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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1301 - 2014-04-24 03:52:39 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Endo Saissore wrote:
So uh.... Yeah the Nightmare looks fun. Right guys? Guys?....

Was there a change to the Nightmare...? What's that...? Roll
It is rather interesting that the current least popular BS is commanding most of the attention in the thread.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1302 - 2014-04-24 04:26:47 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Endo Saissore wrote:
So uh.... Yeah the Nightmare looks fun. Right guys? Guys?....

Was there a change to the Nightmare...? What's that...? Roll
It is rather interesting that the current least popular BS is commanding most of the attention in the thread.

Well, being as it has a chance to be popular, and little things are preventing it being as popular as it could be.

And once things quieten down we should see the reduction of rapid fit varieties, as it is a paper dps scenario, good sometimes, usually not.
It would be nice for it then to have a role.

Of course it could be a massive OmGPawn Mobile, just like all the others we were warned about which aren't.Roll
If it is wildly out of balance then that could be dialled back in a considered manner.

Or pre disable the rattlesnakes drone abilities, give massive boost to an underused unpopular weapons system, and frighten the players, or have them drooling.

Sure the new rattler will kill a cruiser in 0.x Ms faster, very nice, could we have the rest of the ship though too please.

Is it not a better idea to find a place where both benefit from this rebalance? Drone users and missile users too?
And how on earth did it get so polarised? We asked to retain drone control range and to look a little at the superdrone concept, possibly retaining the bonuses for smaller drones. That's enough overall to give it a use for all.

There's no need to win the thread for any poster, everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and everyone is allowed an input, even if you violently disagree, give people a chancto speak and actually listen to what is being asked for.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Doggy Dogwoofwoof
New Eden Corporation 98713347
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1303 - 2014-04-24 05:24:08 UTC
You keep talking about Sacraficing the drone damage for missile damage, You are the one who brought it up. The ship is more powerfull in 90% of cases. Mediums hardly saw use on it. Lights were used When you failed to 1 shot frigs at range with your sentrys. If you really want to get technical, it had a 66% nerf, and a 87.5% buff. It is a better ship now.
Skarlock Tremillion
Angry Rampant Space Gerbils
#1304 - 2014-04-24 07:31:08 UTC
What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the new Rat will still be able to field a flight of lights that will still be able to deal with pesky frigates that get too close for comfort. Yes those lights will be (marginally) weaker than before, but they will be backed up by a superior missile based weapon system. It is of course up to the pilot how to fit their ship, but if we use use RHML these can already greatly assist with dealing with most frigates, with the post to damage only fast interceptors are likely to cause real trouble. The superdrone concept doesn't stop us using light or medium drones, it just doesn't give them huge buffs and doesn't need to.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1305 - 2014-04-24 07:37:03 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Skarlock Tremillion wrote:
What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the new Rat will still be able to field a flight of lights that will still be able to deal with pesky frigates that get too close for comfort. Yes those lights will be (marginally) weaker than before, but they will be backed up by a superior missile based weapon system. It is of course up to the pilot how to fit their ship, but if we use use RHML these can already greatly assist with dealing with most frigates, with the post to damage only fast interceptors are likely to cause real trouble. The superdrone concept doesn't stop us using light or medium drones, it just doesn't give them huge buffs and doesn't need to.

Well the reasons and concepts are described at the top of the page, a ship with the same effective light and medium drones as the navy raven(loss of 2.5 effective drones is not marginal when you have 5 ) and absolutely no extra sentry damage or hitpoints to a Flight, is certainly not fitting the description of a drone boat in any normal world.

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1306 - 2014-04-24 07:38:36 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
a ship with the same effective light and medium drones as the navy raven and absolutely no extra sentry damage or hitpoints to a Flight, is certainly not fitting the description of a drone boat in any normal world.

