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Announcement: Sacrifice of 1,000,000 Slaves to God

First post
Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#121 - 2014-03-08 12:34:31 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Oh, hello Odelya, watcha' been up to lately? Haven't seen you around for a bit.

Thank you for asking. I am relaxing, and have no intention to change that.

Nauplius wrote:
Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:
Even the tiny tropical island which provides me with shelter and champagne at the moment, did not remain silent and the news of the Saloti Incident reached my ears. As always Samira Kernher’s blunt “opinions” and the constant outrage of those who claim this and that is morally monstrous and those who believe it is daily business, have become a predictable ritual...

However, I have some questions for Mr Nauplius: Can you elaborate on what makes slaves subhuman? What were they punished for? [You said that you exercised capital punishment.] For the weakness of the Amarr Empire? Why do you care about that when you are a citizen of the Kingdom? What does your holder think of this?

Your Grace —

Slaves abide under the wrath of God due not only to their sins but also those of their forebearers from the time when, as the Scriptures say, "blasphemy and heresy ruled the land." God burns with wrath toward them; He loathes them not less that we loath a fedo dung beetle; He loathes them not less than those whom He has already sent to Abaddon. Only the Amarr, the Chosen of God, the elect of God, the ones of whom the Scriptures say "lived righteously and in fear of God" are spared from birth the wrath of God.

As a slaveowner, I have both legal and moral power of life and death over these filthy wretches. I chose for them death.

I often use the word Amarr in an imprecise fashion where the term "Greater Amarr" might be more appropriate.

I would not presume to bother my holder (Zidarez Khanid of the Royal Khanid Navy) with petty questions about slaves than I would ask him whether I had permission to push garbage out my airlock.

Thank you for answering my questions, Nauplius. I cannot argue with you on the base that you are free to do whatever you want with your slaves as far as property rights are concerned. I think I don’t need to remind you of a slave owner’s obligation to aid and abet slaves to redeem for their sins and those of their forefathers? To take them to the path of enlightenment through labour and service? In the end it is God who will judge us. And I believe that in many ways it would be much better if we would restrict slave ownership to holders: many commoners seem to lack in consciousness of tradition. It remains to be seen if your aim—to restore the glory of the past—has been served well. I don’t see any connection between the sacrifice of a million slaves and the glory of a vanished past. But that is your decision and I agree with you that the Empire is nothing but a rotten, decaying corpse lead by illegitimate bodies and entities, in utter need of refertilisation.
Jill Busa
Busa's Call
#122 - 2014-03-19 20:28:35 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
At approximately 16:00 on 2014.03.03, over 1,000,000 Slaves were sacrificed to God by my hand.

Oh, you evil, evil person, you.
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#123 - 2014-03-19 20:56:32 UTC
Nauplius wrote:

The Amarr people have become liberal and weak.

I would say that a man that blows up this much of his own property is neither proving conviction nor strength. He is merely proving he is stupid and wasteful.

Nauplius wrote:
Once other peoples looked upon us with fear and horror; now we beg them to like us and apologize to them for our God and our slaves.

It is actually quite easy to have people look upon you with fear and horror. One can simple destroy and kill without proper rhyme or reason like you did. It *is* hard to have people look upon you with awe and admiration. That is probably what you desire, but you seem to have confused the concepts somewhere along the way. If you mention Molok the deceiver, you must be familiar with the Sefrim. I would say the people looked upon them with awe, not with fear or horror, don't you?

What many Amarr, like yourself, seem to have forgotten is that we didn't get our lofty position in the universe by wanton destruction, but by millenia of struggle while staying meek and humble. The power you wield in the mortal world has made your forget that such means little to your immortal soul.

All that said, one man's sacrifice will not move a holy and righteous God to favor the Amarr with His blessing once again.

I think you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the word 'sacrifice'. It implies giving up something that is dear to you. Were those slaves dear to you or not?
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2014-03-19 21:00:59 UTC
Merdaneth wrote:
I think you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the word 'sacrifice'. It implies giving up something that is dear to you.

Oh! In that case, he could sacrifice his ego.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Hoi Andrapodistai
#125 - 2014-03-19 22:34:46 UTC
Sir —

Despite our disagreements on this matter, it is nonetheless an honor to be addressed by a living legend such as Merdaneth.

