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Azami Nevinyrall for CSM9!

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Azami Nevinyrall
#1 - 2014-02-20 01:15:05 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Dolan
Keep in mind, I'm not going to promise anything!
At the end of the day CCP has their roadmap. All I can do is make proposals and hope they listen!

About myself!

I've been playing EVE for the past 6...ish years now. During this time I've played all aspects of this game. From L4 Mission
Running and Mining in Highsec, to Piracy and FW in Lowsec, followed by Ratting/Industry POS maintenance to small gang and large soul crushing lag blobs in Nullsec. I even dabbled in Wormholes killing sleepers and PVP.

I don't know everything about this game, and I'll happily acknowledge this. I have a general understanding of this game and can survive and thrive in any place I find myself in! I don't see this as a bad thing actually. I could provide a different view on new features and ideas that might be put forward. Ask questions that someone who claims to "know it all" might not even think of, or ask.

In IRL I co-host a EVE meetup group for my city. Where anyone can meet me, have a few beers and talk to me in person about their grievances and concerns that I could put forward to CCP.

Why should I be elected in the CSM?

I like balance, and to be honest, EVE isn't balanced! Not by a long shot!

Everything should have a counter and there's several things ingame that has none. For example: Cloaking, not "AFK cloaking" just cloaking. Cloaking itself is perfectally fine! And "AFK cloaking" isn't an issue either. (And, you don't know if he's AFK or not!) The issue is that there isn't a "counter" to it. As I've suggested last year in F&I is a new ship class dedicated to hunting and killing cloaky ships.

I also like new players, sure I might gank 1 or 2 of them out of boredom. But, I like them, and I want them around. "New Blood" is needed in New Eden for it to survive and thrive. I have several suggestions that's not orientated in forcing players to play a way they don't want to. So, one suggestion is more Highsec missions. This hasn't been really touched in years as far as my knowledge goes. More missions, more mission hubs, more variety, more composition. Keep players who enjoy PVE gameplay interested in EVE!

Another thing is to make it easier for smaller groups to get into Nullsec. I'm looking at Power Projection here. Titan Bridging in particular. I personally have nothing against Nullsec and how they play. Now everything in EVE that can't be accessed from outside a POS shield. Except for Titan Bridging, you can't lock, access maintenance bays, run Gang Links anything. And if you can, it's considered an exploit and bannable. But with a Bridge, the Titan puts its ass outside the shield and you can interact with it! (Yes I'm aware I've lost alot of Nullsec potential votes here.)

Another proposal I was thinking of was an expansion to the NEX store. Every game has vanity items available, so does EVE to an extent. Yes, I'm poking micro-transactions here. But I do like the concept...JUST AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T BREAK THE obviously "golden ammo/ships" is under the "**** that idea" category. I mean more options and customization for you character. I'm also in favor of paying for name changes and SP re-allocation.

I also have suggestions regarding Jove space, FW, Incarna, Carriers in Highsec. I'd go onto this in greater detail, I'd be here all day if I did!

Now, without a large layer group backing me. I have a snowballs chance in hell of getting voted in the CSM. Regardless, I'd love to sit down with any CSM/Dev to discuss my ideas and concerns I have with the future of this game.

Feel free to send me an ingame mail or post in this thread. I'll happily answer any questions that's asked!

Troll questions will be flagged...

You are reading this in my voice...


Azami Nevinyrall
#2 - 2014-02-20 01:15:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
I'm going to expand my thoughts of Cloaking and ways around it!

In my opinion, I see nothing wrong with how cloaking works. As I've mentioned several times in this thread.

Now I will explain several "counters" to cloaking that I have running through my head.

First off, new ship class!

With 2 possible ways this ship would work!
When the new destroyers were launched, they had a theme to them involving modern ship/sub design.

History: Before WWII Russia developed a class of Ship designed to hunt and kill Submarines. Called MO-class small guard ship. Their primary function originally was anti-submarine warfare. During the war they carried out many additional roles from supporting landing operations to escorting convoys.

Role 1.

Hunter-Killer, this would take a very active game-play. A destroyer class ship with a specialized Probe launcher and probes specially designed to scan down cloaked ships.

Ships that are cloaked that's not a covert ops ship would be somewhat easy to scan down. Covert OPS ships would be much harder. When they're scanned down, (Note: is a better option crops up, I'll happily use that suggestion here!) you'd warp within 100km...ish of the cloaked ship. The Scanner overlay would show the general area where the ship is. then you try to uncloak it!

