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Ganking is PVP

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#141 - 2014-03-13 21:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Xolve wrote:

Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.


Highsec is the most populated area in the game. It's where the industry is. It's where the market is and trillions of ISK are moved around day after day. I am sure something happens in a place like this that matters.

While I'll concede that industry and trade are sourced almost entirely out of highsec for a vast array of reasons, but the 'PvP' in highsec in the eyes of many, means very little to nothing. Sure The Mittani can give a speech and hundreds of CFC members will show up and gank everything they can, sure Warr Akini will keep the Ministry of Love alive and well profiting off the conplacency of many a freighter pilot, and sure a little swathe of miner bumpers/gankers will go about their regular duties; but to everyone that has left the empty vacuum of terrible gameplay (and even more terrible pilots) that is highsec, nothing that goes on here in relation to PvP means anything to anyone outside of highsec.

Of course this is just my opinion and all, try not to get too bent out of shape about it.

Edit: btw- PL doesn't live in Nullsec. Why I need to keep reiterating that, I'll never know.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2014-03-13 22:39:07 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:
A brief sidebar about semantics. Particularly in the code vernacular.

If the attack is against a bot (or aspirant) then 'technically' isn't it PVE. If shooting red +'s controlled by an AI is pve, then surely killing an afk miner could be considered in similar terms.

Insert Code and J315 champions of hisec PVE logo [Here]

This is fabulous. Does this mean that I wasn't lying when I told that corp I applied to that I was a PVE-er?

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

The Conference Elite
#143 - 2014-03-14 00:02:25 UTC
Xolve wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Ive said it before and will say it again. Jealousy is not an attractive quality friend.

Why would I ever be jealous of someone I didn't know existed until a few hours ago, and probably won't remember tomorrow?

One day you might be known, but today isn't that day.

haha wannabe pirate tears are the best tears i thankyou very much. just remember that i am still better then you at all aspects of pvp.
The Conference Elite
#144 - 2014-03-14 00:03:31 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Xolve wrote:

Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.


Highsec is the most populated area in the game. It's where the industry is. It's where the market is and trillions of ISK are moved around day after day. I am sure something happens in a place like this that matters.

Are you sure it does not matter who controls this place? Or do you think it can't be controlled and that capsuleers are only supposed to project power out there in nullsec where CCP created some game mechanic for it? Do you think the "endgame" is out there in some XYZ system and not in Jita because everyone tells you it has to be this way?

If you look at recent EVE trailers from CCP, they always have some kind of element about how the capsuleers influence in empire space is rising. So even CCP seams to acknowledge that we are taking over. I wait for the trailer where the CONCORD guy gets knocked down and James 315 takes over the mic.

Xolve = Rekt.

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#145 - 2014-03-14 01:31:58 UTC
loyalanon wrote:

What does this have to do to with the fact that high security space ganking is pvp?

A) I was replying to someone else, not to you, and B) Obviously its pvp. Duh. Why would you even make a topic like that? I'll re-use an analogy I saw somewhere else on this forum - racing mini-vans is technically auto-racing. It is not, however, a very meaningful type of auto racing. You're a mini-van racer; you rely entirely on attacking ships totally unsuited for combat. At least people ganking mission battleships or incursion battleships are attacking something that is theoretically a useful combat ship; short range Vanguard incursion blaster boats especially.

Tooting your own horn about killing a lot of mining barges makes you look like one of those starcraft players that gets to silver league by cannon rushing every game, can't rise any higher because people know how to counter it, then convinces himself he's good because he's not in bronze.

We have no interest in you or the BRAVE collective. Even brave collective guys jump in on our fleets for some pvp.

