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Interceptor fleet are not fun at all

LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#101 - 2014-04-16 15:28:22 UTC
Carmen Electra wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

3.) Interdiction Nullification is a terrible mechanic

No, bubbles are a terrible mechanic.


Bubbles are really, really dumb.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#102 - 2014-04-16 15:37:49 UTC
ctrlc ctrlv wrote:
Lilith Velkor wrote:
Actually, I'd like to see the bubble immunity expanded to assault frigates and electronic attack frigates as well.

They could act as spearhead forces in warfare, constantly putting on pressure that the defender has to deal with.

Couldn't agree more it will help new players and new entities to be effective in fleet fights and small scale pvp.

Couldn't agree more part deux
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#103 - 2014-04-16 15:47:24 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.
We've been using 10,000 man interceptor fleets to take down IHUBS and large POSes. It's worked out really well so far.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#104 - 2014-04-16 16:26:19 UTC
Inty fleets are the penance for having such big space I guess, goons. I guess you are not liking the sprinkles on your blue donut but tough love, now you have to eat it.

Might be time to stop afk ratting...something you can't even do in VFK anymore.
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#105 - 2014-04-16 16:26:20 UTC
Maybe all the terrible pilots who can't wrap their heads around countering intie gangs should take an intie roam down to providence to see how people who aren't useless shitlords manage to actually defend their space and do a pretty solid job of it too.
Lin Fatale
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2014-04-16 16:46:12 UTC
Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
and the best of the lot: though this is an assault frig fleet - but a 'ceptor fleet would be even more fragile
but the point stands - you have something that you reel them in with - wait until they're in warp - light cyno - smart-bomb fleet jumps in - poppity poppity pop

did you see the drag bubble?
and guess what cant be draged by bubbles anymore
Order .66.
Brothers of Tangra
#107 - 2014-04-16 16:57:31 UTC  |  Edited by: theman428
friend i guess trying to theory craft a way to counter ceptos by all mean keep on like cfc and goons usually do and cry till u nerf it... GG

and btw if u cant defend ur space against interceptors... u have issues
#108 - 2014-04-16 19:31:45 UTC
The idea of a scout able to pass though hostile barrages and tackle something seemed really cool.

But in fact we see now only fleets of inties.

They roam across all systems in total (near total) impunity they engage lone targets and run if something able to kill them arrive.

If the goal was to find a way to reduce farming, I think there was other options.

It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.

Where is the fun?

I always thought that each type of fleet should have an appropriate response. But as for the AFK cloakers the only appropriate response is docking or moving away...

I don't see the point.

He cry because

And you can make thrasher arty fleet that works fine to counter. Inties can be stopped so stop farmn, stop cry.
It's not because trium kill so much of you in deklein that we have to nerf inties.
We are also happy when goon spam with their all noobs in inties.

Georgik Sojik
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#109 - 2014-04-16 22:21:36 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
The idea of a scout able to pass though hostile barrages and tackle something seemed really cool.

But in fact we see now only fleets of inties.

They roam across all systems in total (near total) impunity they engage lone targets and run if something able to kill them arrive.

If the goal was to find a way to reduce farming, I think there was other options.

It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.

Where is the fun?

I always thought that each type of fleet should have an appropriate response. But as for the AFK cloakers the only appropriate response is docking or moving away...

I don't see the point.

EDIT: Heavy dictors bubble should be able to catch nullified ships... Perharps with a special script.

-AN OPEN LETTER TO CFC AND GOONS; From A lowly Sniggwaffle.-

Dear CFC and Goons,

As an unofficial, but highly sympathetic, representative of Sniggwaffe, and Waffles. Alliance, I would like to sincerely apologize for our 200 man corp ruining your EVE experience. Our brazen acts of ruining your "fun" and harassing your miners and AFKTars is not what we had originally hoped to do so many months ago. The continued use of these tactics is completely cowardly and is ruining the game.

To this end, I have petitioned the leadership of our much-too-powerful Alliance to ban all use of Interceptors in null sec as it is not E-honourable. I have also written a report documenting why the use of AFK 'Cloaky' camping is a game-breaking exploit. I am sure many of my fellow Sniggwaffe members, and the Alliance directors will come to see that this type of tactic should be banned throughout eve as being "not very fun."

