpredictable, sure. Sometimes those side effect penalties contradict the positive effect of using the booster in the first place. Agreed. And some people don't like that. Fine. But is any of that a reason to completely remove all side effects from all boosters? No, it is not.

    What it does justify is the simplification of side effects. Reduce the number of possible side effects, and remove the contradictions between boost and penalty. Boosters are broadly split into two categories: defence (slot 1, covering shield and armour tanking, capacitor and sig radius) and offence (slots 2 and 3, covering turret and missile range and accuracy). Therefore, removing the contradictions is as simple as removing offensive penalties from offensive boosters, and removing defensive penalties from defensive boosters.

    So, for Blue Pill, remove the penalties to shield capacity and capacitor capacity, and leave the penalties to turrets and missiles. For X-Instinct, remove the penalties to armour and shield, but leave falloff and missile velocity. For Drop, remove the contradictory penalty to turret falloff. And so on.

    You could even scale the unpredictability of booster side effects with their strength. So Standard boosters could have one or two possible side effects, Improved could have two or three, and Strong could have three of four. Perhaps higher strength boosters should still have a chance to cause a side effect that might interfere with the intended effect.

    Ytterbium, if uncertainty is the problem, deal with the uncertainty itself. Don't completely castrate boosters. Just simplify the side effects and don't nerf the 'boost' of boosters.
    Ka Ori
    Republic University
    Minmatar Republic
    #105 - 2011-11-22 15:41:38 UTC
    Must admit although I'm glad you've let us know your thinking CCP, I'm inclined to agree with the other posts here.

    Your solution to the problem of demand is to take (Haha dungeons and dragons analogy inbound! Yes I know... Roll) is to take all +2 to hit, -1 damage swords and turn it into +1 to hit swords...

    Naturally people will use more +1 swords because they have no drawback, but really all you've done is eliminated people's choice of risk vs reward.

    Definitely better to hold off on doing this until you have a clear plan (and allocated time) for iterating on this whole area of game mechanics, because sometimes a little iteration to one aspect is not what is required and actually causes more trouble than it solves.

    For example if I had an Edge set I'd be quite miffed.
    Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
    #106 - 2011-11-22 15:48:50 UTC
    Daedalus Arcova wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
  • Unpredictability: that is due to the side-effects being randomly applied when you consume a booster, and that often hampers the very points you are trying to boost. As examples, chance of reducing shield capacity when consuming Blue Pills, missile velocity with Crash, or armor hitpoint / capacitor penalty with Exile. The list goes on, but the important point to remember here is that unpredictable mechanics on a player produced, controlled item do little to promote the usefulness of it in the long run.
  • Booster side-effects, as they are currently, are unpredictable, sure. Sometimes those side effect penalties contradict the positive effect of using the booster in the first place. Agreed. And some people don't like that. Fine. But is any of that a reason to completely remove all side effects from all boosters? No, it is not.

    What it does justify is the simplification of side effects. Reduce the number of possible side effects, and remove the contradictions between boost and penalty. Boosters are broadly split into two categories: defence (slot 1, covering shield and armour tanking, capacitor and sig radius) and offence (slots 2 and 3, covering turret and missile range and accuracy). Therefore, removing the contradictions is as simple as removing offensive penalties from offensive boosters, and removing defensive penalties from defensive boosters.

    So, for Blue Pill, remove the penalties to shield capacity and capacitor capacity, and leave the penalties to turrets and missiles. For X-Instinct, remove the penalties to armour and shield, but leave falloff and missile velocity. For Drop, remove the contradictory penalty to turret falloff. And so on.

    You could even scale the unpredictability of booster side effects with their strength. So Standard boosters could have one or two possible side effects, Improved could have two or three, and Strong could have three of four. Perhaps higher strength boosters should still have a chance to cause a side effect that might interfere with the intended effect.

    Ytterbium, if uncertainty is the problem, deal with the uncertainty itself. Don't completely castrate boosters. Just simplify the side effects and don't nerf the 'boost' of boosters.

    Even if they change the penalties to different things they are basically removing them.

    There is no risk to a triage carrier injecting exile if the only side-effects are missile flight time, tracking and invention success!

    Keep side effects how they are (mostly) even in a worst case scenario and you get a cap and armor/shield capacity side-effect you are still better off as chances are you are cap boosting and your buffer matters very little BUT they are still harsh enough to make everyone use them all the time and they stop capital pilots using without reason.
    Ryans Revenge
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #107 - 2011-11-22 15:56:39 UTC
    Can you please sticky this with the other issues? As it's a pretty big deal.

