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hi sec not the same as it used to be

First post
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2014-04-02 20:56:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinity Ziona
Winchester Steele wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Shadowlightt wrote:
Anyone notice how much hi sec has changed in the last 4 years? Like the order and things.

To be honest, if high sec, or any other part of the game, was still the same as it was four years ago, the population would have gotten bored to the point where half of them would have left by now..

The New Order might be run by a moronic RP dweeb that we all love to hate, but without the constant influx of player created content the game would stagnate pretty quickly. As much as things like Hulkagedden, the interdictions and one-off's like Burn Jita may **** people off, they are an integral part of what keeps this game alive and interesting.

Mr Epeen Cool

I disagree with this. I think EvE is kept alive because it has some really great elements in spite of the ganking, idiocy and the influx of failed WoW pvp'rs we now have.

I think if CCP cleaned the crap out of its sandbox, it'd be much more alive, not less. You can create content in the game using the normal game mechanics like war decs. There's no reason to duck under the fence and suicide, its not new content, its old stale ganking that I first saw in EQ in 1999 when losers found out you could heal the opposite team while being immune to your own. No different, same win at all costs mentality.

^^^ For all you bears who don't know what tears actually look like, Infinity has been so kind as to provide a textbook example ^^^

Lol. Sorry but they're not tears. Its a personal opinion. I don't like losing ships to a gank but its part of playing the game imo.

That doesn't mean I have to like the lowbrow players who make up for their apparent lack of skill by suiciding ships. I play EvE to get as many kills that have meaning as I can without dying just like I would in real life if I was in a war. That often means I will sit in a system for 2 or 3 days watching one group of players trying to figure out how to kill one of more of them without dying myself.

I have plenty of opportunities to randomly kill people I have no interest in but that's pointless because its too easy. So when I see 20 idiots sitting at gate in catalysts waiting to kill one random player who has no hope of even shooting back I really don't understand what they get out of it and I consider them useless fools without any skill, which is what they are.

Sue me.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2014-04-02 21:08:31 UTC
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:

I disagree with this. I think EvE is kept alive because it has some really great elements in spite of the ganking, idiocy and the influx of failed WoW pvp'rs we now have.

I disagree, lol. I'm under the assumption that Eve is one of if not the only mmo to survive 10+ years precisely because it's different than all the other "less harsh" MMO's out there. Unlike the other games, Eve is not, I believe, intended to appeal to the broadest possible audience. It appeals to a certain demographic, and I think it was a genious business decision for someone there in Iceland to say "hmmm, there's not a place for people who would like suchandsuch style of gameplay to go..." and they were right, so they provided a place, the only place, so far as I know, for people to enjoy this style of gameplay, and because of that they have gained a fiercely loyal and passionate playerbase. Like I said, brilliant business decision on somebody's part. And also like I said, it's NOT for everyone.


I think if CCP cleaned the crap out of its sandbox, it'd be much more alive, not less.

I'm not sure, and neither of us will ever know which one is right short of a mandatory survey of all the players, lol. I tend to (like to) think that the game would see a mass exodus of a majority of the playerbase if the harsh environment got too soft, but maybe I'm wrong. I just see that every other MMO that's followed the "more player-friendly" model seems to have a life cycle and eventually people get bored, move on to "the next big thing" and the game dies.


You can create content in the game using the normal game mechanics like war decs. There's no reason to duck under the fence and suicide, its not new content, its old stale ganking that I first saw in EQ in 1999 when losers found out you could heal the opposite team while being immune to your own. No different, same win at all costs mentality.

What server did you play on? I was on Rallos Zek, and I LOVED it Big smile

(and I still wonder why the term "PK" died out lol)

Well yeah its survived so long because it is different, I agree. But harsh != suicide ganking. The equation is only harsh on one side of the fence. IMO harsh should be both for the aggressor and for the victim. When you had to use 30 battleships to gank a freighter that was fine. You gambled a billion in ships for a few billion that might or might not drop. Now you gamble a few tornado's, or 30 T1 cats and you cause the loss of 2 to 6 billion in hull and have a guaranteed profit. That's not harsh for the ganker, that's easy.

EQ was harsh, wiping an opposing group of players in Hate could mean you wipe too, trying to get your corpse back naked or in crap gear could end up a 48 hour ordeal and you might still not get it back.

Getting killed in game would cost you 2 hours of grinding, in EvE you can suicide one player and it costs you 15 minutes shooting an anom to get your isk and your sec back. WoW style easy.

