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Plex price manipulation, plex up 20 million in less than 24 hours.

First post
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#141 - 2014-03-13 02:05:25 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
While this plex price explosion is a disaster for the causal non-rich player, one way that CCP benefits is the fact that RMT sellers get hurt. If the price of a plex rises, and that is directly tied to the black market rate for RMT, then 1 billon ISK sold is not going to gain as much real cash as before.

6 months ago, 575 million ISK would net around, what, 12 bucks? (assuming a plex price ingame was around 575M in Sept)
When plexes hit a billion, that same 575 million ISK will net around 7 bucks.

But given that the null sec cartels are creating far more ISK than they could ever possibly sell, not sure how the pieces all fall together, and if their real life incomes are affected that much.

So maybe CCP is OK with the future of plex prices at some ridiculous number.

Are you completely ******* crazy? This PLEX price is a jackpot for a casual non-rich player!

People like me, who have exactly one account are the people who purchase the PLEX and sell them occasionally when things don't go so well for the ISK-making. I don't have incursion or mission alts to generate highsec income, I'm not in null farming whatever the **** they farm out there (haven't even been to our new station yet) and if I lose an HAC or a T3 or a BB, sometimes I'm too short to replace it from in game funds.

Fortunately, I have a good job in real life (2, in fact) and every so often I can treat myself to an infusion of cash so that I can fly things more expensive than T1 BCs or assault frigates.

If you're a casual non-rich player, by definition you can't be the one BUYING PLEX with ISK, you have to be the one SELLING them. If casual, non-rich players could buy PLEX with ISK, there wouldn't be any PLEX on the market because NO ONE would need to buy them with real money and CCP would have.. no income because practically EVERYONE could PLEX their account.

It is not some sort of EVE social ill that everyone can't achieve the dream of playing for free on in-game funds, any more than it's some sort of social ill that video games might be too expensive for some people in certain circumstances or parts of the world. Video games are a luxury. If you can't afford them with your RL income.. tough ****. I have sympathy for people that have a hard time feeding their children, not people who have a hard time funding their internet pew-pew.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

#142 - 2014-03-17 23:50:59 UTC  |  Edited by: doberz
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
No cause for panic. Everything is as it should be.

Posting about plex spikes and ranting a bit is precisely the thing to do, with a variety of possible benefits

  • Traders with stockpiles spot the panic and start dumping. Plex is a reasonably popular long term investment for people taking a break so reporting it alerts the unsubbed - particularly if it hits a news site
  • People who might have been about to buy RMT ISK decide they get better value for money from CCP
  • People who occasionally buy Plex to buffer their funds decide now is when they'll get the most return
  • CCP spot the yelling and dump some confiscated Plex to try stabilise things
  • CCP rub their paws together and run a discount Plex offer to cash in
  • CCP adjust the amount of Aurum available for direct sale (currently 2500 Aur for £12.99 vs 3500 from a plex)
  • Somerblink finds a few trillion stashed and an inventive way to RMT it for ETC sales

All of those work to drive prices back down, and benefit the playerbase. So - everybody panic - it's for the best.

Re the whole plexing vs paying debate - it's really down to how you value your time and enjoy spending it. Pay with real money by all means, buy the odd plex and sell it to me. But please don't do the smug justification of how much you earn ph or pay for cinema tickets irl. If you only have one account in game you're probably playing very narrowly. $10 or £10 a month sounds reasonable until you consider many players have multiple accounts - at which point Eve is comparitively expensive.

Not everyone grinds NPCs until their fingers bleed for plex subs either - some of us genuinely enjoy the strategic side of large scale ISK making to the point our enjoyment hinges on it. Just the same as #mindless mission runner 7480 - making ISK for no reason at all other than a sense of achievement. At the extreme end of that are people who will unsub if they see inflation as curbing their enjoyment and returning players (on promo return offers) disgusted at inflation without time to find the new faucets. CCP clearly do monitor this or they would never have committed to intervening where required.