Merdaneth wrote:

It is actually quite easy to have people look upon you with fear and horror. One can simple destroy and kill without proper rhyme or reason like you did. It *is* hard to have people look upon you with awe and admiration. That is probably what you desire, but you seem to have confused the concepts somewhere along the way. If you mention Molok the deceiver, you must be familiar with the Sefrim. I would say the people looked upon them with awe, not with fear or horror, don't you?

I do not seek admiration. I seek to create Shock and Awe; to reduce the foes of the Chosen to trembling husks.


What many Amarr, like yourself, seem to have forgotten is that we didn't get our lofty position in the universe by wanton destruction, but by millenia of struggle while staying meek and humble. The power you wield in the mortal world has made your forget that such means little to your immortal soul.

On the very first page of this thread, I posted death totals for just one of the many battles of the Reclaiming,one from the very height of the empire's power and might, when all the cluster looked upon us with fear and trembling and only the combined power of the Gallente, Minmatar, and Jove could defeat us, and that not without treachery. That death toll dwarfs my little slave sacrifice here — if the Amarr people cannot accept a million dead, they will certainly not accept the billions or trillions that will die in a renewed Reclaiming, and so God will not grant a renewed Reclaiming.


I think you are unfamiliar with the meaning of the word 'sacrifice'. It implies giving up something that is dear to you. Were those slaves dear to you or not?

The Scriptures say that Molok the Deceiver was sacrificed on the altar of God — at that moment, he was dear to no one doing the sacrificing.
Gaven Lok'ri
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#126 - 2014-03-20 00:50:08 UTC
The issue is not that Amarr cannot stomach a death toll, you insane moron, but that your "sacrifice" is a pointless waste of life and resources that could be better spent strengthening the empire of the faithful and that human sacrifice is not orthodox practice. Molok was an extremely special case.

Admiral of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore 24th Imperial Crusade

Holder. Vassal of the Emperor Family

Kyllsa Siikanen
Tuonelan Virta
#127 - 2014-03-20 01:59:10 UTC
He's still posting.

Maybe if he keeps going, we'll all be reduced to "trembling husks" in a few more years.

I mean, 700 years of occupation and all managed to make us stop resi... err.



“Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” 

― C.S. Lewis 

Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#128 - 2014-03-20 02:51:53 UTC
Gaven Lok'ri wrote:
The issue is not that Amarr cannot stomach a death toll, you insane moron, but that your "sacrifice" is a pointless waste of life and resources that could be better spent strengthening the empire of the faithful and that human sacrifice is not orthodox practice.

Given that the discussion continues, I would think that even those loyal to the rewards of Her Majesty's frequent flyer mileage program would have dropped assertions of "pointless" by now. And yet, no.

I wonder how many see the delicious irony.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#129 - 2014-03-20 03:11:56 UTC
Kyllsa Siikanen wrote:
He's still posting.

Maybe if he keeps going, we'll all be reduced to "trembling husks" in a few more years.

I mean, 700 years of occupation and all managed to make us stop resi... err.



I'm just confused as to why the senseless killing of helpless captives is supposed to make warriors tremble in fear?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Agiri Falken
Akagi Initiative
#130 - 2014-03-20 05:33:24 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Kyllsa Siikanen wrote:
He's still posting.

Maybe if he keeps going, we'll all be reduced to "trembling husks" in a few more years.

I mean, 700 years of occupation and all managed to make us stop resi... err.



I'm just confused as to why the senseless killing of helpless captives is supposed to make warriors tremble in fear?

For the same reason that some jackass with a hostage doesn't realize you're just going to end him the second he kills that hostage. The illusion of control. Seen it over and over, and they only get the picture when they're riddled with holes half a second later, and don't even rate a headline in passing after the fact.
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#131 - 2014-03-20 08:22:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Merdaneth
Nauplius wrote:

On the very first page of this thread, I posted death totals for just one of the many battles of the Reclaiming,one from the very height of the empire's power and might, when all the cluster looked upon us with fear and trembling and only the combined power of the Gallente, Minmatar, and Jove could defeat us, and that not without treachery. That death toll dwarfs my little slave sacrifice here — if the Amarr people cannot accept a million dead, they will certainly not accept the billions or trillions that will die in a renewed Reclaiming, and so God will not grant a renewed Reclaiming.

