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Mining can be very profitable.

First post
Hal Morsh
#21 - 2014-02-19 01:37:00 UTC
Don't tell the truth I've never thought about before. It makes me sad :(

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Jill Chastot
Goonswarm Federation
#22 - 2014-02-19 01:39:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Chastot
You can make at best... 10m p/h that is literally best case scenario.

I can do that in 5m, doing various other activities none of which have a particualrly high skill requirement. and all are more engaging and entertaining. (except station trading, i wouldn't say it is much more entertaining.)

Mining if you enjoy it is perfectly fine. But it is literally the paper run of the eve universe.

So... not really profitable... OATHS wants you. Come to the WH "Safety in eve is the greatest fallacy you will ever encounter. Once you accept this you will truely enjoy this game."

#23 - 2014-02-19 01:42:14 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:
I haven't really seen any recent threads so I decided to point this out. I also needed to occupy myself while mining, and since I was going to do this anyways I figured the forums should know for anyone who hasn't thought about it.

Mining yield is pretty good if you think about it.

Just in my retriever with "some" skills I can get a little over 3k M3 in ore every 3 minutes, now while people can definately make over 500k isk per cycle I'm just going to use that as a base number here and do the math for you.

(My math is probably very inefficient but I know it's correct)

500,000 / 3 = 166,666 This is to bring the number down to per minute.
166,666 X 60 = 9,999,960 So I pretty much make 10 mill an hour without boosts or maxed skills.
10,000,000 X 24 = 240,000,000 A day if you mined the full 24 hours. I rounded to 10 mill.

What are plex's worth now, 650 mill? So that would be 65 hours total of mining To earn one plex. So around 2 and a half days lets say as I don't have max skills to compare to.

If I really put my mind to it, in 65 hours of play, and was uninterrupted (very hard to achieve in null), I'd expect to earn > 6.5b isk - without 'bending' my rental agreement by taking neighbours valuable content. I can pretty much achieve that in highsec blitzing sisters LP, and its plainly in reach of incursion runners too.

I personally couldn't ever see a reason for delaying the training of combat skills on a 'main', with mining skills - which is why I stopped before I ever got to strip miners on this character.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#24 - 2014-02-19 02:21:37 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:
Buncha wanabe Scientologists.

With guns, lots of guns.

Enforcement of the code normally involves an explosion or two.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#25 - 2014-02-19 02:35:25 UTC
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#26 - 2014-02-19 02:42:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

Of course it has to happen. Have many people ever said otherwise?

Like everything in EvE, it is done with risk that needs to be managed. Gankers are one of those risks.
#27 - 2014-02-19 02:52:35 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

I'd presume that tractor mining my anomoly wreck fields would produce sufficient minerals to replace every spaceship I've ever owned (bearing in mind many are t2 and also need goo). ie the game would still function just fine if mining only ever happened to fix basket imbalances and fuel towers.
Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#28 - 2014-02-19 02:56:37 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets....And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

Orrrr punch out a few security L4s, loot n salvage, reprocess everything under meta 4, make frigates, cruisers, guns, ammo, the odd prop mod or other hot item. Get stupid rich with three toons doing PI on top of that.

100 years has about 36,525 days. That's a crazy small number. Multiply by 24 and cut out about a quarter for sleep and you see how desperately poor we are when it comes to time. A day's mining for 7 or 10 dollars is just not on.

Conversely, with good/funny/interesting company even ring-barking trees can be a day well spent.

Do the math, guise.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-02-19 03:03:45 UTC
Or you could make that in 1-2 hours of incursions.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

MicDeath Titan
No Mans Corp
#30 - 2014-02-19 03:05:38 UTC
Jill Chastot wrote:
You can make at best... 10m p/h that is literally best case scenario.

I can do that in 5m, doing various other activities none of which have a particualrly high skill requirement. and all are more engaging and entertaining. (except station trading, i wouldn't say it is much more entertaining.)

Mining if you enjoy it is perfectly fine. But it is literally the paper run of the eve universe.

So... not really profitable...

Funny... I make on average ~40-50mill an hour across 10 characters with time included in setting up (logging in, fleeting, setting up warp points, assigning drones, setting up follow's, etc. since I do this all by hand) If I were to use only one miner I could easily make 82mill/h for 8 hours straight. Before talking crap about miners, first look at the date of your information on your googling...
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#31 - 2014-02-19 03:11:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
MicDeath Titan wrote:
Jill Chastot wrote:
You can make at best... 10m p/h that is literally best case scenario.

