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Interceptor fleet are not fun at all

Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#41 - 2014-04-15 22:20:18 UTC
I was wondering when we see this thread on forums =)

As a pilot being flying almost singlehandedly ceppies the last few weeks, I know for a fact, there are good counters to them. The fact, that you have not figured them out does not mean there are none.

Ceppieroams are fun as hell. If you fit your ceppie to be almost invulnerable, they wont do any significant dmg no more. I've killed round 100 ratting ishtars / nvexors the last weeks and they all would survive the experience, if they had no EM hole in their tanks. 0 EM resistance is the reason a 60dps ship can solo a ishtar. And the fact, that 90% of the ishtars dont even have light or ecm drones with them.

You sir need to think out the counters. It's not cool to rest of eve, that if CFC is bad at something, the nerf this and that starts.
Council of Exiles
Brave Collective
#42 - 2014-04-15 22:23:29 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
The idea of a scout able to pass though hostile barrages and tackle something seemed really cool.

But in fact we see now only fleets of inties.

They roam across all systems in total (near total) impunity they engage lone targets and run if something able to kill them arrive.

If the goal was to find a way to reduce farming, I think there was other options.

It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.

Where is the fun?

I always thought that each type of fleet should have an appropriate response. But as for the AFK cloakers the only appropriate response is docking or moving away...

I don't see the point.

EDIT: Heavy dictors bubble should be able to catch nullified ships... Perharps with a special script.

Eww my geed! You dont like us? We actually love to kill your "******** afkers" as one of your goonies said.. Does it hurt? Since you said in local something like you just kick our nuts whatever the weather is... But thanks to you since we have such a nice time killing worth of 8bil+ with one roam. Keep up the good feed.

Fly safe!
Lilith Velkor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-04-15 22:36:40 UTC
Actually, I'd like to see the bubble immunity expanded to assault frigates and electronic attack frigates as well.

They could act as spearhead forces in warfare, constantly putting on pressure that the defender has to deal with.

And let's be honest, if you have 2k members, it shouldn't be too difficult to maintain multiple defense / patrol fleets able to deal with exactly those.

If you give out free frigates to rookies, you'll have the bodies, and their experience will grow. Just build one less titan, and you practically have unlimited supply of t1 frigates.

Involve the new players and give them the ships for free, everyone wants them to try their hand at pvp in nullsec, or am I wrong here?
Nikolai Lachance
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2014-04-15 22:49:22 UTC
Lin Fatale wrote:

The issue is, ceptor fleets usually dont fight anything
most of them avoid every possible fight
they jump in and warp off if you have more than 3 ships of whatever

Problem solved? If they don't fight anything they're not a threat. If having 3 ships around makes them go away, you've countered them.

no and I dont want to setup remote sebo gate camps to maybe kill 1 captor

"I'm too lazy to use effective strategies to deal with the problem I'm having, so CCP needs to nerf the problem".

Alex Pier
Celestial Argonauts
#45 - 2014-04-15 22:55:00 UTC
There is a song by Bruce Dickinson named: Tears of the Dragon. Can we have this post renamed to Tears of the Goon, please?

Fistful of Finns
#46 - 2014-04-15 22:58:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Dynamiittiukko
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
The idea of a scout able to pass though hostile barrages and tackle something seemed really cool.

But in fact we see now only fleets of inties.

They roam across all systems in total (near total) impunity they engage lone targets and run if something able to kill them arrive.

Well boohoo. You can no longer safely AFK rat in null-sec deep inside goon sov while watching TV-series. Tough.

It's null-sec, you're supposed to be awake and alert - or bad things may happen. We are just bringing the full extent of Eve content to you, delivered in your local anomaly. You're welcome.

Cardano Firesnake wrote:
It is nearly impossible to protect your SOV against these fleets. It is as boring as afk cloakers to hunt.

Where is the fun?

Protect your sov? Against ~100dps interceptors? Are you serious? Your sov is perfectly safe. You as a ratter, however, are not. It's exactly as it should be, as far as inty roams are concerned.

Oh, and about the fun part: the fun is seeing Goons crying about getting killed while AFK ratting. We love each and every Goonswarm tear. They're fun.

ctrlc ctrlv
Comfortably Numb.
Brack Regen
#47 - 2014-04-15 23:02:44 UTC
Lilith Velkor wrote:
Actually, I'd like to see the bubble immunity expanded to assault frigates and electronic attack frigates as well.

