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More immunity for Incursion Runners Required.

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Lead Farmers
#181 - 2011-11-20 10:47:47 UTC
Andrei Taganov wrote:
Rod Blaine wrote:
I insincerely hope the guy that thought up incursions was in that 20% cut.
If not, please fire more sets of 20% at random untill you hit jackpot.

Do the same with the guy that thought introducing a "hit this and get rich" anom-scanner button was a luminous improvement to the game.

Instead, find the guy that dit WH space and clone him about two hundred times and fire everyone else.

If it's the same guy, nah, not possible.

Is it wrong that when I read that CCP laid off 20% of their staff relating to WoD, Incarna, and other errata, the first thing I thought was: CCP just got 20% cooler?


in ten seconds flat Cool
Lead Farmers
#182 - 2011-11-20 11:51:16 UTC
Also confirming that after removing 1.5 bil in loot yesterday Kill it with fire will be attending all incursions from now on. We might even bring our alts to give the element of surprise Pirate
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