This ship itself would be designed to have as much DPS as possible with little to no tank. As with the MO-Class ship from WWII era having a wooden frame. To counter the DPS output, I'd suggest having the weapon systems permanently overheated. This would also work out in other fields with hit and run tatics.

Role 2.

Bring back the mines!

Easier ship to implement. Able to lay mines which hit both cloaked and uncloaked targets. As with Bombs, can only deploy in Nullsec! This could be poked a little more.

I know and understand that this would be a direct nerf to cloaking in general. Keep in mind I have an idea to buff in with "Enhanced Cloaking" that I'm going to explain publicly on future podcasts. I've presented it to some Nullsec resident friends of mine, and they REALLY like it!

You are reading this in my voice...


Jayne Fillon
#3 - 2014-02-20 01:24:12 UTC
First off, welcome to the CSM race!

The first thing I notice if you're in RvB, and I know that Mangala will be running again for CSM9.
Will you be running with Mangala, or against Mangala? Why should someone vote for you instead of Mangala?

Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I like balance, and to be honest, EVE isn't balanced! Not by a long shot!

As this is my personal passion, I'm wondering about more specifics than just AFK cloaking. However, on the subject of AFK cloaking, why is a ship with the ability to hunt down cloaky ships needed in order to provide balance in Eve?

How is the mechanic itself unbalanced?

I have several suggestions that's not orientated in forcing players to play a way they don't want to. So, one suggestion is more Highsec missions.

Why do you suggest a solo play style in order to retain "new blood" instead of a multiplayer aspect of Eve?

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Azami Nevinyrall
#4 - 2014-02-20 01:36:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Jayne Fillon wrote:
First off, welcome to the CSM race!

Thank you!

Jayne Fillon wrote:
The first thing I notice if you're in RvB, and I know that Mangala will be running again for CSM9.
Will you be running with Mangala, or against Mangala? Why should someone vote for you instead of Mangala?

I've sent Mangala a mail explaining myself in this race, and my position of not running against. If he chooses to run with or against me that's their decision, and their right!

Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I like balance, and to be honest, EVE isn't balanced! Not by a long shot!

As this is my personal passion, I'm wondering about more specifics than just AFK cloaking. However, on the subject of AFK cloaking, why is a ship with the ability to hunt down cloaky ships needed in order to provide balance in Eve?

How is the mechanic itself unbalanced?

I never said that cloaking itself is unbalanced, but the fact that there isn't a counter against it that makes it unbalanced.

You are reading this in my voice...


Azami Nevinyrall
#5 - 2014-02-20 01:37:11 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
I have several suggestions that's not orientated in forcing players to play a way they don't want to. So, one suggestion is more Highsec missions.

Why do you suggest a solo play style in order to retain "new blood" instead of a multiplayer aspect of Eve?

Players can play the game as they so choose. If they decide to fly Solo or with a Corp/Alliance/Coalition that's like minded, that's their decision. Regardless what anyone does, we're all a part of this community in one way or another. Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.


Jayne Fillon
#6 - 2014-02-20 01:41:19 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Azami Nevinyrall
#7 - 2014-02-20 01:46:32 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

I choose not to.

People will play the game how they like and see fit, regardless of my opinion. So I'd like to put forward ideas and suggestions that will affect every gameplay. That would make the game fun and exciting for everyone. Not to favor one over the other!


Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#8 - 2014-02-20 12:40:46 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

I choose not to.

People will play the game how they like and see fit, regardless of my opinion. So I'd like to put forward ideas and suggestions that will affect every gameplay. That would make the game fun and exciting for everyone. Not to favor one over the other!

Do you see the role of the CSM as "putting forward ideas and suggestions"?

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Azami Nevinyrall
#9 - 2014-02-20 12:57:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Two step wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

I choose not to.

People will play the game how they like and see fit, regardless of my opinion. So I'd like to put forward ideas and suggestions that will affect every gameplay. That would make the game fun and exciting for everyone. Not to favor one over the other!

Do you see the role of the CSM as "putting forward ideas and suggestions"?

I do not see it as the sole purpose of the CSM.
From my understanding its a lot more then that!

I know it involves talking a lot to the playerbase, getting their concerns and ideas and grivences to CPPs attention.

I also know CCP pitches new mechanics and ideas to the CSM aaking for their feedback.