    Jack Dant
    The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
    #108 - 2011-11-22 15:56:41 UTC
    IHaveCandyGetInTheVan69 wrote:

    Even if they change the penalties to different things they are basically removing them.

    There is no risk to a triage carrier injecting exile if the only side-effects are missile flight time, tracking and invention success!

    I agree.

    If the randomness is bad (and I'm not saying it is), you could also make side effects happen 100% of the time. Reduce their values a bit so they are not too much, and make them a certainty.

    But really, I don't think side effects need adjusting. Booster use is really quite balanced, it's the logistics of them that's a pain.

    What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

    Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
    #109 - 2011-11-22 16:09:49 UTC

    Side effects are essential to moderate the use of boosters and stop them becoming the next SWG doctor buff or potion. They are also essential to keep balance between the different tiers of boosters.

    Side effects must have a meaningful impact to achieve this, that said it shouldn't be so bad that it makes them not worth using or completely mitigates their bonus. The following changes are all I think are needed to balance the drugs themselves

    Blue Pill

    This drug is fine.

    The hitpoints / cap side effect is enough to not make injecting a light-hearted decision, but even in a worst case scenario the drug is typically beneficial.


    I would consider swapping the Velocity penalty for something else. Chances are your target is moving quickly so should you be.

    Otherwise fine.


    I would consider swapping the Velocity penalty for something else. Chances are your target is moving quickly so should you be

    otherwise fine.


    This drug is fine.

    The hitpoints / cap side effect is enough to not make injecting a light-hearted decision, but even in a worst case scenario the drug is typically beneficial.


    I would consider swapping the Velocity penalty for something else. If you are kiting you need speed to maintain distance

    The bonus could be slightly increased (25% for strong, 30 seems too much) but I haven't thought of the full impact of this so I'm not sure.


    I don't have huge experience here but from what I hear it seems fine.

    Sooth Sayer

    Velocity penalty probably needs changing (who risks a 30% speed loss for 20% tracking?)

    I think the strength needs to be upped to 30% for strong and effective changes made improved / standard. Probably the least used of the drugs.


    Strength probably needs increasing I really like the idea of this drug but its not often I think 'Oh crap if only I had 7.5% less signature (standard) I might have won that fight!'

    I'd like to see 20-25% for the strong and possibly 10 and 15-17.5 for standard and improved respectively.

    Side effects are fine

    I'd also like to see the slot 2 boosters end up 25-50% cheaper (though manufacturing changes) than the slot 1 boosters to help increase use.
    Daedalus Arcova
    The Scope
    #110 - 2011-11-22 16:10:03 UTC
    IHaveCandyGetInTheVan69 wrote:
    Even if they change the penalties to different things they are basically removing them.

    There is no risk to a triage carrier injecting exile if the only side-effects are missile flight time, tracking and invention success

    So why not replace one of Exile's side effects with a possible penalty to remote armour repair? Might give you the edge to save your own skin, but only if you're prepared to let the rest of your fleet die in a fire. Or, leave in the capacitor penalty.

    Whatever the specifics are, a side effect that hurts armour amount on an armour tanking booster is a Bad Thing, but side effects (that are still meaningful) in general are a Good Thing.
    Emperor Salazar
    Remote Soviet Industries
    Insidious Empire
    #111 - 2011-11-22 16:24:42 UTC're going to just go ahead and push these changes forward?

    Il Feytid
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #112 - 2011-11-22 16:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    ...Unpredictability: that is due to the side-effects being randomly...

    I hate unpredictability stuff too. Perhaps all chance based mechanics need to be looked at.

    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Basically, blasters as they stand right now should be used more than in just a few niche situations.

    I agree completely!
    Baki Yuku
    #113 - 2011-11-22 16:32:46 UTC
    I like how the boosters are now.. these side effects where silly to begin with because they made using them for the most part not an viable option. Now that these side effects are gone they've become a viable option for example Drop boosters enabling Dreads to hit battleships while sieging making them not so helpless when drop'd by these anymore. Not to mention using Blue/Exile/Mind on Triage Carriers for more localrep or remote rep(cap).

    Also for lowsec activ tanked pvp (yes that does happen) Blue and Exile will get used. Due to their stats being boostet it will also mean that the value of boosters will rise making booster production worth a while which is great.

    The complaining about having one more must have item are stupid because there is no need to use it you can but you dont have to its up to you. Besides there wont be nearly as many fights where this will make a dent then most ppl think. People who have never used boosters in the first place should not start complaining now.

    About their price tag well until recently Strong drugs where at 20mill a pop which is quit low considering their usefulness now side effects are gone meaning more ppl will use them (maybe) so ofc the price is gonna spike. But when I look at it just how many ppl are flying faction/deathspace fitted pvp ships these days nobody should complain about a drug with limited use. That costs 60-100mill a pop.