I played on Tallos and Rallos and also on Firiona Vie lol. I think the PK died out when Anti-PK died out and all that was left was PK'rs. Then it became somewhat unnecessary to differentiate. The last anti-PK in EvE was way way back, at least a well known one, I can't even remember his name now but he had a corp that tried to patrol low :)

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Winchester Steele
#83 - 2014-04-02 21:16:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Winchester Steele
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Winchester Steele wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Shadowlightt wrote:
Anyone notice how much hi sec has changed in the last 4 years? Like the order and things.

To be honest, if high sec, or any other part of the game, was still the same as it was four years ago, the population would have gotten bored to the point where half of them would have left by now..

The New Order might be run by a moronic RP dweeb that we all love to hate, but without the constant influx of player created content the game would stagnate pretty quickly. As much as things like Hulkagedden, the interdictions and one-off's like Burn Jita may **** people off, they are an integral part of what keeps this game alive and interesting.

Mr Epeen Cool

I disagree with this. I think EvE is kept alive because it has some really great elements in spite of the ganking, idiocy and the influx of failed WoW pvp'rs we now have.

I think if CCP cleaned the crap out of its sandbox, it'd be much more alive, not less. You can create content in the game using the normal game mechanics like war decs. There's no reason to duck under the fence and suicide, its not new content, its old stale ganking that I first saw in EQ in 1999 when losers found out you could heal the opposite team while being immune to your own. No different, same win at all costs mentality.

^^^ For all you bears who don't know what tears actually look like, Infinity has been so kind as to provide a textbook example ^^^

Lol. Sorry but they're not tears. Its a personal opinion. I don't like losing ships to a gank but its part of playing the game imo.

That doesn't mean I have to like the lowbrow players who make up for their apparent lack of skill by suiciding ships. I play EvE to get as many kills that have meaning as I can without dying just like I would in real life if I was in a war. That often means I will sit in a system for 2 or 3 days watching one group of players trying to figure out how to kill one of more of them without dying myself.

I have plenty of opportunities to randomly kill people I have no interest in but that's pointless because its too easy. So when I see 20 idiots sitting at gate in catalysts waiting to kill one random player who has no hope of even shooting back I really don't understand what they get out of it and I consider them useless fools without any skill, which is what they are.

Sue me.

I was mostly just being silly. Lol

I like suicide ganking. I also probably suck at this game. I'm ok with both of these things, because I mostly have a good time.


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#84 - 2014-04-02 21:25:37 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
It just hit me like a ton of feathers!

If you people want highsec to be what it was before ...
... why don't you make sure it turns back into it?

If suicide ganking is on an all time low ... (as CCP said so)
... and you people complain about highsec being too safe ...

... then why aren't you making it *less* safe?

Your very questions highlight the problem.

What representation we players do have with CCP in the form of the CSM are nullsec bloc centric players who actually don't have full knowledge of all that hisec piracy and conflict mechanics are about, nor give a flying f#ck about said mechanics. All they care about is nullsec, modular fricken POS's, (maybee losec and wormholes), and occasionally they might do a gank with an alt in hisec. But lets be real, they see hisec conflict and pew as a misnomer. The epitome of their (and your) understanding of pew in hisec is 'ganking'. (sigh)

Evidence of this, is the long sad list of nerfs made by CCP unchallenged, with null-fixated CSM's dropping the sandbox ball on their watch.

tldr; Psychotic Monk for CSM 9.


We are the people that industrialised ganking and brought about the interdictions as well as the people who brought about the gank catalyst. You wont find anyone out there who knows more about ganking than our members.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#85 - 2014-04-02 21:30:08 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Shadowlightt wrote:
Anyone notice how much hi sec has changed in the last 4 years? Like the order and things.

To be honest, if high sec, or any other part of the game, was still the same as it was four years ago, the population would have gotten bored to the point where half of them would have left by now..

The New Order might be run by a moronic RP dweeb that we all love to hate, but without the constant influx of player created content the game would stagnate pretty quickly. As much as things like Hulkagedden, the interdictions and one-off's like Burn Jita may **** people off, they are an integral part of what keeps this game alive and interesting.

Mr Epeen Cool

I disagree with this. I think EvE is kept alive because it has some really great elements in spite of the ganking, idiocy and the influx of failed WoW pvp'rs we now have.

I think if CCP cleaned the crap out of its sandbox, it'd be much more alive, not less. You can create content in the game using the normal game mechanics like war decs. There's no reason to duck under the fence and suicide, its not new content, its old stale ganking that I first saw in EQ in 1999 when losers found out you could heal the opposite team while being immune to your own. No different, same win at all costs mentality.

For CCP to 'clean the crap out of it's sandbox' would take a fundamental and radical change. They have spent ten years actively pursuing that crap and trying to attract it into the game. While I agree with you that the game could be better without risk averse asshats clogging up the space lanes, I just don't see it happening.

