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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3061 - 2014-06-05 11:23:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
baltec1 wrote:
Dimitri Zaitsev wrote:

Not a matter of HP. It's just much easier to kill two sentry drones instead of five. It's about targeting two instead of five.

Because locking three more targets is so hard...

Its not just about locking more targets, it also has to do with damage application and the weaknesses of having all your drones consolidated into 1 or 2 drones instead of 5. Its much easier and efficient to apply damage to 1 target than 5. Also 1 or 2 drones are much easier to disable than 5. This is simple, basic stuff. And the fact you don't recognize these obvious issues just goes to further prove you don't know what you are talking about and/or are ridiculously biased.

I remember when you and Kaaloruous were telling us that heavy drones deal with frigates just fine and that geckos were going to "tank like mini-battleships" Lol

Who can take you silly kids seriously?

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3062 - 2014-06-05 11:49:57 UTC
Hexatron Ormand wrote:

Before the rebalance, the Rattlesnake used to be the "softest" target when out ratting, and every PvP player/tackler was happy when they could spot or tackle one. Now after the rebalance, they may be even softer to be tackled and taken down as there is no more room or space to carry drones for that purpose with you.

This is what I am most afraid of. Now the Rattlesnake will be forced to equip RLML to deal with this one ship type and be incredibly gimped for all other purposes, being so dependent upon only 1 or 2, easily disabled drones.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3063 - 2014-06-05 11:55:04 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Dimitri Zaitsev wrote:

Not a matter of HP. It's just much easier to kill two sentry drones instead of five. It's about targeting two instead of five.

Because locking three more targets is so hard...

I remember when you and Kaaloruous were telling us that heavy drones deal with frigates just fine and that geckos were going to "tank like mini-battleships" Lol

Who can take you silly kids seriously?

Tank like cruisers.

and have you seen the latest ALOD on

A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine.
Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3064 - 2014-06-05 11:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
baltec1 wrote:

A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine.

could you have possibly come up with a more ******** conclusion? Lol

why am I not surprised. Roll

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3065 - 2014-06-05 12:09:05 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3066 - 2014-06-05 12:22:02 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine.

could you have possibly come up with a more ******** conclusion? Lol

why am I not surprised. Roll

Remind us again what class of ship bombers are.
Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3067 - 2014-06-05 12:35:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...

You fail to comprehend that you can't fit cruises and still be able to effectively deal with fast frigates. Previously we had bonused light drones for that.

You aren't even addressing the argument correctly, just comparing apples to oranges.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3068 - 2014-06-05 12:47:42 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...

You fail to comprehend that you can't fit cruises and still be able to effectively deal with fast frigates and cruisers. Previously we had bonused light and medium drones for that.

You aren't even addressing the argument correctly, just comparing apples to oranges.

And as pointed out an afk carrier with geckos wiped out a gang of a dosen bombers while afk. NPC frigates are a pushover compared to that and cruise missiles have no issues hitting cruisers or frigates, as shown by the CFC using cruise phoons in pvp and the fact that most popular mission ship is still the raven hulls.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3069 - 2014-06-05 13:17:35 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...

You fail to comprehend that you can't fit cruises and still be able to effectively deal with fast frigates and cruisers. Previously we had bonused light and medium drones for that.

You aren't even addressing the argument correctly, just comparing apples to oranges.

Im just pointing out silly things that make your point laughable even before one even gets to the core issue that you are sad that in your opinion the new rattler is not as good at mimicking the machariel as the old one.

Which is still debatable.
Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3070 - 2014-06-05 13:42:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...

You fail to comprehend that you can't fit cruises and still be able to effectively deal with fast frigates. Previously we had bonused light drones for that.

You aren't even addressing the argument correctly, just comparing apples to oranges.

Im just pointing out silly things that make your point laughable even before one even gets to the core issue that you are sad that in your opinion the new rattler is not as good at mimicking the machariel as the old one.

Which is still debatable.

All you did was compare applies to oranges and totally miss the point.

whether I said torpedoes or cruise missiles in that statement you quoted was irrelevant.

you haven't accomplished anything other than making a fool of yourself.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3071 - 2014-06-05 14:05:44 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:
Barton Breau wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:
and blowing up battleships quickly and easily with torpedoes.

One would think that 850dps cruises would be better than 600dps torpedoes...

You fail to comprehend that you can't fit cruises and still be able to effectively deal with fast frigates. Previously we had bonused light drones for that.

