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Getting ganked on a closed Jita gate

First post
Mario Putzo
#401 - 2014-02-25 21:31:16 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The only problem with this is the false premise that you can't find out before you land on the gate. You can. People just choose not to. There is forewarning.

There is not forewarning without having to do stuff that you need not do on any other gate in the game. Thats the point. Jita is a special snowflake in EVE, and its time CCP acknowledge that they have an issue.

Jump into New Caldari, if Jita is slow it should tell you the moment you enter New Caldari. Same should apply to any stargate that is experiencing gate delays.

Not only does this help pilots. This also helps reduce server load. Which is the whole point of the cap in the first place.
Mario Putzo
#402 - 2014-02-25 21:33:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
baltec1 wrote:

There is a massive difference between you refusing to use the tools available to you and it being impossible to counter slowcat fleets with subcaps.

Don't be stupid.

Its not impossible. Dont be stupid. Maelstroms counter slows, Megas counter slows, Rokhs, Ravens, Hyperions, Tempests and Phoons counter slows. Baddons, and Geddons, and Apocs counter slows. (the only hull that isn't a direct counter to slows is the Domi. It counters BC and smaller to support BS fleets against smaller ****).

Your post screams

"Its different because it doesn't impact me and mine, so there for it isn;t and issue"
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#403 - 2014-02-25 21:34:27 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is not forewarning without having to do stuff that you need not do on any other gate in the game.

Dear CCP, please save me from ~effort~, otherwise I might have to train common sense to 1.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Mario Putzo
#404 - 2014-02-25 21:36:48 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is not forewarning without having to do stuff that you need not do on any other gate in the game.

Dear CCP, please save me from ~effort~, otherwise I might have to train common sense to 1.

Why should Jita require use of mechanics that no other system in the game requires? They should just slap Tidi on it tbh. Want people to gtf out of Jita, make everything run in .01%.

Watch how fast people start to avoid it and go elsewhere when it takes 20 minutes to align a freight to 4/4.
Aimy Maulerant
DDo Squad Gaming
#405 - 2014-02-25 21:37:46 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
Aimy Maulerant wrote:
so if you want to have a permanent warp till the gates open what happens if you return from doing whatever you were doing and want to cancel the warp and go somewhere else?

bit of a silly complaint all together, dont see people complaining about warp bubbles in null or warp core disruptors or concord being able to warp so fast to locations where miners are getting ganked, sounds like you just want to play a perfect game where all you do is make isk and never lose any, all you have to do is go somewhere else whats the issue

I did address this.

There would be a queue dialog box that you could cancel. At which point you would be spit out back to the gate you just jumped from with your normal cloak as if you had just jumped from jita.

I also don't care as i outsource my shipping but I do see it as a fault of the server and I don't understand why players should be punished.

so just open the gate remove the cap and wait for you to complain about the lag within jita, its not a fault with the server its a fault of the players trying to max out the servers resources, the servers cant have unllimited resources its just not possible so find another one of the thousands of stations to go to
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#406 - 2014-02-25 21:41:06 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

There is a massive difference between you refusing to use the tools available to you and it being impossible to counter slowcat fleets with subcaps.

Don't be stupid.

Its not impossible. Dont be stupid. Maelstroms counter slows, Megas counter slows, Rokhs, Ravens, Hyperions, Tempests and Phoons counter slows. Baddons, and Geddons, and Apocs counter slows. (the only hull that isn't a direct counter to slows is the Domi. It counters BC and smaller to support BS fleets against smaller ****).

Your post screams

"Its different because it doesn't impact me and mine, so there for it isn;t and issue"

If it was so easy then why did no slowcat fleet on either side die to subcaps?

Subcaps simply lack the firepower to beak their tank while their sentries alpha any subcap every cycle. You would need a fleet of 1600 megathrons to beat a full slowcat fleet. So no, it is impossible hence why this fleet is getting nerfed.

Ganking however is countered by simply fitting a tank and not stuffing billions into the hold.
Salvos Rhoska
#407 - 2014-02-25 21:41:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Tippia wrote:
The only problem with this is the false premise that you can't find out before you land on the gate. You can. People just choose not to. There is forewarning.

Yeah, I had a ton of stuff typed up, but as I was considering what exactly you meant by "forewarning", of which I managed to compile a list of 5 methods to ascertain whether the gate is locked without actually bumping into everyone elses fat ass there, before I hit upon the most obvious and simple one that really just makes even a system wide gate lock warning obsolete and uneccessary.

Warp to 100km of the gate and look at the gate. That simple.

Other options, for completions sake:
-Ask a friend at Gate.
-Fly an alt in first.
-Observe rant/rave in Local.
-Use Probes to check the Gate.
-DScan the Gate.
-Check Map for number of pilots active in system.

But yeah, most importantly, most simply and quite safely too. Warp to 100km and just look at it.