At best, I could see CCP modifying it's high sec mechanics to allow emergent gameplay from the PVEers side. Not by nerfing PVP but by enhancing the ability for people to protect themselves without having to be first aggressed. As it stands now, the ball is entirely in the gankers court. I would even submit that with a proper balance the role of Concord could be minimized drastically.

Mr Epeen Cool
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#86 - 2014-04-02 21:31:40 UTC
Yes, hisec has gotten safer over the years. Probably too safe. The "safety" part of hisec needs a bit of a nerf I think.
Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#87 - 2014-04-02 21:37:48 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:

Well yeah its survived so long because it is different, I agree. But harsh != suicide ganking. The equation is only harsh on one side of the fence. IMO harsh should be both for the aggressor and for the victim. When you had to use 30 battleships to gank a freighter that was fine. You gambled a billion in ships for a few billion that might or might not drop.

To an extent, yeah. To me, the danger, the possibility of being ganked, adds to the fun of the game. Most of the time.

Now you gamble a few tornado's, or 30 T1 cats and you cause the loss of 2 to 6 billion in hull and have a guaranteed profit. That's not harsh for the ganker, that's easy.

Yeah I do sorta think it's bullshit that 200M worth of catas can take out a 1.4B freighter. I'll concede that point. I would hope however, as with any imbalances in game, that CCP's solution is to buff that which is weak and not to nerf that which is strong.

EQ was harsh, wiping an opposing group of players in Hate could mean you wipe too, trying to get your corpse back naked or in crap gear could end up a 48 hour ordeal and you might still not get it back.

Getting killed in game would cost you 2 hours of grinding, in EvE you can suicide one player and it costs you 15 minutes shooting an anom to get your isk and your sec back. WoW style easy.

Yeah man, EQ on a PVP server is still the Golden Age for me.


I played on Tallos and Rallos and also on Firiona Vie lol. I think the PK died out when Anti-PK died out and all that was left was PK'rs. Then it became somewhat unnecessary to differentiate. The last anti-PK in EvE was way way back, at least a well known one, I can't even remember his name now but he had a corp that tried to patrol low :)

I had a toon named Thraxll and later one named Drexll. You dont have to tell me yours, but it's really cool to run into a fellow Rallos Zekker after all these yrs. I wonder if we ever met in game?

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#88 - 2014-04-02 21:40:00 UTC
Shederov Blood wrote:
Grunanca wrote:
These are the changes I remember without a bit of googleing:

* Concord damage buffed so it cant be tanked anymore, even not with a whole fleet of remote reparing ships.
* You no longer get insurance payout for ships that die to CONCORD.
* You can no longer warp when you are waiting for CONCORD to come remove your ship. Back in the days, you could fit and arty tempest and warp from bookmark to bookmark 2-3 times with CONCORD chasing you. All while popping 2-3 mackinaws while running.
* You get jammed by CONCORD.
* You lose control of your drones as soon as CONCORD arrives.
* You get neuted to 0 cap the second they hit instead of during 5-6 seconds.
* Mining ships got a ridicolous HP buff.
* All ships got a 25 % HP buff.
* T2 haulers cant be cargo scanned.
* Jump freigters were introduced and removed all risk from hauling big stuff out of high sec.

Not nearly enough. They still need to make the following changes.

* Pods can no longer warp for the duration of criminal timers.
* CONCORD kills anyone in highsec with lower than -5 security status, not just those with a criminal timer.
* Gate and station sentry guns shoot at suspects.
* Suspects can no longer legally return fire when attacked by a non-suspect.
* Wardec fees increased to 500mil minimum.
* Freighters gain a low slot and 3 rig slots with no other stats changed.
* Level 5 missions moved back to highsec.

I like high sec and I mine, but the changes you suggest would kill the game. I don't want wow in space.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#89 - 2014-04-02 23:17:51 UTC
Did Infinity Ziona just bring up her "2 mil isk Catalyst that does 600 dps in a week training time" lie again?

Tut, tut.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#90 - 2014-04-02 23:29:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Did Infinity Ziona just bring up her "2 mil isk Catalyst that does 600 dps in a week training time" lie again?

Tut, tut.

I don't know I rolled an alt recently and was looking at the mastery tabs for Gallente ships. I think it's possible if you do SP right and get gunnery to 5 right away and start up on small blaster spec right after that.

I have come across wrecks of gank cats and I only the blasters and the tracking enhancement modules were T2.

No tank though. Why is that? (just kidding).

