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Why are many people on these forums so negative, and so hostile?

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Krixtal Icefluxor
#341 - 2014-02-27 16:53:37 UTC
What if every 6 year old gave up and dropped out on the 1st grade because there is "too much catch up" ?

Why are Idiots expecting a long-term game to be any different from most real life processes ????

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Sunshine and Lollipops
#342 - 2014-02-27 16:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mandarine wrote:
Gankers state time and time again that they´re in it for the tears, (or the lulz)
How do you generalise from the statements of a small sample, and how do you reconcile that generalisation with the statements from other gankers that they're doing it for any number of other reasons?

The characters they use to harvest those tears are absolutely irrelevant, and often biomassed so as to render the sec status penalties null and void
Do you have any evidence to support this supposed mass-exploitation?

Is that clear enough or do you want me to copy paste this over the course of a dozen pages?
It still doesn't support the claim that gankers and scammers — as a group — are only out to hurt people, and it doesn't even begin to address the question of whether or not this somehow distinguishes them from any other arbitrary group in the game.

e: Also, wrong thread Krixtal. I know it's many of the same people, but I'm guessing you're looking for the “afraid of EVE” thread. P
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#343 - 2014-02-27 16:57:13 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
The logical backing is as follows:
Gankers state time and time again that they´re in it for the tears, (or the lulz)

some people say that. you've provided... one. this is not indicative that a greater than otherwise-average number of gankers pursue their game soley for that reason. nor that it is unusual. so i'll stop you there.

Benny Ohu wrote:

I'll add that there's no logical link between these and the claim of 'a person who plays as a pirate in EVE is an antisocial person in real life'. Until an actual argument is provided, the reasonable assumption is that any identified group or playstyle in EVE Online will have the same percentage of antisocial people or people with strong antisocial traits as the general real-world population, and that these people are equally distributed in EVE Online vOv

The people in this thread making contrary claims have basically been stomping their feet and crying "BUT I SAY" so far
Divine Entervention
#344 - 2014-02-27 17:08:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
I will state that I feel people who become upset upon losing pixels who respond with an irrational vitriol of hate and insults are placing an over emphasis on the importance of the items that were stolen from them. They should not let the loss of possessions upset them.

Regaring the interpretation of the griefers attempt to illicit anger/rage/tears from someone is in my opinion a valid excuse to label that person as someone you should not trust, in game and out. Why? because that person has demonstrated on at least one occasion where he is willing to pretend you are not a real person worthy of respect. Because of that, there is an aire of uncertainty regarding where the game of griefing ends for him.

Being a griefer does not necessarily mean he will choose to grief you outside of the game as well. He could very well be the nicest person. But considering the choices he's shown you he is willing to make to you, trying to negatively impact your game play and sense of happiness, you may question his motives and the extent to which he is willing to go with his desire to make you, and others, unhappy. Maybe it doesn't end online. Maybe he does it offline? It's impossible to know. All you do know is what he's shown you, and it is not good.

So do not concern yourself with a griefer trying to justify his choices. He could very well only be trying to regain your trust so he can con you again, proving once again how he is "superior" for being willing to debase his self by falling to the temptation of easy, cheap enjoyment at your expense.

It is obvious that there are alot of people in this game who will go the extra mile to make an attempt to establish dominance over you. The proof is in this thread, and littered throughout the entirety of these forums. But just as there is alot of evidence of people doing bad things, the good ones are still out there. We're still here. Not all of us are as determined as I am to speak our minds and condemn the actions we agree upon being wrong.

You don't have to accept their actions as sufficient examples of how people should be allowed to act. You apply your own morality onto determining right and wrong.

Now, despite my opinions on the persons who's goal is to inflict suffering. I do not wish for it to be removed.

Knowing these bad people exist make you good ones that much more special and enjoyable by comparison. They'll despise you. Think down upon you for having an opinion that is not their own, they have to for their ego's rationalization of their actions to maintain their sense of self.

Is it right what they do?
Should their ability to act that way be removed?

But their actions ultimately only reflect poorly on themselves.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#345 - 2014-02-27 17:09:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Mandarine
Benny Ohu wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
The logical backing is as follows:
Gankers state time and time again that they´re in it for the tears, (or the lulz)

some people say that. you've provided... one. this is not indicative that a greater than otherwise-average number of gankers pursue their game soley for that reason. nor that it is unusual. so i'll stop you there.