So? We have plenty of it where we are. BRAVE is huge; some people have esoteric interests.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Sara Careless
TRI Assault
#146 - 2014-03-14 01:56:19 UTC
ganking real life equivalent
running over a pedestrian in a cross walk and then bragging to everyone that your a hardened killer .

wile ill admit ganking is pvp in the sense your going against a player but i still dont like it as it makes my ships cost more.
Dexxel Farcry
Taggart Transdimensional
Virtue of Selfishness
#147 - 2014-03-14 02:26:53 UTC
Sara Careless wrote:
ganking real life equivalent
running over a pedestrian in a cross walk and then bragging to everyone that your a hardened killer .

wile ill admit ganking is pvp in the sense your going against a player but i still dont like it as it makes my ships cost more.

As in real life, so as in EvE -


Robbie Robot
Exiled Kings
Pain And Compliance
#148 - 2014-03-14 03:14:31 UTC
I have a solution to everyone's problems. If you don't like CODE, wardec them. It isn't like they are hiding in a NPC corp, or they are using disposable characters (using disposables to gank might be bannable, I can't remember). Wardec them. (sarcasm) Since they obviously have no PvP skills, you will be forcing them to dock, since if they fly in high, you'll get them, if they fly in low, the 'real' PvP'ers will get them, and if they fly in null, goons will get them.
The Conference Elite
#149 - 2014-03-14 03:56:15 UTC  |  Edited by: loyalanon
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

What does this have to do to with the fact that high security space ganking is pvp?

A) I was replying to someone else, not to you, and B) Obviously its pvp. Duh. Why would you even make a topic like that? I'll re-use an analogy I saw somewhere else on this forum - racing mini-vans is technically auto-racing. It is not, however, a very meaningful type of auto racing. You're a mini-van racer; you rely entirely on attacking ships totally unsuited for combat. At least people ganking mission battleships or incursion battleships are attacking something that is theoretically a useful combat ship; short range Vanguard incursion blaster boats especially.

Tooting your own horn about killing a lot of mining barges makes you look like one of those starcraft players that gets to silver league by cannon rushing every game, can't rise any higher because people know how to counter it, then convinces himself he's good because he's not in bronze.

We have no interest in you or the BRAVE collective. Even brave collective guys jump in on our fleets for some pvp.

So? We have plenty of it where we are. BRAVE is huge; some people have esoteric interests.

tldr. more tears please. umadbro?
#150 - 2014-03-14 04:55:36 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Good Morning esteemed community of C & P,

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a 2 month old high sec miner regarding myself and my corp ganking miners in high sec.

As is customary in local, after I fought a mackinaw with my catalyst I exclaimed "Good Fight" in local, and proceeded to express my love of PVP, by saying " I love to pvp"

A miner who was in the ice belt at the time proceeded to respond that it is not pvp due to it not being a fitted combat ship that could kill me. Killing defenceless ships is not pvp due to them not being able to fight you.

I proceeded to explain that as I was versing a player, and the person I killed was a player, therefore I was "versing" another player which qualifies to fall under player versus player.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but every ship in the game, besides concord, npc rats, faction police, customs officials etc is another player, and therefor ganking another player, defenceless or not is PVP.

Miners/carebears that read this need to be well aware that Ganking is PVP and always will be, defenceless or not.

Thankyou in advance,

The Conference Elite
Enforcer of the Code. and a true Champion of high sec.

Ganking a miner is no more 'PVP' than an adult slashing the throat of a baby is 'fighting'

....A 30 million SP Missioner facing NPC rats in a level one mission has more testicular fortitude than your average miner ganker.

The Conference Elite
#151 - 2014-03-14 05:05:46 UTC

Ganking a miner is no more 'PVP' than an adult slashing the throat of a baby is 'fighting'

....A 30 million SP Missioner facing NPC rats in a level one mission has more testicular fortitude than your average miner ganker.

But its still pvp, that is why everyone like yourself is getting upset about it
#152 - 2014-03-14 05:06:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Bing Bangboom wrote:
Having loyalanon and his rather numerous friends show up in Kino is always a treat for both myself and the Code compliant miners. Seeing a loud, foul mouthed rebel miner suddenly surrounded by red flashing ships and reduced to gas and podded 16 jumps away always raises moral (and silences dissent).