Why do you still think it's a "droneboat"? It quite clearly does not fit that mold.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Skarlock Tremillion
Angry Rampant Space Gerbils
#1307 - 2014-04-24 08:12:04 UTC
I already have a preference for RHML on my Rat (Dread Guristas actually) mainly to deal with frigates during missions. I actually agree with Epicurus that the change may end up proving imbalanced, not due to the drones but in particular due to the effect it will have upon light and heavy rapid launchers. Time will tell however and until the new Rat is tested properly with the changes implemented we wont know for sure exactly what effect they will have.

One of the principle balancing effects will naturally be to enhance the damage against smaller ship classes, I'm yet to be convinced of the maths being thrown around being correct showing the damage per second for RHML as higher than cruise given both will benefit... But given any Rat equipped with a rapid launcher is naturally better able to deal with frigates, destroyers and cruisers this should more than make up for any deficiency in light drone loss of ability with the changes. If a pilot chooses to fully equip cruise missiles then that's their choice to not bolster their light wing.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#1308 - 2014-04-24 09:21:45 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
*Snip* Removed reply to a deleted post. ISD Ezwal.

Realistic changes are ones like dropping the fifth launcher in exchange for a greater drone bonus to distinguish the drones more from the Dominix and to give it the freedom to fit a second DLA. Or asking for more CPU to avoid a fitting mod on a ship that uses damage mods inefficiently - citing a specific fit is useful here.

*Snip* Removed reply to a deleted post. ISD Ezwal.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1309 - 2014-04-24 10:08:26 UTC

Would you have objected to the extra launcher in conjunction with a standard 10%/level Drone bonus? That makes the ship very similar to a Navy Domi, except with Launchers in place of Hybrids.

The Devs established the superdrone concept was worth an additional 60% damage on the weapon system vs. the standard drone bonus. Nothing changes in the drawbacks of the superdrone concept just because we are now discussing large drones, if anything the costs become heavier. All that is being asked is for the balance already established to be maintained.

10 effective drones is only around a 33% increase over the standard bonus, in deferance to the improved missile options the Rattlesnake will enjoy. Dropping the bonus further, to 9 effective drones would only be a 20% increase that I would be satisfied with, so long as the full 60% bonus to HP was implemented with it. That puts you at 16.5 weapons in space, marginally better than the rest of the class but offset by generally lower drone damage, inefficient use of slots for weapon mods, and often undersized launchers.

Backing out of superdrones would make the ship insanely powerful vs. lighter hulls. Returning bonused Light and Medium drones would amount to the same thing. Leaving superdrones at the break even point of 7.5 effective drones is an undeserved nerf.

I dont believe the ship needs relief on the fittings, its intended to use undersized launchers. Though watered down by limiting damage types, that bonus is actually one of my favorite aspects, it can be used as either a full sized damage bonus or as an indirect application bonus depending on what you fit. I dont believe options should be limited by cornering you into compensating the limitations of superdrones with smaller launchers however. Full damage or application should be a valid, viable and meaninful choice on its own.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1310 - 2014-04-24 11:03:18 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Would you have objected to the extra launcher in conjunction with a standard 10%/level Drone bonus? That makes the ship very similar to a Navy Domi, except with Launchers in place of Hybrids.

The Devs established the superdrone concept was worth an additional 60% damage on the weapon system vs. the standard drone bonus. Nothing changes in the drawbacks of the superdrone concept just because we are now discussing large drones, if anything the costs become heavier. All that is being asked is for the balance already established to be maintained.

10 effective drones is only around a 33% increase over the standard bonus, in deferance to the improved missile options the Rattlesnake will enjoy. Dropping the bonus further, to 9 effective drones would only be a 20% increase that I would be satisfied with, so long as the full 60% bonus to HP was implemented with it. That puts you at 16.5 weapons in space, marginally better than the rest of the class but offset by generally lower drone damage, inefficient use of slots for weapon mods, and often undersized launchers.

Backing out of superdrones would make the ship insanely powerful vs. lighter hulls. Returning bonused Light and Medium drones would amount to the same thing. Leaving superdrones at the break even point of 7.5 effective drones is an undeserved nerf.