And, there's a lot that the CSM does that I'm unaware of. It would be something new for me to experience and further myself in and out of the game!

You are reading this in my voice...


Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#10 - 2014-02-21 00:35:37 UTC
If you consider cloaking unbalanced, how do you think about stations?
Beeing docked in a station is safer than beeing cloaked at a safespot, for example.
Azami Nevinyrall
#11 - 2014-02-21 00:44:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Sephira Galamore wrote:
If you consider cloaking unbalanced, how do you think about stations?
Beeing docked in a station is safer than beeing cloaked at a safespot, for example.

Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I like balance, and to be honest, EVE isn't balanced! Not by a long shot!

As this is my personal passion, I'm wondering about more specifics than just AFK cloaking. However, on the subject of AFK cloaking, why is a ship with the ability to hunt down cloaky ships needed in order to provide balance in Eve?

How is the mechanic itself unbalanced?

I never said that cloaking itself is unbalanced, but the fact that there isn't a counter against it that makes it unbalanced.

I've also seen several threads regarding this.

Alot of ideas thrown around, people complaining about it and how there's no way around it. Mainly nullsec residents. When I was in Nullsec and whenever there was a cloaky in local, I'd be extra cautious, while others never even undocked!

In my personal opinion, cloaking is perfectly fine as it is. Give people a way to counter it, and more gameplay options becomes available...

You are reading this in my voice...


Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#12 - 2014-02-22 23:40:38 UTC
Or less gameplay for the cloak ships.
Azami Nevinyrall
#13 - 2014-02-25 11:30:58 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Or less gameplay for the cloak ships.

Making Cloaky pilots more active and on their toes forces them to play more and be less "AFK".

After a lengthy discussion with several pilots at the latest EVE meetup, they like this idea. They also really liked my idea on "Enhanced Cloaking" which I'll discuss more at a later date.


Hello Monument Visitor
#14 - 2014-02-25 15:26:06 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:

At the end of the day CCP has their roadmap. All I can do is make proposals and hope they listen!

plus this
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

I choose not to.

Tells me you have scant knowledge of your responsibilities as a CSM delegate. A major part of the CSM is about communicating your opinion to CCP when asked. When the players ask you, you refuse. This does not bode well at all and is a terrible attitude toward the player base.

Azami Nevinyrall wrote:

I also have suggestions regarding ... FW

OK. If I ask you what they are, are you going to tell me? Guess I'll find out...

What are your suggestions for FW?
Azami Nevinyrall
#15 - 2014-02-25 16:58:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Hello Monument Visitor wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:

At the end of the day CCP has their roadmap. All I can do is make proposals and hope they listen!

plus this
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Nor have I expressed an opinion for/against solo or group play.

Then do so

I choose not to.

Tells me you have scant knowledge of your responsibilities as a CSM delegate. A major part of the CSM is about communicating your opinion to CCP when asked. When the players ask you, you refuse. This does not bode well at all and is a terrible attitude toward the player base.

Actually, no it really doesn't.

I actually prefer all styles of game-play, it just depends on my mood at the end of the day. Having multiple characters and accts I enjoy this luxury of choice!

Sometimes I'll feel like playing solo missions. Just want to be alone, in a nice corner of space. Either to Mine or Mission. Other times I feel social, and I'll pop into RvB, join a fleet and talk my merry head off with as much people as humanly possible.

My refusal to answer in this particular case was someone asking me, solo or group play....make a choice. I choose not to pick either or. But, now it seems I have to address it as more then 1 person poked it.

So, I hope you and everyone else for that matter understands my answer...

TL:DR, I enjoy and actively pursue all aspects of PVP and PVE game-play, BOTH solo AND with a group. In my opinion, this makes me more flexible as I can relate to any game-play change/suggestion/proposal that will come up when dealing with CCP.

You are reading this in my voice...


Azami Nevinyrall
#16 - 2014-02-25 17:12:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Hello Monument Visitor wrote:

Azami Nevinyrall wrote:

I also have suggestions regarding ... FW

OK. If I ask you what they are, are you going to tell me? Guess I'll find out...

What are your suggestions for FW?

Currently, I see nothing wrong with how FW is working...

The revamp that CCP has done was a welcomed change!

The only issue I have is how it turned into LP mining. I.E. Warp Core Stabs. Several people made proposals, some have focused on the removal of the module. The modules and ships are fine! What needs to change is how systems can be captured.....more exactly in what order.

