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Karen Galeo for CSM9

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Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-03-08 22:52:59 UTC
Hello, my fellow capsuleers. My name is Karen, and I am running for CSM9.

I realize that I do not have the large presence in the community, so let me tell you a little about myself. I am a fairly new player at Eve, and I live in a C5 wormhole. I love the small gang meta, the stalking and hunting that goes on in w-space, and most of all I love the community. Aside from getting myself blown up in whatever I'm flying and throwing bombs at people's posses, I like chatting with other pilots, digging into markets, and managing logistics. No, really, I do enjoy it. Don't judge me. o.o

I am, as I said, a fairly new player to Eve and I love it. I am enthusiastic about the game, enthusiastic about new players, and I am willing to put in the hours and do the work to represent the community. At the moment I am most closely connected to a number of the communities in w-space, but I want to expand my social networks and get to know more of the wider community.

I feel that I can bring a fresh, energetic perspective to the table. Although I have yet to memorize the statistics for each hull, and do not have the fleet experience to guess how adding five power grid to a drake will affect the SovNull meta, I *do* understand people. I understand experience, and selling new players on The Experience is what Eve needs in order to grow. My primary issues are related to that: getting people to play, converting trial players into active corp members, retaining pilots, and on getting more pilots and corporations to move into w-space as well.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Talene Desole
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-03-11 09:47:00 UTC
Got my support, think it would be nice to have a new players perspective on the challenges of entering and remaining a part of this game's community and competitions. It's a great game, and there are some nice new player tools, but it can be a rude awakening for folks coming from other game types too which may drive them off :)
Henry Cummings
Mince n Tatties
#3 - 2014-03-15 02:08:07 UTC
+1 for karen, as so far I've greatly enjoyed her interactions with the wormhole community.

I'd to know a bit more about you, however. What do you do in RL? How will this apply to your actions as a CSM delegate?
Pris 7
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-03-15 19:03:07 UTC
Can you confirm rumors that you are, in fact, a female in RL? Shocked

This will get you my vote as I am young, impressionable and full of hormones.

Also you seem intelligent and I love your blog.
Tyrant Scorn
#5 - 2014-03-15 20:49:14 UTC
Pris 7 wrote:
Can you confirm rumors that you are, in fact, a female in RL? Shocked

If you wait till tomorrow you will be able to hear for yoursefl... Just did an interview with Karen for the podcast csm interview series.
Pris 7
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-03-15 21:02:14 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Pris 7 wrote:
Can you confirm rumors that you are, in fact, a female in RL? Shocked

If you wait till tomorrow you will be able to hear for yoursefl... Just did an interview with Karen for the podcast csm interview series.

1 day? Are you editing things?

Also could you change the link in your signature so that it actually links to your ? I have noticed your tendency to flame anyone and everyone for their diction, grammar and imperfections so this tends to stand out a little.

Also it is spelled "Yourself"
Tyrant Scorn
#7 - 2014-03-15 21:22:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrant Scorn
Pris 7 wrote:
Also could you change the link in your signature so that it actually links to your ? I have noticed your tendency to flame anyone and everyone for their diction, grammar and imperfections so this tends to stand out a little.

I think you confuse me with someone else, since I never flame or correct people on their grammar. I would be the last person to do this, since I'm from a non-English speaking country. I might have joked about someones grammar once or twice... but nothing close to it being a "tendency"... You're over exaggerating a little, or you're confusing me with someone else.

Pris 7 wrote:
1 day? Are you editing things?

Yes I am editing and yes, I do have a real life, a family and some responsibilities outside of Eve Online... So yes, 1 day seems pretty decent don't you think ?

Pris 7 wrote:
Also could you change the link in your signature so that it actually links to your ?

Thanks for pointing out this mistake... I will fix it asap.
Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-03-15 22:36:40 UTC
Henry Cummings wrote:
+1 for karen, as so far I've greatly enjoyed her interactions with the wormhole community.