I dont believe the ship needs relief on the fittings, its intended to use undersized launchers. Though watered down by limiting damage types, that bonus is actually one of my favorite aspects, it can be used as either a full sized damage bonus or as an indirect application bonus depending on what you fit. I dont believe options should be limited by cornering you into compensating the limitations of superdrones with smaller launchers however. Full damage or application should be a valid, viable and meaninful choice on its own.

There are various tweaks that CCP rise can do to make this ship appeal to a wider base, I agree with pretty much everything in this post, apart that I personally do not think the bonus to lights and mediums would be that much of a real world issue, but your ideas are more elegant and probably better to be implemented.

It is very clearly in my opinion too designed to use undersized launchers, that is not a bad thing unless the implementation does not allow CCP to produce a ship with wide uses and desirability. It is not impossible to achieve this, but if users say I want the missiles all the missiles and you can have NOTHING! Then it is very hard to reach a resolution. Thankfully ships are not designed on the forum, only suggestions noted.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1311 - 2014-04-24 12:07:29 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
There are various tweaks that CCP rise can do to make this ship appeal to a wider base, I agree with pretty much everything in this post, apart that I personally do not think the bonus to lights and mediums would be that much of a real world issue, but your ideas are more elegant and probably better to be implemented.

The Rattlesnake is capable of being fit such that it's passive shield regen goes up over 400DPS tank, it's been a while since I fit one, I don't remember if that was an omnitank. Combine that with bonused light drones and rapid light launchers and you have the games most overpowered destroyer, hands down. The only thing keeping you from killing all frigates instantly is lock time. Even if the DPS didn't completely eclipse a destroyer, the fact that it would have the exact same application with that tank would be silly.

Humorous as that might be to fly, it is probably a little OP.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#1312 - 2014-04-24 13:39:42 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Would you have objected to the extra launcher in conjunction with a standard 10%/level Drone bonus? That makes the ship very similar to a Navy Domi, except with Launchers in place of Hybrids.

The Devs established the superdrone concept was worth an additional 60% damage on the weapon system vs. the standard drone bonus. Nothing changes in the drawbacks of the superdrone concept just because we are now discussing large drones, if anything the costs become heavier. All that is being asked is for the balance already established to be maintained.

Not sure I follow this. Your first sentence suggests a Rattlesnake with five launchers, a large drone bay and a standard 10%/level bonus - essentially the same as today, but with an extra launcher. But that clearly isn't a realistic request because the superdrone thing isn't going away, so I may have misunderstood your idea.

You can't look at the superdrone bonus in isolation, not can you expect to use the same magnitude of bonus across different ships and automatically expect to get "balance". I'm not sure where you get the "extra 60% damage" thing from anyway - the Worm has 8 effective drones, the Gila has 12 and the Rattlesnake has 7.5. So the concept of "balance already established" is meaningless.

If you want to argue that the proposed Rattlesnake is too missiley and not droney enough, that's fine. But I think asking for ten effective drones and 7.5 effective launchers on a very tanky ship is not going to get very far. I'm quite sympathetic to the idea of cutting a launcher for a bigger drone bonus, though. It helps the CPU problem too.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#1313 - 2014-04-24 14:10:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Morrigan LeSante
I ran out of characters to expand my post in reply to yours and didnt want to double post.

I was referring explicitly to your post about a bonused set of lights and RLML, also bonused. That ship could still pop out battleship level DPS. Other ships today can't do that, sure they can fit unbounsed undersized guns and use bonused drones but nothing else gets bonused weapons of ALL sizes AND bonused drones.

That was my point, you could create your overpowered destroyer [on steroids] as you mention in your post - which can at the flip of a switch deploy battleship levels of pain, should it desire. It could eliminate tackle, recall drones and deploy the big ones to destroy the remaining big ships. It's not that it would be limited or contained to only popping small ships; it would go through them like a blow torch and still take big bites out of every other ship size too. All with a single fitting.