In any case, I'm pretty sure nobody is actually claiming that they are paragons of Eve PvP because they've destroyed dozen, hundreds or even thousands of miners. My opinion is that ganking IS PvP by definition. But elite PvP?

No. Elite PvP is controlling the activities of thousands of highsec miners who have bought permits or mine in Procurers despite that being the definition of surrendering to the reality of the New Order as the rightful authority of Highsec or the, now literally, thousands of complaints, insults, petitions, illogical rationalizations and down right real world threats that our activities have generated.

How many miners who formerly believed they could safely AFK mine in highsec now know different? How many ships have been tanked because the last one they had had been confiscated by New Order Knights? How many players who formerly thought they HAD to mine in highsec to start their Eve careers said, "Screw this!", strapped on guns instead of mining lasers and went out and shot somebody in the face.... all because a New Order ganker showed them there was a better way to play?

Some of the posters here have hit the truth very close, although they didn't mean to. The point of ganking isn't to destroy a mining ship, say "Yay, look at me!" and point to a nice kill board. No, the point, which is what the carebears HATE most about it, IS the meta. The "We control you", "No, you don't", BLAP! "Yes, we do...." If being ganked was what bothered people (and to tell the truth, it is what some people just want to avoid, hence the "tank your ships" comments) then we wouldn't see all the complaints about whether the Code was legitimate, whether we had "the right" to do what we do and oh, God! NOT THE ROLEPLAYING!

We sell hundreds of permits a month. We destroy thousands of ships. We make players change what they want to do, sometimes to what we tell them to do, sometimes to protect themselves while they fool themselves into thinking they are still in control of their game play. The angriest are the one who actually DO understand what we are doing. Because they know that despite all that has been said and done about it, we still enforce the Code every day.

I'm always very glad to hear that a particular miner who claims to have never been ganked or bumped by us is still very aware of our existence and what we require of them. Its one thing for someone who has personally been compelled by our Agents to go read . Its a demonstration of our real influence when those who haven't show they care about who we are and what we do.

Don't worry. Your turn will come.

Highsec is worth fighting for.

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

So, lemme get this straight, your definition of 'elite' PVP is scamming new players?


I didn't think it was possible but, we found the one group of self-righteous pricks with greater delusions of grandeur than the goons!
#153 - 2014-03-14 05:09:36 UTC
loyalanon wrote:

Ganking a miner is no more 'PVP' than an adult slashing the throat of a baby is 'fighting'

....A 30 million SP Missioner facing NPC rats in a level one mission has more testicular fortitude than your average miner ganker.

But its still pvp, that is why everyone like yourself is getting upset about it

I'm not 'upset' I'm laughing at these people who do the exact same activity the miners are doing... shooting at 'rocks' and somehow think they are masters of the universe

It really is entertaining Lol
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#154 - 2014-03-14 06:03:33 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
I've been telling them they're ridiculous this entire time, and live in low-sec, not null sec, so what you could possibly be talking about is a mystery to everyone but you. It seems to be the habit in here to imagine what someone said, and respond to that.

You just described every forum on the internet ever, kuddos! Lol

Tell me again what the point to all your posts is? Because it started out being ganking isn't pvp and went -> ganking is only pvp in lowsec -> ganking is ok -> only if you do it to certain people it's not OK -> it's because you chestbeat that I'm sad -> on and on... And you keep changing your narrative... not as much confusing as it is tiresome. So, again: What are you saying?

That people who start a thread about the question if ganking is PVP are chestbeating?
Or is it more like the fact that these people are having fun that bothers you? (<- This is why you are a wannabe Brave, you are in the alliance but you are clearly not adhering to their 'culture')

Xolve wrote:
And Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.