This is the difference between the righteousness and hubris. The righteous man strikes down his target for a just reason, the man with hubris strikes down his target because he can or because it serves his own ends.

Yes, others might view us with shock and horror because of what we do, but we don't care enough about those people's opinions for it to matter. We do what we do because it is the just and right thing to do. That is the Amarr way.

Nauplius wrote:
The Scriptures say that Molok the Deceiver was sacrificed on the altar of God — at that moment, he was dear to no one doing the sacrificing.

My apologies, I thought you meant personal sacrifice but I now realize you mean ritual sacrifice. I could not image you meant ritual sacrifice, since as Admiral Lok'ri pointed out ritual sacrifice is not a common Amarr tradition. Personal sacrifice is an common Amarr tradition. I believe you know the scripture about Garum and Zakara? Please do not confuse the two in the future, and do not use phrases as 'one man's sacrifice' in your post if you don't mean personal sacrifice.

I am also shocked the you seem to equate the crimes of your slaves with the crimes of Molok the Deceiver. If your soul was tainted by the wanton destruction of so much property before, then I'm convinced its damned by your statement that your deed was of similar significance to that legendary tale. I am certainly relieved that I never have to stand before God and claim such a thing on judgement day.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#132 - 2014-03-20 13:07:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Nauplius
Merdaneth wrote:

My apologies, I thought you meant personal sacrifice but I now realize you mean ritual sacrifice. I could not image you meant ritual sacrifice, since as Admiral Lok'ri pointed out ritual sacrifice is not a common Amarr tradition. Personal sacrifice is an common Amarr tradition. I believe you know the scripture about Garum and Zakara? Please do not confuse the two in the future, and do not use phrases as 'one man's sacrifice' in your post if you don't mean personal sacrifice.

I am also shocked the you seem to equate the crimes of your slaves with the crimes of Molok the Deceiver. If your soul was tainted by the wanton destruction of so much property before, then I'm convinced its damned by your statement that your deed was of similar significance to that legendary tale. I am certainly relieved that I never have to stand before God and claim such a thing on judgement day.

Pilot Merdaneth —

In lately revealed True Scripture, God has announced that He has given the Minmatar Republic over to destruction. In the blood of those reprobates, the wayward but still Chosen people of God shall wash away their own sins and prove their worthiness of a renewed Reclaiming; the blood of the Brutor shall give strength; that of the Sebiestor, intellect; and that of the Vherokior, wisdom.

Is it no co-incidence that the sacrifice of Molok the Deceiver launched the new Empire founded by Amash-Akura upon centuries of conquest? The blood of the Minmatar Republic shall fuel a thousand conquests more. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2014-03-20 13:12:30 UTC
Is this some kind of incredibly devious trick by the Amarrians to make their more "liberal" members seem less ridiculous and more personable by comparison?

Because it's working.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#134 - 2014-03-20 13:13:38 UTC
Alistair Cononach
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#135 - 2014-03-20 16:21:35 UTC
Foolish, wasteful, frivolous, sadistic and pointless stupidity, writ large.

God does not smile upon you, or your insanity. Or your Gallente-like desire for attention.

You’re no better, and no more Holy, than the average Blood Raider heretic.
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#136 - 2014-03-20 17:30:11 UTC
Alistair Cononach wrote:
Foolish, wasteful, frivolous, sadistic and pointless stupidity, writ large.

God does not smile upon you, or your insanity. Or your Gallente-like desire for attention.

You’re no better, and no more Holy, than the average Blood Raider heretic.

Hey! Don't compare him with us. I have yet to meet a Gallentian that's that hard up for attention.Ugh

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#137 - 2014-03-20 17:40:22 UTC
Alistair Cononach wrote:
Foolish, wasteful, frivolous, sadistic and pointless stupidity, writ large.

God does not smile upon you, or your insanity. Or your Gallente-like desire for attention.

You’re no better, and no more Holy, than the average Blood Raider heretic.