Keep in mind, this is only an opinion.

FW system capture should work SIMILAR to nullsec. Not entirely! Keep how the systems get captured. IT STAYS THE SAME!....leave that aspect alone! But change the order in which they're captured. Make it so one system can be contested only if the Faction in question controls the one beside it. For simplicity, think connect the dots. It's silly that someone can go to a random ass system and contest it when it's deep within enemy territory.

This would have a 2 pronged effect. It would force fighting to a front line and not scattered, and encourage teamwork within the Factions. This would reduce the "WCS Farming" that's an ongoing issue. As there's more risk involved and harassment.


This would also add the option to have Pirate Factions introduced. And a my keep things balanced if they were.


I was going to address this on the weekend, and go into much greater detail over the weekend through podcasts/EVE Radio and link them into the thread. But, you asked and I replied.

I thank you for your questions!

Please feel free to ask more!

You are reading this in my voice...


Jaun Pacht-Feng
#17 - 2014-02-27 21:00:20 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I also have suggestions regarding...Incarna

Can you expand on this?

What "suggestions" do you have with Incarna?

Knowing full well that its a car crash that never stops exploding!

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Azami Nevinyrall
#18 - 2014-02-27 21:29:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I also have suggestions regarding...Incarna

Can you expand on this?

What "suggestions" do you have with Incarna?

Knowing full well that its a car crash that never stops exploding!

Its more like a car that drove off the side of a cliff...hit every single boulder going down (and confusing the scientific community by defying gravity. Going back up hill just to hit the ones it missed.) Landing on Train tracks in the path of a locomotive, then dragged down the tracks until the bridge. Where another train was going in the opposite direction, collided! The impact was so great, that the bridge buckled causing everything to fall into the acidic lake below. Where the Sharks with lazorbeams ate all the survivors. Just to be safe from the newly discovered species of shark. Everyone threw thermal nuclear bombs at the lake from space...just to be sure!

Its now a timed honoured tradition to bomb the **** out of that lake...thousands of years later, and no one knows why!

.....tradition man....tradition.

On a serious note.

Incarna wasn't a bad idea, CCP just had a bad case of tunnel vision and went for a drive. (See above.) And ignored the long list of growing issues with the game. Thankfully CCP addressed that with a few years of "over glorified" expansions.

I'm mainly looking at the NEX store. Every single MMO out there has some kinda micro transaction system going on. Which isn't bad to be honest! And it can work in EVE if 2 little rules are firmly in place and the EA guys are held at bay with a cattle prod!

- Novelty items ONLY!! I ******* cannot stress this enough!!!
- ****'s not over priced!

I can only imagine the comments...

But, every other MMO is making some kinda cash out of novelty items. Might aswell follow suit and make some extra cash!

You are reading this in my voice...


Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-02-28 05:52:34 UTC
You mentioned in my other thread that you view the teleportation mechanics, sans titan bridges, as working as intended. Do you feel a capital ship crossing the entire map in 7 minutes as balanced game play?
Azami Nevinyrall
#20 - 2014-02-28 11:55:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Marlona Sky wrote:
You mentioned in my other thread that you view the teleportation mechanics, sans titan bridges, as working as intended. Do you feel a capital ship crossing the entire map in 7 minutes as balanced game play?

As I've actually said in your thread and in this one.I'll elaborate a little bit.

I find nothing wrong with a single ship jumping here and there. As long as on both sides of the jump, the ship in question is at some kinda risk. Now, you should know that you actually have to get another ship to your target destination in order to complete said jump in question. Now, if you just opened a map, clicked a system and off you go. Then ok, insanely overpowered!

The issue I have there is that you can fit a cyno to any ship in the game and be off with it. That aspect should be changed. Make a new ship class and have that class be the only one that can sport that module.

In this thread and yours, let me quote myself from your thread...

Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Now, when it comes to Titans and bridging. That I have a small issue with, only because the Titan is at no risk safely behind a POS shield.

You seem to be ignoring this point in BOTH threads!

With bridging, you're taking a lot of ships without jump capabilities from one end to another within minutes. That I don't like! So, as I've said in this thread, force the Titan out of the POS when it lights its bridge.....not its ass, the whole damn ship!

Maybe the distance of jumping and bridging could be reduced, I'll give you that.

You are reading this in my voice...


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