They could act as spearhead forces in warfare, constantly putting on pressure that the defender has to deal with.

Couldn't agree more it will help new players and new entities to be effective in fleet fights and small scale pvp.
A Big Enough Lever
#48 - 2014-04-15 23:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Xe'Cara'eos
Lin Fatale wrote:
In my opinion the ceptor nulify thing is a bad design
why were they introduced?
- to make scouting easier?
--> was fine before

- that you can catch something behind 50T2 anchored bubbles on evry ratting systems
--> sure always good idea to introduce a bad design to counter antoher bad design

- to travel faster
--> you can do this w/o nulified thingy
--> maybe a better map design helps as well

how is it used today
50+ ceptors fleets evry day
to gank one ship and run away as soon as 3 ships undock
the running away mode starts as soon as your ceptor fleet undock
must be the fun for the real man which I just dont understand

and the counters are very limited
- smartbomb theory, yeah show us your dozen of killed ceptor fleets please
- the truth is, by the time you have found the right pipe and moved your BSes 3 jumps there are in the next region already
and the best of the lot: though this is an assault frig fleet - but a 'ceptor fleet would be even more fragile
but the point stands - you have something that you reel them in with - wait until they're in warp - light cyno - smart-bomb fleet jumps in - poppity poppity pop

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#49 - 2014-04-15 23:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Diivil
People seem to be talking different kinds of interceptor gangs here. The OP was probably referring to 2.0 second aligning interceptors, generally Maledictions based on KB stats at least. These ships align so fast that they can't be tackled on a gate. It doesn't matter if you have 194190234910^21312313 trillion scan res, it is simply impossible to target and get a point on one thanks to how the game works. 1 second to start targeting, 1 second to target (even with your 194190234910^21312313 trillion scan res), 1 second to activate point but the interceptor is gone by that time already.

These fleets of course won't engage anything they can't kill so AF, ceptor, gate camps or pretty much everything else is not a counter because they can easily avoid them.

Smartbombing is not a viable tactic for various very obvious reasons. First of all a single battleship with 8 smartbombs doesn't even kill a Malediction. You of course can't hotdrop on a gate RnK style because interceptors warp so fast that they will have landed by the time you load the system so you can be easily scouted by dscanning. These fleets also probably never even fleet warp anywhere. They check random anomalies and then warp to the next gate individually. This means they will always come from different angles and at different times. Bottom line is that smartbombing interceptor gangs with any success is extremely hard. And if you ever do it successfully, all they have to do is to buy a bookmark pack for the region and start using perches.

The only way to kill them is by baiting them but after you kill one they will all remember your name and never engage again so that tactic won't work long.

All in all uncatchable ships are bullshit and this is not the first time I'm expressing that opinion. Being able to burn a cyno at max travel speed, ignoring bubbles, ignoring gate camps, in a ship that costs 30 million is not very balanced either.

But luckily the solutions are simple. Either restrict all ships from achieving 2.0s align time to allow them to be tackled with good enough scan resolution or introduce something that counters bubble nullification. It could be a special DIC/HIC bubble or a mobile structure that CCP seems to love so much nowadays. I don't think it should be a permanent anchoreable though so that you can't just anchor that and a million bubbles on gate. That kind of passive defense of your space is not fun but active defending (gate camping etc) should be able to deal with any threat that can't kill the gate camp and this is currently not the case.

Make running a gate camp the art that it used to be. Taking a covops through a 200 man gate camp to light a cyno for a friendly fleet was one of my most memorable moments in all my years playing this game. Now I just write !pingall to wake up everyone in my dedicated interceptor cyno jabber channel and get five guys essentially auto piloting without danger to where ever I want. Quite boring in comparison.

I'm not at all against interceptors being very effective at killing ratters. In fact that's nice to see. But they should not be able to waltz through a proper remote sensor boosted gate camp with a million bubbles like it's not there. Any form of active defense from the people living in the region should be able to counter roaming gangs and the roamers should need to fight those active defenders and not just ignore them.