    Besides you can bet ahac fleets when faced with far superior numbers will more then likly use strong x-instinct drugs.
    And ah yes titan pilots well they are unable to receive remote tracking boost now so ofc they will use Strong Drop booster drugs while facing Battleships.
    Sorry We're In Your Space Eh
    Seventh Sanctum.
    #114 - 2011-11-22 16:33:48 UTC
    Seems like the smart thing to do here would be to make the changes to the PRODUCTION process first, THEN change the way the boosters actually work. Doing it the other way around (which is what CCP is apparently planning), is going to create a huge vacuum that booster manufacturers cannot possibly fill due to the increased demand and already existing supply issues, thus creating a huge spke in price (which has already happened due to speculation).

    The reason a lot of people don't use boosters is because of the effort. It takes effort to get the boosters out of highsec where most of them are sold. That is a major roadblock for a lot of people who don't know how the arcane mechanics of the customs NPCs work (which randomly get changed by CCP on whims without notice, awesome job there).

    What really bothers me here, is that boosters have become in integral part of PvP for a lot of people. Booster use is often one of the few things that differentiates higher-tier PvP players or organizations from their less successful peers. The factors that preclude others from using them are availability and price, not side effects. If standard boosters cost 3-4 million per pill, and THEN you have to smuggle out of highsec (because that's the only reliable place to find them), your average Joe spaceship pilot in Scrub Alliance B is not going to use them, both because they're too expensive in their mind and because they don't know how to regularly supply themselves with them.

    It seems that CCP has once again INCORRECTLY identified the issue with a game mechanic, and taken the WRONG approach to fixing it. Instead, they devote weeks of dev blogs to gimmicky new battlecruisers and font and UI changes, and make sweeping changes to PvP mechanics without saying so much as a word about it, except in this topic, where we discover that while CCP's intentions are probably good, their implementation is half-baked AT BEST.

    If the goal of this whole project with boosters is to make them used more frequently, congratulations CCP, YOU HAVE ALREADY FAILED. The prices are going to go WAY the hell up, making them even FURTHER out of the reach of average Joe spaceship pilot, while demand among "elite PvPers" is going to stay high, just making them pay more for the boosters they were ALREADY using. Meanwhile, booster manufacturers are boned because the material prices are going to (already have) skyrocket(ed), and their ability to keep a healthy profit margin is going to go down the crapper, leading to many leaving the industry.

    tl;dr: way to go CCP for wrongly identifying the underlying issues of a mechanic you aren't pleased with the progress of. Boosters are expensive and rare because the MATERIALS are expensive and rare. They aren't frequently used BECAUSE of their expense, rarity and ILLEGALITY, not because of side effects which rarely happened or impacted actual ship performance. Awesome job putting boosters out of the reach of 99% of players while allowing the richest 1% to still be able to afford them AND use them to much greater effect. *golf clap*

    ps. also AWESOME job fixing the forums, good thing I copied that message before hitting post, or I would have raged even harder at your ineptitude.
    Emperor Salazar
    Remote Soviet Industries
    Insidious Empire
    #115 - 2011-11-22 16:36:23 UTC
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Hey folks, it seems this thread needs some attention.

    Let us explain why we are not happy with current state of boosters on Tranquility:
  • Unpredictability: that is due to the side-effects being randomly applied when you consume a booster, and that often hampers the very points you are trying to boost. As examples, chance of reducing shield capacity when consuming Blue Pills, missile velocity with Crash, or armor hitpoint / capacitor penalty with Exile. The list goes on, but the important point to remember here is that unpredictable mechanics on a player produced, controlled item do little to promote the usefulness of it in the long run.

  • I agree that this is a huge issue with boosters, and one of the reasons I think most people don't bother. Why use a booster that increases armor rep if you might lose cap AND might lose armor HP? But removing side effects altogether is stupid. There needs to be some risk to using these things. If I decide I want to take performance enhancing drugs, there should be a risk.


  • Production complexity: boosters, as short-term consumables, are too time consuming and complex to produce. They require a combination of reactions and manufacturing, while relying on limited supply of skills, gas distributions and commodities to produce.

  • So you're going to push these changes forward that will inevitably increase demand for boosters by a ton and....not make any changes to this?

    Basically, boosters are they stand right now should be used more than in just a few niche situations. There are a lot of points to improve, but instead of trying to revamp everything quite blindly in one release, we chose to adopt a more conservative step-by-step approach and see actual consequences before moving on to the next step. That also fits well with our "thousand little things" project, which consists of many, small iterations on existing features.

