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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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DTHI - Di-Tron Heavy Industries - 0.0 sec PVP/Everything corp.

First post
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#1 - 2014-03-11 02:40:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Banlish
Let me begin by making some statements that might let you know if you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: Does the thought of flying a Drake in a combat situation make you violent towards your friends and loved ones?
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: When an FC says 'okay guys, 10 jumps let's get going to destination' do you tilt your head to the side and say "Isn't there a cyno available instead?"
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: When alliance mates say 'YEAH, lets go on a suicide roam in tech 2 fit cruisers!' do you find yourself thinking "I wish my clone wasn't worth more then my ship..."
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: Does the thought of having a rousing round table discussion about 50 shades of grey give you a tightening in your jimmies?
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: Do you have assets all over EVE from years and years of playing, but buy new ships every week because you 'CBAed' to go get them?
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you can remember a time before everyone, their father, mother, brother, sister, dog and goldfish had super capitals.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: Does the thought of being forced to read Jita local make you want to slam your head into your desk?
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you've lost more then 10 ships on a 'drunken roam' in your career.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you know that on the internet all MEN are MEN, all WOMEN are MEN, and all young boys are POLICE MEN.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: When the FC asks what ships can you fly, you answer 'All.'
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you have EVER denied yourself relations with your significant other on the CHANCE that a fleet fight might be happening.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you've ever bombed your own fleet so badly that someone rage quit over losing their ship/pod/implants.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you have ever bought a new computer and said to friends 'Oh look now my machine can run all 4+ accounts at once!' and been answered with 'NERD', 'JERK' or 'That's it, I can't take it anymore, I'm taking the kids and you'll hear from my lawyer soon!'
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you can remember or know what a RR BS fleet is.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

Q: If you've ever called off work, to get a few more kill mails.
A: Then you should consider joining DTHI.

If you don't get it by now, we're not a serious-business corp. Read below for the 'typical' facts you'll see.

Brief history - 9 years
Di-Tron celebrated it's 9th birthday in January of '15, we've lived or deployed in almost every 0.0 region in EVE over those 8 years. We started as a mining corp in empire and that lasted all of 2 months before we were war decced. Instead of rolling over we fought back, recruiting members and reaching 100 members within the first week of existence, we pushed into Low-sec 2 months later, forming a small alliance with other corps and took the fight against our attacker. We fought them on and off until we went to 0.0 before our 1st birthday, and we've been out here ever since. In 7 years of life in 0.0, we've been part of 9 alliances, we don't want to change alliances often, but after our first good fit of almost 4 years we bounced around. We reside in Circle of Two*, and have found our home.

We have taken the approach to 0.0 that alliances will always come and go, forming, disbanding and reforming, but corps, those can be forever. We will fight to the bitter end with our alliance mates to protect our home and expand, it's just our way that DTHI has always been considered a 'bedrock' corporation in EVE. In every alliance we've been in, we've been among the top corps, not just because of our size, but because of our atmosphere and participation rates. We are NOT in ANY way, a serious business corp, we realize that whipping, beating or slave driving our members will quickly lead to our members leaving for greener pastures. As such we've become one of the biggest corps in EVE over time. We only require members to show up to alliance called CTA's, corp CTA's usually happen to evac assets out of a falling region.

If you want a more detailed history, you'd have to ask me, we might write it up some day, but even for me, that's a LOT of typing.

((continued in next post))
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#2 - 2014-03-11 02:40:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Banlish
Who we are
At our core, we are a laid back corp, everything from newbies with 10 mill sps to guys with 175+ mill sps. We have Pvpers, Industrialists, capital pilots to black ops specialists, miners, ratters, scanners and P.I. guys. We are, in short, a jack of all trades corp, yes that means we are frequently the master of none, but as we grow older and older we have become very skilled in almost every field. And we're always trying to learn new parts of EVE to expand into, that means you can enjoy almost all aspects of EVE with corp mates instead of alliance mates. It's a small distinction but it can make all the difference in 0.0, where we make our home.

Evolution of Di-Tron
We began as a mining corp that ran 40+ man mining ops in low sec in 2006, after getting a taste for combat and finding it better then PVP in other games at the time we've become a PVP corp that does everything else as well. We know that our PVPing keeps us in 0.0, any alliance can put out a call for a large industrial corp and get enough members to fill a few thousand spots. We realized this early on, so everyone tries to fight at least once per month, sometimes people miss, sometimes they just don't want to, sometimes life gets in the way. But many times, there are just perfect alliance or corp lead fleets where we can go crazy. Sometimes someone will go nuts and get a few hundred or a thousand kills in a month, other times it might be a few dozen kills a month or even just a handful. And the best part, anything is fine. We don't have 'quotas' or 'requirements', give it a shot, we'll offer you tons and tons of chances to get in fleet, but we won't tell you have to unless our homes are threatened.

what do we do now?
Everything, we have people pvping daily in anything from frigates to super capitals, pve-ing daily, scanning, planet working, mining, wormholes are scanned down and ran quick but we don't live in them long term, almost anything can be attempted in DTHI, we have almost no restrictions other then POS's and super capital building, and even those can be worked around depending how crazy a person wants to get.

What time zones does DTHI cover?
DTHI is heavy US and Euro TZ's, we are however expanding our AUS TZ (which is only around 10 people atm) and strengthening both the US and EU TZ's.