I'd to know a bit more about you, however. What do you do in RL? How will this apply to your actions as a CSM delegate?

o7 Thank you for that, Talene, Henry. I appreciate the support. :)

IRL I help run a small business, doing most of the accounting. I have also worked at a CPA firm in the past, and am a hobby economist. Although I am not running on an economics/market platform, it is something I have enjoyed researching and playing with. I understand things like return on investment, the way markets reach their prices, and the sort of cost v value calculations that people make when they are laying their plans and deciding what they want to do.

I've also been a gamer for most of my life, and have played a number of other MMO's in the past where I have been in group leadership and/or support roles. Although there are inter-corp dynamics quite unique to Eve Online, I still have plenty of experience working with diverse groups of gamers, building relationships and helping maintain a cohesive group.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-03-15 22:46:39 UTC
Pris 7 wrote:
Can you confirm rumors that you are, in fact, a female in RL? Shocked

This will get you my vote as I am young, impressionable and full of hormones.

Also you seem intelligent and I love your blog.

Thank you, Pris 7, I appreciate the compliments. I am a woman IRL, but please do not vote for me based on hormones. :) I am looking forward to the cleaned up interview going out, iI enjoyed it.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-03-15 22:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Karen Galeo
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Pris 7 wrote:
Can you confirm rumors that you are, in fact, a female in RL? Shocked

If you wait till tomorrow you will be able to hear for yoursefl... Just did an interview with Karen for the podcast csm interview series.

Thanks again for having me on. :)

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

#11 - 2014-03-17 11:14:04 UTC
After hearing you on DTP podcast and realising how new of a player you are to EVE and then even newer to WH space i find it scary that you want to run for CSM and directly influence that space and i feel you don't have the experience to fully understand balance of all the areas in Wh space.

I look forward to you running for CSM 10 after more playtime in WH's i may change my mind about voting for you in CSM 10 but at this stage i won't be voting for you even on a shared Wh ticket.
Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2014-03-17 21:07:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Karen Galeo
Edit: forums hate my phone

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-03-17 21:08:24 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
After hearing you on DTP podcast and realising how new of a player you are to EVE and then even newer to WH space i find it scary that you want to run for CSM and directly influence that space and i feel you don't have the experience to fully understand balance of all the areas in Wh space.

I look forward to you running for CSM 10 after more playtime in WH's i may change my mind about voting for you in CSM 10 but at this stage i won't be voting for you even on a shared Wh ticket.


Thank you for listening, Winthrop, and I appreciate that you thought it worth your time to comment. I absolutely encourage everyone to vote for the slate of candidates that they feel represents them best, even if I am not in the top dozen for someone. If you feel that other candidates better encapsulate your opinions, I respect that and certainly can't begrudge your opinion.

To address your concerns, please let me assure you that although I scare many casual acquaintances with my enthusiasm and passion, and my joy for bloodshed, those who are my friends know they have very little to fear. I may not have rote memorization of pve site progression or the information embedded in K162 graphics, but I also have yet to develop rote dogma about How Things Must Be. I am open to new ideas (if they are good - no worm hole stabilizers or moving silos and assembly arrays out of pos shields) and I feel I empathize with, and understand the views of, a wider audience.

Many people cling to what they have and what is because it is good enough. It is what they know and where they feel safe. Sometimes, though, you need to be willing to take a few steps away from safety in order to find something new and great. I like top think that I am grounded enough to recognize horrible ideas when I see them, and fresh enough to not dismiss something out of hand because it is different.

Are there specific items you may be worried I would support?

If it helps, I am absolutely for things like removing instant signature population for people who are not probing, for personal ship maintenance arrays, and against modules to counter cloaking.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Tyrant Scorn
#14 - 2014-03-17 23:35:56 UTC
Your interview is up. You can download the Mp3 here:

I will upload the YouTube version tomorrow.

I do hope you are sincere and can certainly see Winthorp's concerns.
Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-03-18 00:09:22 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:

I do hope you are sincere and can certainly see Winthorp's concerns.

I assure you, I am absolutely, entirely sincere.

