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PlanetCorp InterStellar
#21 - 2014-03-25 01:04:16 UTC
I'm honestly surprised they haven't iced you yet.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2014-03-25 01:59:10 UTC
Cannibal Kane must be on vacation or something...
Denuo Secus
#23 - 2014-03-25 09:26:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Denuo Secus
RavenPaine wrote:


The smart bomb thing. Some ninja's will set in your mission cloaked and let you smart bomb them on accident, then you get Concorded. Be careful.

This. Smart bombs in high sec - not a good idea. If you want PvP go to low sec. Start cheap. Have fun. If you want to do missions (using expensive ships), just ignore them. If this is not possible, relocate. Another option would be to war dec said corp. Maybe you can have some fun - but I'd avoid flying expensive stuff then even in high sec - at least as long as you don't have more PvP experience.
RcTamiya Leontis
Magister Mortalis.
#24 - 2014-03-25 11:46:56 UTC  |  Edited by: RcTamiya Leontis
Solution B is to convo me ingame whenever guys like that disturb you, people who steal from wrecks are suspect flagged and can be attacked by everybody, that beeing said, all you have to do is getting one maybe two people with antifrig ships helping you out ;)

As said above, i like to do that :P

EDIT: Also recommending changing your bio, it says " i'm a carebear, kill me !" to any pvper around
Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2014-03-25 18:59:32 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:
Damien White wrote:
Yes, 2 webs will most likely stop him.

You can test this in EFT, simply create a frigate fitting and pull your webs in the "Projected effects" window at the bottom.

A stock Rifter with overheated MWD ends up with 96 m/s with "All V".

But be aware, once you agressed him he might come back in something more capable of killing your ship.

Thank you that very was informative. It's sort of sad. I'm 10 months in and have no clue how to work/get EFT. Will figure it out though :).

If a frigate is going 80m/s or so, would blasters be able to shoot him down in your opinion? And more importantly, the point you made about him coming back in something big and scary to kill me, for orange colored suspect people, I thought they can't shoot me if I don't do anything hostile for 1 minute? Or am I wrong?

Thank you for the help. Teach me how I can *Like* so I can like you. First time on the forums.

You are getting robbed BECAUSE you are known to shoot back.
Most of them WANT you to shoot them.
If he was to get into web range then most likely 2 webs will make your blasters rip him apart.
He then has 1 minute (as you now have a limited engagement timer) to get back in a new ship capable of killing your shiny ship. If he has an orca nearby this can be very quick.
You can't shoot his logi unless it is suspect or you will be concorded
Engaging pvp ships in a PVE ship is not a good idea.
Any ship that can neut you , tank your dps and stay out of web range will cause your BS issues. A curse for example with logi support will turn your tank off and kill you.
Low and null sec are pretty safe once you learn how to move around and are not in anything expensive/slow

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2014-03-28 23:51:40 UTC
RavenPaine wrote:
First thought:
Do you have a corp spy? Someone that knows when you mission?

Second thought:
Shoot your wrecks before the bait frig gets them.

Third thought:
Risk a Vindicator for a frigate kill?

Edit here:
The smart bomb thing. Some ninja's will set in your mission cloaked and let you smart bomb them on accident, then you get Concorded. Be careful.

Thanks for the advice. I did not think about the corp spy. Everyone is really nice to me and helps me when I'm in trouble though, so I can't imagine someone is betraying me.

I did not know I can shoot wrecks. Thank you.

Nobody answered my other question, can support ships increase an ally's damage? A Tristan with 5 light drones slowwwwwwly breaking my tank is confusing me, as I have 75%+ omni resist.
RaVeN Alliance
#27 - 2014-03-29 00:38:23 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
Yong Shin wrote:
RavenPaine wrote:
First thought:
Do you have a corp spy? Someone that knows when you mission?

Second thought:
Shoot your wrecks before the bait frig gets them.

Third thought:
Risk a Vindicator for a frigate kill?

Edit here:
The smart bomb thing. Some ninja's will set in your mission cloaked and let you smart bomb them on accident, then you get Concorded. Be careful.

Thanks for the advice. I did not think about the corp spy. Everyone is really nice to me and helps me when I'm in trouble though, so I can't imagine someone is betraying me.

I did not know I can shoot wrecks. Thank you.

Nobody answered my other question, can support ships increase an ally's damage? A Tristan with 5 light drones slowwwwwwly breaking my tank is confusing me, as I have 75%+ omni resist.

Corp spies are always "nice". lol. That's how a good spy gets in. Spying is very common in eve.
Not saying it's what is happening to you, just be aware it *could* be.

To clarify: You can shoot YOUR OWN wrecks. They should look white in space to you. You cannot shoot other peoples wrecks. They should show as yellow.
Same with cans. White is good. Don't take stuff from yellow cans.

You can't increase/assist another pilots damage output from guns, missiles or drones.
You can increase his tracking and scan res with ship mods.
Leadership/fleet bonus' can also increase range, speed, tank, reps, etc.

Almost anything can break down a tank if it is relentless. Especially if they have rats helping them shoot you.
Not sure of your fit/ship/skills etc.
Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2014-03-29 11:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
Yong Shin wrote:
Hello, I fit a very very expensive omnitank

This was really the only part I needed to see to understand why you have so many people coming into your missions, they wants your stuff and here's the most important bit, you don't NEED that tank, you have it because you want it. If you can afford to fit a tank that expensive to a Vindicator you can also afford to let some frigate scoop all the loot that fits in his hold. I strongly recommend allowing that over risking a multi-billion ISK ship to save a few hundred thousand ISK in loot (couple million if you're really unlucky). Even if you destroy him, his limited engagement timer will allow him to come back in something threatening and will be able to legally shoot you...just let the baby have his bottle.