We, specifically myself, hope that the weak and defenseless CFC, especially the Goons, get the retribution they deserve. EVE should not be a place where anyone in High, Low, or Null sec should be forced to PVP in unbalanced and unfair situations. An EVE where pilots are left without a way to defend themselves, are forced to die alone, and have no recourse against the aggressors is not an EVE I would want to play in. Perhaps one day CCP will wake-up and realize that this 'sandbox' they've created is a place where people are free to do whatever they want willy-nilly much to the detriment of the players who wish to ignore the social structure that EVE is supposedly based on.

Georgik Sojik.

PS - Good Luck with Burn Jita III

State War Academy
Caldari State
#110 - 2014-04-17 00:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarmaniel
I feel like I really should point out that nullsec ratting in general is completely pointless if there's more than an outside chance of getting ganked. The income from them is only slightly higher than highsec L4s. I'm not going to claim it's impossible to stop ceptor gangs, but it's more trouble than it's worth. The correct response is to go back to highsec level fours where they can't touch you. It's not like they're going to contest sov in ceptors.

Ratter protection patrol fleets? Seriously? Hey, anyone remember how much fun freighter ops were before we had jump freighters? Let's subject hundreds of players to something that's even worse, that's great for gameplay.
Sabine Vynneve
#111 - 2014-04-17 01:33:56 UTC
Mandatory topical viewing material
Fistful of Finns
#112 - 2014-04-17 02:59:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Dynamiittiukko
Diivil wrote:
Many of you are also still arguing how active defending of your space against roaming gangs should not be able to actually defend your space. This is totally bizarre to me. I hold sov in this region. My fellow goons live in this region. Am I truly not "allowed" to stop roaming gangs that come to my sov space?

I don't believe anyone has said that you shouldn't be allowed to. What has been said multiple times, though, is that you don't seem to be able to. Those are, again, two very distinctly different things.

Diivil wrote:
I do agree that bubbles on gate as a passive defense is annoying and that's why I also, like many others in this thread, suggested that an active counter to nullification. Be it a special DIC/HIC bubble or a time limited mobile structure. Active defending of your space should be able to deal with roaming gangs.

Wait, let me get this straight: You are seriously suggesting that because bubbles are annoying, they should be made more effective than they now are by also being able to remove interdiction nullification? So not instead of bubbles but in addition to them. This has got to be some sick, twisted Goon logic. Let me formulate a proper resp... NO.

There are counters and there are ways to help your fellow ratters. They just require effort on your part. Yes, effort. On your part. I know that may be hard to swallow but that's just how it is. Not everything instapops to your remote sebo gate blobs and that is nothing other than a good thing. IMO. Actually work for those kills for a change. That's what we do. Daily.

Tonight we ran into 8 sleepy/AFK ratters (well, actually 10 but the 2 carriers got out because their fellow alliance members actually defended them instead of just AFK instalock camping a gate while posting at the forums how they can't catch anything) and probably around 50 alert ones. Points to the 50, Darwin awards to the 8.

We simply slice off the fat and loose skin so you're left with nothing but lean meat. If anything, you should be thanking us.


EDIT: Please, stop removing our rent collection modules from your systems. We think it's not very fun when you do.
Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#113 - 2014-04-17 03:58:22 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.
We've been using 10,000 man interceptor fleets to take down IHUBS and large POSes. It's worked out really well so far.

In fact I did not talk about really losing the SOV, but the fact that we were not able to stop hostiles to go through our SOV. There is nearly no way even with a good fleet to stop a inty fleet.

Perharps it is a good thing but I don't like the idea that someone can fly a ship and dumbly fly gate to gate in all Eve with no risk.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#114 - 2014-04-17 04:19:26 UTC
Georgik Sojik wrote:
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
The idea of a scout able to pass though hostile barrages and tackle something seemed really cool.

But in fact we see now only fleets of inties.

They roam across all systems in total (near total) impunity they engage lone targets and run if something able to kill them arrive.

If the goal was to find a way to reduce farming, I think there was other options.

It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.

Where is the fun?

I always thought that each type of fleet should have an appropriate response. But as for the AFK cloakers the only appropriate response is docking or moving away...