Although I do not have the tenure with Eve that many of the other people running for CSM hold, I have been playing MMO's for nearly two decades now and I have witnessed community pressure twist games into pale shadows of what they were (like WoW's continued march towards Hello Kitty Online) and games crash in flames because the developers ignored community feedback (like FF14). It is a delicate subject.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Esha Amphal
#16 - 2014-03-19 04:46:21 UTC
Hello there Ms. Galeo,

I've personally communicated with select candidates that I feel are of particular interest over the others, and are worth increased consideration concerning CSM9's vote ballot. In my opinion you certainly fit that description, but I continue to worry that you may fall short this year considering the line up is quite exceptional. Who to vote for is a more difficult choice compared to last year, I will say, and so I give you this opportunity to sway my considerations in the favor of what you believe to be best for Eve Online.

It is a frequent concern of the player base that you have participated in Eve for a short while, meaning you may be too inexperienced to give developers the best possible player insight. Once elected NDA obligations tend to prohibit specific outward communications, and insomuch as you have the developers and the rest of CSM9 available to question, I'm sure it will feel like you have to stand on your own two feet and personal experience. Isolated, in a way. You have been posed with questions of this nature repeatedly, so I will refrain from the same and merely put it out there for you to touch on, should you feel it a worthwhile topic (and not beating a dead horse).

What I will say... It is my strong belief that the CSM and its process should be very careful not to become elitist in nature. Of course, the more insight you have to offer the developers the better but this is only a part of what your responsibilities could be. Fresh blood, a brand new perspective - someone capable of piping up with the n00b point of view - these are qualities that the voters need to keep in mind for the CSM. Incumbents that we already voted in last year with these traits - Ali Aras, Mike Azariah perhaps - lose their grasp on these very traits over time. The potency of their new point of view fades because they aren't n00bs anymore.

Ali Aras was last year's best example, a player of some nine months who had dived head-first into null-sec, player-vs-player combat, fleet command, etc. Highly unusual styles of play for a new player to commit to, and she brought fresh perspective to the table. She also did her utmost to communicate inwardly to CCP and outwardly to the players, essentially wearing the double burden of Secretary and Vice Secretary when a certain member of CSM8 decided to vanish. Google hang outs, blogs, twitters, you name it. She did it. Eve character was the youngest, and she was right up there with the likes of Ripard Teg and Mike Azariah, outwardly communicating. Making sure the player base wasn't in the dark.

That said, she first tried the game some six years ago - high sec carebear mining veldspar and crying when she was can flipped - so she had at the very least recognized the game ages ago, put her two ISK in and left again. So as for my first real question of this post - hooray Esha is getting to the point! Where the heck have you been all this time? Why has Eve not been important enough to you for the last 10-11 years but now suddenly it's super-duper important enough to run for CSM9?

I note you have a blog, and you're making use of that recently. Bravo! Maybe you can follow in the footsteps of retiring CSM8 member Ripard Teg and his bravery concerning where the line of the NDA is drawn and how close to the line you're allowed to place your toes? I hear you're also dipping those toes in the forums - careful they bite in there - so that's also a plus. How else do you plan on committing to your soon-to-be responsibility of outwardly communicating to the player base? Do you use Twitter considering a rather large, vocal portion of the community make their voices heard there? It's essentially an information feed that you plug into your brain when you're following a lot of people, and vice versa can transmit information to a great deal of people swiftly and accurately. Quite the CSM9 weapon to have in the arsenal I'd offer.

Anywho's, tldr; talk talk too much talk questions suggestions.

Thank you for your time. If my theory is correct and you don't make it this year I expect you to take a page out of Mike Azariah's book. Never give up.

Jaun Pacht-Feng
#17 - 2014-03-19 16:14:39 UTC
From your recent podcasts. With your lack of involvement with the community and lack of knowledge of EVE as a whole. How do you expect to represent the community when you do not have the slightest clue on how most of the game works?

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-03-19 18:04:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Karen Galeo
Esha Amphal wrote:
Hello there Ms. Galeo,

I've personally communicated with select candidates that I feel are of particular interest over the others, and are worth increased consideration concerning CSM9's vote ballot. In my opinion you certainly fit that description, but I continue to worry that you may fall short this year considering the line up is quite exceptional. Who to vote for is a more difficult choice compared to last year, I will say, and so I give you this opportunity to sway my considerations in the favor of what you believe to be best for Eve Online.

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and your considerations; that was an excellent post and I will do my best to fully provide answers for you.