Benny Ohu wrote:

I'll add that there's no logical link between these and the claim of 'a person who plays as a pirate in EVE is an antisocial person in real life'. Until an actual argument is provided, the reasonable assumption is that any identified group or playstyle in EVE Online will have the same percentage of antisocial people or people with strong antisocial traits as the general real-world population, and that these people are equally distributed in EVE Online vOv

The people in this thread making contrary claims have basically been stomping their feet and crying "BUT I SAY" so far

Indeed. Gankers are already antisocial IRL, they use an online video game as a tool to cause distress in people they don´t even know, in the hope, often fulfilled, that the gankees will pour abuse on them. This is their autistic way to reach out and touch someone.

Or to rephrase, they don´t play a video game by play pretending being a pod pilot, they just use it in a way to cause emotional harm to people, because they see that it works. Which is quite problematic, since it does not fall within the magic circle.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#346 - 2014-02-27 17:13:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Krixtal Icefluxor
Divine Entervention wrote:

Is it right what they do?
Should their ability to act that way be removed?

But their actions ultimately only reflect poorly on themselves.

Yes, and that's exactly how I feel as a gay man of 48 years about what just went down in Arizona. It's just the way life is. Everyone deserves to have whatever their beliefs and ideals are. The public as a whole will judge though, by reputation and observation.

It's always astounded me, this seemingly magical power I have to terrify those people straight out of their rational minds....down to pursuing political legislation of their beliefs. Now, that's a Super-Power, and most indeed Lol

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#347 - 2014-02-27 17:15:45 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

I'll add that there's no logical link between these and the claim of 'a person who plays as a pirate in EVE is an antisocial person in real life'. Until an actual argument is provided, the reasonable assumption is that any identified group or playstyle in EVE Online will have the same percentage of antisocial people or people with strong antisocial traits as the general real-world population, and that these people are equally distributed in EVE Online vOv

The people in this thread making contrary claims have basically been stomping their feet and crying "BUT I SAY" so far


you don't know what an argument is do you
Sunshine and Lollipops
#348 - 2014-02-27 17:18:27 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
Regaring the interpretation of the griefers attempt to illicit anger/rage/tears from someone is in my opinion a valid excuse to label that person as someone you should not trust, in game and out. Why? because that person has demonstrated on at least one occasion where he is willing to pretend you are not a real person worthy of respect.
No, he hasn't. He has only pretended that your pretend-character has some pretend-stuff that he would like for his pretend-character. It is all pretend and reflects nothing on either your or his real person.

But considering the choices he's shown you he is willing to make to you, trying to negatively impact your game play and sense of happiness, you may question his motives and the extent to which he is willing to go with his desire to make you, and others, unhappy.
You may, but it makes little sense to do so. All he has done is play a game and achieve some form of win-condition within that game. Without any further indication than that, there is no reason to question it as anything other than trying to achieve a win-condition within the game — commonly one of the main points of playing games to begin with.

It is obvious that there are alot of people in this game who will go the extra mile to make an attempt to establish dominance over you.
It's also somewhat tautological since we're dealing with a competitive game. Of course people will try to establish dominance in a game that revolves around establishing dominance. It's about as meaningful an observation as noting that people playing chess go the extra mile to capture the opponent's pieces.

Knowing these bad people exist make you good ones that much more special and enjoyable by comparison.
Just one problem: there is nothing to suggest that they're bad people.
Divine Entervention
#349 - 2014-02-27 17:21:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:

Is it right what they do?
Should their ability to act that way be removed?

But their actions ultimately only reflect poorly on themselves.

Yes, and that's exactly how I feel as a gay man of 48 years about what just went down in Arizona. It's just the way life is. Everyone deserves to have whatever their beliefs and ideals are. The public as a whole will judge though, by reputation and observation.

It's always astounded me, this seemingly magical power I have to terrify those people straight out of their rational minds....down to pursuing political legislation of their beliefs. Now, that's a Super-Power, and most indeed Lol

Using EVE veteran logic, I could tell you to move out of Arizona into a friendlier state.

But that's not a real answer. I'm sorry for the situation you're in. You should be able to live how you wish, as long as it doesn't negatively and directly impact someone else's desire to live in that same fashion.

We're still growing up, as a species. We're not that far off from when we were lighting people on fire for casting spells.

We're getting better, maybe not as fast as we should now that we have social media and the internet to connect us and help us realize we're all essentially the same, but with people like EVE's griefers who's only goal it is being to cause misery in others for their own personal enjoyment, it's understandable why we are seeing these flare-ups, glimpses into the potential nastiness of others.