Edit: When I say "bonused lights" here, I dont mean super drones, I just mean the same as they are today. Let me see some numbers based on my stats. brb.


5 RLML [Navy Scourge]


3BCU [2x TII & 1 CN for transparency, to make it fit today. Wouldnt be needed in the new version as CP on RLML vs DLA is lower, will slightly affect DPS compared to all TII but not a huge deal]

1 Rigor rig
2 empty rigs to taste

346 missle DPS (5% RoF implant). 190 Drone (warrior II) DPS.

So a machine that can put 500+ DPS into a frigate sized target, move at over 800ms, tank 700+ DPS and all before heat. It can also swap those warriors for gardes (what I had fitted, ogres would be more) and push out 750 DPS before missiles. So for bigger fish, it's over 1000 DPS getting lashed out.

We've a ship doing 500-1000 DPS to targets from frigs to battleships. With a beast of a tank. And that's not even all V's, that's just me.

Missile DPS is worked out by putting on 4 unbonused launchers today and the following equation: (DPS/4*5)+50%
Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1314 - 2014-04-24 14:18:11 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

There are various tweaks that CCP rise can do to make this ship appeal to a wider base,

He already made changes so it will appeal to a wider audience.
I farm guristas null sigs and so frequently get RS BPC.
I also sometimes run high sec missions.
I PVP a lot.
I use a Navy raven to mission and have never even seen the point in using a RS in any environment.
I stopped selling my RS and Gila hulls the second i saw the worm changes.
After the proposed changes go live i will use all 3 gurista hulls for the first time. In PVE and PVP.
I am the wider audience.
The new versions are flat out better.
Sniping ships with a tank bonus and sub par dps never made sense.
Brawling / mid range dps monsters with a tank bonus does make sense and the RS will replace my navy raven for missioning.

I always wanted to fly a RS but until the proposed changes go live there is no point to doing so apart from to look pretty.

*Snip* Removed reply to a deleted post. ISD Ezwal.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1315 - 2014-04-24 14:21:41 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Mike Voidstar wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
There are various tweaks that CCP rise can do to make this ship appeal to a wider base, I agree with pretty much everything in this post, apart that I personally do not think the bonus to lights and mediums would be that much of a real world issue, but your ideas are more elegant and probably better to be implemented.

The Rattlesnake is capable of being fit such that it's passive shield regen goes up over 400DPS tank, it's been a while since I fit one, I don't remember if that was an omnitank. Combine that with bonused light drones and rapid light launchers and you have the games most overpowered destroyer, hands down. The only thing keeping you from killing all frigates instantly is lock time. Even if the DPS didn't completely eclipse a destroyer, the fact that it would have the exact same application with that tank would be silly.

Humorous as that might be to fly, it is probably a little OP.

Agreed, it is this at the heart of the problem, the rapids simply will unbalance any ship whatsoever with these bonuses.
Certainly on paper DPS, applied DPS of course is another issue.

By all means, If ccp rise wants that, a t2 destroyer with power cpu and the bonus, would be terrifying.

But the rattlesnake?


There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1316 - 2014-04-24 14:28:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
Gypsio III wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Would you have objected to the extra launcher in conjunction with a standard 10%/level Drone bonus? That makes the ship very similar to a Navy Domi, except with Launchers in place of Hybrids.

The Devs established the superdrone concept was worth an additional 60% damage on the weapon system vs. the standard drone bonus. Nothing changes in the drawbacks of the superdrone concept just because we are now discussing large drones, if anything the costs become heavier. All that is being asked is for the balance already established to be maintained.

Not sure I follow this. Your first sentence suggests a Rattlesnake with five launchers, a large drone bay and a standard 10%/level bonus - essentially the same as today, but with an extra launcher. But that clearly isn't a realistic request because the superdrone thing isn't going away, so I may have misunderstood your idea.