He's worse, actually. The Blooders don't give a damn about race or ethnicity; they're equal opportunity murderers. Nauplius, however, clearly has a "thing" for Minmatar.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Hoi Andrapodistai
#138 - 2014-03-20 18:13:47 UTC
Alistair Cononach wrote:
Foolish, wasteful, frivolous, sadistic and pointless stupidity, writ large.

God does not smile upon you, or your insanity. Or your Gallente-like desire for attention.

You’re no better, and no more Holy, than the average Blood Raider heretic.

There is an extreme irony in this post, because it was actually Pilot Alistair Cononach who planted the seed in my mind that would eventually become this glorious sacrifice of one million slaves. How? Two and a half years ago on the Disciples of Ston thread, Pilot Cononach wrote this:

Alistair Cononach wrote:

You know what would make for an entertaining drinking game?

Every time someone uses the word "Slave" on this here Galnet, someone should go to Amarr, buy 10 slaves, put them in a container, and then destroy said container, then take a large swig of your personal favorite alcoholic beverage.

If there is a God, and lets be honest, I have some serious doubts on that score, maybe then he might shut up the endless gurning around here of slave this and slave that and rebel this and slaver that.

You're capsuleers. The elite immortals on the verse. Try to remember that. Squabbling over the planet-bound ants doesn't become us.

Now, when I first read that some months back, I didn't agree with the theology, as I have no doubts on the existence of God. But I did appreciate the hard-nosed attitude toward slavery and the indifference toward lesser peoples (in his case it was baseliners; I rather take a racial bent and direct my disdain toward the Minmatar); it struck me as an old-fashioned Amarrian attitude that has been lost and needs to be recovered. And of course I noted the suggested method of execution as well: spacing followed by shooting. Both the hard, brutal Amarrian ethics and the particulars of the execution method evolved into the million slave sacrifice I described in the original post on this thread.
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#139 - 2014-03-20 19:07:07 UTC
Nauplius wrote:

Pilot Merdaneth —

In lately revealed True Scripture, God has announced that He has given the Minmatar Republic over to destruction. In the blood of those reprobates, the wayward but still Chosen people of God shall wash away their own sins and prove their worthiness of a renewed Reclaiming; the blood of the Brutor shall give strength; that of the Sebiestor, intellect; and that of the Vherokior, wisdom.

Crusader Nauplius, I see within you a mistake common in those who haven't had an intensive religious education but have rarely been in a position to be challenged by a knowledgeable priest. I can't verify the veracity of your Scriptures, but I hardly know all of them. What I can tell you, as an experienced interpreter of The Scriptures, is that you shouldn't take your Scripture that literally. The messages contained in The Scriptures are often subtle and indirect, not blunt and straightforward, and they require study and re-examination by learned men to find the core of their meaning.

The message I get from your text is completely different from your interpretation. From what I see 'Blood' is not meant literally, but used as a metaphor. The Minmatar Republic should indeed be destroyed, but not by killing its people. It should be destroyed by assimilating their genetics, their ancestry (their 'blood') belongs to the Empire, like the Udorians and many that followed them were assimilated.

The Blood of the Brutor shall indeed give us strength, but not by spilling it, but by using the strength inherent in its line. The Blood of the Sebiestor shall indeed contribute to our intellect, but not by killing them, but adding their bloodlines to those of the Empire. The wisdom of the Vherokior can be ours, but not by killing every last member of its line, but by offering them a new home within the Empire.

Once we have done that, the sin of our previous failure to assimilate the Matari people will be washed away. You do understand why it is called 'The Reclaiming' I hope? Solar systems are not reclaimed by blowing up their celestial bodies, and peoples are not reclaimed by killing their members.

See the truth and repent your sins.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#140 - 2014-03-20 20:23:59 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Kyllsa Siikanen wrote:
He's still posting.

Maybe if he keeps going, we'll all be reduced to "trembling husks" in a few more years.

I mean, 700 years of occupation and all managed to make us stop resi... err.



I'm just confused as to why the senseless killing of helpless captives is supposed to make warriors tremble in fear?

It is a terrorism: rather weak attack on a morale.
It might work against some kind of unprofessional warriors - like, federal "soldiers".
But otherwise, terrorism is just a waste of time and resources. Simple killing these warriors produces greater effect.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.