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2014-04-02 23:32:16 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Shederov Blood wrote:
Grunanca wrote:
These are the changes I remember without a bit of googleing:

* Concord damage buffed so it cant be tanked anymore, even not with a whole fleet of remote reparing ships.
* You no longer get insurance payout for ships that die to CONCORD.
* You can no longer warp when you are waiting for CONCORD to come remove your ship. Back in the days, you could fit and arty tempest and warp from bookmark to bookmark 2-3 times with CONCORD chasing you. All while popping 2-3 mackinaws while running.
* You get jammed by CONCORD.
* You lose control of your drones as soon as CONCORD arrives.
* You get neuted to 0 cap the second they hit instead of during 5-6 seconds.
* Mining ships got a ridicolous HP buff.
* All ships got a 25 % HP buff.
* T2 haulers cant be cargo scanned.
* Jump freigters were introduced and removed all risk from hauling big stuff out of high sec.

Not nearly enough. They still need to make the following changes.

* Pods can no longer warp for the duration of criminal timers.
* CONCORD kills anyone in highsec with lower than -5 security status, not just those with a criminal timer.
* Gate and station sentry guns shoot at suspects.
* Suspects can no longer legally return fire when attacked by a non-suspect.
* Wardec fees increased to 500mil minimum.
* Freighters gain a low slot and 3 rig slots with no other stats changed.
* Level 5 missions moved back to highsec.

I like high sec and I mine, but the changes you suggest would kill the game. I don't want wow in space.

Some of it is would make the game better some worse imo.

Pod thing lol no.
Concord I don't think should be killing people for -5 but being able to undock and insta warp to bm, warp to target, gank it, then redock repeatedly is stupid.
Suspect thing I don't agree with. Players can shoot at suspects fine. If players shoot they should expect return fire.
Wardecs yeah I sort of agree, they're still too cheap but 500 mill is a bit much.
Freighters absolutely need to be able to fit low slots and mids. Reduce cargo and increase agility, with the option to add expanders and return to the freighter to current or add a damage control or whatever.
Level 5's I agree with too. I wouldn't run them but the game is stale and stagnant in regards to PvE in high sec. Level 4's are way too easy. Adding level 5's, even with nerfed rewards would give veteran high sec missioners something new to do without being forced into low to be ganked.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#92 - 2014-04-02 23:41:23 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Did Infinity Ziona just bring up her "2 mil isk Catalyst that does 600 dps in a week training time" lie again?

Tut, tut.

I don't know I rolled an alt recently and was looking at the mastery tabs for Gallente ships. I think it's possible if you do SP right and get gunnery to 5 right away and start up on small blaster spec right after that.

I have come across wrecks of gank cats and I only the blasters and the tracking enhancement modules were T2.

No tank though. Why is that? (just kidding).

With 7 days of skillpoints you'll be lucky to break 350, by the way. Even with a perfect skill plan. Because you basically cannot end up with Thermo by the end of it.

The kind of numbers the liar is suggesting also require implants that are not practical to use by someone who is perma flashy.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#93 - 2014-04-02 23:49:23 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Did Infinity Ziona just bring up her "2 mil isk Catalyst that does 600 dps in a week training time" lie again?

Tut, tut.

I don't know I rolled an alt recently and was looking at the mastery tabs for Gallente ships. I think it's possible if you do SP right and get gunnery to 5 right away and start up on small blaster spec right after that.

I have come across wrecks of gank cats and I only the blasters and the tracking enhancement modules were T2.

No tank though. Why is that? (just kidding).

With 7 days of skillpoints you'll be lucky to break 350, by the way. Even with a perfect skill plan. Because you basically cannot end up with Thermo by the end of it.

The kind of numbers the liar is suggesting also require implants that are not practical to use by someone who is perma flashy.

For the love of all that's right in the world! It's a friggin' week. You'll spend longer arguing about it than if someone actually just did it.

Take a week and train a new character as best you can. See what you end up with.

Or keep fighting over something so easily provable. Whatever.

Mr Epeen Cool
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2014-04-02 23:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinity Ziona
Mr Epeen wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Did Infinity Ziona just bring up her "2 mil isk Catalyst that does 600 dps in a week training time" lie again?

Tut, tut.

I don't know I rolled an alt recently and was looking at the mastery tabs for Gallente ships. I think it's possible if you do SP right and get gunnery to 5 right away and start up on small blaster spec right after that.

I have come across wrecks of gank cats and I only the blasters and the tracking enhancement modules were T2.

No tank though. Why is that? (just kidding).

With 7 days of skillpoints you'll be lucky to break 350, by the way. Even with a perfect skill plan. Because you basically cannot end up with Thermo by the end of it.