^^ this
#143 - 2014-03-17 23:55:08 UTC
PLEX is down, and CCP is advertising plex sale methinks, crisis averted
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#144 - 2014-03-17 23:57:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Hasikan Miallok
Kyperion wrote:
PLEX is down, and CCP is advertising plex sale methinks, crisis averted

There never was one. The OP posted somewhere above he had his sells sorted by location instead of price and misread the market pricing.


3 of these for sale :D

The Forge [-] 0.9 Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 65,651,149,520.00 1 2014-06-13

Probably skewed the distribution just a wee bit.
Vance Armistice
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#145 - 2014-03-18 06:49:01 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
While this plex price explosion is a disaster for the causal non-rich player, one way that CCP benefits is the fact that RMT sellers get hurt. If the price of a plex rises, and that is directly tied to the black market rate for RMT, then 1 billon ISK sold is not going to gain as much real cash as before.

6 months ago, 575 million ISK would net around, what, 12 bucks? (assuming a plex price ingame was around 575M in Sept)
When plexes hit a billion, that same 575 million ISK will net around 7 bucks.

But given that the null sec cartels are creating far more ISK than they could ever possibly sell, not sure how the pieces all fall together, and if their real life incomes are affected that much.

So maybe CCP is OK with the future of plex prices at some ridiculous number.

Are you completely ******* crazy? This PLEX price is a jackpot for a casual non-rich player!

People like me, who have exactly one account are the people who purchase the PLEX and sell them occasionally when things don't go so well for the ISK-making. I don't have incursion or mission alts to generate highsec income, I'm not in null farming whatever the **** they farm out there (haven't even been to our new station yet) and if I lose an HAC or a T3 or a BB, sometimes I'm too short to replace it from in game funds.

Fortunately, I have a good job in real life (2, in fact) and every so often I can treat myself to an infusion of cash so that I can fly things more expensive than T1 BCs or assault frigates.

If you're a casual non-rich player, by definition you can't be the one BUYING PLEX with ISK, you have to be the one SELLING them. If casual, non-rich players could buy PLEX with ISK, there wouldn't be any PLEX on the market because NO ONE would need to buy them with real money and CCP would have.. no income because practically EVERYONE could PLEX their account.

It is not some sort of EVE social ill that everyone can't achieve the dream of playing for free on in-game funds, any more than it's some sort of social ill that video games might be too expensive for some people in certain circumstances or parts of the world. Video games are a luxury. If you can't afford them with your RL income.. tough ****. I have sympathy for people that have a hard time feeding their children, not people who have a hard time funding their internet pew-pew.

+1000! great post!
Petrus Blackshell
#146 - 2014-03-18 08:02:18 UTC
Wise Investment Magic 8-Ball says:

Buy PLEX with ISK or $$$ now. If prices continue going up, and you don't miss your chance to sell, you can only profit. Disregard any concerns about a possible sudden price bubble collapse.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

#147 - 2014-03-18 08:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Signal11th
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Jesus so CCP have to subsidise poor people now? I'm skint in real life e.g the ex has taken me for everything but even I can afford 9 euros a bloody month.

If you can't afford to play with real life cash then maybe your time maybe better spent educating yourself and getting a better job or putting in some overtime/cutting lawns etc than playing a bloody game???

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Gallente Federation
#148 - 2014-03-18 12:11:01 UTC
Signal11th wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Jesus so CCP have to subsidise poor people now? I'm skint in real life e.g the ex has taken me for everything but even I can afford 9 euros a bloody month.

If you can't afford to play with real life cash then maybe your time maybe better spent educating yourself and getting a better job or putting in some overtime/cutting lawns etc than playing a bloody game???

Umm... 9 euros * 8 accounts for some of them and if they can't afford even 1 of those accounts, they'll throw fits, claim the game is unplayable and cancel all the accounts.

As another posted above, it's not more casual types of players that get messed with, it's the ones running armies of alts who can't afford that many accounts if they actually have to cough up real money to fund them.
#149 - 2014-03-18 14:01:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Signal11th
Mocam wrote:
Signal11th wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Jesus so CCP have to subsidise poor people now? I'm skint in real life e.g the ex has taken me for everything but even I can afford 9 euros a bloody month.