I don't see the point.

EDIT: Heavy dictors bubble should be able to catch nullified ships... Perharps with a special script.

-AN OPEN LETTER TO CFC AND GOONS; From A lowly Sniggwaffle.-

Dear CFC and Goons,

As an unofficial, but highly sympathetic, representative of Sniggwaffe, and Waffles. Alliance, I would like to sincerely apologize for our 200 man corp ruining your EVE experience. Our brazen acts of ruining your "fun" and harassing your miners and AFKTars is not what we had originally hoped to do so many months ago. The continued use of these tactics is completely cowardly and is ruining the game.

To this end, I have petitioned the leadership of our much-too-powerful Alliance to ban all use of Interceptors in null sec as it is not E-honourable. I have also written a report documenting why the use of AFK 'Cloaky' camping is a game-breaking exploit. I am sure many of my fellow Sniggwaffe members, and the Alliance directors will come to see that this type of tactic should be banned throughout eve as being "not very fun."

We, specifically myself, hope that the weak and defenseless CFC, especially the Goons, get the retribution they deserve. EVE should not be a place where anyone in High, Low, or Null sec should be forced to PVP in unbalanced and unfair situations. An EVE where pilots are left without a way to defend themselves, are forced to die alone, and have no recourse against the aggressors is not an EVE I would want to play in. Perhaps one day CCP will wake-up and realize that this 'sandbox' they've created is a place where people are free to do whatever they want willy-nilly much to the detriment of the players who wish to ignore the social structure that EVE is supposedly based on.

Georgik Sojik.

PS - Good Luck with Burn Jita III

Even if I was not a Goon that would change nothing of my point of view. It is funny to see that because I have the goon tag I must be a sort of evil insect that going to burn Eve commanded by our vicious mastermind that I would follow blindly...

I don't have any problem about fleets or solo hunters coming in our regions to kill some farmers that are not paying attention. But I am not ok with the fact that even with a motivated bunch of guys it is impossible to protect our regions against intruders.

In fact I like intrudres. I fly solo most of the time hunting them. It is what I like the most to do.

I like the fact that this a sandbox where you can do what you want. But every game play in the game should have an adequate response. If someone fly a interceptor he should have the pressure of a risk to be catch if he do it wrong.
Cloakers should not be totally safe while cloaked for hours.

Empire Gankers should have more difficulties to kill Freighters and Indus. Because it is simply too easy for the moment.
It is so easy that I don't use my freighter anymore (with my alt of course). I nearly don't use my Transport ship, and never fly an indus.

It is not because I am a Goon that I cannot be against the Idea of Burn Jita. Or against High Sec Miner gankers.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#115 - 2014-04-17 04:55:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cardano Firesnake
jangofett76 wrote:

He cry because
And you can make thrasher arty fleet that works fine to counter. Inties can be stopped so stop farmn, stop cry.
It's not because trium kill so much of you in deklein that we have to nerf inties.
We are also happy when goon spam with their all noobs in inties.

No jango, I don't mind losing some Ishtars while farming I lost them because I was not paying attention or because I took to much risks. But I farm far more ISK than I lose while farming.

Here is my killboard because your link doesn't work
And it is only one of my 5 pvp characters ;-)

My problem is the fact that it is impossible to force inty fleets to engage. You must bait them.

If you are cautious there is no risk to fly an inty fleet. You just have to engage ships that cannot fight back. A thrasher fleet will just have no way to engage... The inties will see them and move away...

Perharps it is a good thing for this game. But I don't think that a gameplay that is so easy is ok. There is nearly nothing else today.

Goons are roaming in inties too. No fight only ganks of farmers everywhere... So Eve it is that?

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Fistful of Finns
#116 - 2014-04-17 05:30:03 UTC
Please, allow me to summarize our experiences regarding the defenses we have come across on our inty roams in the last 3 or so weeks:

Active Defending 01
Active Defending 02

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#117 - 2014-04-17 06:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Dynamiittiukko wrote:
Please, allow me to summarize our experiences regarding the defenses we have come across on our inty roams in the last 3 or so weeks:

Active Defending 01
Active Defending 02


Very adequate depiction of the situation. Not just for CFC, but for a lot of Sov Holders.