It's a what if scenario. If superdrones had not been conceived of, would you have considered that setup as balanced? Existing ships suggest it would be, notably the Navy Dominix, though it's not the only ship in the Gallente line to give full standard bonus to both hybrids and drones.

Gypsio III wrote:
You can't look at the superdrone bonus in isolation, not can you expect to use the same magnitude of bonus across different ships and automatically expect to get "balance". I'm not sure where you get the "extra 60% damage" thing from anyway - the Worm has 8 effective drones, the Gila has 12 and the Rattlesnake has 7.5. So the concept of "balance already established" is meaningless.

If you want to argue that the proposed Rattlesnake is too missiley and not droney enough, that's fine. But I think asking for ten effective drones and 7.5 effective launchers on a very tanky ship is not going to get very far. I'm quite sympathetic to the idea of cutting a launcher for a bigger drone bonus, though. It helps the CPU problem too.

Current best frigate drone platform has 5 light drones. Proposed Worm will have 8. That is a 60% increase in DPS.
Current Bonused flight of mediums is 7.5 drones, Proposed Gila has 12, again a 60% bonus.

Those 2 hulls establish compensating the relative vulnerability and inflexibility added by the superdrone concept with a performance and HP increase-- and sets it at 60%.

I am not looking at the superdrone bonus in isolation. If I was, I would be holding ground at nothing less than 12 effective sentries--but the point of the limited launcher slots on the smaller hulls made sense to me, so I accept a weakening of the established superdrone bonus in deference to enhanced missile ability as a fair compromise.

I am looking at the superdrone bonus in comparison to the bonus given to just about every single other drone bonus in the game except the Gallente frigates. That standard sets the balance for drones overall. The two lighter Gurista hulls establishes the baseline of where superdrones should be relative to regular drones. The only divergences are the Rattlesnake bonus breaking even(and thus being an overall nerf due to the vulnerabilities of the superdrone concept), and the bonus of the Worm being only slightly higher than the Gallente Frigate bonuses on HP(7.5 vs 8), but DPS is 60% (5 vs. 8).

I am not arguing that the Rattlesnake is too missile focused, rather that while it is possible to trade the missile damage for application for fitting smaller launchers, and possibly even a good idea given CPU constraints, it should not be further enforced by nerfing the drone system. There comes a point where one choice is so much better than another that the choice itself becomes meaningless. Just because you can fit full size launchers, if the entire ship is warped to discourage it you don't really have a meaningful choice anymore.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1317 - 2014-04-24 14:35:45 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:

Would you have objected to the extra launcher in conjunction with a standard 10%/level Drone bonus? That makes the ship very similar to a Navy Domi, except with Launchers in place of Hybrids.

The Devs established the superdrone concept was worth an additional 60% damage on the weapon system vs. the standard drone bonus. Nothing changes in the drawbacks of the superdrone concept just because we are now discussing large drones, if anything the costs become heavier. All that is being asked is for the balance already established to be maintained.

Not sure I follow this. Your first sentence suggests a Rattlesnake with five launchers, a large drone bay and a standard 10%/level bonus - essentially the same as today, but with an extra launcher. But that clearly isn't a realistic request because the superdrone thing isn't going away, so I may have misunderstood your idea.

It's a what if scenario. If superdrones had not been conceived of, would you have considered that setup as bonused. Existing ships suggest it would be, notably the Navy Dominix, though it's not the only ship in the Gallente line to give full standard bonus to both hybrids and drones.

Gypsio III wrote:
You can't look at the superdrone bonus in isolation, not can you expect to use the same magnitude of bonus across different ships and automatically expect to get "balance". I'm not sure where you get the "extra 60% damage" thing from anyway - the Worm has 8 effective drones, the Gila has 12 and the Rattlesnake has 7.5. So the concept of "balance already established" is meaningless.

