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People stealing loot after a fight and then dropping fleet and comms

First post
Shadows Of The Federation
#21 - 2014-03-12 15:53:00 UTC
Princess Nexxala wrote:
We had issues with them in the past but it seemed to have stabilized. Not really surprising, but my recent run ins with them have all been positive.

I too would boot any loot thieving douches from my corp, but most folks don't look at it that way. Hope you guys can work it all out, but if not... enjoy blowing each other up. :)

Don't mind XG, he is new to trolling. Also lets hope the majority of that guys gal kills are from when he was in snuff.

Nope, in TIPIAKS 27.11.13 - 11.2.14.

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-03-12 15:54:36 UTC
Wow. And here I was thinking stealing loot and getting wardecced for it was such a Caldari thing.

Anyway I feel you Gal. We have someone like that in Amar named YouAreMyBounty Sarn, he was set KOS to our corp and any corp he joins on the Amarr side gets a nice evemail to kick him or wardecced. An opportunistic awoxer extraordinaire

People cant be team players in a team player game.
You did the right thing.
Welcome back by the way.

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#23 - 2014-03-12 16:03:26 UTC
Just as an FYI, they have to wardec him or they will take standings hit everytime they engage him even if he is pirate. STANDINGS hit, not SEC STATUS hit. I'm pretty sure SoTF doesn't give a damn about sec status hits.
Thorr VonAsgard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-03-12 16:14:48 UTC
If you want to make a war for peanuts, You are free to do it, I'll try to be a good opponent to fight with ^ ^

You miss blink ? Come and play with us at !

Envie de fraicheur ? Frugu, le forum fruité est fait pour toi !

Thanatos Marathon
#25 - 2014-03-12 16:14:59 UTC
People get wardec'd for being LP thieves, let alone if they try to ninja loot from the fleet.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#26 - 2014-03-12 16:21:43 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Thorr VonAsgard wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
No problem with TIPIAKs here, but their leadership should probably boot the guy if he doesn't return the loot.

Loot were return to perunga as ISK, BEFORE they declare the war, like 10 min after the fight .
Then I gave the loot back to my corp (for reimbursed them) after I returned from AFK.

Lol, you only gave it back because you got found out Smile

You don't jump into a fight, join fleet, join comms get involved then the second it finishes grab loot drop fleet, dock up and go afk.........

Give us a break mate.

New Gallactica is angrier than old Gallactica.
Shadows Of The Federation
#27 - 2014-03-12 16:31:28 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Just as an FYI, they have to wardec him or they will take standings hit everytime they engage him even if he is pirate. STANDINGS hit, not SEC STATUS hit. I'm pretty sure SoTF doesn't give a damn about sec status hits.

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#28 - 2014-03-12 16:32:18 UTC
Damn you for actually making me look :p

Have at it then. He is obviously using militia as a cover to get ganks. I support anything that causes issues for militia awoxers and the corps that support them. ******* bads...

Gallactica wrote:
Princess Nexxala wrote:
We had issues with them in the past but it seemed to have stabilized. Not really surprising, but my recent run ins with them have all been positive.

I too would boot any loot thieving douches from my corp, but most folks don't look at it that way. Hope you guys can work it all out, but if not... enjoy blowing each other up. :)

Don't mind XG, he is new to trolling. Also lets hope the majority of that guys gal kills are from when he was in snuff.

Nope, in TIPIAKS 27.11.13 - 11.2.14.

nom nom

Castnicke Rinah
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2014-03-12 16:33:11 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
People get wardec'd for being LP thieves, let alone if they try to ninja loot from the fleet.

That said, loot (in form of ISK) was returned to the FC and there's no hard feelings from Black Fox. Just don't let it happen again.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#30 - 2014-03-12 16:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Gallactica wrote:
Princess Nexxala wrote:
We had issues with them in the past but it seemed to have stabilized. Not really surprising, but my recent run ins with them have all been positive.

I too would boot any loot thieving douches from my corp, but most folks don't look at it that way. Hope you guys can work it all out, but if not... enjoy blowing each other up. :)

Don't mind XG, he is new to trolling. Also lets hope the majority of that guys gal kills are from when he was in snuff.

Nope, in TIPIAKS 27.11.13 - 11.2.14.

Just to play devils advocate, some look like they couldve been duels. Others are from his own corp. Others could be newbs shooting him because he is flashy. I had a hawk do that to me like 2 days ago, couldnt kill him tho because of terrible maulus dps, and no one was willing to take standings hits backing me up lol.