At the time I decided to run, I had been following Delcarations of War, and Ali Aras, for a while - but I didn't know she was that new either. I find it heartening, but I do want to make it perfectly clear that I am not in any way, shape, or form trying to be Ali 2.0. She is a wonderful asset to the community and sets a fantastic example, but we must all forge our own path and do things our own way.

You asked where I have been. I touched on it in one of my blog posts - I was too poor to get into Eve back when it launched, and by the time I was into MMOs I had heard enough dark things about Eve Online that it simply did not sound like fun. I myself have never had an account on Something Awful, but I had friends who competed in Photoshop Friday, and friends who are huge fans of Let's Play, and whenever I mentioned Eve they would have stories of Goons ruining people's days and tell me not to play. From other sources, I heard about hundred-dollar spaceships being blown up, people being scammed, corporations being gutted from within for the giggles of it... and, quite frankly, my opinion of Eve five years ago was that it must be some horrible game with horrible people that do nothing but horrible things to each other. I also tried getting into a few other space-themed MMO's, and all of them did fairly poorly; my impression of the entire genre suffered.

With the Star Citizen kickstarter gaining so much press, I decided to try getting into space MMO's again. I have never been a fan of dogfighter games, though; I wanted fleets of battleships, rail cannons volleying smaller ships into pieces. I wanted a game with a large scale, where you could take systems and lay siege to starbases. Eve offered all of that, and I decided I should give it a fair try.

It certainly wasn't love at first undocking, I'll admit. The NPC corp chat was bad enough that I left it hidden most of the time, and several of the people that I met and liked churned out of the game early. Mining was boring, but it seemed like all I could do while I waited for skills to train up. Being lonely and bored is not a good thing for a new player's morale, and I was ready to simply let my account expire after the initial three week .

That changed when our corp was wardec'd and we accelerated our plans to move into w-space. In the span of twenty four hours, I helped move the corp assets into a C2, set up a POS, and packed in everything I'd need for a couple of weeks. It was fun. It was thrilling. We got into a lot of fights with other groups that week, and more in the following months, and that taste of PvP and the independence of living in a wormhole system hooked me - ever since then I've regularly been spending 8 - 10 hours a day on Eve and Eve-related things, learning (and putting into practice) everything I could about the mechanics and metas in w-space and throughout the rest of the game.

The blog has been fun, and is here to stay; if I do make it into the CSM, I will certainly be posting regular updates there, and I am not a stranger to NDA and confidentiality agreements. I'm comfortable talking around the edges of things, although I would absolutely under no circumstances breach the NDA, in letter or in spirit. I'm old enough that I remember the early days of the internet, and so I am rather slow to pick up on things like Facebook or Twitter (I did not have a Twitter account previously) but as you say, it is important to be able to hear what people are saying in any channel you can.

Thanks again for the post, and I hope I continue to hold your interest. o7

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Jaun Pacht-Feng
#19 - 2014-03-20 10:13:01 UTC
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
From your recent podcasts. With your lack of involvement with the community and lack of knowledge of EVE as a whole. How do you expect to represent the community when you do not have the slightest clue on how most of the game works?

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#20 - 2014-03-20 16:53:17 UTC
I admire your enthusiasm for jumping right in. It's very EVE-like, in the best way.

A few questions:

1) You mention being unimpressed with your experience of EVE as a new player. This is a common enough problem that CCP is actively looking to address it--and specifically, the issue of getting new players hooked into the existing social networks--as we speak. With the perspective of an abject newbie fresh on your mind, what would you tell them if they asked you for feedback? How did you find your corp?

2) You sound like the type of player called an "enabler:" the people who buy, schlep, and set up all the stuff so that everyone else can use it. CCP Seagull, one of the senior producers, said a year or so ago that EVE treats enablers "like ****," and vowed to change that. As a wormhole dweller, you're (getting) used to a particularly maddening kind of logistics, although nullsec large-alliance logistics are a whole different kind of hair-raising. What do you like? What do you not like?

3) How were the tutorials, in-game guides, and suggested further reading helpful? How were they unhelpful? How did the whole arrangement strike you in terms of engagement and effectiveness?

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

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