If you can't afford to play with real life cash then maybe your time maybe better spent educating yourself and getting a better job or putting in some overtime/cutting lawns etc than playing a bloody game???

Umm... 9 euros * 8 accounts for some of them and if they can't afford even 1 of those accounts, they'll throw fits, claim the game is unplayable and cancel all the accounts.

As another posted above, it's not more casual types of players that get messed with, it's the ones running armies of alts who can't afford that many accounts if they actually have to cough up real money to fund them.

I understand what you mean but why should we be bothered? I can quite easily open up 8 accounts and plex them all if I "really" wanted to but why would I, making money in EVE is probably the most boring part of it, evening scamming I imagine is quite boring considering all you are doing is ripping off stupid people.

PLEX is a benefit and shouldn't be treated as a given. If you can only run 8 accounts because of plex then you shouldn't be running 8 accounts or at least you shouldn't complain when PLEX prices rise e.g the phrase "Just because you can doesn't mean you should!"

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#150 - 2014-03-18 14:14:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Aelisha
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Do that then you soft bastard. PLEX prices self-regulate. If you want the price to go down, buy them and relist them at lower prices, or purchase enough PLEX and list them on the market, to force the price down.

As you're not injecting any cash into CCP's pockets if you're PLEXing (though you are relieving them of obligation-debt), they probably give as much of a **** about you leaving as I do.

Tl;Dr, stop being poor.

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

#151 - 2014-03-18 20:06:34 UTC
Aelisha wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Do that then you soft bastard. PLEX prices self-regulate. If you want the price to go down, buy them and relist them at lower prices, or purchase enough PLEX and list them on the market, to force the price down.

As you're not injecting any cash into CCP's pockets if you're PLEXing (though you are relieving them of obligation-debt), they probably give as much of a **** about you leaving as I do.

Tl;Dr, stop being poor.

You sir are a f**king d**k and should not be allowed to breed.
What if I am a college student that pays my way through school, I can't afford the cost of subing 4 accounts that I use to make my isk and play the game.

I really enjoy this game and I like having the option to PLEX my accounts since rl money is tight atm. However, I will not pay 650mil+ per plex and in 25 day if this continues, I will let all 4 of my accounts die. This is not some "do it or else" threat I am simply stating facts. I am sure I speak for several other ppl in a similar position when I say this needs to stop for the good of the community.

BTW I am not some carebear that does nothing but mine all day, I pvp as much as possible.
Salvos Rhoska
#152 - 2014-03-18 20:16:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
doberz wrote:
BTW I am not some carebear that does nothing but mine all day, I pvp as much as possible.

If you cannot afford 4 accounts, then don't play 4 accounts.

And I was a college student once too. If you want help planning your budget, send me a complete list of your monthly income and daily expenses, and I am certain I can advise you what you can easily cut out in order to afford the luxury of 4 accounts at once.

Barring that, play only 1 account then. Its really that simple.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2014-03-18 20:17:11 UTC
doberz wrote:
Aelisha wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Do that then you soft bastard. PLEX prices self-regulate. If you want the price to go down, buy them and relist them at lower prices, or purchase enough PLEX and list them on the market, to force the price down.

As you're not injecting any cash into CCP's pockets if you're PLEXing (though you are relieving them of obligation-debt), they probably give as much of a **** about you leaving as I do.

Tl;Dr, stop being poor.

You sir are a f**king d**k and should not be allowed to breed.
What if I am a college student that pays my way through school, I can't afford the cost of subing 4 accounts that I use to make my isk and play the game.

I really enjoy this game and I like having the option to PLEX my accounts since rl money is tight atm. However, I will not pay 650mil+ per plex and in 25 day if this continues, I will let all 4 of my accounts die. This is not some "do it or else" threat I am simply stating facts. I am sure I speak for several other ppl in a similar position when I say this needs to stop for the good of the community.

BTW I am not some carebear that does nothing but mine all day, I pvp as much as possible.

so you are student and need to spend more effort to get into RL

instead you spend all your free time in online game PvPing with 4 accounts....