And yet, here you are, in a thread celebrating the elite Hisec pvpers, laminating about how everyone should kiss your elite nullbear feet and how much you lift or something.... Sad little wannabe Pirate

Nullsec is dead.
Lowsec is allright.
Highsec is worth fighting for.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#155 - 2014-03-14 06:25:00 UTC  |  Edited by: 412nv Yaken
Robbie Robot wrote:
I have a solution to everyone's problems. If you don't like CODE, wardec them. It isn't like they are hiding in a NPC corp, or they are using disposable characters (using disposables to gank might be bannable, I can't remember). Wardec them. (sarcasm) Since they obviously have no PvP skills, you will be forcing them to dock, since if they fly in high, you'll get them, if they fly in low, the 'real' PvP'ers will get them, and if they fly in null, goons will get them.

I think you will find that true champions such as loyal and myself pvper miners on our mains. Whilst yes it is true some use disposable characters, true champions don't.

A True Champion of High Security Space

412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#156 - 2014-03-14 06:31:26 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

Ganking a miner is no more 'PVP' than an adult slashing the throat of a baby is 'fighting'

....A 30 million SP Missioner facing NPC rats in a level one mission has more testicular fortitude than your average miner ganker.

But its still pvp, that is why everyone like yourself is getting upset about it

I'm not 'upset' I'm laughing at these people who do the exact same activity the miners are doing... shooting at 'rocks' and somehow think they are masters of the universe

It really is entertaining Lol

Looks to me someone is trying to cover how upset they are with the use of smiley faces. The fact is you posted 3 times in quick succession angry that miner PVP is the best PVP. That's right person vs person.

A True Champion of High Security Space

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#157 - 2014-03-14 06:31:56 UTC
We, as a collective, should coin the term and rules for "honourable" forum PvP.

Some of these respondents make it so easy.

Which brings us back to the root question, is it PvP? And particularly, if someone won't (read can't?) protect themselves, does it invalidate the PvP-ness of calling them out?

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#158 - 2014-03-14 06:32:26 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Bing Bangboom wrote:
Having loyalanon and his rather numerous friends show up in Kino is always a treat for both myself and the Code compliant miners. Seeing a loud, foul mouthed rebel miner suddenly surrounded by red flashing ships and reduced to gas and podded 16 jumps away always raises moral (and silences dissent).

In any case, I'm pretty sure nobody is actually claiming that they are paragons of Eve PvP because they've destroyed dozen, hundreds or even thousands of miners. My opinion is that ganking IS PvP by definition. But elite PvP?

No. Elite PvP is controlling the activities of thousands of highsec miners who have bought permits or mine in Procurers despite that being the definition of surrendering to the reality of the New Order as the rightful authority of Highsec or the, now literally, thousands of complaints, insults, petitions, illogical rationalizations and down right real world threats that our activities have generated.

How many miners who formerly believed they could safely AFK mine in highsec now know different? How many ships have been tanked because the last one they had had been confiscated by New Order Knights? How many players who formerly thought they HAD to mine in highsec to start their Eve careers said, "Screw this!", strapped on guns instead of mining lasers and went out and shot somebody in the face.... all because a New Order ganker showed them there was a better way to play?

Some of the posters here have hit the truth very close, although they didn't mean to. The point of ganking isn't to destroy a mining ship, say "Yay, look at me!" and point to a nice kill board. No, the point, which is what the carebears HATE most about it, IS the meta. The "We control you", "No, you don't", BLAP! "Yes, we do...." If being ganked was what bothered people (and to tell the truth, it is what some people just want to avoid, hence the "tank your ships" comments) then we wouldn't see all the complaints about whether the Code was legitimate, whether we had "the right" to do what we do and oh, God! NOT THE ROLEPLAYING!

We sell hundreds of permits a month. We destroy thousands of ships. We make players change what they want to do, sometimes to what we tell them to do, sometimes to protect themselves while they fool themselves into thinking they are still in control of their game play. The angriest are the one who actually DO understand what we are doing. Because they know that despite all that has been said and done about it, we still enforce the Code every day.

I'm always very glad to hear that a particular miner who claims to have never been ganked or bumped by us is still very aware of our existence and what we require of them. Its one thing for someone who has personally been compelled by our Agents to go read . Its a demonstration of our real influence when those who haven't show they care about who we are and what we do.