What simple services we offer to new members.
To members we offer some simple services and are expanding them slowly but surely to not only keep DTHI attractive but to make all our lives easier here.
1. Mineral/loot/salvage/ore buyouts
2. Planetary Interaction buyouts
3. Transport services (get your stuff from empire to 0.0 easily)
4. PVP reward program (pvp a ton, get rewards for it)
5. First capital ship assistance program
6. Coms - you WILL be laughing, hard and often.
7. Ammo - either free or at discount prices, need help, ask.
8. Mentor program - this will be by a case by case basis, there are people willing to show you the ropes of 0.0

What advantages does DTHI offer vrs other corps.
Offering everything yet within a loose framework has it's advantages, if you want to try activity after activity the only thing stopping you, is you. We don't put almost any restrictions on our members, want to try something, go for it, want to know how? Ask, usually someone in corp has done it, or is doing it right now anyway, want someone to partner up with ask around, usually people are looking for others to have a good time with.

We're OLD dammit (waves cane at you meddling kids!) , no not in RL (well some of us actually are 40+), but in game we are some of the oldest pilots in EVE. Even with 150+ members we have a skill point average of 70+ million sps, that's including sub 1 mill cyno alts, PI alts, and alts in general that aren't being trained. We don't care about keeping our 'average' high, it just happens, and if you want to know something, be taught something or be shown how to do something, you won't get 1 or 2 people that know how to do it, usually you'll get a few dozen that can easily help you out.

We are RL military friendly as well as REAL LIFE friendly. If you have something come up, simply TELL us and you won't be kicked out of corp if you are going AFK from the game for a set amount of time. We will purge inactives over time, but we give them the time they ask us for first, if you need a year+ we simply ask that you reapply when you are done unless you've been here for a while. In short, we will work with you instead of kicking you.

((Continued in next post))
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#3 - 2014-03-11 02:41:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Banlish
Out of EVE activities
Di-Tron is slowly becoming what I've always wanted it to be, a gaming league online. We don't just play EVE together, many of us will play other games like Civ 5, Starcraft 2, Minecraft, Mechwarrior Online, almost ANYTHING on Steam, and even a few people play console games together. We are EVE players first, but we will frequently go off on a tangent playing other games for a few days or a weeks then come roaring back to EVE.

What are the minimum requirements to get into DTHI.
Minimum 10m SP - Should be able to fly a snipe hac or bs, something useful in fleet.
INTERVIEW WITH A RECRUITER or SOMEONE IN CORP MUST VOUCH (you must be past your trial period to vouch)
Must have some sort of stable isk income (be able to rat, etc)
Subject to a 30 day review (aka must be doing SOMETHING)
Must be able to use Mumble/Teamspeak, no mic or unwilling to speak to us online, then please go elsewhere.
Either pass interview or Must include voucher name when applying. Include FULL api for expedient processing.
This does not exclude indy chars - but, in short, the recruitee must have something that makes him an asset to corp!

Hey, this sounds pretty good Ban, what's the next step?

Talk to an official recruiter, in our public channel "Di-Tron", the official recruiters are as follows: ((NOTE DO NOT CONTACT ME ON THIS CHARACTER))

HR head: Melzy
EU TZ: Melzy
US TZ: SpiffMonkie Purvanen
ROAMING recruiters for both TZ's ask anyone on in the channel "Di-Tron" that has a DTHI ticker.

REMEMBER do NOT contact me in game, the 6 people listed above this sentence are MUCH better of a chance then reaching me. Or just join our public channel: Di-Tron
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-03-11 02:58:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Just fearless
i like small talk, come chat with me.

come hang out in our pub chan or drop me a mail.
Benny Therios
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-03-11 08:24:49 UTC
(6:45:46 PM) fear: go say nice things about our corp
(6:45:47 PM) fear:
(6:45:53 PM) fear: go go go
(6:45:57 PM) fear:
(6:46:01 PM) fear: nice things

DTHI is a great corp, full of people dedicated to the corp and its people. This is because we have a curse that kills our alliances after 7 months, so the jerks that only want us for our sov don't stick around.

We have active Jabber and in-game corp channels, so if you actually bother to connect, you can make some good friends. We're a social group that's more concerned with fun than serious spaceship business. Hell, you can even call the important nerds rude things as long as you do it in the spirit of fun! **** you, Tevi!

We do strange things with pineapples!
#6 - 2014-03-11 22:23:00 UTC
You also get to listen to me prattle on about stupid crap on Jabber.

It's a win-win-win, really.
Benny Therios
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-03-11 23:23:18 UTC
Raketefrau wrote:
You also get to listen to me prattle on about stupid crap on Jabber.

It's a win-win-win, really.

He lies! Some of his crap isn't really stupid!
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-03-12 21:19:18 UTC
still recruiting.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-03-12 21:36:51 UTC
Great corp and worth taking a look for anyone in need of a great home!

Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-03-17 04:12:53 UTC
still recruiting.
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#11 - 2014-03-19 13:54:09 UTC
Yes, we are recruiting

Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#12 - 2014-03-21 08:15:16 UTC
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#13 - 2014-03-23 14:35:41 UTC
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#14 - 2014-04-07 09:56:24 UTC
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#15 - 2014-04-08 08:18:03 UTC
Big smile
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-04-18 08:44:25 UTC
Back to the top. If you have any questions please feel free to mail me
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-04-19 09:24:25 UTC
back to the top
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-04-19 19:05:56 UTC
to the top
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-04-20 10:24:23 UTC
to the top
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-04-21 03:23:23 UTC
to the toop
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