Remember that the interceptors would always be able to just reapproach and jump to safety. In fact I don't think more interceptors would even die because of these changes but it would make defending your space possible.
Hole Control
#50 - 2014-04-15 23:49:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
The ceptor nullification has to be my single most favourite change to the game in the past years, along with the warp speed buffs.

It's ridicilous how there are people out there who unironically believe that 68 T2 large bubbles (I counted) on a gate making their system practically a 100% risk-free peaceful ratting zone is good and balanced gameplay. God forbid actually having to defend your space empire.

If anything, bubble immunity should extend to more stuff. On a fleet scale bubbles are an amazingly good mechanic, but against individuals and tiny gangs they're a ridicilously crappy one. The obvious issue is that anything you give to individuals will also inevitably be usable by fleets.

EDIT: Also, the uncatchable ceptors were nerfed. To go below 2.0 align time you'll have to gimp your fit to a great degree and also probably use Snakes or something. Practically any actual fleet ceptor will take 3 or more server ticks to align, which makes them catchable by instalocking stuff.
Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#51 - 2014-04-16 00:00:45 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
The ceptor nullification has to be my single most favourite change to the game in the past years, along with the warp speed buffs.

It's ridicilous how there are people out there who unironically believe that 68 T2 large bubbles (I counted) on a gate making their system practically a 100% risk-free peaceful ratting zone is good and balanced gameplay. God forbid actually having to defend your space empire.

If anything, bubble immunity should extend to more stuff. On a fleet scale bubbles are an amazingly good mechanic, but against individuals and tiny gangs they're a ridicilously crappy one. The obvious issue is that anything you give to individuals will also inevitably be usable by fleets.

EDIT: Also, the uncatchable ceptors were nerfed. To go below 2.0 align time you'll have to gimp your fit to a great degree and also probably use Snakes or something. Practically any actual fleet ceptor will take 3 or more server ticks to align, which makes them catchable by instalocking stuff.

So in your opinion 100% risk free ratting thanks to bubbles (rofl) was not "good and balaned gameplay" but the total flip side of that as in being able to ignore all bubbles, gate camps and whatever is? Weird opinion you have there buddy.

A single 2.0s align time interceptor has no problems of killing stuff like Ishtar/VNI ratters which are popular enough that probably 30-40 die every day in Deklein. In fact Deklein has a lot of insta locking gate camps so you can't even fly a non 2.0s interceptor there right now so pretty much everyone are flying them. A TriDOT member on this very page says he has flown nothing else except these kinds of fleets for weeks and then you come here to argue that no one flies them?
Hydro Gen
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#52 - 2014-04-16 00:02:59 UTC
So basicly you just want to be able to gatecamp ?

What about bringing the fight in to the anoms like today?

yeah i know you lost a couple of carriers and some navy ships, but you also killed quite a few ceptors.
Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#53 - 2014-04-16 00:09:50 UTC
Hydro Gen wrote:
So basicly you just want to be able to gatecamp ?

What about bringing the fight in to the anoms like today?

yeah i know you lost a couple of carriers and some navy ships, but you also killed quite a few ceptors.

I want to be able to defend my space against a threat. Is that too much to ask? I know your alliance can't hold space or moons so maybe you don't know much about that.

I have no problems seeing an actual fight. I don't know which one you are talking about but if carriers died then your must have escalated which is exactly how it should go. However one fight out of a few hundred Ishtar/VNI kills is not a very good ratio wouldn't you agree?
Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#54 - 2014-04-16 00:14:32 UTC
Diivil wrote:
A single 2.0s align time interceptor has no problems of killing stuff like Ishtar/VNI ratters which are popular enough that probably 30-40 die every day in Deklein. In fact Deklein has a lot of insta locking gate camps so you can't even fly a non 2.0s interceptor there right now so pretty much everyone are flying them. A TriDOT member on this very page says he has flown nothing else except these kinds of fleets for weeks and then you come here to argue that no one flies them?

So lets see here.

Step1: you and your like put up 239847 gazillion bubbles on a gate to be able to rat riskfree and make roaming impossible
Step2: CCP brings interdiction nullified ceppies to game, thus ratters start to die more often
Step3: You start making instalock gatecamps, Smartbomb BS camps and sutch to stop interceptor gangs
Step4: Someone comes up with the <2s align interceptor fit to prevent these camps and to be able to keep roaming
Step5: You cry on forums for a ship being too OP

Well, why dont you take a look in the mirror a bit there laddie? Maybe if you were not so stupidly trying to prevent ppl from roaming, there propably would be more other shipclasses in your space for you to kill.