Luckily for us, the internet will be changing in a relatively short amount of time. Anonymity will soon be a thing of the past. That will be a glorious time.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#350 - 2014-02-27 17:21:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mandarine wrote:
An interesting, if incredibly noisy and unreliable sample. How do you generalise from this sample and how do you reconcile it with the many gankers' claims that they do it a variety of completely unrelated reasons?

Indeed. Gankers are already antisocial IRL
What do you have to support this claim? How does it separate them from every other group in the game?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#351 - 2014-02-27 17:22:17 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

I'll add that there's no logical link between these and the claim of 'a person who plays as a pirate in EVE is an antisocial person in real life'. Until an actual argument is provided, the reasonable assumption is that any identified group or playstyle in EVE Online will have the same percentage of antisocial people or people with strong antisocial traits as the general real-world population, and that these people are equally distributed in EVE Online vOv

The people in this thread making contrary claims have basically been stomping their feet and crying "BUT I SAY" so far


you don't know what an argument is do you

And that will be my last answer to you, since you are clearly of Tippia´s breed, that is, incapable of discussing anything without being frontally, blatantly dishonest, pretending not knowing what is common knowledge on this forum and in the videogaming community.

Makes a lot of sense though that you people defend gankers, since you act like them: your online actions aim at causing discomfort in other internet users.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#352 - 2014-02-27 17:23:35 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
What if every 6 year old gave up and dropped out on the 1st grade because there is "too much catch up" ?

Why are Idiots expecting a long-term game to be any different from most real life processes ????

There goes Krixtal Icefluxor answering his own questions again Big smile

When I came into the game in June of 2007, It never ever crossed my mind that I could never 'catch up to the people who started playing in 2003-6. I think most people who do that have the "solo player/gladiator" mindset that prevails in other MMOs and especially MOBAs like LoL.

That mind set (while supported) doesn't really fit into EVE the same way it fits into other games. I played WoW for a few months in 2008 and one of the things I noticed was how it really worked to keep people "on their level" via game mechanics that didn't let you go above your capabilities , there was a lot of stuff I couldn't access because of my low level. It would be like EVE not letting you into a 10/10 because you only have 7 million skill points or something lol.

It may be that some people can't deal with an "open world" type game like EVE, they need the structure and direction other games offer, and need to feel like they can be on a level playing field with others.

I think people more mentally suited to EVE's way of life don't give a solid flip about even playing fields, their too busy figuring out how they can use the uneven playing field to make isk, influence and maybe tears.
Salvos Rhoska
#353 - 2014-02-27 17:28:39 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
And that will be my last answer to you, since you are clearly of Tippia´s breed, that is, incapable of discussing anything without being frontally, blatantly dishonest, pretending not knowing what is common knowledge on this forum and in the videogaming community.

Makes a lot of sense though that you people defend gankers, since you act like them: your online actions aim at causing discomfort in other internet users.

Funny. Your description above, in my observation, fits you almost perfectly.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#354 - 2014-02-27 17:29:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mandarine wrote:

And that will be my last answer to you
So you can't actually support your claim. You have no way of evaluating your sample. You have no way of generalising from your sample. You have no way of reconciling your claim with evidence that seems to utterly falsify it. And you have no indication whatsoever about how this distinguishes gankers and scammers from the population at large.

incapable of discussing anything without being frontally, blatantly dishonest
Asking you to prove your assertion is not dishonest. “Common knowledge” is not the same as fact — it's actually often the exact opposite — and if it truly was that common, you wouldn't have such insurmountable problems providing the supporting evidence you need.

Makes a lot of sense though that you people defend gankers
It sure does. I defend almost all legitimate gameplay, especially when the arguments against them are completely nonsensical and utterly disconnected from reality.

Divine Entervention wrote:
You are attempting to argue with people who refuse to make the connection between their choice to perform an action and themselves.
…which no-one has actually refused to do.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#355 - 2014-02-27 17:30:59 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

I'll add that there's no logical link between these and the claim of 'a person who plays as a pirate in EVE is an antisocial person in real life'. Until an actual argument is provided, the reasonable assumption is that any identified group or playstyle in EVE Online will have the same percentage of antisocial people or people with strong antisocial traits as the general real-world population, and that these people are equally distributed in EVE Online vOv

The people in this thread making contrary claims have basically been stomping their feet and crying "BUT I SAY" so far


you don't know what an argument is do you

And that will be my last answer to you, since you are clearly of Tippia´s breed, that is, incapable of discussing anything without being frontally, blatantly dishonest, pretending not knowing what is common knowledge on this forum and in the videogaming community.