However, I do agree with Mario to an extent that the Gate Lock phenomena is unusual enough to possibly warrant a system announcement. More important than the possible loss of potential targets massed at the gates to gankers, is that some players might actually take that announcement to heart and actually finally start trading elsewhere or set their preferred and chosen trade times at some other time of the week instead, both of which would be indirectly conducive to diversifying trade out of Jita, as well as population issues.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#408 - 2014-02-25 21:41:45 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Nope. You are wrong here. Jita closing gates is an abnormal system function comparable to every other system in EVE. Not even null battles have this arbitrary restriction in place. Jita is the only system in the game this applies to, and it is up to CCP to make this situation not impact the daily functions of EVE players, not EVE players having to change game method for one singular occurrence that only happens roughly 40% of game play time.

It's not wrong. It's not abnormal. Null battles have TiDi, Jita does not.

Using your logic you have to play more intelligently for 2 out of every 5 minutes.

Mario Putzo wrote:
A simple message on entering the system (New Caldari for example)

"Jita Gates are experiencing slight delays due to high traffic volumes" Solves this whole issue.

No other system requires you to check a gate to see if it functions amywhere in the game, because instead you just get put into the tidi tunnel if load is to high.

This is unnecessary. The suckfest nature of Jita is well known. If you're going there during a peak period, it's going to be murder trying to get through the gate. No one needs a big popup telling them Jita's full. We all know it's full.

You claim that people want to exploit this be able to gank people.
I submit you want to change the mechanics of the game to prevent ganking. Because people changing their behavior, which is vastly less complicated than implementing and maintaining an unnecessary Jita Traffic Report, is just too damned hard.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Sunshine and Lollipops
#409 - 2014-02-25 21:44:24 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is not forewarning without having to do stuff that you need not do on any other gate in the game. Thats the point. Jita is a special snowflake in EVE, and its time CCP acknowledge that they have an issue.
Weeeeell… checking the map and scanning gates is actually something that's very good practice to do for all gates, as is checking the state of local. If you want to avoid surprises, the mechanics are the same every time.

Again, I'm not saying it's a bad solution — I'm saying the premise is wrong and you really should stop claiming that the information isn't there because it's simply not true.

Not only does this help pilots. This also helps reduce server load. Which is the whole point of the cap in the first place.
How does it reduce server load?
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#410 - 2014-02-25 21:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
Mario Putzo wrote:
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Sirinda wrote:
It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

No, he didn't and yes, he should.

All I get from this is "CCP don't get rid of my Saturday afternoon fish barrel...I don't know how to really PVP and depend on Jita restrictions".

No. It's rather "If I don't do my homework or if I do outright stupid things, I'm not entitled to call for CCP to fix things that aren't broken".

That said I do not engage actively in HS PvP. I'm a carebear. In HS I'm just a gank target like everybody else.

Edit: Grr keyboard *sigh*

Remove standings and insurance.

Mario Putzo
#411 - 2014-02-25 21:48:50 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

There is a massive difference between you refusing to use the tools available to you and it being impossible to counter slowcat fleets with subcaps.

Don't be stupid.

Its not impossible. Dont be stupid. Maelstroms counter slows, Megas counter slows, Rokhs, Ravens, Hyperions, Tempests and Phoons counter slows. Baddons, and Geddons, and Apocs counter slows. (the only hull that isn't a direct counter to slows is the Domi. It counters BC and smaller to support BS fleets against smaller ****).

Your post screams

"Its different because it doesn't impact me and mine, so there for it isn;t and issue"

If it was so easy then why did no slowcat fleet on either side die to subcaps?

Subcaps simply lack the firepower to beak their tank while their sentries alpha any subcap every cycle. You would need a fleet of 1600 megathrons to beat a full slowcat fleet. So no, it is impossible hence why this fleet is getting nerfed.

Ganking however is countered by simply fitting a tank and not stuffing billions into the hold.

Well you are outright lying, numerous slowcat fleets have been defeated with subcaps, hell the CFC has done it more than any other entity so you shouldn't down on your FC's knowledge of game metrics. It als doesn't take 1600 Megas to defeat a slow fleet, we have gone over this before when Grath got you to stfu about it a month ago. Also I haven't seen anything stating slows are getting nerfed. Unless you mean the drone assist change which is hardly a nerf.

The comparison to Ganking is functionally ********.

If I am going to get ganked im going to get ganked no matter what. I can only tank so much, and I have never gone to gank a ship thinking, Ill bring enough dudes to kill an untanked ship, but not enough to kill him if he is tanked!. I don't think you have ever ganked before have you...probably not.

As for not taking billions why bother going to or from Jita? The only reason to go to Jita is to unload a large quantitiy of something or pick up a large quantity of something. If you are going to play small market **** you are better off doing it in a smaller market area, like Amarr, or Dodixie because the turnover margin is greater.