Also it seems that the CFC mentality is that tears in hsec are best of everything and yet when someone makes you tear a lot in 0.0 its so wrong it needs to be nerfed.

HTFU and learn to rat. Is not that difficult to prevent the ratters from dying. However, they WILL die, if they are not alert. From my personal experience I can tell, that NONE of the ratters, who pay attention to the game get cought. NONE. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them gets to a safepos or station. It's the ones who are AFK or doing something else simultaneousily to die.

If you look at theing on bigger perspective than your own lil weird world, you will propably notice, that only now after warpspeed changes and interdiction nullified ceppies is the first time since introducing sov anomalies that ratters actually haveto pay attention and keep focused instead of being AFK. Now is the first time in YEARS that roaming is fun again. You should try it sometime. It really is fun as hell.
Crazey Monkey
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2014-04-16 00:14:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Crazey Monkey
Diivil wrote:
Burneddi wrote:
The ceptor nullification has to be my single most favourite change to the game in the past years, nalong with the warp speed buffs.

It's ridicilous how there are people out there who unironically believe that 68 T2 large bubbles (I counted) on a gate making their system practically a 100% risk-free peaceful ratting zone is good and balanced gameplay. God forbid actually having to defend your space empire.

If anything, bubble immunity should extend to more stuff. On a fleet scale bubbles are an amazingly good mechanic, but against individuals and tiny gangs they're a ridicilously crappy one. The obvious issue is that anything you give to individuals will also inevitably be usable by fleets.

EDIT: Also, the uncatchable ceptors were nerfed. To go below 2.0 align time you'll have to gimp your fit to a great degree and also probably use Snakes or something. Practically any actual fleet ceptor will take 3 or more server ticks to align, which makes them catchable by instalocking stuff.

So in your opinion 100% risk free ratting thanks to bubbles (rofl) was not "good and balaned gameplay" but the total flip side of that as in being able to ignore all bubbles, gate camps and whatever is? Weird opinion you have there buddy.

A single 2.0s align time interceptor has no problems of killing stuff like Ishtar/VNI ratters which are popular enough that probably 30-40 die every day in Deklein. In fact Deklein has a lot of insta locking gate camps so you can't even fly a non 2.0s interceptor there right now so pretty much everyone are flying them. A TriDOT member on this very page says he has flown nothing else except these kinds of fleets for weeks and then you come here to argue that no one flies them?

Providence has the highest amount of roamers roaming in their space. If they can deal with all the ceptors and roaming guys, why can't you guys? Or is little ol provi just better than you?
Tl;Dr cry some more nobody cares
Deal with it
Hydro Gen
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#56 - 2014-04-16 00:15:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Hydro Gen
well the repsonse fleet could just warp in to anomalies where the ratters are tackled.

instead of just sitting on a gate and expect to win.

and oooohh sick burn about the spaceholding. atleast not holding space spares me the effort of making a whine post, about how unfair it is to get killed in 0.0

i bet i can come with more reason why not to hold space. than you can for holding space.
Fistful of Finns
#57 - 2014-04-16 00:17:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Dynamiittiukko
Diivil wrote:
Any form of active defense from the people living in the region should be able to counter roaming gangs and the roamers should need to fight those active defenders and not just ignore them.

A lot of what you wrote above sounds nice and all, and I may even generally agree with a lot of it but this last bit is such an easy thing to say by someone in the biggest independent entity in game. "Just fight us. C'mon, we only outnumber you by 247:1 against, that's like almost fair".

One of the reasons (AFAIK) for the whole inty gang concept was to make your fleet size as irrelevant as possible. For once, CFC is not able to win through sheer number of pilots present. That, IMO, is much more balanced than what you suggest above.

You should not be any more safe than any other pilot in the Eve universe and, currently, you are not.

Burneddi wrote:
EDIT: Also, the uncatchable ceptors were nerfed. To go below 2.0 align time you'll have to gimp your fit to a great degree and also probably use Snakes or something.

In this case, it's the "or something". Snakes make you die because the faster your ship flies, the longer it takes to reach warp speed. Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-70x is the implant you want because faster aligning = less dying.