If you want to argue that the proposed Rattlesnake is too missiley and not droney enough, that's fine. But I think asking for ten effective drones and 7.5 effective launchers on a very tanky ship is not going to get very far. I'm quite sympathetic to the idea of cutting a launcher for a bigger drone bonus, though. It helps the CPU problem too.

Current best frigate drone platform has 5 light drones. Proposed Worm will have 8. That is a 60% increase in DPS.
Current Bonused flight of mediums is 7.5 drones, Proposed Gila has 12, again a 60% bonus.

Those 2 hulls establish compensating the relative vulnerability and inflexibility added by the superdrone concept with a performance and HP increase-- and sets it at 60%.

I am not looking at the superdrone bonus in isolation. If I was, I would be holding ground at nothing less than 12 effective sentries--but the point of the limited launcher slots on the smaller hulls made sense to me, so I accept a weakening of the established superdrone bonus in deference to enhanced missile ability as a fair compromise.

I am looking at the superdrone bonus in comparison to the bonus given to just about every single other drone bonus in the game except the Gallente frigates. That standard sets the balance for drones overall. The two lighter Gurista hulls establishes the baseline of where superdrones should be relative to regular drones. The only divergences are the Rattlesnake bonus breaking even(and thus being an overall nerf due to the vulnerabilities of the superdrone concept), and the bonus of the Worm being only slightly higher than the Gallente Frigate bonuses on HP(7.5 vs 8), but DPS is 60% (5 vs. 8).

I am not arguing that the Rattlesnake is too missile focused, rather that while it is possible to trade the missile damage for application for fitting smaller launchers, and possibly even a good idea given CPU constraints, it should not be further enforced by nerfing the drone system. There comes a point where one choice is so much better than another that the choice itself becomes meaningless. Just because you can fit full size launchers, if the entire ship is warped to discourage it you don't really have a meaningful choice anymore.

Thank you mike, that is a really well thought out and constructive post, it brings together many things we are all as individuals trying to say, I hope CCP rise takes good notice.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#1318 - 2014-04-24 14:45:41 UTC
So what do you want from the Rattlesnake, Mike?
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1319 - 2014-04-24 15:03:56 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
So what do you want from the Rattlesnake, Mike?

Exactly as I have already suggested.

The ship looks fine except for the weak Superdrone bonus.

All things being equal, that bonus would be the same as given to the Gila, and would put 12 effective drones in space. Obviously that would be hilariously OP, given even Heavy and Sentry application abilities.

I personally think 10 effective large drones makes a good compromise, though I really feel it's still a tad weak, mostly in HP. Dropping to 9 effective large drones but keeping the full 60% HP boost might make the best compromise. The most elegant is probably to drop the bonus further to 8 effective large drones and keeping the 60% boost, just because I am a bit OCD and it mirrors the bonus deviation on the frigates.

Everything else seems fine. It has parallels with the Gallente ship line, though shield based and moving the flexibility to launchers. The weirdness of the missile bonus being Gallente can be overlooked in light of the the Gallente stealth bomber also bonusing thermal missiles, though it does bug me. I think the missile bonus is interesting, and while I dislike the reload on rapid launchers and feel their clip size is way to small, I will probably just fit regular heavy launchers on one and call it a day.
KaDa en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#1320 - 2014-04-24 15:11:33 UTC  |  Edited by: KaDa en Bauldry
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
So what do you want from the Rattlesnake, Mike?

Exactly as I have already suggested.

The ship looks fine except for the weak Superdrone bonus.

All things being equal, that bonus would be the same as given to the Gila, and would put 12 effective drones in space. Obviously that would be hilariously OP, given even Heavy and Sentry application abilities.

Are you missing out the fact that the Gila gets those OP supermediums for it's loss of Heavy full flight?
It gets similar dps numbers (a bit lower today than 7.5 Heavies), but on faster and better tracking drones.

Or just ignoring this, because the numbers are shiny?

Don't forget about ship insurance before undocking. Don't forget about copy-paste saving before posting.