On the other hand, no need for him to come here acting like a **** when a simple apology or explanation would see him safely to the high ground. Though, i dont see much high ground around this thread
Sekh Ondaari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2014-03-12 16:47:48 UTC
Meh, we had to wardec them for their shenanigans some year and a half ago, why would anything have changed?
Seiko Hikitari
Everlasting Vendetta.
#32 - 2014-03-12 16:58:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Seiko Hikitari
I hardly ever write on the eve-o forums but I'll have a go at it this one time.

Knowing Thorr, I can say with a reasonable level of certainty that he isn't "using militia as a cover to get ganks" (I'll give you that falcon-alting T1 frig 1v1 isn't cool). If you think he's bad, ask his previous corp, nemesis 2.0

I can also say that we do not condone awoxing, ninja looting, shooting neutral cyno on blue stations, or general griefing of militia, and all those claims have and will be investigated provided relevant evidence is brought to our attention. On the contrary, we try to integrate with the militia, help with stratops, and encourage our pilots to try the international fleets. Past that, we used corp wallet to tip Perunga as soon as our fleet had come home (please don't come yelling on our coms while we're having a fight), so I'm not really sure what you expect us to do beyond that. We sure as hell are not going to kick an active member over something as petty as that (I'm too kind to say "HTFU and move on").

On a side note, while we do hold SotF in good esteem (I do, at any rate), we would appreciate if you could try not to shoot at us while we're in a fleet, whether corp or open to militia, because blues killing our logi is pretty bad. Instructions have been given on our side to not shoot DnD, but obviously it will be hard to enforce (and no we're not scheming "accidents", put that tinfoil hat down).

Edit : I'll spoil Thorr's fun and let you know he is giggling on coms, bathing in all the tears from his "master trolling" on the forums
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#33 - 2014-03-12 17:02:00 UTC
Seiko Hikitari wrote:
I hardly ever write on the eve-o forums but I'll have a go at it this one time.

Knowing Thorr, I can say with a reasonable level of certainty that he isn't "using militia as a cover to get ganks" (I'll give you that falcon-alting T1 frig 1v1 isn't cool). If you think he's bad, ask his previous corp, nemesis 2.0

I can also say that we do not condone awoxing, ninja looting, shooting neutral cyno on blue stations, or general griefing of militia, and all those claims have and will be investigated provided relevant evidence is brought to our attention. On the contrary, we try to integrate with the militia, help with stratops, and encourage our pilots to try the international fleets. Past that, we used corp wallet to tip Perunga as soon as our fleet had come home (please don't come yelling on our coms while we're having a fight), so I'm not really sure what you expect us to do beyond that. We sure as hell are not going to kick an active member over something as petty as that (I'm too kind to say "HTFU and move on").

On a side note, while we do hold SotF in good esteem (I do, at any rate), we would appreciate if you could try not to shoot at us while we're in a fleet, whether corp or open to militia, because blues killing our logi is pretty bad. Instructions have been given on our side to not shoot DnD, but obviously it will be hard to enforce (and no we're not scheming "accidents", put that tinfoil hat down).

Edit : I'll spoil Thorr's fun and let you know he is giggling on coms, bathing in all the tears from his "master trolling" on the forums

Oh look, high ground after all!
Sekh Ondaari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2014-03-12 17:02:56 UTC
Seiko Hikitari wrote:
and no we're not scheming "accidents", put that tinfoil hat down

Shame. =(
Shadows Of The Federation
#35 - 2014-03-12 17:08:27 UTC
Your corp isn't in question as I said in my very first post (not sure why Crosi keeps mentioning the high ground)

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#36 - 2014-03-12 17:11:06 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
(not sure why Crosi keeps mentioning the high ground)

After this thread i wouldnt expect you to lol.
Shadows Of The Federation
#37 - 2014-03-12 17:16:42 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
(not sure why Crosi keeps mentioning the high ground)

After this thread i wouldnt expect you to lol.

I know you wouldn't - how can a pilot who steals loot, has obvious form for dubious kills, acts a bit douchy here and you defend him with your "devils advocate" posts of defending the guy.

I'll re-iterate, no problem with the corp its the pilot who is the issue.

I know your a bit butt hurt with some past issues you have had in SoTF but please.
Sekh Ondaari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2014-03-12 17:22:31 UTC
Gallactica wrote:

I know your a bit butt hurt with some past issues you have had in SoTF but please.

No reason to behave like a child Gall, just handle things maturely please. You're just embarassing our entire corp when you do things like this.
SmokinJs Arthie
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#39 - 2014-03-12 17:26:10 UTC
It's happened to me when I was in fleet. I was all sorts of pissed off at first and then eventually I was just like **** em. If they REALLY wanted that loot then they can have it. I don't know though, that's just me. Still bogus though.

edit: spelling
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-03-12 18:01:10 UTC
Once upon a time when I was in FW we made enough ISK just running the occasional small plex that nobody ever really cared about loot. Times must be tough