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Open Announcement To The Minmatar Terrorists

Real Serious PVPer
#1 - 2014-04-02 15:32:17 UTC
I give you one last chance to repent before the Empress Jamyl I.
Under the authority of Empress Jamyl I and under divine order E44D SC.23, I hereby give you one week to repent before the Empress for your crimes and submit to Amarr authority.

After one week, the might and power of the Amarr empire will descend upon you and you will be brought to heel.

You have been warned.

[b] Serious about being serious- Putting the "P "into PVP one fight at a time.  MUFC[/b]

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-04-02 15:38:24 UTC
Real Serious PVPer wrote:
After one week, the might and power of the Amarr empire will descend upon you and you will be brought to heel.

I eagerly await the continuing that-not-happening.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Apollo Lyserius
Minerva Technologies
#3 - 2014-04-02 15:38:45 UTC
So, all this time, the Amarr were just chilling? Now they'll be serious?
Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-04-02 15:39:32 UTC
I May be a Gallente, but I am for the Minmatar cause. I shall not repent.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#5 - 2014-04-02 15:53:47 UTC



Thank you for the warning. We'll be waiting.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Goa Chai
#6 - 2014-04-02 15:59:14 UTC
I eagerly anticipate the holoreels of this new comedy series.
Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#7 - 2014-04-02 16:41:48 UTC
Apollo Lyserius wrote:
So, all this time, the Amarr were just chilling? Now they'll be serious?

Real Serious.
Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#8 - 2014-04-02 16:50:48 UTC
With all due respect to our Amarr allies, no new capsuleer has ever gained clout when their introductory post is a bombastic threat-of-wrath.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-04-02 16:54:49 UTC
Goa Chai wrote:
I eagerly anticipate the holoreels of this new comedy series.

Pretty low-brow fare, to be honest. Even if it is satire, it's about as sharp as a Dominix hull.
Lyckeus Morre
can't do that while warping
#10 - 2014-04-02 19:07:42 UTC
I'm gonna order popcorn for the holoreels, anyone else want some?

If your guns like us more, chances are, our guns wont hate you any less...

Foley Aberas Jones
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-04-02 20:36:18 UTC
Real Serious PVPer wrote:
I give you one last chance to repent before the Empress Jamyl I.
Under the authority of Empress Jamyl I and under divine order E44D SC.23, I hereby give you one week to repent before the Empress for your crimes and submit to Amarr authority.

After one week, the might and power of the Amarr empire will descend upon you and you will be brought to heel.

You have been warned.

..................Why do i want a bowl of chili now?

Also, Go **** yourself. i would happily hunt you down for free
Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#12 - 2014-04-02 21:44:08 UTC
Real Serious PVPer wrote:
I give you one last chance to repent before the Empress Jamyl I.
Under the authority of Empress Jamyl I and under divine order E44D SC.23, I hereby give you one week to repent before the Empress for your crimes and submit to Amarr authority.

After one week, the might and power of the Amarr empire will descend upon you and you will be brought to heel.

You have been warned.


They are entirely aware of their options, child.

You have no authority to claim this, and absolutely no way to back this up.

You have simply caused yourself to look foolish.

The Empress does not submit to you, boy. She is handling the war as she sees fit. If you wish to contribute, join the militia and stay these empty threats.

You would do well to know your place, and to trust her majesty's judgement.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#13 - 2014-04-02 22:17:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Leopold Caine
Mr. Naupilus, I think posting more than three threads per we...

Oh wait. I mistook you for someone else. Apologies.
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#14 - 2014-04-02 23:02:43 UTC
Under the authority of myself I give you one last chance to apologize to all of us for spewing your foolish, self-important bile and immediately stop posting crap to the IGS.

You have been warned.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-04-02 23:08:30 UTC
Watch out guys. This dude is serious.

I mean, serious is quite literally his middle name.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Noden Vorpalstar
The Knights of Polaris
#16 - 2014-04-02 23:28:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Noden Vorpalstar
Real Serious PVPer wrote:

We interupt this broadcast to bring you this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.

Public Channel:  Polaris-Public Roleplaying Channel:  Gallente Lounge

Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#17 - 2014-04-03 00:40:11 UTC
Hold on.

I need to finish drinking my wine from this sacramental goblet.

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#18 - 2014-04-03 01:39:56 UTC
I require official documentation backing the claim of the OP.Straight

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Sharianai Sandvoss
#19 - 2014-04-03 01:41:04 UTC
...Good burger!

Domanique Altares
#20 - 2014-04-03 02:05:16 UTC
Real Serious PVPer wrote:

You have been warned.

That's nice.
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