I can do that in 5m, doing various other activities none of which have a particualrly high skill requirement. and all are more engaging and entertaining. (except station trading, i wouldn't say it is much more entertaining.)

Mining if you enjoy it is perfectly fine. But it is literally the paper run of the eve universe.

So... not really profitable...

Funny... I make on average ~40-50mill an hour across 10 characters with time included in setting up (logging in, fleeting, setting up warp points, assigning drones, setting up follow's, etc. since I do this all by hand) If I were to use only one miner I could easily make 82mill/h for 8 hours straight. Before talking crap about miners, first look at the date of your information on your googling...

Did you even read the opening post where the OP claimed he could make 10 mill/hr?

His words and the resulting comment was in response to that, not crap about miners in general.

First look at all of the information available in the thread before posting. That's by far a better source of information about the discussion than Google is.
James Nikolas Tesla
Tesla Holdings
#32 - 2014-02-19 03:18:56 UTC
Victor Andall wrote:
Also sleep.

And the Order.

The Order doesn't exist to me.

CODE is just a bunch of pirates; smart, organized pirates. It doesn't help to rage at them because that is exactly what they want. Dust yourself off and get back on your feet, you don't even have to talk to them.

Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#33 - 2014-02-19 03:34:14 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

I produce rigs. And guess what, to build those things ships have to die despite what risk averse zero-interaction people think.
#34 - 2014-02-19 03:46:17 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

I produce rigs. And guess what, to build those things ships have to die despite what risk averse zero-interaction people think.

mah market alt is in your jitas, sellin you salvage from a can.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#35 - 2014-02-19 03:48:00 UTC
Tauranon wrote:
mah market alt is in your jitas, sellin you salvage from a can.

Billy. Billy, is that you?
Isus Jarode
Bondage Goat Zombie
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#36 - 2014-02-19 03:57:22 UTC
Yes OP, on paper mining is a very profitable venture, and in practice there's nothing wrong with it. However, once you properly calculate the profits from hardcore mining the cost of time doesn't compare well with other professions in the game, and that doesn't even top "fun."

Let's say you play the game twenty hours a week - an active but casual margin for some, the "average" EVE player. Let's say you spend 75-80% of that time just mining in high sec space with T2 hulks or mackinaws. You mine the ore, you process the minerals yourself (and your skills even cut down the taxes and so forth) so that you have the best profitable returns with mining. At the end of the day - just mining - you can make a pretty penny.

You could also have spent those hours doing any of the following:

  • Mission running
  • Exporation sites
  • Incursion sites
  • Manufacturing
  • Low/null sec ratting
  • Pirating/PvP (salvage and/or bounties)

Each of those activities are loads more active in gameplay than mining, which - as others have pointed out - involves clicking, warping, and waiting. Unless you have another game to play, Netflix to watch, or a book to read, you will inevitably lose your mind from boredom. So plenty of gamers in this community see that alone as dull and mind-numbing and think, "OMG why don't you play the game?!"

Yes, miners are an essential part of the process - though mission runners and salvagers would argue that their looting would bring enough minerals to the market (and they're full of ****). But keep in mind that a) mining is no where near the most profitable venture in this game and, b) you're not playing so much as interacting with a program.

Mining is there to get you moving forward. You can use it on occasion, maybe even run alts. You can organize fleets for events or go through week long or month long escapes to refill your mineral needs. But at the end of the day there is too much else in this game to play to ignore, so don't get caught up in it. Get out there and play the game.

Because believe me: you don't want to be that guy with 20 accounts doing nothing but mining. I had a corporate who had close to 10 and that was already sad enough. Take part in the great game that is EVE - don't
Admiral Jedran
Boiled in Soup
#37 - 2014-02-19 04:36:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral Jedran
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Victor Andall wrote:
I'd love to see all the pvp'ers and whatnot take extended breaks from ganking and gatecamping so they can mine for a new Dramiel because no one does it full time for them.

Not all pvpers gank or gate camp (but there's no problem with either of those things either).

I don't personally have anything against mining or miners and if that was all it was, movements like the Code wouldn't exist.

The act of mining or being a miner in itself isn't a problem. However, it's the style of play that people choose when they want to be AFK, when they think they should be able to just play alone and without interaction with others, that bots are used for to generate ISK, etc.

It's not the act of mining, it's just that mining as a profession attracts the wrong styles of play (wrong here meaning - bots, AFK play and expecting to be able to play without interacting with anyone else at all - they are wrong ways to play and/or wrong expectations, even in a sandpit).