You aren't even addressing the argument correctly, just comparing apples to oranges.

You specifically said you only shoot your missiles at the battleships anyway. So it doesn't matter.

Especially since it's been repeatedly proved that the ship has no issue killing frigates.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3072 - 2014-06-05 14:23:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Especially since it's been repeatedly proved that the ship has no issue killing frigates.

It hasn't been repeatedly proven. In fact, the opposite has been proven.

The loss of bonuses on light drones is a massive nerf to the Rattlesnakes ability to deal with fast moving frigates in the overwhelming majority of pvp scenarios.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3073 - 2014-06-05 14:28:09 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:

It hasn't been repeatedly proven. In fact, the opposite has been proven.

No, not really. You guys can't push that lie now that the ship is available to be flown. I've seen it with my own eyes that my Praetor drones scourge the field of enemy frigates in Blood Raider missions. I've watched as a Gecko one shotted Angel frigates.

And I have solo'ed six other players on SiSi, all of whom were trying to speed tank me.

Your premise is complete horseshit to anyone who cares to look for themselves.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#3074 - 2014-06-05 14:40:30 UTC
And the baiting goes on!

Guess the forum ban is over once more.

Onwards to the next one, eh?
Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3075 - 2014-06-05 14:40:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Priestess Lin wrote:

It hasn't been repeatedly proven. In fact, the opposite has been proven.

No, not really. You guys can't push that lie now that the ship is available to be flown. I've seen it with my own eyes that my Praetor drones scourge the field of enemy frigates in Blood Raider missions. I've watched as a Gecko one shotted Angel frigates.

And I have solo'ed six other players on SiSi, all of whom were trying to speed tank me.

Your premise is complete horseshit to anyone who cares to look for themselves.

Sorry. Nobody can take you seriously or believes you.

You earlier said that if you fit a Rattlesnake for a passive fit, that you are playing it wrong. Roll

You also said that there were no valid complaints about the Rattlesnake.

Everyone else has concluded that heavy drones are inferior to light drones when combating frigates except you and baltec1.

Also, the fact you and baltec1 practically live on these forums points to serious mental issues. Nobody can take you seriously or believe you. Sorry. This is just common sense.

When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#3076 - 2014-06-05 14:44:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
A few pages back someone posted some kind of nonsense about being unable to change turret/missile sizes while in space.

I thought I'd use the middle of this god-awful dead horse beating to point out that yes you can indeed change weapon sizes while in space.

If you don't believe me, go ask SiSi.

Anyway, the Rattlesnake has been put onto TQ and you lot are still having the same old stupid fight about the same old stupid nonsense. Do you ever get bored with it?

Priestess Lin - Are you sure you aren't a Fabulous Rod alt? You post exactly like him, which is very interesting - especially since he appears to be on another posting vacation.
#3077 - 2014-06-05 14:48:46 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Priestess Lin - Are you sure you aren't a Fabulous Rod alt? You post exactly like him, which is very interesting - especially since he appears to be on another posting vacation.

He is also Tempban Darkfall and Frumpylumps Faplord, if you care.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#3078 - 2014-06-05 14:49:49 UTC
Nalarin wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Priestess Lin - Are you sure you aren't a Fabulous Rod alt? You post exactly like him, which is very interesting - especially since he appears to be on another posting vacation.

He is also Tempban Darkfall and Frumpylumps Faplord, if you care.

I'm mildly concerned that someone even thought of the name "Frumpylumps Faplord", but then again this is EVE so I wonder what I was expecting.
Priestess Lin
Darkfall Corp
#3079 - 2014-06-05 14:55:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Priestess Lin
Nalarin wrote:
And the baiting goes on!

Guess the forum ban is over once more.

Onwards to the next one, eh?

Discussions of bans is against the rules. Also, off-topic posting is prohibited.

and FYI, I wasn't banned. I just have a life (and a girlfriend Cool).

Try to stay on topic, kids. You discredit yourselves by rabidly trying to attack me instead of discussing the OP.


When discussing weaknesses of heavy drones vs fast frigates: baltec1- " A thanatos with a flight of geckos killed a bomber gang while AFK. So yea, they track frigates just fine."

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3080 - 2014-06-05 14:58:54 UTC
Priestess Lin wrote:

Also, the fact you and baltec1 practically live on these forums points to serious mental issues. Nobody can take you seriously or believe you. Sorry. This is just common sense.

We can't take them seriously because they post a lot? That is your best argument?