I'm pretty sure you'd better stop Eve and concentrate on your real life

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

#154 - 2014-03-18 20:33:57 UTC
I am pretty sure you shouldn't be giving life advice on a video game forum, and in essence you are telling me to stop playing EVE. I am sure that CCP does not want ppl to stop playing EVE.
If everyone playing EVE with financial tough spots stopped playing EVE I think you would find the game wouldn't be as enjoyable.
Salvos Rhoska
#155 - 2014-03-18 21:08:36 UTC
No, I'm telling you that if you cannot afford to play 4 accounts, then play less than 4.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#156 - 2014-03-18 22:24:33 UTC
doberz wrote:
Aelisha wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

They can just pay with money then. Paying with plex is a option not a right.

You're right paying with money might be cheaper in the long run, it would also probably be cheaper to just uninstall the game and play something else. Roll

Do that then you soft bastard. PLEX prices self-regulate. If you want the price to go down, buy them and relist them at lower prices, or purchase enough PLEX and list them on the market, to force the price down.

As you're not injecting any cash into CCP's pockets if you're PLEXing (though you are relieving them of obligation-debt), they probably give as much of a **** about you leaving as I do.

Tl;Dr, stop being poor.

You sir are a f**king d**k and should not be allowed to breed.
What if I am a college student that pays my way through school, I can't afford the cost of subing 4 accounts that I use to make my isk and play the game.

I really enjoy this game and I like having the option to PLEX my accounts since rl money is tight atm. However, I will not pay 650mil+ per plex and in 25 day if this continues, I will let all 4 of my accounts die. This is not some "do it or else" threat I am simply stating facts. I am sure I speak for several other ppl in a similar position when I say this needs to stop for the good of the community.

BTW I am not some carebear that does nothing but mine all day, I pvp as much as possible.

So what's your argument, exactly? That your right to run as many accounts as you like for free trumps my right to decide how much ISK I want to sell my PLEX that I paid actual money for?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#157 - 2014-03-18 22:32:43 UTC
If your quick the odd PLEX pops up at more reasonable prices .

There were two at Ren for about 236 mill about half an hour ago for example even though the Jita price was 260 mill.

If you have margin trading its also possible to place quite low buy orders.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2014-03-18 23:17:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Fredfredbug4
EVE is 15 US dollars a month. In America, thats just a little over two hours of work on minimum wage. If you can't pay 15 dollars a month, then you probably have more important things to take care of than play EVE.

It's fine to want to play for free. I would love to pay just with PLEX on a regular basis (can't when wars are going on due to ship costs). However, paying with real money shouldn't limit your ability to play the game.

And even still, the PLEX market will stabilize. The higher the prices go, the more people will buy PLEX with real world money so they can get a lot of ISK. Eventually it will either begin to decrease from people buying so much or stabilize.

doberz wrote:

What if I am a college student that pays my way through school, I can't afford the cost of subing 4 accounts that I use to make my isk and play the game.

Why do you need four accounts? You say you PVP, so if costs are so bad then cut back to two accounts. With two accounts you can still have one main PVP account with a logi/scout/money making account to help it out. You could even sell two of your characters on the market and have a healthy amount of cash to play with.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#159 - 2014-03-19 00:23:41 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Why do you need four accounts? You say you PVP, so if costs are so bad then cut back to two accounts. With two accounts you can still have one main PVP account with a logi/scout/money making account to help it out. You could even sell two of your characters on the market and have a healthy amount of cash to play with.

A good multibox gate camp would require a scout on the inbound side, a tackle boat and DPS boat on the outbound side and a cloaked hauler somewhere to collect the loot.

You could get by with less than four but it would be much less efficient.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#160 - 2014-03-19 00:37:30 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Why do you need four accounts? You say you PVP, so if costs are so bad then cut back to two accounts. With two accounts you can still have one main PVP account with a logi/scout/money making account to help it out. You could even sell two of your characters on the market and have a healthy amount of cash to play with.

A good multibox gate camp would require a scout on the inbound side, a tackle boat and DPS boat on the outbound side and a cloaked hauler somewhere to collect the loot.

You could get by with less than four but it would be much less efficient.

Sure, but you could just make friends to be the other three pilots.