    This is not one of the thousand little things. This is not something you fix with a once over small change. Boosters are a huge mechanic and deserve a proper assessment, not this half-assed blanket change you are applying to it. This screams of developer laziness.

    The changes about to be deployed for Crucible look into their unpredictability, by making them more appealing to a broader portion of our player base.

    The illegal boosters should have some unpredictablity. The current state of them is stupid for reasons mentioned above, but removing it altogether is stupid. People can use synth boosters if they want boosts with no risk. Otherwise, it should come at a potential cost. You're not addressing unpredictability. You're removing it.


    Note: Alchemist and Edge implant sets are an oversight that are being looked into. Fix will most likely not make it for Crucible release, but shortly after, so we advise you to hold on to them.

    This right here says it all. You have not put enough work into this. These changes need to stay on the test server and continue to be looked at/developed, as well as the other changes you have mentioned.

    We all want boosters to be a great feature in eve. That doesn't mean you should resort to old CCP methods and rush out this hashed together plan.
    Hans Jagerblitzen
    Ice Fire Warriors
    #116 - 2011-11-22 16:38:29 UTC
    Don Pellegrino wrote:
    Really all this is going to do is add another must-have, like faction ammo. It's also going to break several fits and tactics.
    Do you have any idea how much of an effect everyone having Motion Prediction level 9 (level 5 + Drop) is going to have on pvp and combat in general?

    This is just silly, I can't see ANY benefit to this change at all. The system currently works because the low consuption fits with the low production. And no, increasing demand won't increase production significantly in this case because producers are already fighting for those BPC's.

    And on top of all that, reducing the maximum potential of any of those boosters is going to harm solo pvpers that build very thought-out fits around boosters to fight outnumbered.

    There is simply no benefit to this change the way it is being planned. It's a major disappointment for us solo pvpers in an otherwise great expansion.

    QFT. This sums up my sentiments exactly.

    And as an added note, I for one ENJOY the masochistic process of hunting down gas and harvesting it. It's rarely a "carebear" activity, there's never been once that I've engaged in it that I haven't had to dodge, evade, or ECM my way out of danger, and the challenge / thrill of "stealing" valuable materials in dangerous place (and getting back "home" with them intact) has always been part of the fun.

    For years now there's been a mystique about boosters, many myths abound about their use and how easy it is or isn't to produce them, creating opportunity for the dedicated and intrepid capsuleer. It still makes me smile when I hear "boosters are usually made at a net loss in terms of isk" or "smuggling is such a pain in the ass" because those of us who are involved have figured out ways around this and profit from a combination of creative logistical management (hauling), exploration, and a dash of market magic.

    Ytterbium is right - boosters are a niche thing. But they should be a niche thing. They should be challenging to produce, continue to require a diverse skillset (manufacturing knowledge, market savvy, and defensive PvP skills), and ultimately be rewarding for those that pull it off despite its many challenges. Ytterbium said
    turn booster distribution into an emergent, player controlled system that is easy to get into, but difficult to control and profit from.
    And thats exactly how they are today. Increasing spawn rates, removing side effects, handing them to the masses, all of this compromises a system that is already working like you say it should.

    I totally get that without modifying supply end, prices will get jacked hard after the changes. I'll be the first to tell everyone though, i'd much rather make my isk because I found easier ways to pull off a feat that others thought was too difficult / impossible, than profiting simply because I got lucky and beat out other people camping / farming LADAR sites, and found something rare that can be arbitrarily priced sky high with little bearing on what it actually takes to produce that booster.

    Anyone can farm a rare / fought over loot drop, sell it, and profit. Big freaking deal. The current manufacturing system is much more complex and nuanced though, meaning its much more satisfying for those of us that have found ways to be successful despite the common idea that "its too much of a pain in the ass".

    CCP, please reconsider these changes. This dumbs down boosters in so many ways. Those of us who produce don't need kid glove treatment, and booster users don't need to be coddled by removal of side effects either. Most people agree they are well manageable, and that the element of chance and risk is exactly what makes them embody the spirit of EvE gameplay.

    All of the reasons Ytterbium mentioned for changing boosters could be focused on Synth boosters, and synth boosters alone. Give them a bump to 5%, you'll see more people get more involved in Synth production and an increase in Synth popularity. Let the "gateway" drug be just that - a gateway to a world of increased danger and increased reward.

    The current changes will see prices jacked, effectiveness reduced, and most players in New Eden (except the filthy rich) will simply shrug their shoulders and give up using boosters entirely. I might personally make a killing as I sell off my stock, but no amount of isk is worth watching a really clever and fun system be destroyed by making boosters cheap candy that sees widespread use (like Faction Ammo), or the "I win" button of the rich.

    CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

    Dr Halberstam
    Nine Eyes Medical
    #117 - 2011-11-22 17:20:13 UTC
    Shad0wsFury wrote:
    tl;dr: way to go CCP for wrongly identifying the underlying issues of a mechanic you aren't pleased with the progress of. Boosters are expensive and rare because the MATERIALS are expensive and rare. They aren't frequently used BECAUSE of their expense, rarity and ILLEGALITY, not because of side effects which rarely happened or impacted actual ship performance. Awesome job putting boosters out of the reach of 99% of players while allowing the richest 1% to still be able to afford them AND use them to much greater effect.

    This is it. Everybody says this is it, and we will keep posting for a while still until all hope is lost or we all get bored, but the essentials are there in every post here and on fhc.

    Please, do not attempt an easy fix, try and cope with the underlying causes instead, even if it means fixing it later.

    An attempt at tugging at the problem (from the wrong end), and a promise of further attention sometime in the nebulous future is not what this issue needs.

    To reiterate for the nth time: The status quo was not fundamentally broken. Informed pilots were using boosters to great effect, and they could be produced if one was determined enough. I made and sold strongs by the hundreds with this here three man altcorp from a losec reaction pos, Jita materials, and a spreadsheet i made, and I'm sure there were plenty more like me, if not bigger.

    However, I frequently ran into the problem where I bought and used up ALL the available clouds and bpcs from the market of the entire cluster for my product, and were left twiddling my thumbs waiting for more. I simply could not cook, for there was nothing there to cook from.

    To be fair, there are some lame duck boosters nobody wants to buy. So rebalance those (frentix, sooth sayer) - but the underlying concept is fine as it is. Mindflood sold well, so did exile and blue pill, x-instinct too. Drop was starting to catch up with the rise of turreted titans. Crash lagged a bit due to the propensity for turrets in high-end pvp, but it could be that it was simply traded beyond my sight.

    if you want more people to use boosters, eliminate the true uncertanties. Side effects are not that - they are clearly written on the label, and can be taken account, informed decisions can be and are made.

    One true uncertainty is customs - not only is it most likely random, nobody actually knows how they work. That is the true unknown in this equation. So tell people. Or give hints. It costs nothing to look in the code and finally tell us what exactly happens when we transport contraband.
    Or introduce a way that allows for smuggling with less inherent obscurity. Special cans or modules that cloak your contraband, dedicated smuggling ships, whatever.

    And make it so that if we want to cook boosters, we can - ease up on getting the materials to the producers somehow, there are plenty ideas abound for that.

    The boosters are fine. Its producing and getting them to the customer that is borked. Choose your truth on why that is, but make no mistake, the solution lies there. Do not try and solve the problem by neutering the side effects, that way only lies another uninteresting mechanism, and as many people far more competent in pvp than me have posted above, serious risks to pvp balance.
    Aktaeon Industries
    #118 - 2011-11-22 17:39:57 UTC
    I do not like the direction CCP Ytterbium is taking boosters by doing this blanket change to them.

    My position and suggestion for a compromise have already been stated here. I do not see nor has anyone pointed out any issues with my suggestion.

    I am sadden that CCP Ytterbium felt the need to take a unique and low-sec specific feature of the game, water it down for ex-wow players, and have the gall to call it a better system.

    At this point, CCP will be rolling this change out regardless of what is discussed here. (with over sights of implants included) To me, the oversights are proof that these change were rushed and not well thought through, let alone discussed.

    I will say that the new expansion is by far the best one released in a long time, but i have to say that these changes to boosters constitute a missed opportunity and a dropped ball on the dev's part and specifically on CCP Ytterbium part if he is the lead for these changes.

    ❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Playing EVE Online

    CCP Guard > Where's the shoot button on this thing?

    CCP Space Cadet > What's this "offline guns" button do?

    Emperor Salazar
    Remote Soviet Industries
    Insidious Empire
    #119 - 2011-11-22 18:01:04 UTC
    Zendoren wrote:

    At this point, CCP will be rolling this change out regardless of what is discussed here. (with over sights of implants included) To me, the oversights are proof that these change were rushed and not well thought through, let alone discussed.

    These are my feelings exactly. Its great that you guys finally decided to do something about boosters, but you are doing it in a **** poor fashion.
    Don Pellegrino
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #120 - 2011-11-22 18:26:35 UTC
    Also: it makes drugs not fun and interesting anymore :(

    It feels so dumbed down the way you want to make them. It's like a second tier of hardwirings.