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Tech 2 Microwarpdrive Bonuses

Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#41 - 2014-03-25 04:01:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cardano Firesnake
O2 jayjay wrote:
love the idea but why not have the same activation as a meta 4? that would fix the problem

If the activation cost was the same, that would not change the problem. The Meta 4 would be easier to fit. Perharps if the capacitor reduction was really different...

But in fact, it would be more interestening to give a real identity to Tech 2 modules. If these modules would be really better while overheated than Tech 1, that would give another dimesion to them even if they was nearly the same than Tech 1 while not overheated.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

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