I use a Golem for PvE and my tank is T2 + bastion module and the only faction mods I use are BCUs (I use those because they reduce the time it takes to finish a mission, tank mods do not help at all in this regard so expensive tanks don't even increase the ISK you bring in per unit of time), I get ship scanned from time to time but no one looks at me twice because there's a very good chance they're going to end up losing money to gank it and under no circumstances will I agress any ship that shows up in my mission. Put that multi-billion ISK tank on a Vindicator and then advertise it on the forums...I wish you luck sir.

Since you don't do anything other than mission I suppose you have nothing better to do with your ISK besides slap on expensive tanks so you can say you have it, which is why most of us use missions as a means to get money for other things and I would strongly encourage you to do the same. Additionally by far the best ISK/hour in this game comes from suicide ganking ships that have way too many shiny pieces for them all to die in a single fireball.

Now on to your question. You probably could hit a frigate and blap it with a Vindicator but why would you want to? As I already suggested you may well be opening yourself up to a world of tragedy for the sake of probably about a million ISK. So just let it go. If you want to punish internet space ships then instead of fitting billions in tank you don't need to a PvE ship, learn to PvP in a lot of cheaper things instead. Alternatively, send your excess ISK to me and I will PvP in your stead and film it for all to watch later, I will even let you name the ships I buy with your extra money.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-03-30 00:13:48 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:
RavenPaine wrote:
First thought:
Do you have a corp spy? Someone that knows when you mission?

Second thought:
Shoot your wrecks before the bait frig gets them.

Third thought:
Risk a Vindicator for a frigate kill?

Edit here:
The smart bomb thing. Some ninja's will set in your mission cloaked and let you smart bomb them on accident, then you get Concorded. Be careful.

Thanks for the advice. I did not think about the corp spy. Everyone is really nice to me and helps me when I'm in trouble though, so I can't imagine someone is betraying me.

I did not know I can shoot wrecks. Thank you.

Nobody answered my other question, can support ships increase an ally's damage? A Tristan with 5 light drones slowwwwwwly breaking my tank is confusing me, as I have 75%+ omni resist.

OMG so cute! Everyone is nice to you! Of course they are.... I'll be nice to you just before I pod you Lol

Don't ever shoot any other players ship with a mission ship... NEVER EVER! There are many tricks they will do to kill you to include using an Orca to change ships. You must have ran into some fail griefers because I'm shocked you haven't died doing this. There's also tricks to maintain aggression so if you come back in a PVP ship to engage don't get into the PVE one till you're sure the pilot has left system,

Don't mission in a crowded system if you care about the loot or fly something expensive. Use the agent locator to find a better system.

Why do you want a Vindicator? It's your ISK but there are many ships that are better for PVE. The Vindicator is best suited for PVP.

Please take my advice as friendly advice as it is such... I don't want to see you get used, abused then rage quit,
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-03-30 08:26:14 UTC
I don't think you have a corp spy. I think the guy's a ninja salvagar and when he found you he watchlisted you. That's what I'd do if I was ninja salvaging: watchlist with -5 all the mission runners who do the kind of missions I want to salvage, note their ships, so I can check local and see who's on. Start scanning and look for their ship types in the scanner so I know which signatures to focus down on. The fact that you were naive enough to shoot at the guy makes you all the more preferable a target - you're on the verge of providing the salvager with some top kek.

Just let him go about his business unless you can manufacture an engagement you're sure to win, without accidentally smartbombing a non-aggressed, without accidentally podkilling him (so you don't give him killrights on you), in a way that make him unlikely to try again. I don't think that's going to happen - the guy's in a throwaway ship - so just accept ninja salvaging for what it is: annoying, but a legitimate profession.
Ione Hunt
Storm Solutions
#31 - 2014-03-31 18:30:45 UTC
Fit a neut...or smarty against drone ships. You should never die to a single frig in a well-fit BS.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-03-31 21:56:29 UTC
Ione Hunt wrote:
Fit a neut...or smarty against drone ships. You should never die to a single frig in a well-fit BS.

Neut MIGHT work if you engage and find yourself in a bad spot.

Smartbombs will get you CONCORD'ed in highsec. They will warp an alt to you if they see you're using smartbombs.

Not trying to PVP in a PVE mission ship is your best bet. If you want to PVP or bait someone to PVP in a mission have a corp mate cloaked in the mission.
Alastair Ormand
Mine all the things
#33 - 2014-03-31 22:30:27 UTC
Dial a corp member. Web and scram. Corp member comes in with destroyer. Dead theif. Problem solved.

I discourage running with scissors.

Sanai Nobuseri
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2014-04-01 00:33:02 UTC
Its really easy, Dont fly a Battleship in LvL 4 missions, the reason people rob you is because Battleships are incredibly easy to probe down with combat probes so someone comes into a system with 100 people missioning they will find you in the BS first rather then spend the enormous amount of time it would take to say probe down an Ishtar thats missioning. Ive never once been probed down in a T3 or a HAC, and I can do a little over 1k dps in the ishtar equivalent to most Bs's
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#35 - 2014-04-01 01:42:15 UTC
Blaster vindi + webs.

when he comes in close to you and orbits you hit it with the webs and move away from him. He will be forced to follow you which will make your guns happy as they can track it much easier. Smartbombs in high sec will get you killed and a neut takes away on of the turrets. If you want neuts the kronos is a much better option.
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