Makes a lot of sense though that you people defend gankers, since you act like them: your online actions aim at causing discomfort in other internet users.

Do you know who talks about tears a lot?

CCP devs. The guys that make the game. You can go to youtube and find dev interviews where extracting tears is much talked about.

If you have a problem with people who like to extract tears, why are you choosing to play a game made by tear extractors, for tear extractors? I mean, it obviously bothers you.

That's a big difference between me and a lot of the complainers. I don't like to extract tears, but I don't give anyone tears either. I PVE and dodge PVPrs (my evading pvp is a kind of pvp). I know EVE is a pvp tear extraction game and that my personal preferences kind of go counter to the spirit and theme of the game. It's that understanding of the way of things (and that those things are ok as long as it's within the ToS and EULA) that makes me an EVE player, not just the fact that I have EVE accounts.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#356 - 2014-02-27 17:31:20 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
And that will be my last answer to you, since you are clearly of Tippia´s breed, that is, incapable of discussing anything without being frontally, blatantly dishonest, pretending not knowing what is common knowledge on this forum and in the videogaming community.

Makes a lot of sense though that you people defend gankers, since you act like them: your online actions aim at causing discomfort in other internet users.

Funny. Your description above, in my observation, fits you almost perfectly.

How does it?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#357 - 2014-02-27 17:33:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Divine Entervention wrote:
I will state that I feel people who become upset upon losing pixels who respond with an irrational vitriol of hate and insults are placing an over emphasis on the importance of the items that were stolen from them. They should not let the loss of possessions upset them.

(a whole lot of other stuff about in game choices and play)

None of which in any of that was on topic to this thread. Once again it's been dragged off topic.

However to bring it back to topic, which is about anger and negativity in the forum, I'll add a further relevant reason:

Because some people on the forum are unable to stay on topic, so all topics descend into personal agendas. As a result, threads that run more than a couple of pages become effectively the same topic, despite the original question.

There is probably a general principle about Internet forums that can be drawn from that.
Salvos Rhoska
#358 - 2014-02-27 17:36:09 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
How does it?

Is that a rhetorical question?

In that you yourself demonstrate the behavior and traits you are projecting onto someone else in that specific description of them.

I find your description of them, is actually more accurately a description of yourself, than it is of them.
Divine Entervention
#359 - 2014-02-27 17:38:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
I will state that I feel people who become upset upon losing pixels who respond with an irrational vitriol of hate and insults are placing an over emphasis on the importance of the items that were stolen from them. They should not let the loss of possessions upset them.

(a whole lot of other stuff about in game choices and play)

None of which in any of that was on topic to this thread. Once again it's been dragged off topic.

However to bring it back to topic, which is about anger and negativity in the forum, I'll add a further relevant reason:

Because some people on the forum are unable to stay on topic, so all topics descend into personal agendas. As a result, threads that run more than a couple of pages become effectively the same topic, despite the original question.

I think there is probably a general principle about Internet forums that can be drawn from that.

if people want to talk about it, they'll talk about it. As long as it's done respectfully and within the parameters of established rules, well then why do you care?

You want to know why people on the forums are negative?

Because they're incapable of being positive. They exist in an emotional state where their predominant feelings are sadness, anger, and jealousy. People who are angry are typically highly motivated by that anger. So they look for a platform to spread their anger, and it results in forum posts where people are insulting others trying to make them feel upset as they do themselves, transference.

And that's the rational people. Being a victim of your own anger is sad, yes, but it's somewhat natural.

What's unnatural is the fact that some of these people aren't mad about anything. They're just genuinely bad people who gain the satisfaction at the feeling that their actions have caused a negative emotional impact on someone else.
Azn Empire
#360 - 2014-02-27 17:39:49 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:

I was right though right? That's what your objective was? The whole:



Also, I've seen no where in the EULA that I may not apply my moral beliefs onto actions taken by people within EVE.

So that means, according to CCP, I'm allowed to believe that people who do bad things in game are bad people out.

and I must say, Much respect for you coming back and continuing to talk with me after I completely blew your attempt to technicality bash me into a back peddling "but if i mean" stance.

Most people would've just faded away. +1 im going to like you.
You can believe what you like. But unless you can prove a connection, then others can dismiss your stance.
So just as you can believe you blew my attempt, you have again failed to prove it and thus I will dismiss your stance.

But thanks for playing. Big smile

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.