The kind of numbers the liar is suggesting also require implants that are not practical to use by someone who is perma flashy.

For the love of all that's right in the world! It's a friggin' week. You'll spend longer arguing about it than if someone actually just did it.

Take a week and train a new character as best you can. See what you end up with.

Or keep fighting over something so easily provable. Whatever.

Mr Epeen Cool

Eh I don't even argue with the troll anymore its pointless.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#95 - 2014-04-03 00:00:35 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:

Eh I don't even argue with the troll anymore its pointless.

Which conveniently allows you to keep restating your various lies without acknowledging their inherent falsehood.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Haiiro Aurgnet
Celestial Phoenix Industries
#96 - 2014-04-03 00:14:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Haiiro Aurgnet
okay but really- why are we still on this topic though? highsec got changed boo hoo. If you are the kind of people who like non-stop action and fighting, why are you IN high sec? you tell high sec players all the time "YOU SHOULD MOVE TO NULL YOU LOSERS" and when they don't want to play the game the way YOU want- you are trying to force your opinions back on them? The game dynamics are fine as they are right now. High Sec stands for high security- so it stands to reason that it would be well policed SINCE THAT'S WHAT HIGH SECURITY MEANS. Really though. If you want to be a PvPer- fine. there are many, many, many outlets for your fighting needs- but stop with all this "the safe spot of eve is too safe." The game is still really dangerous compared to most every other MMO out there, this ISN'T hello kitty online- nor will it ever be- and the idea of turning high-sec into null is just defeating the point of security status. And while you may say "oh that'd be great," have you ever considered there's a reason high sec is so crowded? because much of the user base likes to live there. and if you are in high sec all the time whining about how it's too hard for you to gank a defenseless new character/miner- than you are acting kinda like a coward/loser.

tl;dr everyone gets your opinion. but things should remain how they are now- because thats how a majority of the user base plays.

... oh and on topic of the thread- depends on your definition. It's definately possible to make more ISK in HS now, but, the game as a whole is WAY too crowded right now, and we're going to need more space at this rate

edit to make sure its clear that when I say more space, I mean of all securitis and types- im not just saying high sec. we don't need more high sec. we need more wormholes, nulsec, lowsec, etc
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#97 - 2014-04-03 02:21:28 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Yea. You have never been safer.

Ive noticed this as well. Its not for the better imo

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Alduin666 Shikkoken
#98 - 2014-04-03 02:44:28 UTC
Remember the jetcan pirates? How about mining in a battleship? Smartbombing the Jita IV IV undock and tanking concord (and having it not be a bannable offense)?

Damnet now I miss that version of Eve, back in the good ol' days. Sad

Honor is a fools prize. [I]Glory is of no use to the dead.[/I]

Be a man! Post with your main! ~Vas'Avi Community Manager

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#99 - 2014-04-03 04:25:01 UTC
Grunanca wrote:
* You can no longer warp when you are waiting for CONCORD to come remove your ship. Back in the days, you could fit and arty tempest and warp from bookmark to bookmark 2-3 times with CONCORD chasing you. All while popping 2-3 mackinaws while running.

Back in those days you could fit an arty Nado, gank, and then warp around the system for the entire 15 minutes, jump out of the system, and jump back in, and CONCORD would stop going after you.

I did this once with a beam Oracle (I probably have screenshots but I'll have to find them) on TQ, and then petitioned myself to CCP so they wouldn't ban me for evading CONCORD. Then a few days later the patch came to disallow warping whenever the player triggers a criminal flag.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#100 - 2014-04-03 04:31:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ssabat Thraxx
Haiiro Aurgnet wrote:

tl;dr everyone gets your opinion. but things should remain how they are now- because thats how a majority of the user base plays.



... oh and on topic of the thread- depends on your definition. It's definately possible to make more ISK in HS now, but, the game as a whole is WAY too crowded right now, and we're going to need more space at this rate

I disagree, I don't want more space. There are already huge swaths of space where there's almost nobody around. Mostly in null, yes, but even some areas of low and even hisec. Heck, 4-5 jumps outside a trade hub (if you're not heading in the direction of another hub) and you can find yourself alone.

More space = even less densely populated areas = less player interaction or opportunities for PVP (consensual or non-concensual) and other social aspects of the game.

I dont't like the idea, sorry. Just my personal opinion tho.

EDIT: Just wanted to ad, it cam be incredibly boring and time-consumning trying to find a good fight these days, because there's already a surplus of space, imo. This in a game supposedly centered around PVP. The options are often either to go to a known blobfest system like Huola where you know there's gonna be completely lopsided interaction, or you can gatecamp or "roam" and spend forever hoping a target comes along. It sucks.

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project