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CCPgames fifth main project
Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.
Custom ship skins, character creator style "repaint". Bring it!
"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse. ( Pick four, any four. They all smell. )
**You Have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good.
Welcome to EvE OnLiNe**
_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]
Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword
Sovereignty and Population
New Mining Mechanics
CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*
Kaalrus pwned..... :)
Soraya Xel - Council of Planetary Management 1 -
Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.
Murderers of Negotiable Motivations
EVE Music