Don't worry. Your turn will come.

Highsec is worth fighting for.

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

So, lemme get this straight, your definition of 'elite' PVP is scamming new players?


I didn't think it was possible but, we found the one group of self-righteous pricks with greater delusions of grandeur than the goons!

Nowhere in the post you quoted is there a reference to "new players", nor "scamming".

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

#159 - 2014-03-14 06:36:53 UTC
412nv Yaken wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

Ganking a miner is no more 'PVP' than an adult slashing the throat of a baby is 'fighting'

....A 30 million SP Missioner facing NPC rats in a level one mission has more testicular fortitude than your average miner ganker.

But its still pvp, that is why everyone like yourself is getting upset about it

I'm not 'upset' I'm laughing at these people who do the exact same activity the miners are doing... shooting at 'rocks' and somehow think they are masters of the universe

It really is entertaining Lol

Looks to me someone is trying to cover how upset they are with the use of smiley faces. The fact is you posted 3 times in quick succession angry that miner PVP is the best PVP. That's right person vs person.

hokay 'champion' killer of trial accounts, whatever you want to delude yourself with.
#160 - 2014-03-14 06:39:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Capt Starfox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Bing Bangboom wrote:
Having loyalanon and his rather numerous friends show up in Kino is always a treat for both myself and the Code compliant miners. Seeing a loud, foul mouthed rebel miner suddenly surrounded by red flashing ships and reduced to gas and podded 16 jumps away always raises moral (and silences dissent).

In any case, I'm pretty sure nobody is actually claiming that they are paragons of Eve PvP because they've destroyed dozen, hundreds or even thousands of miners. My opinion is that ganking IS PvP by definition. But elite PvP?

No. Elite PvP is controlling the activities of thousands of highsec miners who have bought permits or mine in Procurers despite that being the definition of surrendering to the reality of the New Order as the rightful authority of Highsec or the, now literally, thousands of complaints, insults, petitions, illogical rationalizations and down right real world threats that our activities have generated.

How many miners who formerly believed they could safely AFK mine in highsec now know different? How many ships have been tanked because the last one they had had been confiscated by New Order Knights? How many players who formerly thought they HAD to mine in highsec to start their Eve careers said, "Screw this!", strapped on guns instead of mining lasers and went out and shot somebody in the face.... all because a New Order ganker showed them there was a better way to play?

Some of the posters here have hit the truth very close, although they didn't mean to. The point of ganking isn't to destroy a mining ship, say "Yay, look at me!" and point to a nice kill board. No, the point, which is what the carebears HATE most about it, IS the meta. The "We control you", "No, you don't", BLAP! "Yes, we do...." If being ganked was what bothered people (and to tell the truth, it is what some people just want to avoid, hence the "tank your ships" comments) then we wouldn't see all the complaints about whether the Code was legitimate, whether we had "the right" to do what we do and oh, God! NOT THE ROLEPLAYING!

We sell hundreds of permits a month. We destroy thousands of ships. We make players change what they want to do, sometimes to what we tell them to do, sometimes to protect themselves while they fool themselves into thinking they are still in control of their game play. The angriest are the one who actually DO understand what we are doing. Because they know that despite all that has been said and done about it, we still enforce the Code every day.

I'm always very glad to hear that a particular miner who claims to have never been ganked or bumped by us is still very aware of our existence and what we require of them. Its one thing for someone who has personally been compelled by our Agents to go read . Its a demonstration of our real influence when those who haven't show they care about who we are and what we do.

Don't worry. Your turn will come.

Highsec is worth fighting for.

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

So, lemme get this straight, your definition of 'elite' PVP is scamming new players?


I didn't think it was possible but, we found the one group of self-righteous pricks with greater delusions of grandeur than the goons!

Nowhere in the post you quoted is there a reference to "new players", nor "scamming".

The Permit Fee is a scam, the only targets they can ever hope to go after are new eve players... therefore the whole post is referencing scamming and targeting of the newest members of our community