PS. Bookmark packs? For realz? Madness! Who would ever sell those. I mean, c'mon, you can only copy 5 bookmarks at a time. Takes ages to copy and contract a bunch of them.

PPS. I'll have to agree with the "fight in the anomalies" stuff above. I've been on at least 3 inty roams where CFC had an instalock camp at a gate, we avoided it and killed an Ishtar or two in the anomalies in the same system while your instalock camp just instalock camped the gate. Maybe if they'd actually warped to the anomalies to help the ratters out the Ishtars might not have died. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but at least it's a possibility those Ishtars never had because it was more important for the guys helping out their fellows to instalock camp the gate. You know, defending their space.
Hydro Gen
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#58 - 2014-04-16 00:19:10 UTC
So it's perhaps for the best that we've spent the last month relaxing, playing Diablo 3, afktaring our little hearts out in Deklein,

thats a line from goons alliance update, i can understand you lose a lot of ratting ships. If being afk is the way you rat.
Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#59 - 2014-04-16 00:31:14 UTC
Ugly Eric wrote:

So lets see here.

Step1: you and your like put up 239847 gazillion bubbles on a gate to be able to rat riskfree and make roaming impossible
Step2: CCP brings interdiction nullified ceppies to game, thus ratters start to die more often
Step3: You start making instalock gatecamps, Smartbomb BS camps and sutch to stop interceptor gangs
Step4: Someone comes up with the <2s align interceptor fit to prevent these camps and to be able to keep roaming
Step5: You cry on forums for a ship being too OP

Well, why dont you take a look in the mirror a bit there laddie? Maybe if you were not so stupidly trying to prevent ppl from roaming, there propably would be more other shipclasses in your space for you to kill.

Also it seems that the CFC mentality is that tears in hsec are best of everything and yet when someone makes you tear a lot in 0.0 its so wrong it needs to be nerfed.

HTFU and learn to rat. Is not that difficult to prevent the ratters from dying. However, they WILL die, if they are not alert. From my personal experience I can tell, that NONE of the ratters, who pay attention to the game get cought. NONE. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them gets to a safepos or station. It's the ones who are AFK or doing something else simultaneousily to die.

If you look at theing on bigger perspective than your own lil weird world, you will propably notice, that only now after warpspeed changes and interdiction nullified ceppies is the first time since introducing sov anomalies that ratters actually haveto pay attention and keep focused instead of being AFK. Now is the first time in YEARS that roaming is fun again. You should try it sometime. It really is fun as hell.

First of all I have made my opinions on 2.0s interceptors very clear from day one. While that was in more regarding using them as cyno platforms that still stands. Uncatchable ships are not fun to me and I think they take a lot away from this game.

Eve in nullsec is based on communities. In communities we help each other. Corporations in your alliance may hate each other and do stuff behind each others' back but I want to help the fellow goon. Unfortunately, as it has often been advertised over the years, the fellow goon happens to be rather slow and not very good at playing this game. So I want to assist him to gather ISK for his battleship so that he can continue making money by losing that battleship and getting 200% reimbursement every time. And as it happens the best way of dealing with roaming gangs is to kill them. The worst way of dealing with roaming gangs is to ignore them.

You realise it just as well as anyone else that there are pointing rats in pretty much every anomaly nowadays. Do you really suggest that the only workable tactic against roaming fleets should be getting safe whenever one gets within 3 jumps from you. What about if they log out somewhere and come back unscouted after some time?

You are suggesting that the only working tactic against roamers should be ignoring them. I shouldn't have to tell you just how stupid that whole notion is.

Ratters died just as much before these changes were introduced as they do now. People like wheniaminspace and that lazerspewpew guy from BL were extremely successful at killing ratters solo. I'm sorry you didn't manage to do the same as them then.
Fistful of Finns
#60 - 2014-04-16 00:35:31 UTC
Diivil wrote:
Eve in nullsec is based on communities. In communities we help each other. Corporations in your alliance may hate each other and do stuff behind each others' back but I want to help the fellow goon.

See the PPS. part in my post above.

Diivil wrote:
And as it happens the best way of dealing with roaming gangs is to kill them. The worst way of dealing with roaming gangs is to ignore them.

See the PPS. part in my post above again.