And by the way, my alliance recently had a ceptor roam through Drone Lands. We landed in Spears of Destiny space and they managed to muster a good defensive fleet in minutes and cause us some trouble. We also have had a couple of Ceptor fleets though Guri Land and even there they managed muster a defensive fleet with Talwars and fast locking ceptors. ALL your points against Nullification of ceptors and T3 are moot. Absolutely invalid. Now learn to play or leave Syndicate and go back to Deklein under the cover of your intel network. Blink

Only so much to it: If your only option for not getting caught by ceptor fleets is to stay at your keyboard and actively watch intel and local or to actively camp a gate and don't go afk for prolonged periods of time, it's a good thing. YOUR lot demands the constant presence at the keyboard from miners and other PVEers and supports such demands in High sec, so heed your own standards in YOUR High sec.

Cardano Firesnake wrote:

Goons are roaming in inties too. No fight only ganks of farmers everywhere... So Eve it is that?

Yes, that's EVE in a lot of places. It is what YOUR coalition has made of EVE. Don't complain about YOUR achievements. And I absolutely don't care about if you were personally involved in achieving this; you are in a corp that is part of CFC and you therefore support and continue to evolve this gameplay. Only your lot is to blame for this kind of evolution. Now deal with it. Blink

And no: Selective Bubbles are ABSOLUTELY NOT the solution to nullification. Nullification has its roles and counters, Nullification is fine. Only the players need to adapt, and the rest of the game HAS adapted and likes these tools of havoc and destruction. It is about time that you do as well.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#118 - 2014-04-17 12:38:52 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
jangofett76 wrote:

He cry because
And you can make thrasher arty fleet that works fine to counter. Inties can be stopped so stop farmn, stop cry.
It's not because trium kill so much of you in deklein that we have to nerf inties.
We are also happy when goon spam with their all noobs in inties.

No jango, I don't mind losing some Ishtars while farming I lost them because I was not paying attention or because I took to much risks. But I farm far more ISK than I lose while farming.

Here is my killboard because your link doesn't work
And it is only one of my 5 pvp characters ;-)

My problem is the fact that it is impossible to force inty fleets to engage. You must bait them.

If you are cautious there is no risk to fly an inty fleet. You just have to engage ships that cannot fight back. A thrasher fleet will just have no way to engage... The inties will see them and move away...

Perharps it is a good thing for this game. But I don't think that a gameplay that is so easy is ok. There is nearly nothing else today.

Goons are roaming in inties too. No fight only ganks of farmers everywhere... So Eve it is that?

i dont see whats ur actual problem apart from geting killed by inties,, if u say they are impossible to cath thats wrong .. coz i have seen and lost inties by bunch of goonies who camp gates with daredavil , ashimu , falcon , sabre , couple other inties with another ship for remote sensor boosting ,,

dont complain they are impossible to catch ,, ur just too lazy to do it ...
i found ppl afk in tengu in anom in deklain multiple time.. one time i even manage to kill a afk tengu with a purifier...

Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#119 - 2014-04-17 12:46:14 UTC
i found ppl afk in tengu in anom in deklain multiple time.. one time i even manage to kill a afk tengu with a purifier...

there are hundreds of ishtar and vexor navy issue with caldari navy wasp drones fitted with 100 mn ab rating guristas forsaken hub every where in dekalain .. some ppl rat with carriers and they even bother to warp to a pos or stataion even they see u in local
i even has screen shots..

its not the inties fault .. they ment to be catch target ,
its the pilots faults who goes afk while rating...
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#120 - 2014-04-17 13:13:58 UTC
Bezdar22 wrote:
i found ppl afk in tengu in anom in deklain multiple time.. one time i even manage to kill a afk tengu with a purifier...

there are hundreds of ishtar and vexor navy issue with caldari navy wasp drones fitted with 100 mn ab rating guristas forsaken hub every where in dekalain .. some ppl rat with carriers and they even bother to warp to a pos or stataion even they see u in local
i even has screen shots..

its not the inties fault .. they ment to be catch target ,
its the pilots faults who goes afk while rating...

may be try with multiple artie cyna to pop ceptors at gate use sensorbooster scan res and a signal amp and another ship with remote sensor boost and yah use quafe zero for cyna