Its always fun to see folks comment on things they have no knowledge about themselves. The only reason to take a freighter to Jita is for transactions of billions worth of product.

This was like a threefor of Im stupid. GJ Baltec.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#412 - 2014-02-25 21:49:23 UTC
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Sirinda wrote:
It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

No, he didn't and yes, he should.

All I get from this is "CCP don't get rid of my Saturday afternoon fish barrel...I don't know how to really PVP and depend on Jita restrictions".

No. It's rather "If I don't do my homework or if I do outright stupid things, I'm not entitled to call for CCP to fix things that aren't broken".

That said I do not engage actively in HS PvP. I'm a carebear. In HS I'm just a gank taget like everybody else.

Me too!

My navigation computer is told to explicitly avoid Jita.

Also bears are awesome!

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

E-2C Hawkeye
#413 - 2014-02-25 21:55:42 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
RAW23 wrote:

Err ... what does that have to do with anything? Once again, no one is suggesting that a cap isn't necessary and none of those links provide any grounds for supporting one way of managing the cap over another. How would making a ship invulnerable change anything mentioned in any of those links?

Making a ship invulnerable goes against everything EVE stands for. You should not be removed from risk while you sit on a gate, people should never be protected from their own stupidity.

So the 30 sec cloak you get after every gate jump or invunerability on undock shoul be removed also?

Just because someone gets ganked doesnt mean it was their fault. You dont control that the ganker does. You guys love to say its your fault for not xyz yet doing xyz still wont prevent it should they want to gank you.

No one is saying remove ganking, but gankers shouldnt get to take advantage just because the system is full capacity.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#414 - 2014-02-25 21:56:22 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

Well you are outright lying, numerous slowcat fleets have been defeated with subcaps,


There has been no full slowcat fleet killed by subcaps. Once they hit a critical mass subcaps do not have the firepower to kill them.

Mario Putzo wrote:

Its always fun to see folks comment on things they have no knowledge about themselves

We are the corp that invented industrialised ganking.
Ideal Mechanisms
#415 - 2014-02-25 21:57:30 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
Simple solution, don't go to Jita during weekend afternoon/evening....

Ah, so no matter where you are within these 24 time zones... just don't go there at night. or weekends.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#416 - 2014-02-25 21:58:18 UTC
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:

So the 30 sec cloak you get after every gate jump or invunerability on undock shoul be removed also?

Just because someone gets ganked doesnt mean it was their fault. You dont control that the ganker does. You guys love to say its your fault for not xyz yet doing xyz still wont prevent it should they want to gank you.

No one is saying remove ganking, but gankers shouldnt get to take advantage just because the system is full capacity.

There wouldn't be a gank at all if the victim didn't make themselves worth ganking. It is entirely the victims fault they were ganked.
Marsha Mallow
#417 - 2014-02-25 21:58:40 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
You claim that people want to exploit this be able to gank people.
I submit you want to change the mechanics of the game to prevent ganking.

Nope. People are exploiting this to gank people.
Ganking needs to exist in balance, and when server mechanics or limitations are exploited - it's an exploit.
I'm not blaming anyone for doing it, or upholding victim rights blehblehbleh.
Tbf I think people who go to Jita on a weekend are a bit dim. BUT.

Here's a basic example:
Manually piloted freighter warps to gate
click * click * awww shite, its saturday [just worked a solid week and can only play weekends] * align out * align * splat
Please justify this as acceptable
ps. character has chosen 'courier' as a profession

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#418 - 2014-02-25 21:59:37 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
to be fair, there should be some way to know if jita is full other than having to try the gate.
no other gate is closed, let alone with no indication.

Is it Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday? If yes, Jita is full.

but there are plenty of times on those days that i've got in just fine. so clearly you're wrong.

To further improve upon the admiral's point, use DotLan.

An intelligent man can look at that, and figure out what Jita's peak times are. I've mentioned before, that if you play EVE Online and you don't use DotLan, then you stand a pretty good chance of having gone full ******.

I guess I'm full ******, whatever that means.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

E-2C Hawkeye
#419 - 2014-02-25 21:59:49 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is not forewarning without having to do stuff that you need not do on any other gate in the game.

Dear CCP, please save me from ~effort~, otherwise I might have to train common sense to 1.

I would hope they would save us from your posting.
E-2C Hawkeye
#420 - 2014-02-25 22:01:10 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:

So the 30 sec cloak you get after every gate jump or invunerability on undock shoul be removed also?

Just because someone gets ganked doesnt mean it was their fault. You dont control that the ganker does. You guys love to say its your fault for not xyz yet doing xyz still wont prevent it should they want to gank you.

No one is saying remove ganking, but gankers shouldnt get to take advantage just because the system is full capacity.

There wouldn't be a gank at all if the victim didn't make themselves worth ganking. It is entirely the victims fault they were ganked.

No not always. You are completly WRONG.