I'd like to see you afk mine when managing 4 hulks going with full orca boosts. It's a lot harder then running incursions.

To OP you are on the slippery slope of mining. First you say 1 ship and 65 hours is a plex. Then it will dawn on you that if you had two ships you would make a plex twice as fast although you will now need two plex but you'll get a free month when opening ur second account so you are ahead of the game. Same for the third, same for the fourth. It only ends when you have all the accounts you can handle without resorting to cheating (isoboxing). That being said my mining fleet pulls in about 240 mln worth of ore in 2 hours in hisec but you have to know how to do what I call "industrial mining" and have the right belts for it. This actually beats most current incursion vanguard fleets. Ofc if you are going to have 2 accounts anyway, no reason not to have 1 mining character on each account for when the occasion calls for it. Also i recommend a good tv series to watch as you mine.

As far as other activities go, I would say mining is the second most dependable source of isk after incursions. Ofc incursions only start counting once you are part of a community and can get into a fleet as soon as you log in. Missions can give decent amounts of isk but you also need the set up to run them efficiently and you dont always get the best missions. Note I didn't say that mining and incursions gives you the most only that they are the most dependable. Wormholes and exploration can give you more though not necessarily more per hour but the chances of being interrupted or (in exploration) not getting a decent drop are high. For every billion isk drop from an overseer there's 3 weeks of not getting anything but overseers loot. If you only have two days to make the isk for a plex running incursions or mining will guarantee your getting enough (depending on your fleets and how much you bring in from mining). Manufacturing can of course bring you in that amount if you have the isk to recycle through it and make enough profit. Trading is also undependable and if you are really a serious trader with billions of isk already then you dont need to mine do u? PVP has the same problem although the only pvp that I have heard brings in a profit is ganking bling fits in hisec and getting a lucky drop, so again its also random.

TLDR: Many of the other activities in eve have the potential to bring in a lot more isk per hour but few are as dependable. If you disagree = discuss
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#38 - 2014-02-19 06:19:33 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Someone has to supply the markets. I believe people forget that Care Bears run over 90% of the markets minus trade items, skills, bpos, and some other things. And guess what to build those things mining must happen despite what pvp only people think

The world will always need useful idiots.

However, the markets would still run just fine if all the ore in the game was mined in a Code compliant manner. It's kind of like that expensive coffee you can buy where the workers actually get paid a living wage. But the Code is even better.

Open your eyes my friend, read

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Alduin666 Shikkoken
#39 - 2014-02-19 06:25:38 UTC
I wish I could afford 60 hours of mining a month, but I have a job vOv.

With all that money you will be making you will have way more than 10 mil a year, so remember to buy a permit!

Honor is a fools prize. [I]Glory is of no use to the dead.[/I]

Be a man! Post with your main! ~Vas'Avi Community Manager

MicDeath Titan
No Mans Corp
#40 - 2014-02-19 06:51:37 UTC  |  Edited by: MicDeath Titan
Scipio Artelius wrote:
MicDeath Titan wrote:
Jill Chastot wrote:
You can make at best... 10m p/h that is literally best case scenario.

I can do that in 5m, doing various other activities none of which have a particualrly high skill requirement. and all are more engaging and entertaining. (except station trading, i wouldn't say it is much more entertaining.)

Mining if you enjoy it is perfectly fine. But it is literally the paper run of the eve universe.

So... not really profitable...

Funny... I make on average ~40-50mill an hour across 10 characters with time included in setting up (logging in, fleeting, setting up warp points, assigning drones, setting up follow's, etc. since I do this all by hand) If I were to use only one miner I could easily make 82mill/h for 8 hours straight. Before talking crap about miners, first look at the date of your information on your googling...

Did you even read the opening post where the OP claimed he could make 10 mill/hr?

His words and the resulting comment was in response to that, not crap about miners in general.

First look at all of the information available in the thread before posting. That's by far a better source of information about the discussion than Google is.

I read the OP post, and OP plainly stated, "Just in my retriever with "some" skills I can get a little over 3k M3 in ore every 3 minutes, now while people can definately make over 500k isk per cycle I'm just going to use that as a base number here and do the math for you." His math was based on his current skill levels, no boosts, and not max skilled.

Here we have google hero making a statement of "fact", "You can make at best... 10m p/h that is literally best case scenario." this is wrong.
And yes he made made a comment on miners in the crap department. Perhaps you missed it, let me highlight it for you, "But it is literally the paper run of the eve universe"
